Joe Kelly Edition
Thread No.79
Discuss anything Mega Man related. Art, OCs, Music, Fan Games, the comics, cartoons, etc. Discussion about Mega Man-esque games, Mighty No. 9, Azure Striker Gunvolt, Red Ash and Inafune is also welcome.
>Previous Thread
>list of all games
>List of fan games
>Comic and Manga links
Mega Man X scanlations
Novas Aventuras de Megaman in English
Translated Iwamoto Rockman X3 manga:
Megaman X2,X3,X4 - Iwamoto Manga Raws:
Final Chapter of the Iwamoto Rockman X1 manga:
Master Paste of translated fanmade 4Komas and Short Mangas made on Pixiv. Regular updates.
>Music Playlists and Albums
A TON of Mega Man remix albums (and some Gunvolt CDs)
>Cartoons and Anime
Ruby Spears Playlist
Contains episodes from Rockman.EXE, Ryuusei No Rockman plus other stuff.
Mega Man: Upon a Star English Dub
>We have a booru now!
Extra links! (contains archive, extra booru links,etc. Will be updated as needed or suggested.)
/mmg/ Mega Man General
1st for a damn fine game
3rd for some damn fine robots
4th for NYAH HA HA
nth for puns
The humor program is the best and worst thing in the game.
Games, user. It's in four of them.
day chan
a cute
Sorry, I didn't play much battle network.
Well, here's the jokes from 3.
I don't have 5's and 6's yet. I decided on a whim to collect them while replaying the series.
So we've done sad headcanons before. Let's post some happy ones.
I got some for ZX. Do you mind or it needs to be of a specific series?
Trigger hasn't lost all his special weapons while he's been on the moon.
any series is fine.
Cause Roll wasnt there to sell them.
I want him to have the cheesiest dialogue ever.
One of X's blackboxes is a memory storage that somehow grows alongside the progression of technology, always one step ahead of everyone else.
But this isn't used for combat. Over the years he has become incredibly skilled at cooking, cleaning, origami, piano, flute, painting, writing, law, fashion, animal husbandry, human anatomy, animal anatomy, counseling, dancing, knitting, and throwing pie tins.
ok then.
>Whenever Grey is inside of the Guardian base, he goes to Praire's room. The reason is that he loves to take a nap among her plushies. From time to time, they find him sleeping under a pile of plushies, with only his legs sticking out.
>Giro needed to turn a bachelor pad into a family home rather quickly, so that the twins don't feel unloved. Too bad he is a shitty cook and have problems to keep things organized; It wasn't for lacking of trying, he just sucked. That's why Vent learned how to cook and Aile is excellent at keeping the house clean, so they could help the man that was trying so hard to make them feel at home.
>Atlas likes to play Pokemon, due to that whole "Train to be the strongest pokemon ever" deal. She is fond of Fire and Fighting pokemons.
>Aeolus is allergic to cats, or so it seems as all you need to do is mimic a meow to get him to start sneezing
>Thetis got a dolphin plushie from the time he used to have a family. It's called Jotaro due to one of the Protags from JJBA, as that one character is a Marine Biologist.
This one is pretty shippy, but I think it's sort of cute none the less.
>Vent's dream is to have a family: A cute wife and children. Ashe agrees with that idea, as long as Vent is the cute wife.
xth for dude weed frog lmao
>Ashe agrees with that idea, as long as Vent is the cute wife.
So I was helping my friend play Mega Man 1 earlier today, he's always sucked at retro games, but I managed to get him to being able to beat it, so I was wondering.
A lot of people have a hard time with Mega Man games, and a lot of the stuff I was helping him with was stuff that nobody has explained in LPs or FAQs, so what would you guys think of like, a full in-depth guide to how the Mega Man games work and how to play them?
fund it
Holy ass bandits!
Are those the songs or it's a stage playthrough?
>fund it
I was just planning on recording some emulator footage, doing a voice over with my shitty annoying nasal whiny voice, and throwing it on youtube.
Please no. Especially not if you stutter too. If you're gonna do shit like this, it's gotta have some semblence of production value.
These are all the damn levels!
annotations are more useful, since we can just pause.
A script or text version in the description would also be nice.
There is actually one thing I like in Mighty No 9. The Mighty Numbers you defeat can help you in other stages. I'd like to see a canon Mega Man game do something like this, or be more like Rock Force in that respect.
Someone comment before the videos get taken down! how are the non demo levels!
>cryo is a girl
I want some ones of the animal mavericks
The way dialogue is presented in MN9 still just bothers me so much when there are close ups on those character models with unmoving mouths.
Just use larger, more expressive character portraits near the dialogue box, that way the focus isn't on those expressionless, lifeless models. X8 did it just fine.
This weapons menu is ugly as hell. It's always hanging down
Seismic's stage ripped off the moles from Mega Man 2. Lots of narrow places and ledge hanging. Seismic's stage is utter bullshit. It's one of those "outrun and dodge instant death" kind of stages.
In ZXA the protagonist you don't choose lives but is off the grid
the sad truth is the first 2 mega man games aren't really that well designed
Trigger, Yuna, and Sera have devised great three-person games to play with the local reaverbots.
Made the mn9 thread.
Seismic also rips off one of Gut's Man.
As for Avi's stage, I actually like the music. The 3D perspective looks like cheap cgi but the camera finally zooms in to where it should be. Also I just noticed none of the enemies drop health.
>The camera zooms in on Avi during his desperation attack so you cant see what you're doing
I don't stutter or have problems there, and I'd format it to the point where I was essentially just reading off a script.
In your opinion, what ways would the production value manifest itself, visual effects and shit?
I don't expect anything to need long enough descriptions for that to be necessary, but I'll definitely have scripts.
In what way? I think they're designed fantastically for the time, and any problems I can come up with are more nitpicky kinks that can be ironed out, and if you look at 3, they were to perfection.
Except Metal Blade I guess.
but if we have to go over what you said more than once, annotations are easier than rewinding a few seconds.
Brandish's attacks look like a total bitch to dodge.
Also why does every stage have the color gray? The only stage with any real color is Countershade's.
Just do annotations if you think you have an unappealing voice or you have a shitty microphone.
-An item that appears optional later becomes necessary.
-The weapons are horribly unbalanced in usefeulness. Super Arm can't be used except in certain situations
-Guts Blocks don't come back after death
-Despite the open endedness of stage choice, the difficulty of the levels does not reflect this. A number of bosses are pretty much impossible unless you have the weapon they are weak to or pixel perfect examination of the boss movements (I'm looking at you, Elec Man and Fire Man).
-For that matter, those fire wave chutes in Fire Man's stage have ridiculously disjointed hitboxes
-Wily Machine I's hitboxes are all over the place
_Yellow Devil actually isn't that hard; it's pattern is easily discernable after a few deaths. But since it's hitbox is only briefly open once every 20 seconds, not abusing the pause glitch makes a long, boring fight.
-Metal Blade is too strong
-Mecha Dragon is at first invincible, then is not invincible later. It's understandable through trial and error, but there's no way to know this without failing a few times and just guessing at what to do
-Heat Man's blocks are literally unfair
-everything about boobeam trap
-a number of bosses' patterns are literally bugged
-but all in all its miles better than 1
>everything about boobeam trap
All in favor of using the time machine to destroy the Boobeam Trap at its inception, come forward.
I don't understand why people find Fire Man so difficult.
Just jump his first volley of Fire Storm and run behind him, keeping a moderate distance. Shoot his back and leap over him, which is easy because he switches directions when you shoot him. Rinse and repeat.
A lot of people have trouble with fire man. Myself included.
You forgot to mention the boss refights are completely unforgiving.
Assuming he fires a pattern of shots that's dodgeable, which is almost impossible to guarantee, unless you manage to get him stuck and cheese him.
So basically like Mega Man X?
That was supposed to be a GG 'joke' in Avi's stage, wasn't it.
Thank you Dina.
>Weapon energy pellet shaped chips/cookies
I like that.
>All the robots with cat-eye glasses rims
Good ol' Dina
For MM1 to MM6, how do you rank them from the easiest to the hardest?
I want to get my nephew to appreciate the series, but he's a phone kid.
I'd throw 2 up as being the easiest, especially on American Normal Mode.
The others are all probably fairly equal in difficulty, for different reasons with each title. Although, as I play through 5, it's probably on the easier end of the spectrum, especially with the strangely high rate that 1-ups drop.
Personally, I mark Mega Man 1 as being the hardest.
Easiest = MM2, MM4, MM6, MM3, MM5, MM1
This is the wrong way to bond with your nephew
10's easy mode is the best for casul newcomers
I gotta say, that is the smoothest frame rate I've ever seen MM1 being played at.
I'm going through old Youtube videos I favorited, and I'm being reminded of how many different videos I could find for Air Man Ga Taosenai.
>Joe Kelly working on Mega Man
What are the odds that he makes Proto-Man really depressing the way he did Deadpool?
Why do Mega Man and Roll have almost the exact same face?
Secret triplets.
Tomahawkman has the legit same face as Mega Man. 1 for 1. This series has some bad sameface.
I think it has to do with .webms, though it could just be how emulators output video.
Jesus christ I've been working too hard all these years
That's actually much harder than it looks, and it takes a fair amount of timing. Basically, you have to fire just after his projectile leaves and immediately jump, and then do the same for each of the following ones. Fire Man always fires a shot when he gets hit, so as long as the shot hits him at the right time, he'll stay in place to fire another one.
And no, I have NO IDEA why the fire on the ground seems to bug out and always fades before you land when you do that.
2 is the easiest. My 8 year old cousin grew up on Minecraft and Call of Duty but even he beat Metal Man, and even Flash Man after a couple tries.
for me I'd put 2,6,5,3,4,1
>5 over 3 and 4
I can understand some difficulty with the Doc Robot stages, but nothing 3 or 4 has even comes close to Protoman's Fortress in my book.
6 is my favorite Mega Man game.
Young boys are pretty much girls with dick, user.
>tfw forgot how good this song was
I put 5 over 3 because it's the longest game in the series and also because of Shadow Man. Because top spin is a shit to use.
What the fuck is wrong with this guy.
why are we still talking about him?
How much you wanna bet someone's gonna bitch about Mega Man's design in the cartoon?
Something along the lines of
kind of bitching?
I doubt they'll stray too far from the Classic design.
He'll probably look like a combination of post mega man 6 Mega Man and Smash Bros. Mega Man.
They have a fucking villain in this teen titans go episode called Dr. Light.
>Stuck watching this show because of a 5 year old child.
>Tfw you want to die
>at the bottom
Some faggot that we don't feel like talking about anymore.
and yet you keep talking about him, I don't get it.
Not the same user.
so who does? Who keeps bringing him up? Why keep making mmg about laughing about some dude instead of doing stuff like ?