Where's this guy?
Gone with everyone's Trumps.
Video gained 8000 views already
the same 5 of you that try and make these threads looks busy better get your IP rotators ready, last few threads have been as dead as your trading volume.
It seemed like a few decided the risk was worth it, but most didn't. It's a good idea but a bit early.
I'm glad we have you to spark some conversation.
When do we have some news?Also:
top bantz
Keep up to date here m8 - bitcointalk.org
No specific dates right now but there's normally something weekly. They are keeping calm, not hyping.
For the guy in the previous thread looking to write an article on TrumpCoin. Go here bitcointalk.org
I have the trumpcoins to crash the coin to 3500 sat (on yobit anyway) and I'm extremely impatient by nature.
I guess you guys will be happy since you see so much long term value in the coin you'll be psyched to get more """cheap trumps"""" right?
dubs calls it, sell or hold another week
What makes Trumpcoin different from other memecoins?
dump it
I'm waiting.
same here, luckily I'd still sell every single coin with profit. Dump 'em faggot, do it.
The PAC is the difference. The purpose is to support Trump and further crypto in politics.
that was fast :^ )
anyone wanna assist at no survivoring it? if not I'll do it in under an hour solo
thx lads, enjoy your """""""""""""""""""""""""""cheap"""""""""""""""""""""" trumps [cope]
Do it now faggot.
eagerly awaited m8e I'm watching the ticker hard rn
I honestly cannot believe I can buy this asset so cheap
You always seem to include :^ ) at some point queenie, makes it easy to identify you. The spacing between sentences also helps. You've been here a week m8, at least try and hide your tracks.
>still nothing
Erry time. Help us pick up dem cheap coins friend, and post your address too :)
Spare some trumps friends?
My wife's son and I saw Donald Trump at a grocery store in Manhattan yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for specifics on his policies about fiat or the federal reserve.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken back, and all I could say was “Gold Standar...” but he kept cutting me off and going “TrumpCoin! TrumpCoin! TrumpCoin!”
and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle with the secret services as I walked off.
When I came to EBT for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen American Flag Zebra Cakes in his hands without paying (apparently he owned the store or something)
The trans at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.”
At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the cakes and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me.
I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each cake and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
dump on yobit or c-cex?
I take it this fag never delivered.
I've got 55k Trumps, if I dump, would I crash this coin to 3500 sat?
Which one c-cex or yorbit?
Yes - if you really are going to do it, will you let me know before. I can't afford the current entry point.
I know shills like to do the "muh cheap trumps" shtick to calm peoples nerves, but I truly want to buy some at lower prices.
Are you considering dumping?
What will happen to trump coin after he loses the election?
Come into the telegram so that I also buy in before the dump!
I don't care, I have already sold at that point.
Nah, I'll probably consider dumping in November because dumping now isn't a good idea.
I just wanted to get an idea as to how much "power" I hold by asking whether dumping now would cause a drop to 3500 sat.
But, yeah, if I ever do dump, it'll be in early November.
>I just wanted to get an idea as to how much "power" I hold
You can check that yourself by looking at the depth.
>every single time
Like clockwork.
it's crashing!!
user Advertising Fund.
Officially Spread youtube.com
YT video has gone from 1k views to almost 10k views within a day as a result of the share and some Twitter Features.
Couldn't have done it without you guys, srs.
>Pic Related
A New HIGH ENERGY Video being created. Keep on your toes, it's going to be huge.
As of now, campaign #2 is almost ready to go live, i'll let you know what that is when everything is finalized.
I'll be spreading the new high energy video once it's released.
Official Discord for AAF. Join and be involved in discussion!
This will be available now for the first day of the thread.
Fund 8/2: 550 TRUMPS
Fund 8/6: 0 TRUMPS | 949,960 Potential Investors hit and growing ;)
Fund 8/7 500 TRUMPS | Need More Support for the next campaigns!
Right now we have one main donator and two people working on projects. Our goal is to advertise and promote TRUMP to the masses in order to really boost the coin into high gear before the debate.
Please join discord if you want to join because everything happens there!
>taking credit for the organic views of a video of this caliber.
Great scam you running bro
What about paying $20 for ad space on Veeky Forums.
discord invite has already expired, post another.
Nah, I a lot of credit goes to the entire community for blasting desu. What you don't see is the contacts for Twitter features xD
Dont donate, idc lol.
That would be dope.
Shouldn't expire.
Make us great man!
I will if someone provides a cool banner. I suck at photoshop.
I've had a boner for the last few years knowing about Veeky Forums advertising. I wonder how long the 80k views for $20 takes. I'd be cool even if it took a year as long as the views accumulate 100% honestly.
bless u child
man guys, i got another great idea to spread.
there are a bunch of members to sites who make little little money. i can advertise to those people and have the perfectt way to do it. its amazing. and theyd all be willing to do the work needed to actually buy trump.
would anyone be interested in donating for that?
This is not good. The comments in the MAGA video section are awful. People just dont get it with Trumpcoin.
We need to communicate to people that Trumpcoin is a fundraising effort for Trump, and that its just as good if not better than "normal" and/or "regular" fundraising because its using cryptocurrency.
/pol/ is right in a sense - they are giving us valid criticism. People need to connect the dots and when they see Trumpcoin they need to think "Trump Fundraiser".
Otherwise Trumpcoin is just gonna be seen as a scam pump and dump or just a lame "bitcoin knockoff."
join discord, ill get it prof made.
nvm already getting it made. will post back here.
good shit man
Veeky Forums can do 80k views a day lad
Alright awesome! I'm going to pull a madman move and pay $100 so we can get over 400,000 clicks. HERE WE GO
I've watched that video about twenty times now and it still impresses me.
very nice user!
I'll hop on discord in a few
3000$ buy wall on c-cex wow.. I love walls trump
If any, send ideas for edits.
My idea is that these look damn good lol
Got it senpai
what board?
Post wallet address too senp
I got it for all of the boards bro
edited 4 lulz
I agree, both look great.
So then, HOW is it a better fundraising effort because its cryptocurrency?
cause its crypto ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Well.. one reason is that the funds themselves gain value with more funds.
It allows trump supporters worldwide to have a stake in the PAC and do it anonymously. The more popular it gets, the more it increases in value and then PAC can do more.
If the developers can demonstrate it's effectiveness as a causecoin then following the election they might be able to rapidly replenish the fund for another cause.
It could be seen as an investment coin that can be used internationally to support conservative causes anonymously.
Further to this, I believe this coin is good for crypto. I bought TrumpCoin to profit and because it was offering me the opportunity to have a stake in a political cause I strongly believe in. Most coins purpose is pushing technological 'features' in search of silicon valley seed money.
I saw this as the best way for me as a non us citizen to support Trump. I really don't want Clinton to win.
Where you from?
same bru. i still havent sold a single trumpcoin. been accumulating since 6k sat and about to double my position on this dip
>I saw this as the best way for me as a non us citizen to support Trump.
That is actually a very fair point. We really need to start spreading the message to the rest of the western world, specifically Europe given the surge in 3rd world immigration they're experiencing and also constitute a Trump supporting silent majority. Non-US citizens generally do not have a good way of supporting a US presidential candidate and this is the best way by far.
If we can position it as such, you'll be able to advertise it as such, and consequently sell it to wider, international audiences. I can try to take the lead on this and do some research using some connection I have at work (I work for an international company that does SEO/ad campaign optimization).
Could spend the next several weeks doing research and reaching out to partners and affiliates of ours with that pitch, if Veeky Forums is willing to contribute to the war effort: TDY9F2XBwWUX2aNaaz4H9kSPLuG9XpXVqr. This will take a significant effort on my part, but willing to strap myself in and fuel this rocket ship. I also need to make absolutely sure that there are no conflicts of interest so need to be very smart about this.
If anyone here also has any connections to other major outlets that are popular across Europe, or maybe someone who does, please try to do likewise.
If Trump wins, this could be labeled as the primary political action causecoin carrying the name of Trump and branding it with the win of a public official running for office. People can buy Trump coins to support candidates in Canada, the UK, Australia, Germany, etc. Social upheaval can generate a lot of demand for direct C2C (citizen to candidate) method of support.
With the right effort and pitch, this coin can truly reach unprecedented levels.
>I really don't want Clinton to win.
You and the the rest of the forward thinking world, my good man.
Right, this is probably the biggest challenge the coin faces.
The general public (trump supporters) do not understand cryptocurrency and will just say "why not donate directly?" We need to counter that argument and market it as a superior or alternative way of fundraising.
The crypto community still views Trumpcoin as a joke, thjough I see that sentiment slowly changing. The coin needs to be marketed in a way of what it can do for Crypto, and how it can spread awareness of crypto way beyond any other coin.
I think these are the coins biggest challenges. The coin has to overcome this negative sentiment
Stuff like
"This was such an awesome rallying video, too bad you ruined it by advertising that shitty crypto-currency. Trump only accepts donations on his own page." +18
Thats bad.
So yeah, marketing should be focused on how Trumpcoin can do those things, such as allow non americans to participate, an investment coin, anonymous support and participation, etc.
Maybe even make a simple"Why Trumpcoin?"video that addresses criticism directly and aims at educating the public. The public only needs to be educated on the basics of crypto and they should understand how it works and why its great.
>My wife's son
first words and im already cringing
I like the"why Trumpcoin" video idea
The silent majority worldwide definitely need to be targeted. Their voice is weak in Europe but becoming progressively louder. I don't really have the technical ability or relevant contacts but I will contributing to this community and sending multiple tweets daily for as long as this project is running. @raexno92
We can advertise all we want but if ppl think it is a pump and dump scam then it's not gonna help. TCC videos are a good start with educating the public but it's not enough. Criticisms must be addrEssex and dispelled.
Also perhaps adding Trumpcoin forums or even a chatbox on the main website would help. It would help with transparency and grow a community.
The staff revealing their identities was a good start but it's not enough.
Maybe also contacting some crypto youtubers would help as well.
Also emphasis should be put on the grassroots aspect. This is all started by crypto and Trump enthusiasts.
>We can advertise all we want but if ppl think it is a pump and dump scam then it's not gonna help.
i 100% disagree with that statement. the more the public knows about it and the more people that they see are invested in it the more theyll realise that its legit.
>Also perhaps adding Trumpcoin forums or even a chatbox on the main website would help.
this is a good idea, im sure alot of peeps from Veeky Forums would move there serious conversations there (since itll probs be moderated meaning no Veeky Forumsqueens).
Let me know when you're doing it. We can make more money if we dump it together.
I agree, all supporters of the coin could start small scale now until direct purchasing is here and TrumpCoin is added to larger exchanges. A tweet or post on the reddit page a day would suffice.
Supporting Germans that are losing their country would be a worthy cause following trumps win.
What are some known crypto youtubers?Are there any of significant size?
As a german I can confirm. It's the only way to support Trump from here
I second this. Normies need a clear reason to bother with the coin at all.
You guys REALLY want to reach out to these guys:
Be respectful and informative as can be. This can pretty much be the largest force multiplier we've had to date.
what kind of scam coin you want senpai?
I'm looking for no volume and something that has no purpose in 90 days.
>say no more
Remember that when reaching out to these people you will want to tell them how Trumpcoin can help Crypto. It's not about Trump per se, its about how Trumpcoin can help crypto as a whole, help the public get involved in cryptocurrencies and spread awareness.
The general public is a different beast. They need a reason to invest in the coin and if they hear its a scam they won't even take a second look. We need more material that cleans up Trumpcoin's image and explains to people very clearly what it's doing is harmless and everyone wins.
The message needs to emphasize that everyone wins, its a fundraising platform so even if you buy at the top you still support the CAUSE. And the fact that its started by Trump supporters and totally grassroots with no special interests.
The grassroots part is really important, there is a backlash against "the establishment" and special interests. That is what crypto is all about.
The message needs to be loud and clear and right now its not really happening. TCC vids were a good start but if Trumpcoin is going to hit the top 10 on coinmarketcap this needs to happen.
Thank you for the list. I'll do it