Tree of Savior General - /tosg/

Previous: TOS Info: (embed)
This includes more detailed information, as well as tools, resources, patch notes and official links.

>What is Tree of Savior?
Tree of Savior is an action MMORPG with a lot of classes, cute hats and autism grinding.

>Can I play the game now?
This game is now out everywhere!

>English patch for kTOS

- kTOS - Server : Vakarine (Upside down "A" in gookspeak)
- iTOS: Klaipedia (NA), Fedimian (EU)

>Official Translation Project -
Helping in the translation will speed up international server updates and remove unwanted machine-translated text. There are also rewards for contributors, further explained on the github page.

>Field Boss/F.O.E Timers
- kTOS Timer:
- iTOS Timer:

>/tosg/ Guilds info

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>consensual wardec

Whos ready for NOTHING TO DO FOR MONTHS because nobody wants their little 100k tower to die?

Why is the damagescaling on lower rank classes so bad if you pick them up later?

Any idea if they intend to fix this?

>/tosg/ discord

Please buy my hat

Yeah, I got to rank 7, nothing else to do until more content is released. See you guys in a year, if the game isn't dead by then.

>fix anything in the game

never ever enjoy your dead game t. IMC

what do you mean other games have % scaling, we have multihits here, everything is bad except epin multihits fucking epin epin my meme cuck friend also memesketeer can have 400% that includes the base damage epicn meme sin't it?

So lemme get this straight again, if I'm going Krivis, is the 3rd rank worth it? Someone mentioned Sadhu instead and someone also mentioned Druid.

Confirmed liar

Why do people want Shadowgaler card? Worth around 500k

More zaibas but you get a shitty c3 skill.
Sadhu's main source of damage is in c2 now.
Druid is a decent 1 rank

Dreamers Dream works so fucking well to the atmosphere of the coal mines because of the amount of weird shit in there, the arena is a dead place filled with skeletons, furnaces, chunks of coal, hopping crystals and rats. Pressure, whispering noises, random mumbling and some quiet screaming in the music fit pretty fucking well with this.

Of course this is probably 100% bullshit but the single fact that RO has a unique song for nearly every map beats ToS, because after you hear the same 3 songs in three completely different dungeons because RNG decided to shove those 3 songs onto your BGM track is kind of lame.

I wouldn't probably ever mute either games OST but in the long run with many many many characters, I'd either listen to something else or just replace ToS's music with RO's.

Why do you want krivis c3.

also sadhu2 or burst, literally the only worth spell they have is possession.

just because one dude use pakriti like snap doesn't mean it is a good skill, esp with the lag

Instead of the usual GvG or meet up, today Comfy went on a field trip!

One of our members had just reached Scout 3 and wanted to collect Tiger Mask, Shaman Mask and Pineapple hats. The whole guild decided to tag along. As it turns out, the more people standing in the spot of the scan, the more hats we receive! We ended up having a hat for every member and some member received extra hats too!

We hope that the other guilds here who have a scout 3 member can try this fun activity together and get the hats for the whole guild!

Or you know grab a bunch of friends and crash the tiger mask market. Either way.

Lose weight, go outside.

Isnt reri /rog/ clique?

Most priests follow what they preach.

>Worth around 500k
I'll see it to you for 3.9mil

Where can I get a list of functions that can be called with Lua?

What are the best lag proof DMG wiz choices? Not necro ones?

Thanks comfy. My scout is almost r3. Will do with my guildmates.

Because more Zaibas.

Honestly I just want to be able to support while still being able to solo relatively easy, no interest in pvp whatsoever.

Does that mean I'm rich now?

Pyromancer is the best for lag.

How much does a shadowgaler card cost?

That hat's like 5 mill retard.

>So poor i can't even afford potions and repairs for my equipment
>Two days till all my market money is available

Cut your own neck open

>Fedi 4$

Roll an alt/grind/ farm mats

> tfw Comfy looks fun but stuck in Varena

How does joint penalty perform in pvp? Can it be resisted? How easily can it be broken?

I'd suggest going cleric 2 -> diev -> sadhu2 -> druid 2.

diev is debatable, but cleric 2 gives safety attribute, more and faster cure hits (cure is holy attrib, never loses damage and scales better than zaibas, even if no flying and lose hits when allies stand on it), heal is good to aoe with (and good overall), diev allows 20% more damage output (and no better option than it), sadhu 2 allow possession which follow cure holy attrib fuckery, can aoe targets and cc them completely, which ALSO works on flying, and then you have druid that is bread and butter of any INT cleric.

I'm currently doing fine with this build, the only regret I have is investing in Fade since I was misled to think OOB dealt any damage.

More like europeans aren't entitled children and do not buy silver.

D-don't bully wugushi! maybe a little is fine

Waddup senpai, can I finally buy an Arde dagger now?

It's broken by range. You CAN use hangman's knot, which is amazing in PvP. It seems to randomly break sometimes, maybe people with dispellers can remove it from everyone or something.

Hey girl. Lets ERP in klai.

I don't do ERPing sorry.

>tfw this looks really fun
>Stuck in [spoiler[coffeehouse[/spoiler] where no one bothers playing together and we can't even find a healer for Saluus even though we got like twenty clerics

Why are people complaining that I'm Peltasta without Swashbuckling? I'm level 36, I'm not going to tank yet

come to klaipedo :^)

>tfw no pinoy on the way


Only shitters complain about swordies with no pelt.

You can mob and level better with it, genius.

Because its basically the only reason anyone takes peltasa at all. You should have 1 point in it by now anyway just as a mobbing tool for soloing

I'm already one rank into Krivis though, and I kinda like Zaibas, since it works well even with spiky ping. This also like the 4th Cleric I've rolled in addition to one aiming for Priest3 that takes ages to level, so I'd rather not have to reroll Cleric again.

Would Cleric2 Krivis2 Diev1 Druid 2 work then?

You could try to be more active and organize things too, you know?

just go cleric2 krivis3 druid2 at that point.

I wanna write an addon that detects when Double Weapon Assault is used and automatically changes the BGM to this

Now I just need to know which function plays a BGM (imcSound."something"()?) and how to detect when a particular skill is used by the player.

can i join

>I'm level 36, I'm not going to tank yet
What the fuck does that even means?

Is it impossible for an f2poor to get into Telsiai now?

> inb4 throwing money at a game that will be ded in a year

>all these free to players
>they have no clue how shitty the game becomes later on

I feel sorry for you but also wish I had your excitement and positive attitude about the future of this shit game.

kys Kirito

>Neither have Sadhu Possession

Just roll whatever you want.

Man, where the hell are the cheap 800s buffers on EU?

Why? Just... why? It's complete trash. It actually CUTS YOUR MELEE DAMAGE IN HALF WHEN YOU USE IT. My normal swings hit for 1700+ without DWA on.

Anyone on Fedi can get inside dungeons? I keep getting a "Please check after mission instance excess count" error.

I haven't done any runs today.

Telsiai will be open to F2P as soon as IMC upgrade the servers to support more players.

I'm being serious here and you should understand the implications.

fuck off /co/

Yeah, I've done both of my dungeon and mission runs today. Keep trying, I guess. Someone mentioned the same thing in shout chat earlier

>no cafri sacrablessing

You're the stingiest Corsair I've ever seen.

It's because historically dual wielding is bullshit.

This was a problem in Telsiai and Varena. See whenever you join a dungeon, it creates a channel of some sort, you can see it in your friend/guild list where anyone in dungeon is in channel 195, 174, 97, etc.

What's happening here is that there's too many dungeon instances and channels that no one else can make new ones and come in.

In other words, Fedimia is too full at the moment.

fuck off neet

Hello darkness, my old friend.

Do parrying daggers and the like count as dual wielding?

Thank you, I'll try again later I guess.



It's actually pretty difficult to even get it to fucking work most of the time, and the added slowdown on melee attack with even just Sacrament makes it almost impossible to get the multiple hits in a row.

>they fling shit lets also fling ours back!
you need to be approved by the mods to read or type.

>casts spirit chain
>party members complaining about physical link
>even though it isn't physical link
>casts the real physical link
>they all die

If you have the time to complain fucking look at the status bar.

Always know your swords

I just got another mana-mana recipe from the dungeon!


Why did you choose the class whose only purpose is to have pelt 1 or higher where nothing else matters, and not choose pelt1?

Fuck off discordfag. Its a great idea

Capyboi is pure leave him alone.

Here's the real enemy.

nth for Futureproof Xeni Crimson alliance

So never, because there won't be anyone left by then?

Even if they do, would they merge it with Varena?

fucker, give me one

But yeah, i know the feeling of getting the same stuff all the time. I'm swimming in isbality recipes

Started playing this yesterday. Art and music is great but is there always such a large delay on everything? Every hit takes a second to register.

Fuck off discordfag

t. SEA monkey

>kiss you softly

Those were almost exclusively used for sport and even then they were eventually phased out by single foil technique. Dual wielding is retarded.


isn't that proof that Futureproof is discord?



Help, the lag is getting stronger.

I don't think a merger would happen. The implication here is that it'll take a while for Telsiai to be open to the public, seeing how it's IMC, they need money to make servers more good and they're not making any money at the moment.

Xeni are good bois. I witnessed them rekking jinseae's reddit alliance with only 2 people. Since then I always assist them when they kill redditors and other subhumans (discord).

That's great, sweetheart.

Just picked up a Battle Bracelet. That worth anything?

Don't play on the SEA servers unless you're singaporean

>5 chronic Futureproof shitposters
>3 chronic Futureproof blogposters

At least 1/3rd of your guild are responsible, Lolipan. Wanna know the names?