World of Warships Admiral /wowsg/

Funland (7.2km AA spec) edition

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Old thread

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First for Eugen a qtest

First for QT botes

first for schizomati

1nd for subs in WoWs

I'm so glad someone made a new thread so we spew 740 posts of shit again.
Just kill this general for a month or two, surely some of us can survive without """anonymous""" interaction right?

>Being this mad over anime
I bet you're going to call me Anumati and pretend you know everything about carriers now.


>post doesn't mention anime
>weeb gets triggered anyway

Have a great day, okay!

pick your poison with the new and improved button choice. Now with more poison

Nice false dilemma there, I'll not press any of them.

Almost broke 4k cherry. Seems like there is a 7v7 modifier now. Anyways I'll upload video of 1v1ing a montana when I figure out how to add music to game clip ( forgot audio).

but if she loves me why would she wanna get fucked by Chad and Tyrone?

definitely red button, I wanna play spaghetti BBs

Second is fine, I guess. Modern boats could be fun.

i'll hit the green one just for keks as all the weebs cry and commit sudoku when they see their weebshit cartoon girls barefoot and prego with a black baby

>Can't do it on the real client

Shit player?

If you swapped out bongs for frogs I'd pick red

she doesn't want to, you're just too distracted by warships that you fail to notice the constant break-ins

Blue assuming that 50% are initial steal that don't apply in the future.

>can't do it on any client
Shit player?

>none of the options are worth shit

>modern ships

so everyones playing from the minimap overview and clicking on targets where to send his missiles and then switching over to the CIWS view to shoot at incoming missiles ?

I'm not the one convincing myself that I'm (((good))) on the public test client.

It's ok. This guy defends anu and justifies skipping hiryu and shokaku :^)

>Poorfags can't afford doubloons to free xp ships

>4100 xp left till Kirov

It's fine. I am poor because I need to skip to taiho just to sealclub in my zuiho :)

Just got muh hipper last night, what mods should I put on it? Was thinking rudder and accuracy

Imagine the thrill of popping countermeasure in time

rudder and accuracy
there are no better choices

So basically this, but super-impose ships

>ships tiers start with 60s era stuff like they did in Armored Warfare
>there will be a mid to late tier carrier with F14s on it


Red without thinking twice.

t. Spaghetti

I don't know how much longer I can hold on
How much better is Fubuki compared to Hatsuharu

So going over the least thread..

Aslain's mods can now get you banned? or turn your name into a shit colour?

>Wanting Rising sun flag on your ship will get you banned because people from Korea or China might be upset.

>Meanwhile in...

i thought this was a fucking destroyer first

SO shitters need to be put in their containment thread

But I live in a state where I can shoot trespassers

You can't just keep making magic bullshit to warp reality around when it isn't written in already

But if my shipfu was real I'd have no reason to ever play WoWS again.

shit false dilemmas you got there.

my fucking eyes

what is that, an iphone game?

Who do you think you can fool burger

Ironically there's very little difference with max settings since there's no anti aliasing in this game.

you can force AA you know

but that could get you banned )))))))))

Blue ez pz this game is ded anyway

Negatory, all you're doing is forcing it through your graphics driver options.


I haven't played much WoWS.
Can you really get banned for mods or is it like WoT?

You have just reached the edge of the world :^)
judge for yourself.

I've been hesitant to sign in because of it.
People just using Aslains getting banned by their new system.

I use Aslain's and I'm gucci, these people are probably hags aim assist users and wanna make it seem like they're innocent

>mfw i've successfully become a meme

They're not banning people for using the Rising Sun flag. They've said many times before that they don't mind people using mods to give themselves the historical ensigns.

Let's say I have a mod that turns my flags into, hypothetically, panties, will I be banned?

>5 kills
>15 hits
As expected of filthy sealclubber

Did the few IJN players just free xp from minekaze to shimakaze or something?

Is that Nelson-class?


me on the left


What skills and equipment should I focus on to achieve the best AA bote?

Starting US cruisers just for AA


>tfw german botes


Shchors is made of tissue paper.

BB is pretty easy and comfy

1st SA, BFT
2nd turret traverse speed
3rd more consumables
4th AFT
5th less detection range

>Modern ships

Overpowered Russians, the game

Kek, someone changed the green button accordingly to my suggestion.

>BB's which try and hug the blue line instead fall off the face of the earth

>Finish game in Ark Beta
>Random invite from someone
>Doesn't respond at all
I'm not gonna name you out of respect. But dude, don't be creepy like that.

Yeah, no.

The only thing Soviet ships are built for was to slavo their big missiles, and then maybe not die.

>Angling against Moskva doesn't work
>Railgun tier shell arc
>Super HE and AP damage
>"balancing" with shitty turning circle and huge size
>Except impossible to kill because it kills you first


>265,000 Zao games played

Kek almost two times as much as the other 3 combined

>Guy named Herbert_von_Tokyo
>Apparently he was reading this and linked me this
>Saw my name on page 2 and invited me to div
>Tells me in broken english that hes japanese
>Decided to play with him just to be nice


Hotel: Literally, the QTest.

I fucking hate this game.

It sucks, your team always sucks and sometimes you just cant win no matter what you do. But i just dont have the balls to quit. Kinda like life in general

>trying out my first ever carrier
>first game with it
>other carrier abandons my planes while the pair of enemy carriers double team and wipe out all our planes one at a time
>send my torpedo planes to help a battleship about to get attacked by two destroyers
>before the plane gets there one destroyer fires a single volley from its guns
>friendly battleship instantly dead

Welcome to our world.
Now imagine watching your entire team die while you struggle to save them.

What is fucking going on with that turret

This game is dead.

Now imagine youre in a Taiho going up against an Essex fighter loadout while half of the enemy team is aa specced US CAs, and at least 4 people on your team blame you for their fuck ups and spend all game yelling at the "noob cv"


Once again, Anumati is right.

>half of the enemy team is aa specced US CA
>fighter Essex
So the enemy has no CV and six of them are in memecruisers that have no range and shitty guns.

If your team still managed to lose that, they were probably bluelining baBBies.

Sounds like someone needs to put on her big girl panties.

t.someone who never play CV

Id pay good money to watch you play that kind of game.

fite me faggot

im not Anumati fampai

I know, I'm just saying that Anu has repeatedly stated that high tiers are unfun.

is accurate representation of the Asian man upon seeing the Yamato.

Is no very big, not like big American Man!

Just compare the armament of a modern Soviet cruiser with that of a modern American cruiser.

Ticonderoga class
2 × 61 cell Mk 41 vertical launch systems
8 × RGM-84 Harpoon missiles
2 × Mk 45 Mod 2 5-in/54-cal lightweight gun
2 × 25 mm Mk 38 gun
2–4 × .50 cal (12.7 mm) gun
2 × Phalanx CIWS Block 1B
2 × Mk 32 12.75-in (324 mm) triple torpedo tubes for lightweight torpedoes

Kirov Class
20 × P-700 Granit (SS-N-19 Shipwreck) AShM
14 × SS-N-14 Silex ASW cruise missiles (Ushakov only)
96 S-300F Fort SA-N-6 Grumble surface-to-air missiles (Ushakov, Lazarev, Nakhimov)[citation needed]
48 S-300F Fort and 48 S-300FM Fort-M (SA-N-20 Gargoyle) long-range SAM (Pyotr Velikhy)[2]
128 9K95 Tor (SA-N-9 Gauntlet) point defense SAM[2]
40 OSA-MA (SA-N-4 Gecko) PD SAM
1 × twin AK-130 130 mm/L70 dual purpose gun (2 × AK-100 100 mm/L60 DP guns in Ushakov)
8 ×AK-630 six-barreled Gatling 30 mm/L60 PD guns (Ushakov, Lazarev)
6 × CADS-N-1 Kashtan gun/missile system (Nakhimov, Pyotr Velikiy[2])
Torpedoes and others:
1 × 10 RBU-1000 305 mm ASW rocket launchers
2 × 6 RBU-12000 (Udav-1) 254 mm ASW rocket launchers
10 × 533 mm ASW/ASuW torpedo tubes, Type 53 torpedo or RPK-2 Vyuga (SS-N-15) ASW missile

As you can see, the Kirov has A LOT more in terms of armament, especially when it comes to close in weapons systems (30mm gatly vs 20mm, and 6 time as many of them)

The Russian naval doctrine focuses on fewer but more heavily armed ships, while American navy focuses on numerical superiority and being in fleets of multiple ships, with all their guns covering each other.

>1 active Kirov vs 22 Ticonderoga

"fewer" is an understatement lad

That's also because USN cruisers usually have carrier support. You know that thing that can take on an entire 3rd world country's airforce and win?

I don't know if active is the appropriate term....more like rusting at mooring with a dangerous radiation leak is probably more fitting

That still doesn't invalidate what he said

one is being refitted and one was just deployed recently

they look pretty sexy

No it doesn't. I'm just pointing out that USN relies on combined arms.

>Comparing a surface combatant to an Anti-air escort

reminder that if your ships weren't built by one of the nations in this image then you are the problem
I don't play DDs often and I'm usually terrible in them. But this pleased me