How much money do you need to invest to live off the returns/interest? Need enough for a basic NEET life (studio apartment, internet, groceries)
How much money do you need to invest to live off the returns/interest...
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Your return will be about 6-8% on a yearly basis, so calculate how much money you'd spend in a year.
just get the government to give you the money for free you daft twat.
about $1500/mo after taxes
I'm a white male. No government monies for me
you're a fucking retard virgin austistic drooling pants on head shut in who cant figure out how to make money or interact with ppl on as a team right?
pls leave this thread. I didn't ask for how to get a hand out you liberal faggot
>says no to free money
>wants stocks to give you free money.
you really are retarded. u should shoot for it.
Investments aren't the same as welfare
holy shit your dumb LMAO
>i dont want free money, i want free money at the expense of tying up capital
you should at least get tested , see if your on the spectrum.
Who's the dumby
one is moral and one is immoral, but this place is amoral
not if you genuinely qualify , and I gotta admit you seem pretty "up there" .
I need $6m
I plan to buy a portfolio of dividend paying stocks to average a 5% return or about $300k annually. 300k/yr is more than I'll ever need and will give me plenty extra to travel, invest, buy properties, save up to start new businesses etc. Only $6m op. Pls help
Sent ;^)
>genuinely qualify
This is pretty much all I think about, op
I've been a neet for awhile now and I walk a couple miles a day and ride my bike but I still feel miserable most of the time
I think part of it is my shitty living situation, I live with my brother who's a crackhead and troublemaker, loves to push buttons
I guess I'm just hoping bitcoin takes off so I can get the hell outta here
To answer your question it's at least $500,000
>at least $500,000
I crunched my numbers, and I'd need a little over a mil to live something a little better than my current life.
500k is safe. You can do much cheaper if you live in the countryside.
its not up to any one on Veeky Forums here to judge if someone is qualified, its up to State doctors.
But Veeky Forums is full of professional experts.
oh right.
Depends on the returns and on the country you live in.
Expect a yield 2 to 3%, forget the retards who say 8%.
If you want to live in Thailand or similar countries, you'll be fine with $500 per month or less.
So you need $200,000 at 3% to live the perfect NEET life in Asia. (At least three times more in the first world.)
>If you want to live in Thailand or similar countries
Hello Archie.
>If you want to live in Thailand or similar countries, you'll be fine with $500 per month or less.
Not in bangkok you won't, you need AT LEAST $1500/month here to live a good life
$500 will get you daily food poisoning and a non-air conditioned shanty house
Source for 6-8%?
Not doubting you, just curious where you've read/heard about it. I've seen other people here saying 4%
Hitting 6-8% average return on your assets is a rather reasonnable assumption.
However, if you want to make sure you withdraw only from interests, and not out of your principal, your withdrawal rate should be lower than your average return rate, so that even in bad years, you withdraw from past interest excess to make up for current low.
This is where the 4% figure comes from.
Make average-6-8%. Withdraw 4%.
Based on this, a 300K nest provides you with 1k/month income; 1M provides ~3.3k/month.
How much is enough is for you to decide. Someone who owns their house, outside of big cities, can live comfortably with $500 a month. If you want an updated gaming rig and fancy watches, you'll need more than that.
but you did...
>How much money do you need to invest to live off the returns/interest? Need enough for a basic NEET life
Archie Luxury is an obnoxious Shitpostian YouTube watch reviewing faggot who is obsessed with Thai women.
enjoy no electricity and plumbing
I really enjoy his videos
> hello, fuckers! I'm going to bangers!
I enjoy laughing at his videos.
Jesus christ im poor
There no magic number for two reasons.
One, people say you get about 7% a year with stocks, but that's an average over decades, you could be fucked for a whole decade if the market went sour. Also it ignores inflation.
Two, technology will bring cost of living down drastically in a decade or two, or maybe not. Who the fuck knows.
>Who the fuck knows.
anyone older than a decade or two knows.
they've been saying post-scarcity is just around the corner since the 50's. Cost of living goes up every year anyways.
186k @ 7% return reinvesting 3% for hedge against inflation gives you about 10k a year
If you bought a tumbleweed house and were vegetarian and your mode of transport was a bike it works. Internet and electricity paid + money for steam games
7% foesnt igore inflation you mongoid
Thats why the safe drawdown rate is 3 to 4% (literally go google up a blog or article on nest egg drawdown)
You make 7% , get taxed off that , reinvest 3% and live off 4%
But yeh - thats a spicy meatball because if you retired in 2008 youd be ruined for instance
You'd have to tighten your belt for a while, but unless your egg was small you wouldn't be ruined. S&P is approaching +66% from even the pre-crash high. It's +300% from the bottom of the trough.
The key is having enough extra that you can draw a bit from principal as an emergency fund and wait for the recovery. Saving the "bare minimum" to retire is foolish any way you slice it.
If you can get a 5% yearly return on your money and want exactly 1500/mo not including taxes will be at least 360000 dollars m8 better start saving
What you are looking to do is called ''FIRE'' or Financial Independence Retire Early. I can give you a summary, but if you want to learn you should look up the multitude of blogs that exist (mrmoneymustache and/or early retirement extreme) as well as the reddit page for FIRE.
It has been well documented that an adequate safe withdrawal rate (SWR) is 4%. This assumes you invest mostly in equities (preferably something boring like index funds, check Boglehead wiki), with some bond exposure. Therefore, to have ''enough'' to live off investment returns, you should have 25X your annual expenses. You said you spend ''about'' 1500$ per month, which lets assume you are accurate, would mean you need 18K a year income from investments to be financially independent. 18K*25= 450K.
TL;DR you need 450K. I would shoot for half a mil and call it a day. Should be easy.
Own 21 BTC. Only less than 1 million people can ever own 21. We will eventually be rich.
to have enough to go neet AND not be living under your moms roof eating tendies you have to have a LOT of capital built up
aka- inherit or work for 10-20 years
i have 10k in dividends right now and it yields $150 every 3 months, aka- $50 a month
if i had nother 490k i could live comfortably but i dont yet so i work for it
Keep in mind that if you have no other regular income (W2/1099), that $1500/mo will be TAX FREE
Search for "zero percent capital gains"
Holy shit.
Thank you for telling me this.
I love the names he uses for places
>>Going to Honkers, phuckers!
Lol underrated post.