/bdog/ - Black Desert Online General

Elves are for __________

>What is BDO?
Black Desert Online is an MMORPG by Pearl Abyss that was recently released for western audiences, with additional changes. It's a sandbox MMORPG that features action-oriented combat, open world PVP territory control, trading, player housing, and more.
Info from the site: i.imgur.com/r7VvB6h.png

discord.gg/0vYcIJNhxt5cd4pK (join at your own risk)

>/bdog/ guilds


>Maps and nodes

>Useful Links
Wiki: blackdeserttome.com/wiki/BDO_Tome
Database: bddatabase.net/us/
Skill Calculator: blackdeserttome.com/calculator
Class Armor Sets: wodox.imgur.com/
Else: Google it before posting

>BDO KR/JP info + differences between NA/EU

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What's a decent amount of luck for your worker when going for ultimate weapon/armor upgrade?

Was actually thinking of playing a sorc.

Muscle girls motherfucker, it's the name of the game
Crowds are wild 'miring cutz, we're the meatiest thing
Nolegs crew representing, yeah I'm up in this bitch
Talk shit about my delts I'll put you into a ditch

Holy fucking shit this is just incredible

I used this guy and got my yuria to Ultimate in 1 attempt.
RNG is gonna RNG but he was the highest luck i had

Former guildmaster of here. Me and the 3 other people that were in are looking for a guild to join. We are on Edan.

Anyone recruiting?

IC is the only guild left


Cheers brah. Nothing like some rhymes on a dime, took me up some time.

Sorcs are the coolest. A class using the powers of darkness and attacks named Abyssal Flame and Bloody Calamity and all the others is unironically the hottest shit. My inner 14-year-old squeals in delight.

>tfw you'll never be raped by a musclegirl futa

feels bad man

I know that feel

Why is this thread so full of degenerates

IC is just as dead as every other guild. They'll be completely dead once node wars come out and people want to do that group content. A good amount of their core already left for other guilds to do just that, and the old guild leader even quit.

It can't be helped. I'm a mentally ill homo that wishes they were a girl and wants to be tied up and choked and slapped and used like a $5 whore.

degenerate THIS

20 actives, 15 core members.

>tfw she'll never punish you by ripping your robes off and throwing you into the dungeon with the khuruto prisoner

why live

Isn't that down from 30 members to just 15 active?

over 17 is good

there's ITC
YC merged with them recently

join sardine

It's already plenty degenerate on its own thanks

we still have over 30, just that 20 log in every day.

I'm clearly talking about your character, and not your shitty rhymes, dyelbro.

let me imagine you were talking about the rhymes you cant tell me what to do

>replying to ME with an image different than a muscle waifu

What the fuck kiddo, you wanna die?

right here, no armor no food dds only

Keep playing with fire and you'll get burned, buddy.

My char's 132 combat bro. You don't wanna test me, thats fo sho.

I play on Owen Calph 2 and want some RP. Are there any other hot spots besidrs Heidel inn?


No or probably Velia.
If not just join a guild or stop RPing at all. RP is for degenerates.

Come on man you can't post a couple of muscle waifu images to tease, and then stop. You either do a big dump or you don't start at all. That's just not fair.


Is this the good valk build guide? I haven't played in a couple of months, and came back to my build all fucked up and with 32 extra points. I don't know what happened at all.

The less this faggot shitposts with his disgusting tranny avatars the better

Even Eppu was better

Literally not a tranny, and when he doesn't post face it's not avataring at all. It's just sexy. Eppu is cancer.

>when he doesn't post face it's not avataring at all
that's not how it works
an avatar is a character/image/etc regularly attached to a person's posts which makes them recognisable and creates an 'identity' for the poster
like if I were to post cute girls in scarves every post it'd still count as avatars even if they were all different girls and from behind, it's the creation of an identity that qualifies it as an avatar

There isn't anything wrong with being transgendered user.

I see your point, but it's still different and not nearly as bad. It's just a muscle fetish.

But if you are a faggot trangendered baiting other for more attention then a real female its fucking disgusting.

What did you even try to say here?

Hello deer, you're wrong and a faggot.

>hackers being unbanned
>game population dying
>unbalanced clusterfuck for both PvP and PvE
>awakenings not until much later
F2P soon.

>bots littered everywhere because its a AFKcentric game
>BDO becomes the next silkroad

Haven't played in a couple of months, noticed there have been several mob changes in patches and new areas added. Should I still be grinding manysha at 45?

Are there any Veeky Forums rp guilds on Calpheon 2 - Orwen, thats like, slightly active?

45 is Chimeras or Catfish

Shit, man, morning like any other here at the College.

I gotcha.

Because you think so, or because they buffed the xp/nerfed mobs there? Because I remember really, really hating these spots.

Fuck it I'm just gonna fap. Can't hold myself back any longer.

>Veeky Forums
>RP guilds


It was worth a shot.

How can you hate catfish? It's fun nonstop action grinding with lots of XP. Chimeras is nice too if you find the right spot, a path along the side west side of the mountain you clear one direction then clear back.

As for why I say so it's because they're what works best in my experience, as well as what guides I've seen say

Happy to help mate.

>covered in blood

i don't like this

Send help, which of these two outfits looks the least shittiest? I just need to cover up my silly fur armor.

Kibelius is the best. Karlstein still has that diaper, and Kibelius is still better.

Perhaps combined with le vladian underwear

Diaper is indeed dumb, but like, I like the leather appeal, but Kibelius is the better bet.

Already got Le Vladian luckily.

Especially if you can dye it a nice dark red.

Red's a great color, definitely my favorite, but imo white suits a dark-skinned character far better.

Can never find a catfish group and it's too crowded all the time. chimeras are just shit.

Well I went through with it, I still don't know how dye works or how to get a specific color, but yeah.
I hope I look alright.

>connection to server has been lost
>can't log in the game anymore

Come onnn fucking daum eat my big fat cock.

You can buy, let's say, a pack of 3 red dyes. That gives you 3 random different reds from the 40 different ones that exist. Not sure about white and black dyes though, might be you can only get those if you buy random dyes and not from any specific colored dye pack, which makes the chance of getting white and black infinitesimally small if it's so.

Oh, that sounds awful actually. That sounds like a massive money dump for just some dumb dyes. I think White will be okay...

You're right, white with dark skin's the best. I honestly just wanted to post a butt.

Looks good, user! I'd probably keep it white.

The way dye works though, is you buy dye boxes from the pearl store, which are categorised by colour, then you open the boxes and get the dyes, then you add the dyes to your palette and can use them (once per time you get that dye) to dye things

They really need to get rid of field bosses. The amount of money all these mentally handicapped Rangers get from spamming shot guns is completely fucking outrageous.

I'll keep it white also, no point in investing into dye, since white helps with my bronze skin. Not to mention I'll just dye it red with the blood of my enemies!

You got that right. If you're not too picky it's not absolutely horrible though, but still it's a crapshoot. Kibelius is the best in white anyway though, so you can save that cash.

I miss the gifting system back in the day, never forget 1 usd for 1000 pearls.

lewds of this plum when
she makes me feel funny


How do I even provide lewds exactly? I wouldn't mind helping you out user.

nude mod

I looked into it, it seems kind of a pain to install honestly. I'm not against it though, but wouldn't you agree that barely any clothing to be a bit more sexy?

Le vladian boob/butt shots are a good start

Butt shots are really hard, I need some tips on how to take them. Any suggestions?

Zoom in
Use arrow keys to position camera and mouse to angle
Press print screen


This famalam. It's not complicated

Alright, arrow keys, got it. Any other suggestions for good poses? I look forward to when I get /strech though

It's really easy to install

When I looked into it it seemed like a pain to me too. What're the steps to it and what does it fuck up when installed?

Use the resorep one

Regular standing is a nice pose, or mid-walk


Is there any way to store Letters of Repayment or am I stuck with them until I use them?


You can give them to me

I'll trade mine with you for yours.

I can't tell if I should abuse the exp event to level my 50 valk, or to get a sorc to 50 as fast as I can. I hate leveling so much,

was thinking about naming him "Hol_up"

So... are you still going to play this game once Overwatch comes out?

Okay I'm about to LOSE MY GOD DAMN MIND

>Stable can only hold 3 horses, and it has 3 horses in it
>I rode a horse over to the stable
>Can't swap the horse outside the stable with a horse inside the stable


Am I going to have to run back to my stable on foot to fucking take a tier 1 horse out to shoot it?

I love how shit like this is still a problem in the game. Same with full inventory stopping you from selling stuff.

the same reason you need 2 open inventory slots to complete some quests even if they don't have an item reward.

or you need an empty space in your inventory "for the money to go into before being deposited to your actual silver amount" when selling items to an NPC

Basically, because fuck you

I'll still be playing, Overwatch isnt a game you can just sit there and play for about four hours straight. You can at least do that with Black Desert, even if it's mindless mob grinding or erp.

Yes because I wont be playing Overwatch, a shit overpriced casual game made by a now shit casual jew company.