League of legends general /lolg/

I want to ASSAULT Annie Edition!

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xth for >EU SCENE

1st for Sona!


I want to tie Riven up in a kennel so she can get raped and bred by my dogs!


>"is zed broken right now?"
>"I think zed is broken right now"

I think he knows what he's talking about

1st for make more cute champions like miss fortune

xth for best bug

Draven best guy
best hair
best chest
best adc

>wanting your dogs to get riven germs all over them

fuck Shaco


Why do you hate Riven so much? Sure she has done things in the past but she's a new person user

What is Zeds deal?Is he evil?

Best ____.

Mad idiot? I just finished dicking some kids as Shaco today. Were you one of them?

delete this thread
too early

no just very misunderstood

I love Sona!

Sona would like people who are kind and considerate of others, so I want to be someone she would approve of!

I hope you love someone as much as I love Sona, and that they inspire you to be the best possible version of you that you can be!

Welcome to the real struggle.

Even better

Kill her then accept her sexual favors

Riven only left noxus because singed gassed her and the ionians they were fighting when the ionians were winning. Riven's greatest qualm was noxus was the people they killed weren't innocent enough.

Literally buffs when?

Everyone and their dog could see that Taliyah was too weak on the PBE


Taliyah Visual Update when?

You're incredibly messed up.

>enabling slutty behavior

Why don't you sonapost with cuter sona pictures

>New person

If she had any decency left she'd surrender herself to Demacian forces where she'd be granted a quick execution. She's a heartless murderer, the families of her victims deserve to see justice inflicted upon her slutty body.

>not lowest winrate as adc
Maybe she's really an ad carry.

*races in from another room*
*sweating profusely*


*coughs, clears throat*


*color starts flushing out of his face*


*gets faint, grabs nearby fedora*
*tips fedora*
*passes out*

>not enabling a moth champ

>image is too small to even reverse search

All pictures of Sona are cute though user.

Better bug!


zed is literally old poppy now

>all you have to do is not get caught

except old poppy didn't a great resource system, safe laning, a great gap closer/escape, wave clear, ranged attacks

he has not counter play

What champs are the best junglers right now?

Reminder to all Sona mid pickers that in the middle lane, unless you have waveclear or are LeBlanc, you are useless.

no, even pictures of a cute girl like sona can be not cute if the artist fucks it up

Fiddle, Kindred, Nidalee, Gragas, Graves, Kha' zix, maybe some Cinderhulk jg like Amumu and Skarner.


You already said chest! But for non-lewd purposes, sure.


>unless you have waveclear or are LeBlanc, you are useless

Ahh yes, waveclear. The truest test of skill.


SO WHO'S NEXT /lolg/

Best girl.
Best belly.
Best wife.

image.jpg makes me think of how league lacks a moth champ for some reason

>Ryze took Yorick's spot

you literally confirmed the vid i posted

best muscles?

Oh, Nagi. Well, I only post on my phone when I'm not home or when it's late at night.

I can't play webms on my phone.

Hmmm... Sure!

check it when you come home

Cry more faget

So Taliya is shit?

Sick of these champions with garbage ults

Reminder to try out ap kogmaw in URF for fun shenanigans!

2 out of 3 mastery tokens til 7 hnnnnnnnngh

>Tfw Riot would rather rework Azir than to deal with Yoric again

Is this literally the only game mode left where Kog isn't complete shit?

Alright I have 4800, what champ? I was looking at Fiora/Nautilus/Renekton.

Or should I save up and get Kindred

>Pre-6 Ryze
>ADC mids

get fiora even though that cocksucker ironstylus ruined her

truly spoken like someone who has never had a braum support as kog'maw

>tfw you can get away with ANYTHING in this game as long as you don't type mean words in chat

Get Renekton and do the new build

PM Bad Gator on NA if you wanna know the new build, it's top secret stuff real Renekton mains only but I'll let you in on it

this makes me not want to get renekton

>top goes 0/8 against ekko
>lose because he can kill anyone on the team with an eq auto
>gg bad bot lane cant carry

alright then be a pansy and get Fiora

>someone on my team shitpicks solo lane Lulu


>get Jhin, go support

I can out shitpick you faggots!

Who's the easiest champ, user? Garen? Annie? Katarina?



Janna. It's really hard to fuck up on Janna if you have 4 fingers and a mouse.

30 days from your first key

Annie has to activate tibbers a little and playing garen into ranged takes a bit of knowledge of matchups, and kat is squishy as shit
malphite is punch keyboard collect kills.


he has 167^23 "comeback" mechanisms if you happen to be shit at some other aspect of the game.

Who to buy

I usually play mid > ADC > support > top > jungle

Bullshit I got on that on release day and after the month passed I got 3 miserable fragments and I didn't even played a lot on the past month.

Taric ult still activates on your binded buddy even after you die as long as you press it.


the whole pm thing makes it seem like a meme tho

In terms of mechanical complexity? Volibear is probably the most one-dimensional character in the game.

haven't been keeping up with /lolg/ what the opinion on taliyah. been spamming her recently in low diamond and I think shes based.

And I'm talking just being functional with her not those le epic flash r plays that retards like to do.
Just being a passable janna player can work all the way up to diamond even if you should be in low gold.


Lowest win rate in every position but adc by at least 12%
She's garbage.

Well the truth is that Renekton is horrible right now and he only works with a meme build. If you don't want to memebuild and play something that takes "skill", just get Fiora.

I'd say Eve, Jax, Cho'Gath, or Shaco. Mostly I'm thinking of champions with shit-looking ability icons (although Cho and Shaco got updates for those recently).

i fink dat talyah iz teh wurst champ evar!!!11 i meeen ap ranged tankiness wif an ulti dat forces favrable positiong 4 ur teem? omg wut gimpiness. i shuld kno i am silver 4.

Rengar is "press R, roll face on keyboard" -> acquire kills

You don't even really worry about dying afterwards. You killed the target with 5 times your net worth anyway. "Good" Rengars are just able to delete at least 1-2 more "squishies" afterwards.

Eyeball ayy lmao of geometry and laser beams.

>'>best' Taliyah player in Korea has 60% winrate with 5 games played
>next best has 38% winrate with 21 games played

>garbage ult

she is lacking because she is balanced around some mystic idea that you land the full Q combo everytime from everywhere

hmm I see. I dont really like ezpz champs t ho

She's shit but not really because of her ult. The rest of her kit is just trash.

this faggot was just bullshitting you
key fragments don't have a drop cooldown
they can drop any game randomly
just play many games

Volibear is "Run at people, flip and bite them and keep slapping them to death until your cooldowns are up".

Her ult is probably the best part of her kit.

stop being toxic and jus b urself :^)

They have a cooldown to a point. You'll get fewer drops over the course of the month, roughly, but after a certain time frame they reset and you start getting them regularly again, rinse and repeat.

I don't think dogs are compatible with cockroach STD's, but lord knows she's infested with them. .


She's got an incredible kit that allows for decent bullying early game with an ulti that wins teamfights.

It's a GLOBAL WALL 4/5 times when I use it our ADC gets a triple.

>tfw everyone here is shit at league except me

anyone else /cantlasthitforshitwhenonthebluesidebot/ here?
I easily get 1/3 more cs when I'm on the red side playing ADC

DanielZCuck go away this place is not your safespace. you're shit and your champ is shit

You mean thirty days from your *last key

Hidden op just wait for kore-