Why you niggers never told me you can trade forex using robots you coded yourself?
What have you faggots never told me?
What else can you trade using algorithms?
Why you niggers never told me you can trade forex using robots you coded yourself?
What have you faggots never told me?
What else can you trade using algorithms?
Fxpro has an advert about that, I saw it on Euronews.
>using robots you coded yourself?
Best way to lose a fuckton of money.
>huh duh, don't do X it's the best way to lose money
fuck off
YOU fuck off. You think you're the first thinking about that ? There are litteraly thousands of bots right now doing the same thing that you want to do, in a better way. Because you know, these bots have been coded by teams of paid programmers when you're shitposting on Veeky Forums while trying to learn Python.
same as windows, yet windows is garbage.
>coded by teams
that's not important, is about a good strategy.
>but you suck
what's the point of living then?
I did tho. Then got flamed.
>that's not important, is about a good strategy.
There's no good strategy you can imagine thanks to meme magic. You're talking about Microsoft using indians to code its OS. I'm talking about companies who can afford teams of mathematicians AND skilled programmers. You can't just wake up a morning with a great idea of algorithm.
You don't seem to understand how much complex it is. There are even some people running bots designed to make the other bots lose money.
you seem very negative around that.
do you have a personal experience?
Sort of. But with bitcoin. The goal was to make money with micro-fluctuations. I learnt that I wasn't the only one doing that and that there were bigger fishes. Though I only lost $20 because I didn't put all my money in the hands of a program.
>implying anyone here knows anything about anything
I dunno, it all seems like a cool videogame.
a gambling videogame, but is better because it depends on your skill.
also, fail a lot, fail quick and move on.
don't give up on the first failure.
I want to know what will happen if I wrote a scalping robot making a few cents per trade of profit but doing it every minute.
The goal is to risk 1% per trade.
even if they're just few cents, it'll be fun.
There's no real skill in trading, you can't just be a smart guy and become rich. The market is influenced by external events but in the end it's all about luck. If you're very well informed at the second something happens, you may win some money - not really enough.
The only way to make money with forex is to be a broker or some kind of coach and make dumb fucks think they'll become rich because they're clever guys.
I don't think you really understand what you're talking about. There are only two types of risk within the markets, systematic risk and unsystematic risk.
Now systematic risk is the risk that is inherent to the entirety of the market or market segment. This risk is undiversifiable because it happens to the whole marketplace and, as such, there are no securities you can place inside your portfolio to mitigate the risk.
Secondly, we have unsystematic risk. This is residual risk that comes from the specific company (or industry) that you're investing in. This is like political & legal risk or bad management. This type of risk is actually diversifiable by placing securities in your portfolio with a minimal amount of correlation to the securities you already own so as to offset returns outside of what is expected and mitigate losses.
If you think for a second that, "you can't just be a smart guy and become rich," then you'll be broke and stupid forever. Do more research.
We use a stochastic differential equation (like the kind used in thermodynamics) to isolate the two types of risk and mitigate the unsystematic risk.
gotta ask this.
what are some tips for a newbie?
I want to do scalping of the forex market, my goal is to make small amounts per trade.
You can trade almost any security using algorithms. There's a pretty robust retail equity trading scene.
Using algorithms or just old-fashioned trading?
I want to try the visual builder of some webpage (forgot the name) and use a demo account of metatrader.
Honestly it's all about speed in the HFT game. A quote from an ex-Lehman Brothers managing director goes, "there are three ways to make a living in this business: be first, be smarter, or cheat." Interpret that however you'd like.
is there a good resource to read on this?
I want to know the most before doing the real deal.
I think that's true to some extent, but it definitely depends what your goals are. If you want to arbitrage the market, then you absolutely need speed versus all else. If you're looking to make winning trades based on signals, speed is important, but signal identification is critical.
Not true, you can make strategies with daily or weekly time horizon. HFT are fighting on microseconds and you should not try to compete on that scale.
Fuck off you underage faggot
>scalping robot making a few cents per trade of profit but doing it every minute
how do you program something like this into your robot?
and that's just one example of a lot of things that are going to move price in a direction that you can't predict
if you really are serious about learning forex this is decent place to start-
demo trade at least six months minimum. you should be able to make at least five profitable trades in a row consistently before you even think about using real money.
Because despite you may believe, this board is very entry level even when it's right.
Wait until this nigga sees Interactive Brokers' APIs
we're hitting automation levels that shouldn't be possible
this board is closer to a mid-hid end trading forum