I want to EAT Caityn's cupcake edition!
Also non removed OP image edition
Old thread hit image limit
Old thread: eyosongive.us
I want to EAT Caityn's cupcake edition!
Also non removed OP image edition
Old thread hit image limit
Old thread: eyosongive.us
Other urls found in this thread:
16 hours
I'm actually clueless how much damage Talon does in numbers without being able to see how much health an enemy squishy has to give a visual reference
But that sounds about right
This thread will just be deleted
>guys name is "the thresh god" or something like that
>playing thresh on opposing team
>i'm playing vayne
>my support picks annie
>i'm not keen on it but whatever
>just trying to farm and get strong
>annie keeps wanting to go on enemy
>i try to follow up her crayzee plays and end up dying
>thresh starts talking "i picked thresh into vayne" "you dont even have an adc because of me lol" even though he's not even doing anything and i'm just dying to ez, never landed a hook on me or anything
>end game lobby
>thresh says "what a god thresh" (or something similar)
>thresh says "honour thresh"
was he being ironic or are people seriously that far up themselves when they don't do anything?
why is illaoi so useless in every modo?
>Owning a glass table
she was just bad and built bad
is garen still super strong from his e damage? I thought it was supposed to be a bug or something
It's an imageboard. If someone wanted to delete the thread because I and most other people here want to post images, on this imageboard, I would question their intelligence.
>putting a tempered glass table together
>get below it to put the final screw in
>hear a small crack
>whole thing shatters in my face
Scary shit, this image triggers me every single time.
Thresh is the support version of Vayne.
I think you'll understand.
screen is shopped
Yeah, you are stupid i see, you can go to other boards designed for posting images only to seek satisfaction and attention
mm I guess so
I try not to be like that as vayne
>glass table
wood table is where it's at. No need to get all futuristic.
RIP in peaces until next URF, AP kogmaw, you beautiful dead bastard
user is captain obvious
Have you remembered to thank le birb lady of guaranteed lane dominance for getting you out of bronze, /lolg/?
it's suppose to work this way iirc, you hit E then cancel it asap but you can still get a couple ticks of damage out
Probably more since there could be some instability as the game launches. I'm anxious too but it really isn't a big deal to be first in the door.
Her build was fucking idiotic.
I've yet to play her since I resumed. I should remedy that soon.
Veeky Forums was designed as a site to discuss topics AND as an imageboard, modeled after a japanese website with the same purpose. The images often enhance the discussion, in many ways.
Even though this board in particular is technically to discuss certain video games, it's ignorant to say or think that we should VOLUNTARILY have a thread without images just because of some automatic limiter, when having images is the ENTIRE point of the site. Why else would images be required for the OP?
why do you have to pay for mastery levels?
small indie company
I really hate yasuo fucking tryhards
Shows you're dedicated AND 'good'
because champ xp based on grade wasn't properly correlated with actual skill with the champion and was really just a product of grinding.
>Probably more since there could be some instability as the game launches
I don't think so actually. The servers were fine during open beta when everyone could play it. There was maybe a couple moments of brief instability. But now only the people that have purchased it can play it.
The reason is works is more of a cdr exploit than a bug. IIRC, after the juggernaut update, they made it so his e refunds CD if its cancelled early. Not only does this essentially triple the urf cdr for it, the first tick of damage is instant and constantly resetting it is why it does so much.
billion dollar indie company
I can see why they might want to, but the concept that a thread is an "early thread" when the last one can no longer have images is ludicrous when this entire site is an imageboard. If the jannies think this thread is an issue they need some change in policy and to reconsider what they think this website is and stands for.
I'm trying to comfort myself because I got it through G2A and I'm worried I won't be able to play as soon as everyone else. I had never used G2A before and I know folks that have used it to satisfactory results so I figured "why the fuck not right?"
That's just a problem with the website.
It doesn't help when you make a new thread though because it's very likely to get deleted and the old thread comes to a crawl where eventually it'll have to be capped out to make a new thread either way.
If the Janitor could look at both threads that are up and say "hey this one's imagecapped, let's delete that one since it looks like they migrated over", but they often delete the new ones and let the old ones get capped.
The real thing to worry about is it being purchased with a stolen credit card and then being charged back weeks or months later.
>bawwww i sjitposted too many images of my imaginary waifus and now i can't post moreeee bawwww
You are the guys shitposting every thread, posting shit without any meaning just because
>lol best waifu
>lol best butt
>lol best this
>lol best that
>lol i want to do this with her
>lol i want to do that with her
Man, you guys deserve to be gassed.
Yeah, i can see a lot of game discussion with all the 'i wanna go swimming into lulu', 'tfw no kat gf; kat best waifu', 'post le butts pics', 'sona brests waifu', ahri this, ahri that, yordle this and that.. You see my point
And yet you're here ma man
Speaking of waifus, when are we going to get a void waifu who doesn't speak in screams and clicks?
That would be Malz.
Dude just RNG key frags, RNG champ shards and win lot of S games
Is she really as broken as people are saying? I bought this bitch a week ago and been playing her for a while and noticed I kept getting flamed by the other teams when doing well.
People saying she's broken as fuck and OP, which I hadn't noticed since I just play casually but I googled it and apparently she is. What makes her so broken? I'm not that good a player in general but I don't really feel overly strong when playing as her.
so now it's a product of grinding and spending money to get the dust you need
I've gotten 6 skin shards, 2 ward skin shards but just the one champ shard and i think that was from the starter box
>not a waifu
>He has to grind to get S ranks.
how is that blade supposed to hold in place?
actually first two games I played post patch I got both S's for Mastery 6 on my favorite champ, but I need to grind more games for more keyfrags if I want 500 dust, or spend $$ for keys and chests :)
malz is an excellent waifu.
It is a problem, and if it's a problem it has a solution, an easy one in this case.
If a thread is image capped and a new one has been made, just sage the old one. There's no reason to be OCD about forcing a thread to auto sage especially when (Like I've said) it's a site intended to be an image board.
I'm not trying to start a revolution or anything, it's just absurd that any other type of reasoning other than the one I presented would be applied.
Sure, a lot of the images are like that, but that's what makes this website and this board great. This site wouldn't be anywhere close to where it currently is if it didn't have these people to contribute to it. Whether or not they're serious about wanting to swim in Lulu or not, if they're just saying stuff for shits and giggles or out of random impulse, I respect them all as posters and they should be respected by being able to post whatever in-rule images they want. There is real discussion going on in these threads, whether or not several people are discussing said topic or just 2, or even 1 just asking a question or posting an opinion, it is there, and it is enhanced by images, which is the point of this website.
>annie gets destroyed by talon
>vayne tries to 2 v 4
>jayce is just bad
>janna can only do so much
>I go 2/1/1 and then suicide twice because it was over
>tfw gold 4 forever
only go for higher mastery if you have most of the champs.
getting yourself a mystery champ is better imo
1. people will literally always hate on infinite scaling champs
2. it's like having another ADC but they can't be countered in lane
3. high mobility
4. her ult is pretty ridiculous since it's basically "stay and hope you can DPS race me or run and get cut down".
5. people want to fuck the lamb, not get fucked by the lamb
I think the joke is that it would just stab you or flip all over and stability you in other ways.
Has anyone else been logged out of exhentai and can't log back in?
Help I think I'm becoming an autistic Lulu main
She's just so fun
For that very same reason they said that in the future we are going to be able to buy champion shards with IP.
New player here, I mainly play Vlad top and it's been going pretty well so far ( euw.op.gg
I've been playing DotA all my life (5k MMR), and just recently switched to League.
I have played with some guys from EUW Veeky Forums chat, so I have a decent understand of the game.
I've played top lane a lot, and I usually win the lane. I focus on farming as much as possible and harass the enemy with my transfusion procs as much as possible, until I can get in for a kill. When I do lose my lane, it is to either a tanky hero like Garen, who just doesn't give a fuck about my harass and just jumps me to take away a ton of my hp and leave the fray barely harmed, or it is to this fucking retard champ Riven.
I fucking hate Riven, I feel like that hero counters me on every single leve, she just jumps me with her stupid shield so I can't really damage her at all, stuns me and auto attacks me a couple of times just to jump away again.
I have no clue what to do against that, all I can hope for is that she pushes the lane under my tower so I can farm.
Now, what exactly do I do against the Garens and Rivens of this world? How exactly do I play?
I'm also open for general tips for playing top lane, as well as hero suggestions and friend requests for when someone wants to play / coach.
My point exactly, why did you have to post an image with your point? Does it help the point you are trying to make? Take a look at /v/, threads don't hit image cap because they actually discuss games (even tho they shitopst most of the time) without posting a fucking image that brings literally nothing to the conversation.
Here, have a +1 for the image cap.
I have 113 out of 131 champs, I just mostly got skin shards/ward shards/icons and I haven't spent a dime on the loot system.
They also said in the future we'll get solo queue at the start of the season.
Just kill yourself
Works fine for me
I feel you user
Unless you're an autistic top/mid lulu main though, you'll have to rely on your ADC a fuckton. Pretty much that and her terrible scaling is what keeps me from playing her more often.
don't waifu tho, pretty much pedo tier since she magically didn't age and acts like a kiddo
>tags selected
>tags shown
>play burning brando stan the man
>pushed into support because muh brando can support with furious burn puns
>Enemy Jihn talks shit
>beg for more insults as I violently masturbate and switch between nipples and dick
>ooooh awaaaooooowah Jihn I need more
>they got to our nexus
>still got some left
>more insults but I got crystal dildo of slowing
>throwing all my burning green slowing material at him and his sweaty tanky teamates
>I miss and he pushes further
>jihn I need more
>nexus towers down I land all of my abilities and peeps are poppin from passive stacks
>Jihn's teamates are pissed off and throwing more insults and saying things like "oh we let you"
>I cum furiously and take it upon myself to dominate the dominatrix
>Ults, passives, and stickiness
>more time passes and we are turning the battle
>Jihn's comments are lacking and I need encouragement if I'm going to continue
>we take the fight to baron and he is firing his Ult, I twist and turn and am too buttery to be hit
>towers fall and my lust rises
>all that's left is one ryze, he cannot escape my sticky web of sticky crystal dildos
>but his revive allows him to return and slap my nipple sticking powers away
>my allies of sticky nipple twisting justice are there and they conquer his sticky ass
>we win and I furiously twist my nipples
>jihn starts frantically typing out random shit before the nexus explodes
>S RANK BRAND, Jihn:"Bad teamates, blah, I wasn't ass analihilated.", some random box thing
>he leaves before I can cum
So how's your night?
I was just lite-memeing, didn't want my this shit to show up in my search bar later on
I play her top, mid, and support and also adc and jungle but only in normal blind pick
and she's adorable but more of a daughteru than a waifu tbqh
No not that, i mean that you selected game cg and misc and artist cg and yet doujnshis and westerns, etc.. are showing up
I have a tendency to post images with most of my posts even when they're not entirely relevant. Part of the reason I like to post in threads not capped out on images.
I dunked some people with Bard in ARAM then watched Captain America: Civil War with some friends. It was k.
It's because I didn't actually apply the filters, it's still showing vanilla page 1
You get more (You)'s if you use an image tbqh.
I do it too but only because I know posts with images are more likely to be noticed and responded to
I'm a (You) whore
gud stuff user,
you're already on the path to being better than 90% of the Lulu mains already cause you're not a pedo.
Would you date a Dota player?
11/0/4om Kass
What did I do wrong
Not a fag sorry
Yes, why not
That too. I'll admit it. Nothing wrong with liking what you're saying being read and replied to.
I have a tendency to pass over posts without pictures if I'm not entirely bored.
When is Malz going to get an in-game VU for all his skins?
When is Malz going to get a new skin?
What the fuck? I've never seen this skin before. Is it rare/good?
something something cass skins when
you let a bunch of shitters soak 4 kills' worth of gold that belongs to you.
Probably CS. Maybe your team was doing really well statistically as well and the average S tier kass player on that team would have done better.
If you like math, youll like the skin aswell
anyone wanna level up a new account with me?
IGN: marlon bardo
NA server
I have a lv 30 account unranked that I just got to 30 today. If you're fine with it I'll play. Not tonight unfortunately because its 4am. IGN relisethebeast
What about a HoTS player?
I really don't like the idea of dating a mentally challenged chick.
That's a legacy skin, you can tell by the icon. They are basically epeen skins.
What champs have perma hard cc in urf? I tried doing it with fid but I can't get them silenced long enough to fear again. Can blitz perma knockup?
I don't know, she's probably nice, likes simple things, and she won't get mad or rage even if you do things like steal her kills.
Only if you main and cosplay Hammer.
Play the cow.
Never die
Don't let them do anything.
Heal forever.
>Make big post about how I need some help with getting into League
>Get ignored
Guess I'll have to try Reddit for the first time in my life.
Assuming equal skilled Vlad vs. Riven, Riven has a big upper hand in that matchup. I'm speaking from the point of view of Riven. Her shield-dash hits a sweet spot where she'll be able to stop at least your Q damage and from there she will get to combo you with her last Q knockup and W without you being able to say much about it.
Not to mention your pool's cooldown at level 1 is almost half a minute iirc, and takes a good chunk from your own health. If you fuck up early and blow your pool she will have kill pressure on you as well without even running ignite. If she hit's level 6 and you position yourself anywhere within range of her combo a good Riven will kill you. Riven's ult missile speed is slower now but even flashing can't save you sometimes from her Ult execute.
If you play draft pick and you see Riven I'd suggest picking something else like Garen or Renekton.
Your best bet is to get a read on when she's likely to just go for her own creeps and CS or motion towards creeps and back out to bait her Qs. You're also gonna need to either push her in really hard and force her to miss creeps for getting to you and taking creep damage, or let it push in so you're not so boned if you don't have W up in the middle of the lane. In the context of a teamfight you'll be pretty useful so it's not the end of the world if you chill and lose a few CS.
One last thing is that since you're pretty new you should try and play Riven and Garen yourself if you want to get a better grip on what your bad matchups are all about.
>it's a duo calling bot together and then completely feeding episode
No shit, I have the exact same table