>Email company I've never even purchased a product from before
>Make up some issue with a product and pretend to be a loyal customer
>They send out new product or a gift voucher
Everytime. :)
haven't had to buy new clothes in years
>Email company I've never even purchased a product from before
>Make up some issue with a product and pretend to be a loyal customer
>They send out new product or a gift voucher
Everytime. :)
haven't had to buy new clothes in years
That's fraud, user
No it isn't. I don't think that constitutes fraud desu, a little amoral but i don't think it's illegal
Lol wow you act like you are the first to think of this, bet your parents are proud! Maybe you could try scamming Amazon next to afford your rent you poor bastard
I didn't say it was a unique idea just that it feels devilish and seemingly always works
It's pretty much risk-free because if they ask you for proof or to send it back you just make up some excuse (it's fine now!).
What have you gotten so far?
They send you a coupon worth $5-10 for cereal and you feel like a baller? A shot caller? 20 inch rims on your impala?
>What have you gotten so far?
Tablets, clothes, keyboard, mouse, headset, shoes, food, electric toothbrush, giftcards, Monitors (comfy af), i dunno I've lost track now
good, welfare queens get more free shit than that and we have a fucked up central banking system, the whole economy is rigged up the ass anyways
>things niggers/indians/people that live in a trailer park do
I'm surprised they give so much stuff away
It's nice to not have to buy it
the government steals your work by enslaving you with inflation and forced debt
dude you are a fucking scrub. stop being such a whiny little hole and make the real money the real way
>stop being such a whiny little hole and make the real money the real way
What makes you think I can't do multiple things at once?
What are some clothes companies this works with? What do you complain about that merits them sending you shit without asking for proof of purchase?
north face
Leave devil pepe alone
Give me details on the scam or I'll think your lying on the internet.
What the fuck so you complain about to them? Niggers stole my jacket?
Let's say that someone wants a new PS3 controller. How does this person convince Sony to send him/her one?
Email them and say it broke dude
Just make up a believable story, it works more often you think. It's that simple. To get multiple headsets I just told the company the sound only worked on my one side then you get it senpai
Funny cause that's actually what happened with mine. Do you have them send it to your address? Wouldn't they eventually get suspicious of sending their merchandise for free to his one address? Think someone could get a PS3/4 like this? What's a believable story for that?
that sounds really comfy user,
Use different addresses but your own is probably fine.
I got an Xbox One when they were released this way. >inb4 bullshit
What kinds of sob stories do you tell them?
How long does it take to get a reply?
Depends and varies
Best to call them but spamming out emails to many companies is good too. I mean $10 voucher isn't much but when you get 20+ of them at once it can be nice
Typical problems that would occur with a product, best to call them though in most cases
and you don't bother getting a new email or phone number each time for the same company? Imwanna use this shit for electronics and gift cards.
OP is full of shit.
Of course I do. Goes without saying
Use VOIP, different addresses, emails etc
Judges aren't idiots
and by this I mean any fucking company will ask you for proof of purchase if you're complaining about something being broken. Even for shitty logitech peripherals.
And saying something is broken is the only thing that will get you a refund.
No one is going to waste money going to court over some kid getting free electronics
It wont, retard
I've gotten tons of shit, I know it seems too easy to be true but it's how it is. Some companies do ask to send it in but there is loads that don't, they do ask for serial numbers often times which there are ways to get or you can say it scratched off/you threw the item out in some cases like headsets, they can also ask for receipts which you can photoshop or use a generator for amazon receipts. A
Alternatively just try to get on their good side and they might let it slide, many of the employees are Indians working in a callcenter so they don't give much of a shit. Bitch to supervisor etc
Have you stolen anything worthwhile? Or just t-shirts.
Read above
How did you get a monitor/tablet exactly? Pls help.
I obtained a serial for a monitor that still had warranty on it then called them telling them it stopped working, went through troubleshooting (need to say that the ac adapter works but monitor doesn't so they don't think that's the issue" then after all that they transfer you to a supervisor who confirms it all and sends you a new monitor.
Get it in like a week, tracking sent to email. Stupidly easy
How in the name of fuck are they sending you shit like electronics worth hundreds with zero proof of you ever purchasing anything?
What you're doing is very interesting, pretty immoral but I respect what you've done, you've managed to get a load of free shit with basically no risk, this doesn't even count as fraud.
It's not as difficult as it seems, really quite simple actually. The only hard part is probing different companies.
When you find a good company and a good method it's just doing it repeatedly, which is boring on hold/saying the same shit each phonecall 5+ times a day - you need to pretend to be fiddling around with it, troubleshooting, saying shit like "Hold on let me put the phone to get it/turn it around /whatever. (when in reality I just mute my mic and look for a porn video then "come back" and jack off while "troubleshooting" or sitting on hold)
Pretty funny actually,kek
You aren't scared of being busted for mail fraud?
You do the same thing repeatedly to companies? You have drops and stuff?
I don't think that's much of a concern really. I don't see this as a serious crime and I don't think anyone would really waste time pursuing such a thing
but yes i did utilize drops
Well, you're kind of like a real-life bug bounty hunter, except you just keep getting paid. Fucking nice one, that's some real social engineering.
Imagine how dumb a company would feel telling law enforcement that they sent out units to someone without even asking for proof. Its shameful, they wouldn't bother with this anyway for just 1 or 2 units. There's little chance of them ever finding out anyway though.
Every time I called for some device, they asked me for a serial number
You need to get one, or tell them it got scratched off or whatever
>Sends new item, without requiring old item back for RMA.
sketch. Might as well he doing cc fraud or something at that point
I guess you're right but that seems much more wrong morally and legally, and riskier as well.
>Pay with stolen cc
>It gets chargebacked by bank when customer/bank realizes the problem
>Flag lights up for company, they did not get paid in the end (losing money)
>Investigation occurs
As opposed to a company willingly sending you an item in good faith because they believe you are a customer who had an issue with his product. Much different
Yeah but what happens if they notice a discrepancy with the serials/story you provide, manufacturing/purchase date or something.
Or some guy later tries to claim the warranty and you've already done it. You're permanently in the system and the risk that you'll get fucked won't disappear for years. The hope would be that they just don't care enough to investigate but there are plenty of examples of corporations being petty and litigious.
That said, I'm going to try to steal a monitor. Have you got any hard drives? How do you get the serial for that.
Touche, you're making a good argument against it lol
Bump bump bump
>itt excuses to say something illegal isn't
I-it's fine, children w-want sex too right? Of course I'm r-right!
Some do, some don't want to bother processing that shit. I dunno man, I'm just saying how it is
>I don't think it's bad so it must be ok!
I didn't say it's okay, I just said I don't believe it's viewed as a serious crime
Just to clarify I think stealing of any kind is objectively wrong and is never justifiable, I'm not saying it's a good thing or i'm a righteous person
Write a guide and put in on TotSE.org for old-times sake.
lol i knew a kid in mt barracks from the army who would call up the local pizza shops almost every month and demand a new pizza doing the exact same thing.
hahaha isn't that shit dead!?
what about zoklet? lol!
You are stealing and being very dishonest.
And you ruining good customer service for everyone else, companies will start assuming everyone that asks for an exchange or refund is a fraudulent piece of shit like you. I hope you feel bad about what you've done and get caught by law enforcement.
What are some of the best companies to do this with?