Fighting Games General /fgg/
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rly? c:
what's cfn
i want q bee to eat me desu
smelly smegma dick
Xth for our girl.
daily your waifu is shit reminder
The artist is retarded. QBee's face is just to trick people. The real eyes are on the head. They are looking up in this pic.
You're forgetting the part where Broski isn't an obnoxious secondary
Birdie is the god button that will basically never lose to any jumpin
nice to see a high IQ character as this thread's picture
post toppest butts
Brehs... I still can't get artificial Acadrmy 2 to work
In feeling suicidal rn
>""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""May""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" update
Her playstyle is dumb desu.
Reminder not to give Mika, Nash and Dhalsim players ANY points. Ragequit for the greater good.
>tfw laura just doing whatever she wants to me
why am I here just to suffer?
Why did Capcom make 3S Akuma so annoying
st hk isnt the best AA. Its good to catch people who want to lift off but its not a good AA at all.
cr.hp is better but you gotta commit so hard to that shit that its sorta scary to use. is just godlike.
I want her to cum on my face
Is Felicia good for a beginner?
I know his is good but its best for the crossup or close to crossup range
his other normals are better against longer jumps that birdies seem to let people get away with
that and I found that if you anti air with cr.hp you get crush counters and you can cancel it into a banana and get a free meaty mixup they have to wakeup into
>tfw random lk tatsu into mk tatsu into lk tatsu into mk tatsu into hk tatsu
is chipp easy to play
Every fun character in GG is hidden behind some bullshit execution barrier
Boring chars like Sol Ky and Sin are the only pick up and play easy chars
when this hits it does a forced hard knockdown state on the enemy, they can't air recover and you can cancel that into a banana
anyone want to play something on fightcade?
yeah, but he needs optimal combos to do damage and getting hit twice means you lose the round
Week and a half to see what kind of moves she has this time.
2k2UM donkey kick and chargeable fireballs plz.
>bullshit execution barrier
is SFV your first fighting game?
>laura just doing whatever she wants to me
sign me up desu
Sin is fun though.
probably why i'll NEVER EVER play a gg game, if it was worth dedicating my time to it i'd learn the game but no one is entering tournaments and online is dead
i don't care if it's alive in some japanese arcades i don't give a frick about japan
Every character in Xrd is boring as hell tho
yea, just teleport into DAIJOUBU
jack daily!!
As I've said, its something you gotta commit to.
Its slow in startup and I dont feel comfortable using that button against janky jumpins.
Its something to practice and get used to in long sets in lobbies I guess.
post 30seconds of you doing rashid safe eagle spikes, 1f links and v-skill juggles in a real match
help me jack off
Who exactly do you play?
Make yourselves useful and pick an alt character for me in SFV if my main is Guile.
kantai botesniff fightan game when??
>300-600 ranked wins off level 50
fucking kill me I just want that skin and go back to my lobbies
R Mika
>1f links
Funny joke friend
i wanna her footsies so bad
Do any Jack-O posters actually play her.
you can link his mp into mp but it's a 1f link
nice bronze post
*cums in panties*
is sin gay furry
i play stinky boat!!
How so? Doesn't SFV have an input buffer?
I want chou upper and sai ha
Her parents must be proud
I wanna sniff yuri's pussy
you have to walk for 1frame
This is literally the worst /fgg/ meme
kaphwan is the best character snk has. how do you make a character cool,strong,great va, make him the law bringer in lore, give him 2 sons and they turn out to be great
wheres the flaw?
i really wanna cum on her feet
Inb4 meme arrows but is Nomad in here rn? Ft10ing a necalli for $200 tomorrow and I could use some good practice.
One of his sons is named Dong and is a total loser.
>in here
its not an fgg meme its a brick meme
And I created it
They could promise everyone $100 and i still wouldn't tune in, every tournament so far has been run like ass
Of course its the next DLC char, its the end of the fucking month
It will die just like sniff chans and lewd reviews
>wheres the flaw?
Given the fact that Choi and Chang are back to being criminals in XIV he sucks at his job as a reformer.
>This weekend
There are worse desu.
>no reveal tomorrow
>making us wait until the weekend when we have to wait until after top 8 which is gonna be like 1am here
>will probably be an announcement of an announcement
GGs whoever just played me.
You are playing the game like Street Fighter.
you should focus more on starting your pressure instead of running away.
You should also start blocking on wakeup if you're not gonna do something with iframes.
You don't really need to fear grabs in this game, they give you very minimal rewards.
Would you deny Blue Rasputin if he were to lure you back to life of crime?
i'm in the discord
>playing not rushdown is playing like street fighter
why can you not play lame in anime
so can someone outline the typical options you have on wake-up in this game. I just got memed on by a laura pretty hard, do I have to wake-up jab to stop her dash > command throw nonsense or what
Im level 32. How many ranked matches left to reach lvl 50?
I need you Akiha
because playing lame is lame
because you haven't actually played any anime games or else you would know that you can.
Because that would resemble something that is not complete gorillamash and setplay
Because Minastir is a retarded diaper.
That's my line.
You can, but it's much harder.
Also you usually need to play specific characters.
You can play lame with Mech, Hisui or Ryougi.
Why do people hate Gouken? Every time I bring up the idea of Gouken in SFV, the reaction is always negative.
I enjoyed his playstyle in Ultra, and he's one of the most unique of the shotos
Block, invul reversal, 3f normals, v-reversal, jump/throw/block os, xx whatever (to stop shimmies)
that's about it I think. If she cancels her dash out of a blocked normal you can interrupt with jabs.
>constantly pressing sweep
You could say the same thing about Ken's dragon punch
Gouken's playstyle and moveset vary from the other shotos
yeah that was the first laura I fought, sorta felt like I wasn't hitting things enough or I was having 'nam flashbacks to dealing with Guy pressure in SF4 or something. thanks
Why would they try to sound mysterious when everyone knows it's the character reveal?
>sfv is dying because of boredom
>people still think capcom will release three charge characters in a row