Nami is the Best and Cutest Girl on League
+6 Hours Thread Edition
Nami is the Best and Cutest Girl on League
+6 Hours Thread Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
>when your teammate loses lane to someone they directly counter
grow up faggot
2nd for dead thread
Draven best guy
sfw male contest when
did this happen w/ HOTS?
>sfw male contest when
how about sfw contest when
I poured maybe more than half the votes into the contest leona won and it was ruined with excessive, tasteless nudity
>best woman
>best legs
>best bird
>best wife
>people think direct counters exist in league
this isn't dota2
How do i fight Taliyah as Fiora
Literally just kill her.
why not nsfw?
>Blizzard decides to deal with the "LoL menace" once and for all
>begins a multi-staged plan, inserts sleeper agents into nearly every echelon of Riot's bloated company
>each member is tasked with making some aspect of the game complete shit
>then, at the height of shittiness, release Overwatch
>rake in the casuals with lowered expectations and higher tolerance of jewing thanks to RiotSheckelberg
This explains everything. The abortion that was season 3 changes, community management and redditification by RiotLyte, SJW pandering by IronFaggot, rampant dudebro favoritism of champions such as Zed, meandering and nonsensical cyclical balancing, and a desire to preserve status quo "personalities" over new talent.
Blizzard played the long con and now its too late. So I guess what I am saying is
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums is up on NA
password is vidya
all levels and ranks welcome to indulge their masochism
anything that bitch is useless
>she uses her E>W combo on you and pulls you close to her
>kill her
it's that easy
>people think direct counters exist in league
They do. It's why 80% of the cast can't go mid if there is a Zed there. Or why 80% of the cast can't hope to go top if they expect a Renekton or Irelia.
If by direct you mean 1-to-1 then no. Riot prefers champs that counter literally dozens of other champions at the same time.
best girl
eight slots now remain
friendly reminder that nami has no waveclear
Because then its going to cater to either the couple gay people here or to the even smaller group of girls here. If its sfw then it caters to both.
Also it gives a opportunity for people not into guys to vote for their main/bro
>reddit fanboyism over reddit's epic dank meme champ
best girl
best game
Let's see what you faggots look like.
how is overwatch doing in chinese and korean streaming sites?
Overpowered is not the same thing as a counter
At all
stop it still hurts
Best girl.
Best thighs.
Best wife.
>Playing irelia
>Shit on jayce as expected
>Start playing overconfident, lose a few 1v2s
>Time to calm down and start grouping
>Our TF flames me out of the blue for trash talking and says in broken english (because he's a chinese subhuman piece of trash) he refuses to group and will split
>TF dies 5 splitpush attempts in a row because he can't 1v1 anyone on their team
>we're stuck at inhib towers lose elder and baron because he refuses to tp/ult into fights
>he ults from krugs into lane then flames team for questioning it
>we won and he says he carried when his 15 minute splitpush net us 1 inhib at the end
>spams "sb" and chinese characters in lobby
fucking chinese man they are so frustrating to play with
still eight slots remaining except someone got impatient so it's nine slots remaining now
all the "overwatch soon" kiddies are gone playing overwatch so possibly a different crowd
I'd like a SFW contest simply because SFW female suggestions are shot down every single time
I understand where he's coming from, strictly lewd contests are kinda restrictive for obvious reasons.
>Overpowered is not the same thing as a counter
What the fuck does this mean? Renekton in any other lane is much more manageable than in the no man's/no skill lane of top. There certainly are a narrow subset of champs that can deal with Renekton top (hell, a lot of them trounce him hard) but all the other possibilities are COUNTERED.
but how will you get votes for Draven, you don't play him
Why'd you break into your own mom's house and took a pic of yourself retard that's incriminating evidence
At least she has a home now, even if it means being chained to a radiator in some guy's basement.
If you don't understand the difference between overpowered and counter, I can't help you.
just like a lot of people in the contest, ill start playing who i'm voting for
i guess ill try out the tyler1 build
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
but qss got nerfed
Fuck off cancer.
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
I love Lissandra!
Swimming in Lulu isn't allowed.
Why arent you playing Overwatch !?
nine slots
nine people
monday night
there's a giant mosquito in my room oh god
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
>I'm silver
Its still fine, the only thing they did to it is that now you get fucked harder by assasins, which you where already getting fuck anyways, the removing CC part is really good because it allows you to keep criting their asses back to base/flash away where before you would just get comboed to death, the AD is decent and the life steal is welcomed, however you might not need it against low CC teams or agains heavy AD teams
I want to go swimming in dank memes.
Have you remembered to thank le birb lady of guaranteed lane dominance, /lolg/?
eight slots now remain again
>think to myself why irelia is riding the back of volibear
>realize new triforce on voli is going to be even better for him
Haha oh wow just kill me
Stop your creepy shitposting
>tfw everyone here is shit at league except me
no pls bandle don't get tainted by overshit
Why the fuck are people talking about Overwatch.
Go to the fucking overwatch general, jesus christ.
>tfw everyone in life is better here than you
Literally worse than the lulu poster
f u
She made the drawing when Mei (i beleive that's her name) was announced waaaaay back before open beta
eight slots still remain with a hint of canadians
I am just here for the shitposting. I don't know the overwatch shitpost meta at all.
They can't, the servers keep dcing or some shit
Well since you guys are talking about it, how many of you would actually play in a SFW only contest? I'm not all that against the idea- It might be a cool way to motivate us to play our favorites and gain elo. If there's enough interest, I might make that a future flash contest.
He has a point
They should be bringing adcs up, not tearing one adc down
Too bad.
We got rid of the problem that caused the team to underperform (still not me, stop suggesting otherwise)
Now I wish to come at you with a new era
eight slots stiiiill remain
with four spectators, one of which is a wimp that joins around 8~9 slots
I just tried to kill the big mosquito and slapped my hands really hard trying to get it I think I missed though now my hands hurt this sucks
How long does it take to get a email for how long your ban last?
umm... overbabs?
Everyone was like LMAO WHAT A FAT PIG when Mei debuted and then we got a peek under her parka and everyone fell in love
late xth for breast waifu
secondary xth for tfw you go flawless with a champion you haven't played in a while
I cannot tell you why someone else is posting it but I just do the one as usual.
what a fat pig
I would, but honestly I don't win that much :/
i don't fucking care, what does any of this have to do with what i posted?
in fact don't even answer that
>people call me a salt lord
I am NOT a salt lord.
I am an acid lord. I will eat away at your soul.
In fact, I'm more toxic than Hiroshima, Chernobyl, and Fukushima combined.
No one here wants to talk about the game in this dying general
The game sucks right now. No one wants to talk about their shitty normals games, there's no esports of any kind, waifu discussion and shitposting is viable but that's in every general. The game is just at a stale point.
I don't have overwatch but I would rather talk about that game since its new and fresh, rather than league that has nothing going on right now
>Has obvious arm/face fat
>Everyone continues to draw her as a perfectly fit with huge tits and ass and a tiny waist
Also stop fucking talking about Overwatch here. Fuck off, jesus christ.
fucking kill yourself
You said;
>no pls bandle don't get tainted by overshit
You're too late user
still eight slots remaining
four spectators, one or maybe two of which may join with slots filled
it'll only fill if you join, user
>not using Tomorrow theme
Shut up seibah
I love how NA's biggest crybaby thinks his opinion is worth shit.
Lucian is overpowered, but feel free to keep whining because you won't be able to abuse him for freelo anymore.
doublelift is a top 3 adc in the world though, I think he has a point.
>doublelift crying about how terrible adcs are every single season
>TSM traded Wildturtle for this guy
Then again this is the team that let Dyrus retire and let Bjerg shotcall, so I guess it's fitting.
>doublelift is a top 3 adc in the world though
I prefer overwatch posting to this overused meme.
seven slots now remain
haven't seen that mosquito again since earlier I think I disintegrated it by hitting too hard