League of Legends General /lolg/

OT: eyosongive.us

Also thank you based Contest Guy for another contest Edition

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first for fuck you


3 hours.

Hey is that the new TF2?

I wish I wasn't so shit at Miss fortune

What is this?

I guess you could say its missfortunate that you aren't that good at her

what do I build on twitch after Runaans


It's best girl.

I want to lead my army to battle against Noxus. I want Bloodlord Vlad to be on the opposing side and I want him to cast some form of his ult on my entire army and cause my defeat. I want him to spare me, bend me over in the middle of the battlefield and pound me near the corpses of my brethren.
Then I want him to take me as a war trophy to his Noxian sex dungeon and do kinky stuff to me.

ghostblade unless you need botrk

>get khazix in ranked named after tyler1
>starts int feeding and calling everyone else bad
i liked watching tyler1 but holy shit his fans

isnt botrk trash

Ghostblade>Hurricane>IE then situational shit

>mfw only just found scofa's art yesterday
my dick is raw send help


noice new Kayle skin

its 2016 and hair animation still makes computers sweat or they just look like plastic shit.

botrk is still decent on twitch but unless they have a whole bunch of health it wouldn't be worth over ghostblade

Probuilds has Imp rushing it first every game and winning a lot. Maybe the armor pen is worth it

tfw you spin the wheel of rng and it lands on a bad team

oh well maybe next game i'll have the good team :^)

u wt

My bad, meant the constant attack speed. I never build that shit

>Your favourite champions will never get the lucian treatment and get untouched while being number 1 in their role and having 800% pickrate for months

feels bad

you've made your bed, now lie in it

I fucking hate Lucian, do I play Jinx

i got him again
ranked is heckie

wuxx went hurricane ghostblade IE at msi but imp still builds bork early in his games
who knows


did they just remove illaoi's slow on Q on pbe

the tooltips are all messed up but it doesn't display the slow

So in 3 hours league of legends dies?

I cant see why anyone will continue playing unless they are an underage poorfag or a professional player who relies on this game for a living

jinx was a top 3 adc from release until her rocket nerf years later even after repeated slaps on the wrist. she's good again with the buffed rocket, but just not lucian tier.

Lucian is why people don't think Jinx is strong right now.




Bean not /dunking/ OTP anymore?

i played overwatch a few times during the various beta weekends. it wasn't fun, even when i 5-stacked with friends on skype. league is fun with friends and sometimes even solo.

is this scofa? I fucking love that guy

Updated on the Silver I trouble

>Decide to attempt only Top and ADC instead of Support
>Die once in lane from a gank, but then farm really hard
>Get Go from 0/1 to 7/3/15 with our Gangplank going huge

Only sad thing is, I am now losing 17LP and only gaining 21 from wins compared to the early 24LP gain and 14LP loss.

Need some fun ADCs that isn't Lucian or Jinx.

>tfw would rather lane against trigger nigger than crackwhore of many cc

What happens in 3 hours


Glacial Storm (R) mana drain per second increased to 40/50/60 from 30/45/60


[Several changes, hold tight! Tooltip passive has been updated to include the damage increase it gives to Q]

Mark of the Kindred (Passive) now increases Q's damage by 5 per stack.

Dance of Arrows (Q) damage now increases by 5 for every passive stack.

Mounting Dread (E)
Damage lowered to 40/75/110/145/180 from 60/90/120/150/180
Slow increased to 50% from 40%
[NOTE: live value 70%]
Target's maximum health damage reverted to 5% from 1%


Pounce (Cougar W) damage lowerd to 50/100/150/200 from 60/110/160/210


Decrepify (Q) damage changed to 30/48/65/83/100 from 25/45/60/75/90
[NOTE: Still a nerf! Live value 30/50/70/90/110]

Ravenous Flock (R) healing vs champions lowered to 20/30/40 from 25/35/45
[NOTE: Live value is currently 30/45/60]


Threaded Volley (Q):
Mana cost lowered to 50/55/60/65/70 from 60/65/70/75/80
Worked Ground base duration lowered to 140 from 180 [need to confirm.]


Plasma Fission (Q) slow now decays over 1/1.4/1.8/2.2/2.6 seconds from 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2

Life Form Disintegration Ray (R)
Base damage lowered to 450/625/800 from 500/725/950
Now applies passive - Added to tooltip "Enemies that stay in the beam will periodically gain Organic Deconstruction stacks."

and more illaoi stuff

Best girl.
Best hair.
Best wife.

overwatch you dumdum

Jhin, if you aren't a scrub.

Yes me too, wish i could donate him for all his great works but im just a poor student

Winter Storm releases their Cooperative Outpost: Reloaded knockoff.

Twitch, fun to play peaty strong.

Sivir, Jhin, Ez or Twitch would be the safest choices.

They're going to have to make Illaoi like URF Garen before she's viable huh?

This desu. League has been WoW tier for years in the fact that there will be no "LoL killer", only overhyped memes.

>inb4 blizzard pulls another HotS

I nearly complettely forgot about him again as he seemed like a finicky champion to lane with.

He was one of the only champions I was honestly really hype for. He reminded me a ton of Sander Cohen.

I should definitely play twitch some more. Still Ghostblade into Hurricane? I was told he was weak in this current flavour. I honestly don't know why I stopped playing Sivir in S3.

The problem being making her viable in high elo is going to make her pick/ban in low. Shes already a bit pubstompy if top feeds her thinking they can 1v1 her once she has her ult.

>DOTAtards and Overwatchers swore League was a dead game
>Riot is about to pen a half-billion dollar deal with ESPN

fucking lmao

How do you get an S as support? I went 1/1/29

Did the 1 death fuck me?

>You'll never be raped by a muscluar Irelia
why live?

kogmaw a best

You want your champion to be like that? Not me, I would rather fly under the radar than be a contested pick

u need kills and cs

hehe xd

>pick a tanky support pls
>he locks in teemo adc

i mean alternatively you could just not do that but ok

Depends on the support and total game kills. Probably need more wards and cs.

>watching sneaky 5 man queue with ssw
this is the funniest shit I've seen all day

is there any midlander as easy and fun as annie

>tfw no one to play with
>tfw you just stare at the game client wishing someone would send you an invite
>tfw it never happens


cute champion when?

started playing zac as of lately.what should be my jungle route?i did stone bros>red>blue at first but im wondering if gromp>blue>red would be better

Life can be so unfair

I feel your suffering


> easy
> fun
Most are more fun

He is actually a fairly good laner. He may not have escapes from jg ganks, but just don't put yourself in that position. 4th shot and Q are dank poke, and traps really help keep enemy support from dicking around in bush. I've found that his weakest point is actually mid game, not early like many believe.

>build qss and banshees
>fizz still instagibs you through everything because it doesn't matter at fucking all what you do

epic fucking buffs
please make his fish targeted next
shit just make him press a button and instantly kill everybody under 2000HP

can someone explain me what the fuck are these Illaoi changes

Sauce, or more

You dia+ on NA? Will duo with you if yes

>Plasma Fission (Q) slow now decays over 1/1.4/1.8/2.2/2.6 seconds from 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2

>Life Form Disintegration Ray (R)
>Base damage lowered to 450/625/800 from 500/725/950
>Now applies passive - Added to tooltip "Enemies that stay in the beam will periodically gain Organic Deconstruction stacks."

ayyy now your ult won't be useless on someone with 2 stacks

the question is if it applies a stack immediately or not

>tali getting no changes that actually matter


Why is it the people that talk mad shit always seem to lose?

Is it because they get too cocky?

I just beat an Orianna that was raping me in lane after a few bad trades and talking mad shit.

>need more cs

that's what fucked me I guess.

thanks for the info


I want to go swimming in Lulu.

Add people then nigger

>tfw Kangz is shitposting even in my youtube videos

How did the match go?

i want to commit b&e's with lulu




they cleaned up her tooltips
that's it
there's no actual changes since the last update except the removal of her Q slow

I have people but they just play alone, no one invites me, i have like 50 people on my friend list. ;_ ;

>Miss Fortune's winning suggestion has a pregnant alt

So, you can suggest stuff and include the more fetish oriented bits to an alternate version? I didn't know that.

Next contest I already know what I'm doing for my girl Vi, adding a lot of nasty pink pubic and armpit hair to her alt

When Reaper is banging her maybe


>27 kills
>"why can an assassin still kill me"
Ask your mid laner, not riot

>this artist never draws noses on the chaarcters
>suddenly qt as fug tali

pls more of this artist on tali

>Anivia nerfs literally nothing

Aniva bros /ww/

There are alot of things that are strong but since previous things go unnerfed they continue to be unnoticed

Swains fucking stupid right now but once Azir is nerfed look who might be the new fotm

holy moley, is that true?? Is that just PBE or patch notes???

the firs one is the best but you can try other routes if you want