TFW parents are forcing me to pay rent now

>TFW parents are forcing me to pay rent now

How the fuck am I suppose to save and invest NOW?

Get a job, work your way up a ladder you kike. On serious note, I wish you the best of luck.

I had a job but I was enjoying investing 90% of my income a month, I was so happy i was on the right path to becoming financially independent

> Financially independent
> living with you parents

Hahahahahahaha I can't stop laughing

i pay my parents in bitcoin, i just wire them from my room

>> Financially independent
>> living with you parents

Huh? Did you miss the part where I said i was saving 90%+ of my income? Living with my parents saves insane money

Just lie to them about how much you make and say you can't afford it.

they're too smart for that

It's only $500/mo but still

If I were them I would have kicked you out for that. It's probably a pain in the ass for them to turn it back into useful currency.

Lol I rent and apartment for less.

Might want to kill yourself now.

That's why im not happy about it

There is no apartment that rents for under $500/month unless it's literally a room in a terrible area though. Where do you live?

Southern Virginia, stay the fuck away.

southern vagina?

sounds like your parents are selfish, like what is the additional cost of housing your own son you chose to bring to the world?

I seriously hate shitty parents, they consciously bring a son in the world, and refuse to help it out

Like if you can't afford an extra mouth, don't procreate.

>like what is the additional cost of housing your own son you chose to bring to the world?

Well they're saying they would downsize if it weren't for me living with them, since they wouldn't need such a large house

>feeling this entitled

Fucking disgusting. If you're an "adult" you should be contributing at least a token amount. God damm kids these days "now I have I have to spend my money on things other than investing and chicken tendies! Ebul parents!"

I can get rich faster if I invested that money every month instead.

I might as well move out if im going to be paying rent anyway, at least i'll have freedom

and you probably make depressed wages, woopdeedoo

then downsize with them, its proportionally cheaper per person to housepool, sounds like they don't want to take responsibility past the age of 18, like that magic number has any real meaning from a maturity perspective

>mindlessly creating humans who you refuse to nurture into self-sustaining adults
sounds like sadism


>>mindlessly creating humans who you refuse to nurture into self-sustaining adults
>implying coddling them makes them self-sustaining

>wasting your money on THE most overpriced hobby
it cost less than $20 to manufacture that gun, how much did you pay for it?

>job and investing almost all his money
Just make them pay for their own food and utility share, literally no cost to you.

>then downsize with them, its proportionally cheaper per person to housepool

Won't work senpai

I guess it's not too bad, I'm already buying my own food anyway so a bit for rent can't be so bad.

You're an idiot lol. His parents are teaching him how the real world operates. In the real world, nothing is given to you for free. You have to earn it. My parents kicked me out when I was 18 and it was by far the best gift they have ever given me. I didnt even have the option of staying and paying them reduced rent. This generation is so damn entitled. They feel like shit should be handed to them just for being alive. You all are such pussies. Grow a thicker skin. It's not going to kill you to pay a little rent. If you don't like it then try to find a room somewhere for cheaper. Your parents don't owe you shit. They took care of you for 18 years but now you are an adult and fully capable of surviving on your own. Act like it.

And how is your life right now?

You're probably poor and struggling dude. Yeah you can get kicked out and you won't die but why? You're just fucking your own kids over.

Compare the guy who lives with his parents 18-25 and works hard but saves on expenses and the guy who gets kicked out at 18, struggles on min wage and barely saves anything per month at 25.

One of them will have $200k+ saved/invested and the other will have under $3000

but thats not how the real world works tho.

in the real world. chance and fortunes are spread too and fro and change without notice.

It's retarded, it's basically sapping your son of $15k a year of compounding savings because you are a selfish, careless parent. Your son will be way better off than a wage slave paying over half his income to the housing jew. Your parents sure gave you a great gift.

>my parents treated me like shit and I survived, why do your parents treat you with respect? its not fair! Wah wah wah!


>I might as well move out

you're starting to figure out their plan...

>Compare the guy who lives with his parents 18-25
Yeah, but compare the guy who lives with his parents 18-35. He'd have way more money saved than your guy.

Im sorry but do you live in fucking tanzania? What looney toon town are you living in that you pay less than 500 a month for an apartment ? Come on nigga why lie

That's right

underrated post.

ITT: Mad normies and wageslaves

Yea which one are u ?

Just get roommates OP, you will pay a fraction of the rent.

If I was the government I'd set up a law where it's illegal for the parents to not pay for college and living expenses of anyone between the age of 18-25.

So let me get this shit straight: They pay for everything under the age of 18, but suddenly out of the fucking blue they force you to pay rent, taxes, other shit like you're a full grown ass adult living on his own?

No. Fuck this idiocy. The age of 18 is especially when he needs financial support the most, it's the time when he needs college and to easily transition into jobs and professions without some mental retards breathing on his back for no real reason.

Might as well send your children to work and tax paying from the age of 13. Sick bastards.

don't pay them and force them to evict u lol

You are not financially independent.

I hate entitled losers like you

My parents pulled that shit.
I said I'll think about it and moved into an apartment. I almost went 3 years before I picked up their phone calls again.
felt good

Why have so many bullets when you'll only need one to kill yourself?

Agree to pay it

List the room on Airbnb for 1000/mo


>There is no apartment that rents for under $500/month unless it's literally a room in a terrible area though
Get over yourself you spoiled shit. If you don't want to live in a shitty apartment then pay for a nicer one or live in your parents basement for $500 a month.

Don't worry you'll get the last laugh when you are picking out which retirement home they go to.

Do you also contribute to the utilities, food, maintenance etc? Is the $500 all-inclusive? How much do you earn? Is it a fair and reasonable price?

Sucks to have plebeian, cunt parents.

Odds are you're a disgusting NEET though, and their trying to help you by pushing you into the world.

Everyone in this thread is pathetic for supporting OP.

If you aren't able to move out and still be able to save a good amount each month then you fail at life and you should just get on disability, stay obese, and complain about how the Republicans want to put you down.

I moved out on my 18th birthday working a shit retail job through HS. I lived with 2 roommates in a large single family house that's in the 4th Richest county in the country.

Now I'm making $55 an hour and I'm only 22. Got $40,000 in a savings, $18,000 in an ETF making me around 400 extra every month, and about $5,000 in ammo.

You're a joke.

>depends on parents for housing
Wew lad

Gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8

>I had a job

Not everyone lives in dan francisco faggot. Lots of places in my area under 500. When i was a single man i rented a room for 125 a month. Welcome to flyover country

Time to be a big boy user!

If you want an apartment that rents for under $500 a month, just put up an ad on craigslist.

Especially if you only need a room for yourself.

"Looking for room and board, offering $450/month" People with an extra room would swallow it up. They will probably make you pay a security deposit, but its definitely possible to get a room under $500.

One of the dumbest posts ive ever seen

I live in RVA!!!!!

Just ignore your parents financially when they get old. When they ask why, say the money you couldve saved on rent would produce X additional income of which you could help them with.

>parents should coddle me forever or ill get butthurt

Explain to them that instead of rent, allow you to save for a down payment on a house instead. Most parents will support this, especially if you show them you are saving, not pissing away your money.

Yes but his $500/month is pretty fucking cheap if his mommy still does his laundry, clean his room, and he gets free groceries..