League of Legends General /lolg/

OT: eyosongive.us

You are not going to let futa take first AND second place in the contest, right, user?

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Hey OP, you got the source on that image? I can't read that signature for the life of me.


>>You are not going to let futa take first AND second place in the contest, right, user?
>Implying I give a fuck about the contest now that poppy is out
>first place could Rule63 futa urgot scat play for all the fuck I give desu senpai

Contests are dumb

I miss when I actually had to think about buying green wards and not just check my UI for my trinket ward timer.

Fucking sucks.


>want to get mastery 7 on Eve
>Perma banned in it
>Can't carry hard enough for a S or a S+
>S- forever

Domo arigatou, mr roboto.

realizing you're a shitter is the first step in gitting gud, shitter

Post and judge

>yfw Jinx is back IN
Lu/Ez a shit.

Post Jinx.

What ELO is Eve permabanned? She's fucking garbage that shouldn't ever work above plat.

in urf


he means URF senpai
people are grinding out 7 with urf matches

how's Vlad right now

Thanks Google keyboard for eating my words

>You are not going to let futa take first AND second place in the contest, right, user?


I'm voting Sivir

literally how do I into hunts as Kindred

Do I mark the enemy jungler at the game start? Who even outduels Kindred?

All of you guys are fucking great.

Fuck yeah.

>not playing chime man

Best girl.
Best body.
Best wife.

>played ranked before third quarter of the year
>riot seriously expects me to play support in Platinum IV
oh boy I sure can't wait to pop 30 minute queues just to play mid or top, good thing morde and malz are the exact same as they were two years ago so I'll have an easy time in the stomping grounds

shut the fuck up

FIRST mark the midlaner at minute 0 and they will forget they are marked
THEN at level 2/3 gank that fool for an easy mark or flash into another gank
THEN tunnel vision of things that will die easy

Ward the enemy jungle. If you're good you can get away with using Tracker's knife. Take the camps and get out clean. You need a few camps to really be able to 1v1, and a few junglers like Shaco and Eve can get the jump on you (But that's just what they do.) Something like Lee Sin or Elise can be scary if they're really good, but the bulk of junglers fall over since you can kite them and just have a shitload of damage. And once you get those stacks up a little bit you honestly just become unstoppable.

But you need to win in the midgame and quickly. If the tanks rush out Frozen Heart and Thornmail the fun is over, because there's just no substitute for the crit build ADC's at lategame.

I fucking love this artist.

how does sona fit through doorways?

one way, her hips are too wide. the other way, her breasts are too big

stfu shitter

shut the FUCK up fag

maybe she's being drawn small

Slayer Jinx needs more fan art

Get Good desu I got to Hell IV 4-6 in placements and haven't touched rank since

Good morning!

>tfw when your friends treat you like garbage in game

Shyvana's a pretty good laner. I wish more of them would be willing to teamfight and be huge than splitpushing anti-social autistic fucks.
I want to RP with Shyvana in a J4 v Shyvana top matchup

all of the remaining options are shit tier taste

apply yourself

does shyvana AP top works now?

>when all your actual friends quit the game and anyone else that acts friendly always turns out to be a gaping cunt

what skills could a player go a whole game without casting and nobody would notice?

ezreal's current W stands out to me as one

I don't get this picture
why are all of bards teammates frowning when bard just saved them from getting hit by ziggs ulti and causes sion to ult right through them?

I need to point that volibear from the Chimes guy from last thread
your build is terrible, fucking absolutely awful, every fucking last source of damage from the enemy team comes from basic attacks, the only real exceptinons being Graves Q and ult and yet your retard ass doesn't buy thorn immediatly after cinderhulk AND you don't have a frozen heart AND your farm os awful AND you had luck of both Graves and Kalista buying the wrong last whisper upgrade against you
Zz' is a shit item stop buying it unless you're a absolutely no dmg dealer like nautilus, Righteous Glory is also shitty
You should have went Ciderhul > swifty booties > Thorn > Plate > spirit visage (your fucking passive your mongrel, none of them even had morello)> frozen heart
here you go now stop being A SHITTER.

No. Go hyper bruiser Shyvana. Onhit blended with AD and all of the tankiness on the side that you can get. March into fights and rip people apart. The buffs were just so that Guinsoos isn't a total waste.


Why is she such a qt guys?

syndra q azir w orianna q

>friends shittalk each other all the time for fun
>the one friend who gets tilted by it

some people just can't handle the banter


thats true
I was going more for things that people hardly even care to use on champs

come on man

nice champ riot

>Stankonia is almost 16 years old

poor healthy assassin

at end of game for win I chased him down across the entire map with zilean and rest of team ended

alright then.

Bard W used offensively.

>cleanse zed

you guys do seem like a pretty unkillable team, despite your seven deaths

Is Kog'Maw a decent ADC?

I got another 5.6k and fancy buying him, or saving up for a random 6.3k champ.

Not many champions i still want, maybe Kennen or Zac

Why do people play champions like Ezreal when they're fucking retarded and probably can't even land skillshots?

mostly early game from balanced cougar camping bot

What do I build on Rek'Sai? I've been having success with Cinderhulk Titanic but I've seen people do well with various combinations of Warrior and Cleaver.

Rageblade is the only "AP" item she should be building.

yasuo ult
kindred ult
blitz q

ah, I see. Didn't even notice the nid

Did I do better this time user? ;_;

Slightly underpowered but better than pre-rework.

Unless you join the autist masterrace.

I WANT HIS DICK IN MY _______________.

You can also go Cinderhulk > Cleaver. Basically it's just (Cinderhulk/Warrior) > (Cleaver/Titanic) > Tank.

>that whole set

my fucking dick

ADC players are braindead and don't really explore options. Bottom lane has multiple perfectly serviceable carries for pub play but it has the lowest pick variety by a mile, this has always been the case and I have no real idea why.

Kog is great, but you need a team that NEEDS to be actively defending him. He's a bit short on the range but there is no out DPS'ing kog at lategame. If he is protected he will rip people open. Earlygame is really shit however, and you realistically lose in just about every lane matchup. But he's kind of funny where it's ok to go 1 for 1 because really all you care about it putting gold in his pocket and he scales harder than any other motherfucker out there.

You can be flexible with Reksai as a big tank or with a lot of AD. Just go with whatever your team needs more and how fed you are.

>Lucian has 51% pick rate and 54% win rate with the Youmuu's in BC build

Do i really have to pay jew essence, or a whole champion to make whiny ADCs shut their fuckin trap about picking alistar or blitz?

What a shit fucking game.
Way to turn the only semi-free decent addition thing into a cash grab.

>those orianna items

i know this is silver but fuck

the volibear is also a retard look how he fucking rushes a hydra even tho the enemy team had a hyper carry who even if he got feed and stronger than him they would just turtle the game and kill him anyway

what's with voli and people not knowing how to play him? every voli I see is a completely dumbass

Stop playing tank Ekko.

>playing cancer fish
I can live with Viktor and Azir but that fish will always be broken

tfw you will never drag them down with a shiny new asshole banner floating around your head

It's very top heavy


What did you think I played when the other 2 were picked

Fizz isn't nessessarily broken, people don't realize that you kind of need to all in him early and bully the fucking shit out of him in lane, because there's no stopping him once he gets a couple of kills and get huge, nevermind the fact that he never scales off the longer the game goes.

I dunno I can't work him out either, but again, silver IV so meh

Nobody in this elo knows how to build is what I've learned, me included. I still can't ever figure out when to buy a fucking thornmail.

But he's fun user

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

they want to make LE FANCY PLAYS ECS DEE
This is why I know everytime my team has a lee or Kha jungle we lost

I want you to die.


ez is kinda anti lcs big plays
He's and east adc but unlike ash or jinx is viable in more situations

suck my dick

>-12 lp for loss
>+TWENTY EIGHT fucking lp for a win

if it cheers you up it looks like the game doesn't want you in silver either

>out for 3 days
>no one knows how to play her
gee boss I dunno

>miss W
>no longer boasting a 5 stack passive for maximum DPS at the start of the fight nor helping your AS oriented teammates
you think people don't notice faggot
people notice when you aren't giving irelia 2.0 AS

has akali always been this cancerous?
ive seen a recent resurgence of akali players and they are beggining to ruin my day.

Is she worth a ban now?

>ez is kinda anti lcs big plays
they want to be doubleshit and make le epic blue build and land le epic skillshootz when they can play something like twitch where you can literally let the game play for you after you hit R
>But no twitch isn't viable :)
>Because pros don't play him :)
>uh I dunno...

>tfw you realize Draven mains are the new Riven mains

they were always awful just overshadowed by vayne pickers

twitch is banned all the time in pro games though

>blue ezreal
>double shit
How new?

Is TF any good now? What should I rush him if so.. Morrelonomicon rush like most mages?

she's quite possibly the most broken champ in the game when she has max stacks on her ult

Ezreal is kind of bad because it's very possible to have 0 damage output with him because retards don't know how to land skillshots or how to use his alternative builds correctly.

It's fucking impossible to miss Volley with Ashe, and Enchanted Crystal Arrow is pretty forgiving because of how fucking huge it is. She's not top notch for damage but I'd rather it than a shitter ez going some retarded build and missing everything, and then Arcane Shift INTO the fucking fight.

Jinx is kinda shitty in lane, so you just look for easy snipes in the midgame with Death Rocket and then just try and get her passive going in teamfights, then she's a real powerhouse.

AP assassin Akali has always been noobstomper as fuck, but chronically a clunky piece of shit. Tank Akali is retarded korean memes. Get good and break metasheep over your knee.

>tfw these are never coming back