Well i thought you smart people might know.
Why wont he release his tax info?
Probably because he rounded up his income.
Clinton supporters really shouldn't talk too much about shady finances. You don't throw stones when you're in a greenhouse.
i cant stand the clintons. but i am also curious as to why hes not releasing this.
mabye its so he doesnt have to pay his taxes? idk, looks like youve got a mystery on your hands OP
>1.000m rubles. From V. V. Putin. Mossack-Fonseca Bank.
No but seriously think it's because he's overstated his net worth. The irony is the media exposure that this presidential campaign has gotten him means that his obviously overstated 4bn in licensing fees and brand equity is closer to reality than it was 12 months ago.
i got you senpai
Fair enough.
He's a braggart by strategy. If people believe his high valuations, they come true, like this user says:
>Clinton supporters really shouldn't talk too much about shady finances.
>Implying I'm not supporting Gary Johnson, the one true candidate of this election.
Libertarian is more Veeky Forums
ya but people in /biz probably would know more as to why he wont. Seeing i bet most of you know money, well maybe....
My guess is "Legal" tax evasion.
He prob has his money tied up in some tax haven and it'll tarnish his reputation with the Average Joe Workingman.
It kind of contradicts the whole "MAGA - bring labor back into America" thing if you don't even spend your own money to do so.
Another possibility is that he isn't worth anywhere near what he says he is like stated in .
Last guess would be that he knows it'll create more media buzz around him the longer he holds out and is riding this for more free publicity from the news outlets.
But this is just speculation, if you want idiots to fight over it with then go back to
It's not like it matters. The IRS already checked him.
He's always lied about his net worth.
Trump is one of the only guys on the Forbes' list to complain he was worth more.
People won't be as impressed if they knew how much he really made/is worth
As a CPA, I can make several educated guesses.
1. His Income claimed for tax purposes is small
2. This is in contrast to his claims of being rich.
3. Most of his income comes from book deals and television. So he in reality is little better than a Kardashian. He is famous for being famous.
4. His kids run Trump, Inc. and as one would expect from a 70 year old man, he has retirement income, but no real earnings from working.
>>Implying I'm not supporting Gary Johnson, the one true candidate of this election.
Hairy Johnson will never win though
cause he hides his massive TrumpCoin gainz
it would show that he donated large sums of money to hillary Clinton
>Most of his income comes from book deals and television.
What about all of his real estate holdings?
what income will he pay tax on each year from his real estate holdings?
do we even know what he still really owns vs. what has been moved into trust vs. what he has sold or assigned to his children?
Most of those constructions are relatively new so his share of the equity is probably quite low.
>4. His kids run Trump, Inc. and as one would expect from a 70 year old man, he has retirement income, but no real earnings from working.
This could be true, but just look at the guy.
I don't think he ever had any intention of living a quiet life.
Gives him free publicity + he has audits going on now
Releasing it will only hurt him, he may as well ride it out until the end of the campaign
If it's literally nothing, it just helps him
I'm too lazy to write the whole thing down so here's a good article for you to read: