/hotsg/ - Heroes of the Storm General

Thrall is tired edition

>What's new
Bunch of shit announced. Chromie and Medivh. Season 1 finally rolling out. New Ranking systems.


>where do I find you panda-loving faggots
/join Veeky Forums

>Do you have a discord?

>What hero should I buy?
Find the ones you enjoy playing and buy those. Don't buy cheap heroes just to get into Hero League, it's not worth rushing into.

>Links nobody visits anyway
Official Site: us.battle.net/heroes/en/
General News: heroesnexus.com/
Tips & Tricks: heroesofthestorm.github.io/tips
Hero Rankings and Statistics: hotslogs.com/Default
Talent Calculator: heroesfire.com/hots/talent-calculator/
All of the hero voice lines: rpboyer15.github.io/sounds-of-the-storm

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Wave of Force is so much fun.

Obviously Disintegrate is generally better but I just like sending niggas flying.

>12 deaths illidan
>10 deaths tracer

Why are people so bad

suck me

Both Li Ming ults are good. Wave is generally better than disintegrate against a lot of melees, and disintegrate is better against a lot of ranged.

>Gravity actually affecting tits
Is there something more arousing?

I was just in a game with a Tracer that actually seemed to earn his Master Skin.

Nobody could catch that fucker and he had like 15+ kills.

Luckily his team was shit so they still lost.

She is one of the easiest characters to play. There is no reason to die even once unless you are facing five counters.

Does anyone else feel that Li Ming is incredibly boring to play? The trailer made her look a lot better.

I wish she had a talent where hitting multiple enemy heroes with her Q would instantly reset her Q cooldown, and make the next one do extra damage and cost no mana. Or a talent that increases her Q damage by 300% or something when she hits at least 3 enemy heroes.

This "both your skills are always used for burst on one single point" is really boring. But right now it's simply retarded to do anything else with your Q. The damage is worthless if you're not hitting most of them on the same target. And that just happens to be the most brainless, boring and easiest way to land her Q.

>fucking newfags don't remember that based Samuro took down a whole island using only 5 explosive barrels and a pig

Samuro is love Samuro is life

Johanna best tank

if they add a mantid i hope its that 1 who says "my blade never misses its mark" he has a pretty cool voice

also everyone please report Monzaemon on EU if u ever come across him, he pisses me off. he gives a bad name to all Prince Kael'thas Sunstriders out there. he was playing on the enemy team and spammed B (b stepped) when they killed someone early game. i consider b stepping to be as humiliating as spitting in someone's face irl. well, later on in the game i killed the shit out of him as dehaka. so my point is, dont b step if you arent going to win, otherwise you are a subhuman fag that needs to be sent to the concentration camp ASAP!

>there no talent that makes arcane orb orbit around you and deal maximum range damage
>there is no talent that fractures your disintegrate into 3 short range beams that have much increased damage
>there is no talent that turns your Q into a single projectile, slower moving, AoE chill like Glacial Spike (which synergizes with Jaina)
it's like blizzard doesn't want us to have fun

>Everyone instantly annoyed
>He picks Li Li anyway
>In game
>Bitches constantly
>Rightfully so about Sonya, solo play hero capping camps solo all game
>Spend level 6 to 17 throwing the game
>We're getting humped like 20 kills to 4
>I hit critical mass with Greymane about that time, full stacks on WD
>Start clearing house in team fights
>Amazing come back, he actually starts playing but Sonya still shit and just goes about doing camps after we wipe enemy team
>Final team fight, we're going to ambush them at boss
>Enemy Jaina keeps poking around a corner into sight of us but they must know we are there
>I move out of south bush behind a wall to boss (Sky Temple)
>Frozen, stunned, gibbed
>Our team wipes
>mfw it was all my fault

Made sure to blame Sonya/Li Li before they rolled core and point out I was carrying them

I havent played this game in a while

Is Kharazim still good with a damage build or only as a support

The satisfaction of playing Li-Ming comes from knowing the dipshit who just ran into your W is probably losing his shit.

he never was good at it and never will be, unless his damage trait is reworked
>his only sustain is his W
>he gets bullied out of lane by literally anyone
>teamfight phase
>his E is countered by blinds, stuns, knockbacks, and literally just walking away
>even with the speed boost he still loses more than half the possible attacks if the target is standing still
>his Q damage talent is too slow and you can't activate your E during the animation
>enemies stand still while you're doing it, attack you, then start moving away when you press E
>you just did less than half of what any other assassin would do, just to add some shitty and movement speed boost to your team
no thanks

Threall is such a huge pussy in this game.

(you) U

cam anyonebody solve this mystery?

>tfw Samuro will not have his stereotypical Japanese accent in HotS
May blahdu seeka vengeance!
I am 'ero an' obey!

I think I've experienced this a couple times when playing Chen. It might have something to do with meleeing and mercs. You can try looking at opponent vision just to be sure it's actually revealing you and not just a visual thing. That Li Ming finding you is pretty telling, but it's always possible that it was just a lucky guess.

i've had the red eye pop up in game, it's not just in the replay, i thought it was BW but then i noticed she is on bottom lane

>be chromie
>enemy team has abathur and muradin
>our fucking mentally retarded last pick gets us brightwing
>muradin jumps on me with hat and avatar on
>literally nothing can stop him before he kills me
>end the game with 3 deaths
>80k more damage than our jaina
>our jaina ilterally had 20k hero damage in a 20 minute game
>"bg chromie sucks"

I know it's ingame, as I said I've experienced the same thing. I just meant filtering for opponent vision on the replay to make sure it was actually revealing you. It's entirely possible (but unlikely), that it's just a visual bug.

mentally retarded = u for picking chromie, not last pickbw

I want to wave force my bone spear inside her until I release my critical mass.
If you know what I mean

>the collar is off in the right picture
>she's not old
GoT fans BTFO

Any player that says "I can't X" in hero select is fucking garbage. 9/10 games I just mute everyone because my blood pressure can't handle the snarky fucking prepubescent bantz from these cunts.

>enemy sonya the same sort of cancer player you're describing
>MIA from teamfights, we keep expecting her to pop out of a bush and flank but she doesn't
>instead find her like 2 mins later trying to solo our siege camp with her merc lord talent
>idk who came up with this "sonya is for soloing camps at all times" bullshit meta but it's horribad
>anyway enemy team sucks and we keep rolling them
>like 36-15 or something
>enemy team so bad and their comp so terrible but my team doesn't know how to punish it
>just fucking awkward engages and positioning all game, like other team's goofy, retarded play is knocking my retarded team off balance
>etc keeps getting caught and dying, some other bad shit I can't remember
>we end up losing to legit the worst team I've probably ever seen
>mfw after the game

>Winning games
>Up 5 ranks
>Now start getting matched with ragers and memers who pick March of Murlocs or Twilight Dream or 7 death Li Mings


>team malfurion with 45k healing
>enemy morales 115k healing

LF Duo on HL rank 15 or better. I'm trying to get rank 9 and i was rank 12 yesterday. Highest i've been is rank 10.

Add me on b.net os1#2609

>first pick highlights chromie
>I tell him she isn't a good hero
>he fucking gets hyper triggered and starts going full autismo out of nowhere
>we roll other team
>11 minute game
>he fires the final shot: "GG top damage bitch suck my dick arthas" or something
>he did like 21k and he wasn't even top damage
>apoc diablo was top damage


Genuine question:

Why when I start climbing ranks do I immediately start tanking them? I get to 18 then literally just lose until I get back to 22-24. It's basically straight wins then straight losses.

People with shit talent picks if they don't pick shit heroes in the first place (oh they got tracer and/or illidan? ima pick li ming or chromie tehehe). People who just focus Johanna or chase people into forts. People who run about doing camps all game and solo play.

It seems stupid that there would be forced 50 in ranked games but it's like night & day

What's the ideal Malf builds? I want to get gud at a support other than Uther.

how do i look up the game? because that faggot had tranquility and i dont even understand how his healing could be that little

honestly I haven't really been struggling with the forced 50 as much lately

Are you just spamming too many games? Like I need to make myself take breaks all the time, once I start to play too many games in a row I start playing like shit and losing.

I mean like you definitely can't win them all, but also it is very much possible to get a string of really good games and go 9-1

All builds depend on map, your team comp, and the enemy team comp.

nice meme



I've been living innawoods since beginning of January and am now back with access to Veeky Forums/internet. What have I missed with Heroes of the Storm patches and any dank maymays come out?

You missed a lot of heroes.
Also new shit will happen to ranked games.
Illidan is no longer trash.
Sylvanas has a new heroic now.
There a cute gone hero now who's actually a dragon.
Literal LEGEND Medivh next month.
Still no Superman.
Arthas is great again.
Battle of great asses between Li Ming and Tyrande.
Finally the next heroes are quite possibly Gul'dan, Samuro, Auriel and Varian.

Did your team happen to be 4 squishies running around dying everywhere solo?

Play until you lose your first game and then stop playing, repeat next day

Thanks for heads up.

I see that the artist who can't draw eyes and female faces is still doing art for the game.

>tfw rank 3
>want rank 1 before season 1
>only play a couple games a day at best
>every win is +100 points
>every loss is -100 points
>no protection against disconnects or afkers
Always fun to lose a days worth of progress because some people have shit internet or queue and afk. Not to mention the trolls picking shit heroes on purpose or bad talents

Uh oh

That Rehgar though

That's what blizzard wanted him to be.

If you take the basic attack heals as sonya, in what situation would you ever use whirlwind?

Just for the 10% movement speed if you are not in auto attack range and your spear is on cd?

>Tfw still seeing KDA when glancing at charts instead of the KAD shit

isn't it worth using when you're going to hit multiple heroes with it?

non-boss mercenary camps

>that artanis
oh my GOD

Isn't aa+w faster in all cases, and it you can generate rage while doing it?
Maybe if you absolutely must heal. The dps is like less than a third of aa+w, and again you don't generate rage from it. The trade off of healing slightly more doesn't seem to make up for the extreme loss of dps and rage deficit.

day 47
my teammates still haven't said a word
i'm starting to question my sanity and wondering if I chose Versus AI
nope, it's just QM

Solo camps hurt.

>we play MOBAs to talk about things
>hey gazlowe fine day isn't it
>yes sir it is indeed
>let us lane together and show these ruffians a thing or two
>hm, we seem to be taking a beating
>no worries mates, let's all take a 2 min smoke break and we'll get them after

that's why you're a 50% winrate shitter

I communicate exclusively via pings.

Can the Nexus even handle the full evil of Gul'dan?

can anyone?

Man, I can't wait for the next WoW x-pac. Right guys?

>playing WoW

>inb4 you play Gul'dan as an Abathur-like hero that does all of his fighting through Archimonde but can buff his allies

Why does prescience just choose not to work 90% of the time?

I feel like I'm dooming myself by picking it

I think it doesn't work if you're cc'd, which is bonkers

Where the FUCK is Maiev????

Maybe next year.

>at enemy core
>it's down to 10%
>Gul'dan can finish it off
>turns around and runs away giggling like a little girl looking for some artefact of ancient evil to make him even more powerful
>dies to a boss
>enemy destroys our core
Thanks Gul'dan

They'd need to figure out what abilities to give her since her WC3 kit is basically current Zeratul.

post em scrubs

Any Warcraft lore people around here?
I was wondering, has there ever been an evil druid in warcraft lore?

I know there's been evil shamans like Ner'zhul, warlocks like Gul'dan or paladins like Renault Mograine. But has there ever been an actual evil druid?

The Druids of the Fang in Wailing caverns were made insane by Naralex's nightmare.
The Druids of the Flame are druids that, for the most part, got fed up with the Cenarion druids for their inaction and joined Ragnaros' campaign to burn Hyjal. Most of them are probably in it to get revenge against the Cenarion circle and became insane afterwards through corruption of the Old Gods or the fact that they seem to be setting themselves on fire.

yes, a set of clans

>go into HL
>eternal conflict
>typical Kael/Tracer ban
>ally instalocks Illidan
>"support, go morales, someone else pick abby, everyone else go cc and we got this"

I felt like I earned Master until I saw how retarded people are here. Is there even really a difference in MMR when it comes to assassin mains?

faldran was poisoning the emerald dream because his son decided he was going to sacrifice his own lie to contain the qiraji and he blamed furion for some reason then he became a fire druid.

marl wormthorn

Do you guys take Bestial Wrath or Unleash the Boars on Rexxar if you're the only tank?

What if you aren't?

>Damn she's hot. I don't know how she could be hotter.
>Opens mouth. Azula's voice comes out.
>It's over.

Being Diamond league by hotslogs statistics is good, right?


i just installed the game, i'd like to play tassadar, diablo and kharazim, how shit are them?

Tassadar is great but not really a healer, because he's classified as support, the enemy team will have a real healer while your team doesn't.

Diablo is ok as well but at high level play he's barely used.

Khara is pretty great.

You know you gain more healing from ww than a normal AA right?

so how should i build tass?

Panada plz eat frog

Under 1000 games.
Do you even play?

>play Chromie in QM
>do the most heroic damage and get the most kills, my team loses
>do the least heroic damage and get the least kills, my team wins
like what the hell am I doing wrong?

that would be "balanced" to useless levels of damage anyway and she'd be even more boring because then there would be no chance of ever focusing to start your trait without the other team being extremely stupid. not everyone needs stupid levels of area burst. play kael or jaina or even whip lunara if you want to ruin bunched idiots with no finesse because that won't work on her. she basically a trait dependent specialist and that's fine.

transcendence is the only way usually but he's still good for rundowns without iron fists. he's probably going to be reworked soon. not quite a 1 build wonder but he's close.

team dies in 2.7 seconds
morales heals someone tanking minions and towers

shield and shift build with force wall

so no archon, ok, i guess it is shit



works fine. don't get cc'd or burst. not even common sense to expect immortality from a level 13 talent.

you can use archon if you want, but some people just prefer force wall like i do

>ping danger and retreat on top lane after the mid enemies are clearly going there
>he's dead
>I stop
>he gets ganked and killed anyway
there's no winning with some people