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>Pharah "Mission Statement" Comic

>"Hero" Animated Short

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first for reposting comments from the end of the last thread to piss off user

Just [embed] my shit up.


What if blizzard is planning to have a secret 22nd hero added right as the game is released?

Mercy is poop and everyone who plays her is bad at the game

Someone finally noticed. Wanted to see how many I could get.

Healsluts please save me i want to make it through the night but i need cigarettes

Daily reminder that this morning's leak confirmed D.Va will be nerfed and Bastion will be buffed.

Who here skipping their WoW raid for OW tomorrow?

I want to be forced to clean their vaginas after they've been fucked by real men


Remove turret form, buff normal form, congratulations bastion is actually a character now not just a gimmick



People still play that ?

who /junkmouse/ here?


You bastard. You ruined the streak. Shame on you.

>tfw mei will never sit on your face and let you smell her farts

Why does there need to be an ID list? Isn't their going to be a Veeky Forums chat group made like you can in HotS?

>posting devil Mercy
>posting lewd Mercy

Do you want us to die?

I'll take a morning leak in your mouth, user.

>playing wow
>playing PVE in wow
>playing PVE raids in wow

Who /cornfortress/ here? We all know death is coming for us tonight, better hunker down and take all precautions.

>dfw you're fucking Tracer until she comes and she spends the next 2 days rewinding, experiencing endless multiple orgasms


>implying girls fart

Well I'm probably gonna quit after my guild kicks me for missing two consecutive raids to play overwatch but I'll go back when legion is released.

Post butts.


I don't know, I didn't see anything like that in the beta


RIP anons

Girls don't have buttholes, idiot.


Holy shit, do you think before you post?
>"Remove a character defining trait so he's just a walking, shooting, self repairing robot"

What's the cute birb's name

Bastion please

i wish they'd fix Symmetra's jaw in-game, i really like strong jawed women like Olivia Wilde etc. but Symmetra is literally chiseled


post more cute bird you cunt

That bird needs higher saturation

Justice Rai- AHHHHHHH

>Join Veeky Forums chat list
>Make premade group full of Veeky Forums shitters
>Quick match auto matches premades against premades
>Get matched consistently against crack try hard premades over and over again

Sounds fun.


we will not die.

Fuck off jontron don't post selfies on Veeky Forums

Fucking omnic get out of here.

Is gamestop giving these away when I pick up my copy or was I supposed to get one when I preordered? I want my motherfucking extremely limited quantity poster.

nut on the bird


>He thinks that heroes can die


The pre-launch was garbage. Be glad you didn't waste the money.

I mean you're making a premade regardless if you do it through a group chat or an ID list

Heroes never die, remember?

But that's what gives her that designated look

Lewd mercy will save everyone

Game Mode : DoomBall

You and your team have to pick up the Doomball and hold on to it. DoomBall gives carrier double damage and no cool downs on E and Shift. Though it makes them take 25% more damage from players, and a steadily increasing damage over time debuff.

Game last 5 minutes and the objective to win is to be the team that held it the longest.


reminder if you die tonight you're not a hero and are a failure to your homeland


So I guess my point stands either way?


Did you kiss any cute overwatch fans

What a cute name for a cute bird.

sauce on this anyone?

>saw this being drawn on stream

Could've done a better job with the zipper.

not lewd enough

People who post lewd Mercy or devil Mercy aren't heroes. Mercy is pure. P U R E !!!

>Hero animated short has that badass upbeat guitar bit at the end
>It wasn't played during the action sequence


>low on health
>walk into building to get health pack
>see this standing in your path

wat do you do?

You chose one of the cups, tracer or widow, one lucky person got the collector's edition, and then you watched all the cinematics you already saw. The worst part was they hyped up the last one a lot and it just turned out to be "Hero". A few people actually booed at that in my theater.

Ivanka looks a bit like my BnS character

how was the panel?

I NEED that fucking song, right now.


I'll say no

You lying Swiss slut.

how do you get access to that game?


I ain't even gay

Just google it and stop posting, forever.

Back off!


Blizzard sucks dick at making skins, most of them looked awful not not very epic to own


It's almost time for Overwatch, but more importantly, it's high noon somewhere in the world. Jesse McCree. Is there a better character than him? No, of course not, but do you know all you can about this erection confection? Here are five facts about Jesse McCree!

1. McCree is a cowboy!
2. Cowboys are cute!
3. McCree is the cutest cowboy!
4. I love him!

genji claimed

It was pretty good. They didn't say much that wasn't already known. A few cool things were Hanzo and Genji were based off of a sushi documentary and Symetra is seen as more of a villain to them. Other than that they just talked about what inspired them and how they all worked together.

What's your battlenet name mccreefactsanon

I can't say I'm too fond of the ranked idea. I really don't want to play such a short game with people going full tryhard and spazzing out over everything.

google blade and soul, it's F2P

I want to say headingsouth but i can't pin point it.

Whats the 5th fact?

Anyone have the mei wall meme? The one where she's smiling on top of a giant wall

The vehicle behind me got rear ended super fucking hard. Stop spooking me you fucks, I won't die before the Overwatch release.

I love you.

Game is only fun when you win though
