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what music/OST you folks listen to while playing dota?

Why is this clip such a big deal again?

new, experimental lD build incoming

>attack speed item lile maelstrom or moonshard(bear)
>oov and iron talon(bear)


This solves the problems of being kited in True Form and allows you to use Battle Cry offensively(FREE half a rapier for 2 heroes) instead of for just pushing towers. It also gives you 3k hp and like 23 armor at level 16(not including battlecry armor bonus). If you include a hood you're basically unkillable

does anyone have the oddshot of sheever's stream where she has her mic on while she takes that really long piss?


>play unranked to do an achievement
>my team consists of a mid kunkka with a 4 loss kunkka streak, a medusa jungler, and an support player playing anti mage
>score is 4-29
>we lose because team booga
>check everyones profiles after on yasp
>I had three two low 3k mmr players
>enemy had a 3.8k, a 3.9k and a 4.8k mmr player
>wonder how the unranked matchmaker can be so fucking bad

I am frustrated

I have a playlist of happy music to keep me chipper. Lots of japanese rock and pop, some funk, lots of very singable shit. Or i Play game grumps, who always make me laugh.

Because Eternal Errors does Eternal Errors things

fuck off leafy

Wow so innovative, I think anyone who played a few games of LD built those items.

Nice game dotards.

>>It's another episode of my retard Shadow Demon saving enemies all the game with disruption

Most SD players are shit, but the ones that aren't can basically carry teams solo. There is no in-bewtween.

>Has there ever been a shit build more persistent in the minds of shitters than Linkens + Manta Medusa?

Shadowblade Kunkka
HotD+BKB+Basher PA
Bloodstone DP
Armlet/Midas/Shadowblade LC
Soulring+Tranq Abaddon
Shadowblade Sniper
Battlefury Bounty
Linken rush Weaver/Morph
Treads+Shadowblade Venom
Arcane+Dagon (only) Nyx
Aghs rush (over anything) Lion/Rhasta/WD/Kotl/SWM/Lich
Midas Prophet
Midas Ench
Aether Ogre
Mek Necrophos

They changed Pudge, Axe, WR, Skeleton King, Necro and more out of the blue for "no reason", right?

Nice autism you got there

convince me not to buy the compendium

If any good EUW players have a mic and want to help a scrub out, add me.

They changed Pudge, Axe, WR, Skeleton King, Necro and more out of the blue for "no reason", right?

4 of those heroes are still in the game and you obviously cannot take a joke.

Are you white? Then yes. If not, be angry poo to the loo.

You'd be surprised what a large increase in testosterone can do in a short amount of time.

Most of the time I come twice, but I figure I'll have enough saved up and be so damn horny that I can at least get to 3.

No they didn't, after radiance + attack speed they start building shit for the bear when the bear begins to fall off, or ghost/pipe etc for the druid

what if your half white?

Because its really expensive at a whole $10

That's like a whole match worth of Mountain Dew and Doritos

>convince me not to buy the compendium

The only "value" you get out of it is if you buy the 9.99 buck goypendium.
Spend ANYTHING extra on it and the value drops like a rock.
Only thing of value is
>3 chests, 1 courier, 1 ward, cursor, hud, weather, effigy, +random shit set from cm wheel
Which would roughly be worth 10 bucks in terms of Valve jew pricing.

Of course, buying the compendium would mean you support Valve's lazy jew ass.

acquaint yourself with the one drop rule

How do i stop being a blame magnet.

Literally anything other teammates do goes unnoticed but if I make a slight mistake it's the end of the world.

This concerns real life too.

Stop being a cuck.

Because dota2 is a free game. By spending money on it, you've fallen for the trap. Also Valve pockets 75% of it.

Hey youre that high skill user from yesterday

alch is such a garbage hero holy shit

>ranked matchmaking
>last pick
>have my icon on safelane carry
>about to pick TB as they have no way to stop me from taking their buildings
>aнoн pick tank i report axaxaxa

Don't queue Ranked.
Just queue International Ranked.

>playing "me ooga, forced fooga": the queue

Terrorblade is a jungle hero

t. wired

>music and cm announcer
>not worth it
ebin, if anything the immortals are shit

>click into the midlane
>mark qop
>someone on my team randoms qop doesnt want to sawp clicks mid
>random dazzle and feed down mid
thats how you properly do it

>queue for international ranked
>first game is kunkka offlane and wr mid who has less gpm than me playing as pos6 cuckport
>second game has first pick pudge who literally just sits in lane and feeds solo tiehunter
Don't fall for it

Can anyone explain to me why I can´t bet on dotalounge? Whenever I bet items it says to wait for bot offer, then the page refreshes and says I have no active bets. Inventory and profile are set to public, I even linked my account to mobile. Why the fuck isn´t it working?

>>music and cm announcer
>>not worth it

They're not worth it because they're shit.

>ebin, if anything the immortals are shit

Even if you don't like them you can sell them or the chests to make back some of the money you spent (or all of it, if you get lucky with the rare drops).
Meanwhile the music pack and cm announcer won't be worth shit.

>it's a furion ults on cooldown and steals half your networth while you farm the jungle as alch episode

>fail to load up a game
>still get abandon

>pub furion
>rushes midas
>afk in jungle for first 20min
>ults on cooldown
>makes shadow+aghs+refresher

I don't follow the scene at the moment but is support Kunkka actually something or are just people pulling a rad new meme?

It seems to be all the rage on my recent games and it always loses the game for its team, be it mine or the enemy

>peru stack goes KotPL for maximum effort
>somehow we overpower them after dying to them 5 times in a row
>their "jaja pendejo" and "eres mierda" suddenly dissapear from all chat
>the PL drops, then the KotL
>timbersaw drops too
>This game is now safe to leave
>Please report Timbersaw, era pendejo!" -their Elder Tits

Are peruvians the worst?

The game ceased to be,
More than likely your DC was shared by everyone else, causing it to automatically become an abandoned match

Either that or your leaving was the trigger for everyone else to bail

help me please.

A proper support Kunkka is fine if you survive the laning stage and he gets to lv6.

The problem with support Kunkka is how level hungry he is. He really can't do much with just 1 or 2 levels, he needs lv6.
Then you should go something like arcane, glimmer and aghs.

When's Kaipi playing?

Bettings for degenerates and uneducated people who can't figure out basics.

>make some money
Oh yes those 20 cent immortals are definitely going to be worth it
Or, you could just wait 4 years untill they sell for whole 2 bucks

I need it too.

>get black screen bugs all week
>forced to reboot pc
>dota loading times are much longer recently
>end up getting 6 abandons this week since no one waits

Based Valve.

Say I make a nu dodo2 steamaccount and buy the Compendium, can I skip the tedious 50-lvl grind until I can get callibrated and have my dreams and aspirations crushed by the fact that i'm a shittier?
Or do I still have to have at least lv 50 on my account to be elligble for the international ranked Q?

Pls people of the gulag, tell me !

What basics? Anyway it´s a good way to get rid of items on heroes I never play while making profit off it

>Oh yes those 20 cent immortals are definitely going to be worth it

You will most likely be able to sell the chests for at least 1€ each, the immortals for around 0,30-90€ and the rare ones for even more.

You also fail to grasp the point I was making. The immortals/chests are at least worth something, even if you don't like them. The music pack and announcer is worth fucking nothing if you dislike them (the chance of that is high since they're shit).
Also in terms of value chests usually go for like 2,5€ at least, multiply that by 3 and they land at a 7,5€ value while the goypendium costs 9,99€.

>A mana starved combo reliant melee support who badly needs levels

No wonder they always fall behind and remain useless for the entire game while the enemy snowballs out of him and his team

With support kunkka you need to be active 24/7 once you hit 6 and kill pretty much anyone with your combo while allowing no one to escape.
You can also keep the pressure on since you can send you or your allies back to the fountain to recover and get items constantly.

He can be a great support if he gets going, but can also easily fall flat.

looking 4 qt euro bf

im a girl and new to dota ;)


Try generating a new trade url. Sometimes it just doesn't werk.

This is the only support Kunkka I have ever seen that worked.

Why did solar crest fall of so dramatically?

tfw no cm gf

>in a middle of a teamfight
>cat demands petting
>blocks my entire screen and foots hitting keyboard
>lose teamfight

Nerfs to Roshan

>using anything other than your own music collection with death prophet/default annoucer and the lina mega kills

that worked

thats not even the support kunkka build

the idea is u get aether lens and make use of cheap lowcooldown glimpse to ensure to you catch heroes while helping your team survive with boat buff

how the fuck does Valve fucking expect me to play this hero with a constant boner? i can't focus this game is fucking shit

I bet you also only drink water

>mother comes

Why won't fucking wolves spawn ever

Lens is a bit redundant and detrimental. Torrent has a 1500 cast range, X has 1000 cast range and boat actually has the travel time increased while making it harder to land properly.

I've started to enjoy watching others play more than playing myself.

Is there a hero like this in the game?

post your default/favorite announcer

Trine and Bastion are the best ones. Nothing else comes close.

Welcome to the master race son. You should stop being a gameshitter alltogether.

>alchemist and his buddy

fucking kek i'm renaming the file to that now

Path of Spellbinder

What the fuck is valve thinking tier
shop smart
mother natures candy
arcane ascension

keep forgetting to finish tier
pest controller
nobody expects a wizard
try not to spill any

baby tier aka completed on first try
the rest of them

honestly does valve even play test this shit, like one of the quests is 35 axe BLINK axe calls, so fucking stupid


I seriously hope you guys don´t do this

Glados sure comes close. Because its the best announcer.

>Paying for having Valve force you how you should play during your free leisure time

I bet you are also a supportcuck

bastion and axe
trine and stanley parable are decent too

Based peter triggering THE FUCK put of strayan cunt and a drunk whore

what the fuck bro

What brand of gaming socks does everyone use?

>meme announcer


but she is.

Get rekt dominator fag.

Let me tell you a story about dire and radiant

bare feet



No, Trine and Bastion are the best.

>being a cat person


zai strim


I also have an insect fetish. I hate myself.

where the good porn at though