Miss Fortune edition
Best cowtits
Best contest winner
Old: eyosongive.us
Miss Fortune edition
Best cowtits
Best contest winner
Old: eyosongive.us
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Tentacle Smash (Q) now slows all units hit for 30/35/40/45/50 % for 1.5 seconds.
Harsh Lesson (W) now deals damage equal to [4/4.5/5/5.5/6% (+2% per 100 AD)] of target's maximum health from [15/35/55/75/95 + 110% AD]
>people actually think Irelia and Jax will be relevant with the "OP TRINITY" when Illaoi is there
>try to play veigar
>do well
>doesn't matters because bot fed 0/6 and 0/7 in 14 minutes to the assasin/enemy adc
>read MF won
>it's ganguro garbage
How the fuck do you guys manage to fuck up the best girl in the game?
is fervor considered an on-hit effect?
Does it work with rageblade?
>1.5 slow
>only her q
>which is a bitch to land on anyone that's not a retard because of how slow it is
stop the fucking presses
reminder saying resistances have diminishing returns is like saying AD has diminishing returns
yes and yes
Just got Kindred. How do i git gud?
Hey guys, I've got the first artist lined up, and they want to tackle the Karma /ss/ option. Here's their gallery and a couple of things they've done for me to give you an idea of what you're in for:
>Q out of the range Illaoi's q
>Continue going to pound town on her
Uh, the Q isn't hard to hit but the big thing is the % max health damage.
>be an ACTUALLY good Taliyah player (in comparison to basically everyone else)
>mfw reading this dumb ass argument
How can you claim you're good at a champion and then immediately spew minsinformation?
Regardless that's a big ass slow. For comparison Tahm is 70% 2s and we all know how insane it feels.
It should make her pretty decent
>good taliyah player
>still cant win more than 35% of your games
>ganguro garbage
She's just tanned with a tattoo, I don't think it's too far from the original
But I have a 60% winrate with her
she needs a little buff
something like one second off rank 1 tumble, scaling down to the current 2s, like 5/4,2/3,4/2,8/2
I read one of you say tristana is a less bursty caitlyn.
I don't understand, I'm a cait player and I'm trying her out (because those splash arts 2cute) . She does her full combo in the lapse of 4 autos, I'm having a blast with her.
Why the low winrate and garbage reputation right now?
Good fucking pick, contestguy
Fuck Vayne, true damage of max HP is bullshit and should be removed.
No. Fuck that true damage shitting whore
>social Q
cant play whit my friends because I only played ranked 5 whit them last season and now we are in different leagues.
ty riot.
No all she needs is the itemization to be changed cause botrk is expensive
I like it I like it
The only sad part of Karma being in second place is that we won't get delicious brown, but the /ss/ makes up for it
no, she 100% does not.
tanned is only fine with tanlines
tattoos are absolutely revolting
bimbofication is a scat-tier fetish
no bush is terrible
2/10 with the 2 points being because mf is great
Rageblade is probably the answer
Have you remembered to thank le birb lady of guaranteed lane dominance today, /lolg/?
ayo contestfag I wasn't around yesterday for the closing ceremony but thanks for the contest man, shit was tight
>47% winrate while being the second most mained AD carry with 100 games of exp on avg
she is utter shit right now
>Giving people a reason to play Vayne
Fuck off
Only koggy uses it anymore and it's not as 1st for sure
I don't get it! Better wave clear, good (but not great) escape, fast and bursty combo, I'm loving trist and I don't get the low winrate
How do you win games as Leblanc?
I feel like it doesn't matter how well I do, even if I am stomping lane while constantly ganking, eventually the enemy team will just buy 2-3 banshees, group up, and we lose.
Lategame I try to get behind the enemy at snipe their squishies, but that requires the enemy team not warding properly.
popular champions have always been and will always be dragged down in winrates
Lee has been A tier or above for 4 years and his winrate has not always been above 50%
Nidalee and Kindred are beyond broken but their winrates aren't that huge
Lucian is busted as nuts but doesn't have a huge winrate either
xth for Cute Vi
Monday Edition
>insert here random yelling about the contest being rigged because my champion didn't win
>insert here claim that I'll never participate again (even though I'm already thinking about the next one
I don't like bimbofication either but have you read the full suggestion? It's not really bimbofication
>you will never blast Flight of the Valkyries every time you leave your lane to rape someone once you have youmuu
>get LB main on my team
>builds FQC and cdr boots
where is the damage
Her base attack speed and scaling feel like shit until you complete a zeal item and have like 3+ points in Q
is the only way to 1v1 irelia, to buy a qss? cuz in my exp what happens is she stuns you for (2 sec at max rank) and the dps she gets during that time is enough for her to pound your ass
kindred is 55% wr nid is 53% broseph
lee is a pretty difficult champ
lucian has like 54% wr with the korean build and 53% in general considering all other builds
besides these champs see pro play and shit, vayne doesnt
you could say leblanc has low winrate okay but she is a very competitive pick and shit
but vayne isn't represented anywhere, mains dont have good winrate on her, her low elo winrate is atrocious, her high elo winrate isn't much better, otps play her much less now, she hasn't been picked in competitive in months
she IS garbage right now. now if you think she deserves to be garbage that's completely different, but she isn't good whatsoever.
Dont hit late game
Rageblade is core on Vayne.
Trist has a low winrate because she loses to lucian in an all-in and she can't stop Ezreal from getting his midgame powerspike, and those two make up for about 80% of the ADCs in ranked.
I want to slap whoever came up with bimboification because bimbo is totally the proper descriptive term here but it's not a /d/ tier bimbo situation
>47% winrate is a bad winrate
Anything betweeb 45% and 55% is a healthy winrate, and given the fact there is so many "vayne maynes" out there who are shit on her, but play her anyway because "muh outplays, muh % health true damage will let me 1v5!" its understandable its on the low side.
those are not high enough compared to how broken the champs are
>even asking for a fucking preggo version
it's as bimbofication as it gets
Best girl.
Best box.
Best wife.
is guinsoo->runaan->swifty->BT->dominics a good varus build or I meme'd up it too hard?
Preggo version would be stellar
>no makeup
>no progression
>no body modification
>no mindbreak
Shut the fuck up
Like said, "bimbo" was just the way it was written in the short description
Why do i feel like when i play a burst mage i do no damage but when other play burst mages they get me to a slivir of my health/dead with one combo
47% wr among skilled players while being a high skill champ played mostly by people with lots of experience in her is not a good winrate
considering how mained vayne is she should be at around 50% winrate
Wow, if that really is everyone's gripe with her then what the fuck ever, get a static and max your e first and you got one of the fastest adc waveclears aside from kog's bullshit
just get ghostblade and new triforce
No damage til your 4th item is a major issue
It's the other way around you retard.
If ahe had a low playrate and low winrate she would need buffs, but her having an extremely high playrate and still keeping a near 50% winrate means she's ok.
It would be more worrying if she had a high playrate and a 50+% winrate.
>contest over
>think thread will be cured of cancer
>still cancer
how much longer until the infestation is gone?
>>no makeup
>>no progression
"MISS FORTUNE and Ahri, after countless weeks of pure, nonstop partying and sexual action in their vacation, finally give in and turn into insatiable bimbo sluts"
>>no body modification
what are tattoos
>>no mindbreak
"finally give in and turn into insatiable bimbo sluts"
>wake up
>still no super galaxy skins
what the fuck are they waiting for?
>wake up
>still no Super Mario Galaxy 3
what the fuck are Nintendo waiting for?
Jax(more specifically jungle jax) is literally an unplayable piece of shit right now, his itemisation is so fucked.
47% is not near 50% at all
second of all playrate matters but experience matters even more, that 20% pickrate is not people firsttiming vayne it's dedicated vayne mains playing her
>Muh skill
i don't even fucking know if guinsoo is a 1st item on varus anymore, it was good before but haven't tried it myself yet
instead of dominic's just keep that 4th one circumstancial
>people are unironically suggesting rageblade on tristana
what the fuck is this meme?
> that comic
Wow, Garfield managed to be actually funny?
>that fucking preggo mei with swollen, lactating nipples
Are you sure you don't want to give him MF's? Also please don't forget the nipples on the preggo version and thanks for catering to my disgusting fetish
Stupid question
But what does it mean to rooroo?
I was watching Aphro's stream a week ago and he said his team was roorooing
what the fuck is supposed to be hot about preggo? legit question not flaming you
It'll die down soon enough user, just give it time
why is corki so shit?
It used to be him and lucian as the top 2 marksmen at some point, right?
user is just late to the party, tristana was pretty great with the old rb and someone doesn't play adc enough to keep up with the times
Next patch user.
I want to cum in Vi's dick cruncher.
10% damage nerf to his passive
Gotta love rito for shoving their cock up his ass because he did damage. The nerfs to his kit during the rageblade madness were completely unfair
I asked him which one he wanted to do and he picked karma, oh well.
Vayne mains that are mostly complete retards and a lot of them too.
She's the second most played ADC and you are surprised that she has sub 50% winrate?
deserves it
he's a training wheels champ for newbies who want to click to win
I want to tie Vlad up and make him come on his own face.
You mean on vi's dick?
She's futa user.
Janna gutting when?
the description literally mentions they become bimbos you dumbo
Not that guy, but it hits some spots for me
One is the whole fertility thing, you know that girl is healthy and fertile
Swollen tits and lactation are also a plus
And then there's either the love (fucking her husband while pregnant cause she just can't get enough of his dick) or the degeneracy (still having sex cause she loves the dick too much to give it up just because she's pregnant)
fuck off with your futa memes
vi is a girl
She's swinging salami.
>Hue hue play sum1 with some skill faggot!
Why does this meme still exist when champions like Caitlyn still see pro play?
not only she has a dick but it's probably the biggest human futacock in the league (Sejuani right behind her)
i don't accept the "all vayne players are magically worse at the game than your average player" argument as valid
because zed, riven, yasuo players share the same (and in many cases are the same people) reputation as vayne players and those champions all exhibit similar dedication numbers to vayne except they perform much much better. we can discount zed since he is hilariously overpowered, but riven and yasuo are in ok spots and both are played mostly by mains with tons of games of experience and both are above 50% wr
vayne is not good at all, it's not a skill thing. or rather, it is a skill thing. the only way vayne really wins is if she's straight up better than the opposing AD, because vayne is almost never a good pick
>Stop playing near mage rework because I'm tired of Riot making every champ they release/rework underpowered or broken in such a way that another rework is required.
>See Taliyah.
>Underwhelming abilities combined with a 0 damage ultimate
>Looks shit but maybye I'll be surprised
>Wait almost a week and check winrate
Yeah that sounds about right. Who knows maybe Riot's next champion can beat out Bard for lowest win rate on release.
why is NA always the last to give up info on rosters? like we literally know all the eu rosters but not na whats up with that
vi is great no matter what is between her legs
bbut you can convey fertility with wide hips and big ass bazoongas, and girls can lactate without being pregnant
i dunno i just don't like swollen bellies i guess
Yasuo and Azir had worse winrates.
Why is she so fun?