>he didn't lightning spear Kalameet to death while walking backward slowly
Silly Aldrich
Ethan Stewart
DkS was a better game
Jason Allen
Michael Bennett
Jack Scott
did you fall for the hype?
Colton Fisher
Three superior games later and DeSfags are still blithely insisting that "DeS was a better game" Nostalgiafags and diehard fans will never stop being autistic
Hunter Gray
I don't think anybody's arguing against that.
Aaron Anderson
Adrian Green
>refined warden twinblades
Cameron Miller
>Deep, Abyss and Dark are all different
I can't take this. Some petty lords spend Eons making reality their bitch and now the world is teetering on the edge of three difference apocalypses.
Maybe it'll all work out in the end? Perhaps there will be so many doomsday ages surrounding the world that they'll all get clogged up together.
Kayden Parker
I would suggest you get some glasses user.
Gavin Hall
So I'm nearing the end of my first playthrough.
My weapon progression went Longsword - Dark Sword - Greataxe - Dragonslayer Greataxe
What weapons should I use in my second playthrough? Looking for something a bit more dex focused since I used greataxe fr most of the game.
Gabriel Moore
You're not wrong.
Wyatt Robinson
Kevin Fisher
Nah, they're all pretty similar. The Deep/Dark relationship might be explored more in DLC?
Charles Nguyen
thanks mate!
Blake Baker
The fire always comes back.
Ludleth proves that.
Also the Firekeeper says so.
Brayden Hall
>Join a fightclub >Rules were No estoc. greatsword, gotthard, more then 2 buffs, or tears of denial >Use ricards >get kicked out
Aaron Nelson
>Maybe it'll all work out in the end? It will. By killing everything that exists along with the First Flame and letting a new Age start naturally in the future, before Kaathe can get a hold of the current one.
Spear. Then Dragonslayer Spear.
Nolan Nelson
>bought deluxe edition at gamesplaned for $65
Matthew Lee
>even listing BKS or BKGS >thinking everyone won't just run the OP as shit BK Glaive or BKGA
Jaxon Jones
or they all combine and real elder gods start coming out
Juan Nguyen
>not black k***ht
Brandon Wood
>Point Up Afro pls go
Andrew Peterson
Didn't people already vote for the gladiator event?
I missed the latest poll, but that's what I heard earlier today.
Justin Wood
I thought we were doing gladiator.
Robert Kelly
The black knight event worked in DkS because you could actually invade a lone host. This will just be /dsg/ getting ganked over and over.
Carter Rodriguez
Josiah Cruz
lothric knight spear, any curved sword, dragonslayer spear, hollowslayer GS, sharp astora GS, all fun weapons
Angel Taylor
I'd love some more explanation on Ocelot and just what the black shit coming out of people and dragons is.
Brody Clark
>he thinks BKS isn't the strongest GS in the entire game
Owen Wilson
bks and bkgs are great and the most fun black knight weapons
William Phillips
that would be right if bloodborne didn't exist
Hunter Turner
>joining a fight club with rules u dun goofd
Ian Robinson
Gladiator event is fucking gay.
Literally and figuratively.
Adrian Sullivan
we make our own gank
with 5 k***hts
Dylan Russell
I like the layout. Needs location suggestions, though. Crucifixion Woods, Untended Graves, Kiln, etc.
Eli Ortiz
They censored the word knight?
Dylan Russell
Adam Nelson
Guys, is havel cosplay dead for real?
Isaac Sanchez
Anyone willing to trade their faraam set for a MLGS and BK glaive? PC
Henry Hernandez
part of knight is censored because of nig
Nathaniel Flores
just fatroll you big rocky baby
Aiden Torres
>Ocelotte All we have is that it's the Crown of Lothric's youngest, and that Oceiros adopted "unspeakable means" to produce a worthy heir. How that relates to being a child of dragons beyond just being a pointless DSII reference, no one knows.
>black things Pus of Man. A result of Humanity running out of control, but without enough concentration to spawn an Abyss.
Leo Price
They censored nig and it applies even if it is in a word.
Jaxon Walker
Which bosses did you feel really bad about oneshoting?
>Consumed King >Nameless King >Soul of Cinder
Abyss Watchers, Pontiff and Twin Princes were definitely my favorites, good balance of required strategy without turning into gimmick fests.
Levi Hughes
I'm a bully
Blake Williams
the true master of disguise
Eli Cook
PC dsg
Josiah Lopez
If it's in all-caps, it isn't censored.
Dylan Bell
Pus Of Man and Oceiros seem to be what happens when you get the Dark interacting with dragons.
Does anyone else still experience frequent crashing? It's been happening since day one with me, and after fromsoft "patched it" It just made the crashes longer and more frequent.
Evan Ross
>just a cross of Logan's apprentice from DS1 and the asshole from DS2
so original
Jose Hernandez
propane gs all the way
Connor Hernandez
Hunter Cook
Not Dark Souls 3 but I felt super bad oneshotting Gehrman. Fuckers roll attack was super easy to parry and he kept doing it.
Kayden Garcia
Are katanas any good? What about scythe?
I don't really plan on doing pvp with the build
Cooper Anderson
In fact, if it's got any capitals at all it won't be censored.
Jace Long
lorian's because he is my husbando
Charles Wilson
What's my best bet to finish people off in invasions on a STR build that uses a big weapon? A crossbow?
Did he spend the next 5 minutes rolling like most people would
Tyler Cox
Monday nights are pretty dead, huh.
Joshua Gray
Magic Buffs in this game
Blake Foster
>A result of Humanity running out of control
Why does it do this though? Could it be without a strong enough presence of 'Fire' that Dark is too unstable for a human vessel and the inherent negative emotions of fear/anger/want/ect?
i wear a silver knight set, main a shield of want and red hilted halberd. im working on getting a dragonslayer greatshield too
what should i continue to level?
Anthony Richardson
Pontiff Sulyvahn
Greataxe just melted through him.
I barely saw any of his moveset, but what I did see looked super cool.
David Barnes
Left hand thrusting sword, or throwing knives, or khukris, for rollcatches
Oliver Flores
Resins if you have shit for FTH/INT Buffs if you don't
Ethan Lewis
>tfw I've not tried any boss weapon besides demon fist and farron greatsword
...maybe I'll vote anyway
Sebastian Jackson
What? How the fuck could Havel have had the power to kick a God out of his city and strip his name from the records? I guess I'm also having trouble trying to put a timeline of events together, despite having played all 3 games. I have a rough idea but the small events are where it gets shaky.
So I know it goes like this: Age of Ancients > Lord Soul discovery > Dragons Challenged and destroyed > Age of Fire > Fading Fire > Chaos Accident > Gwyn Links Flame > Undead Curse > Events of DS1 Or is that wrong?
Mainly I'm just really confused on minor details. Like, had Artorias/Ciarin/Gogh/Ornstein been around since the very beginning? Were they involved in the original dragon war and some of the original "hollows" we see in the opening cinematic?
How long had humans/bigger humans/the gods been around before they challenged the dragons? Did they make whole cities underground, and then get tired of it and challenged the stone dragons?
What actually caused the Undead Curse? What the fuck is the average lifespan for someone in this world? Havel seems to still be alive, and he was around since the beginning. Was he human or a god? It's so convoluted.
In the events of Oolacile, had Gwyn already given himself to the fire? How long did civilization last after he did that?
What IS the Abyss? How does it just "seep out" and infect areas? What created it?
This lore is great but fuck man its so confusing.
Ethan Powell
Dominic Morris
Yes. I just set down my controller and watched.
Evan Baker
>screenshot saved
gee I wonder what's going to be posted in ~50 seconds
Bentley Evans
>the Pus of Man >literally the manifestation of the darkness within every human
Justin Green
can you do Black KNight and stop it from being censored?
John Reyes
Geez way to misunderstand the best NPC story.
The MC is all he had, he loves you. You even made your own little school, he was so happy.
Ryan Price
>human vessel >vessel
user, humanity IS the Dark Soul.
In its natural state everything humanoid in the Souls universe is a shrivelled little man. They only get all alive and shit because of fire and Souls.
Ethan Campbell
i made a webm man, i'm not gonna post a screenshot
Josiah Garcia
arty doesn't go for bald he only likes luxurious red plumes
Eli Price
Mason Jones
>tfw we'll never get Ciaran's armor and tracers
>tfw we'll never get a proper Ciaran/Gough boss fight
>tfw we'll never get to hold Ciaran as she cries about missing Artorias and make love passionately to make her forget
Ryan Jones
katanas are pretty good yeah, honestly forgot about those. chaos blade is pretty much the best for pure dex if you dont mind the self damage, washing pole for every other situation unless you also care about not looking retarded, in which case use uchi
Kevin Scott
yes but that looks dumb
Sebastian Barnes
Large Club
or Great Club
James Wilson
The Dark Soul grows stronger as the Fire fades. And Humanity, as mentioned, seems to be incredibly unstable and has a tendency of running rampant and harming its host somehow. Fire Keepers are entirely based on the concept that underneath their skins is nothing but writting masses of humanity, and then you have Oolacile, Darkwraiths, the 4Kings, etc. etc.
Hell, maybe it's simply all the Pygmy's fault, and maybe splintering a single Lord Soul into a billion pieces has the side effect of making the damn thing incredibly unstable. Those things probably weren't designed for that.
Jaxson Bailey
oh god just go away you creepy fuck
Blake Morales
Ornstein, at least, was definitely around since the beginning since he served Nameless and Gwyn as their faithful dragonslayer.
It's reasonable to assume that Artorias, Ciaran, and Gough, like the Silver Knights, were also around since the beginning.
Leo Bennett
why the fuck does every weapon have to be so linear so its impossible to twink out unlike previous souls games
I could start DaS1 and have gravelord sword +1 and 70000 souls within 20 minutes, meanwhile it takes like 90 minutes to reach untended graves after needling down the only sequence break in DaS3 and then... you get souls and titanite chunks (with zero shards/large shards). So you can pick up a black knight glaive or chaos blade and oh just kidding its worse than your starting estoc
weapon scaling in this game is just stupid. Theres no reason for every weapon to have the same AR at every corresponding level, theres no weapon variety now
theres no reason when playing through the game to pick up some sweet boss weapon or lucky RNG drop and wield it for the next 20 minutes until you find an even bigger one. Theres no reason to do anything other than just keep upgrading your starting estoc. I don't jump from a reinforced club to ASS to lightning spear to dragon tail sword or whatever
no upgrading armor sets no reason to upgrade more than 1 weapon no reason to equip better armor without poise shields barely progress and end with shield of want or a greatshield
Jonathan Cox
What other games does /dsg/ play?
Surely we don't just play souls and complain about it all day?
Josiah Torres
Landon Wilson
playing through ffx on the side right now
Tyler Edwards
How do I go about building Mike Tyson
Evan Lewis
Well that does explain why rats in Lordran dropped humanity considering all the corpses they eat. And I suppose why cannibals always become deformed due to consuming excess humanity.
Connor Turner
Big Club
Matthew Morris
>BKGS >fun
I really miss the moveset it used to have, the one it has now I don't like very much.