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why is this game so much fun?

Genji is strong!

>Symmetra is easier than Mei
Who made this image and WHY WHY WHY

because it's a HD version of tf2

>tfw D.Va makes me want to fap to Korean girls but porn is banned in Korea so it's almost impossible to find.


nth for Reinhardt boss

New person question. Im a little spooked to jump in without practice so I am playing against the AI with people. I notice that the AI is pretty abysmal. However, I wanted to ask if anyone knows if the AI does less damage than real players would or is the TTK just low in this?

It's not Battleborn

It's not F2P

I have yet to come across a single brazilian besides Lucios.

>PLaying a Reinhardt in that Arcade brawl
>Spamming the shit out of hi charge.

Holy fuck this is hilarious

Boy I'm glad that she's in there

Mercy being useful to hear team

>win a few games in a row
>start getting matched with the worst teams imaginable
loving this artificial "must have 50% win ratio" bullshit

I owe an official apology to d.va f.ags.

This slut is fun.




AI do same damage, they're just dipshits I think

This graph makes no sense, what a moronic way to display it

There are brazilian servers, that's why.

You're a slut.

Just look up pop idols instead, pretty much the same thing

>New person question. Im a little spooked to jump in without practice so I am playing against the AI with people.
Everybody is new you autist. Quick Play is literally a casual gamemode as it is. Just fucking jump in.

and we're in there

>Bastion is allowed to deploy on payload carts for free, mobile cover
Great game, Blizzard.

O-Only if you want me to be senpai.

>implying that ever stopped brazilians from shitting up other servers

maybe make his primary fire explode like the metal arms rivet gun?
and ethier hold down the armour pack to use more at once. maybe be able to give armour to your turret, or upgrade it to level 3 but it burns x scrap per second without molten core.

tl;dr i want scrap to have a second use instead of just heres how many times you can spam armour packs
ive had ways of using him on attack but you need your team to secure. it seems if your team cant secure a foothold you ant use bjorn at all. he needs to be reworked with that in mind. every other hero can be used in all modes with average sucess. bjorn cant be used in attack at all.


>your team
>fucking retards

>their team
>premade comp

>never played D.Va before
>get B.Va skin
>wow, this skin is pretty awesome
>play as D.Va
>suck ass

How do I get good with D.Va?

This game would be 10x more fun (and it's already quite fun, imo) if people actually communicated.

Where my huebros @
Brazilian server still fucked?

>High Skill
>A hero with a redo button integrated on her kit
Only retards can't play her at least somewhat effectively.

are you retarded? what is there even to divert from when there are no arguments to counteract? jesus christ save me

maybe you should kill yourself for being a retard? this game is obviously a rip off of tf2, or more "lightly" put, "HEAVILY INSPIRED" by tf2, but you are the only one insinuating that this is a negative thing. is cod a rip off of tf2? maybe you think i would say so, in which case your """"argument"""" would be fair

and she's the thick slut

>tfw just found out there's a male prostitution thing a few hours away from my apartment
>Cops only care about girl prostitutes
>Kind of want to get into it but afraid of STDs


Play like you would play Tracer.

D.Va is literally bulky Tracer.




Honestly? Rush people. Especially snipers. They can't fuckin handle it.

By playing her and learning how to do it effectively you absolute fucking shitter.
Do you need guides for everything you dumb piece of shit?


Refrain from using this meme effective immediately.

>you'll never impregnate a cute underage D.Va

why live

Serious question: why has Overwatch resulted in so much fanart, comics, porn, etc?

Not even legit porn games get this much fanservice.

Looking for people on PS4 (if there are any) to play with

I came

>It's a "Bastion is OP" post

> tfw you only get legendary skins for heroes you don't play and have no interest in playing

fuck off retards
fuck off cancerous posters

Good marketing

Except D.va sucks at being that too.

>your "weak" form does more damage than your mech at point blank

>Not the proper filename

hooley dooley

>first legendary is blackbeard for torbjorn

not like i wanted soldier 76s army skins or anything

>how do I drive a car
>just get in it and figure it out, retard

Freak off, jerk

Why do Dv's mech guns do no fucking damage?

autism spectrum disorders, along with cluster A and cluster C personality disorders would be the cause for this

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Junior_idol ?

because you are playing her wrong

because you are a 500 hit point person that's why also try shooting the enemy's head retard

In this case they can't because matchmaking is based on latency, South American servers are included in the Americas region so they can't specifically choose NA servers.

Matchmaking will only get really confused if for example a brazilian groups up with an american, then it will take a long time to find a match and in the end one of them is going to have shitty 200ms lag since he will be playing on foreign servers.


>Guy mercy
>Guy Dva
>Guy Tracer
>Girl McRee
>Girl twins

What are you, some kind of fag? Why wouldn't you want this?

That's how I learned to drive

>playing as Lucio
>haha who cares, pop ult and leave cover
>one shot through ult

Why is this allowed?

>Get on the commendation board for most objective time
>No commendations

My guess is that the cartoony style, the fact that youtubers have latched onto it, and the marketing blitz that's been going on for the last month all combined to get a lot of people who wouldn't normally get into a competitive arena shooter interested in the game, if only for its characters, lore, and art.

> tfw Dva and Reinhardt legendaries

I wasted all of my good luck on the beta

So I teleported into the skybox as Reaper. This was on the first map nepal, on the high side path if anyone wants to reproduce it and see if the other players see a giant Reaper on their screens.

I just looked forward while walking and used my E.

inspired by recent events where a genji on my team constantly ran into the same bastion head on over and over and over

Fucking hell
We won anyways

>tfw "it ain't me" starts playing as I get that skin

>why does a tank character do less damage than others

this guy



stop being fucking stupid

>team is so shit I get the most damage on the team at ~1500
>as lucio

the characters arent copy and paste and have actual character to them which is not common is alot of games

Blizzard created great Waifus and Husbandos

>other players see a giant Reaper on their screens

because Blizzard doesn't know how to label heroes

In TANK, there should only be Reinhardt and Zarya and even then Zarya is more of a support.

That's what I did though, the only thing I actually learned in driving school was how to park better.

> implying the consequences are the same

>comparing driving a car to video games
Also, you're the worst kind of a fucking person. You're the type of retard that will bitch that something is broken instead of checking what different buttons on it actually do.
Fucking play the game, experiment and find out how to play heroes yourself. It's not fucking rocket science you imbecile.
But no, baby needs a fucking guide. Because the baby cannot read ability descriptions and think for 1 minute what they could be used for.
Fucking kill yourself you worthless shitstain.

he would be part of the skybox and thus appear as a giant reaper in the sky

>team is so shit I did 70% of the damage
>at only 4500 damage

We can't really choose servers. Matchmaking puts us in the south american server unless it's a party with americana.

>not taking losing in a videogame as seriously as your own mortality

fuck off casual scum

I hope blizzard makes a casual queue for shitters like me that bans Widow.

Good widows always ruins my casual shitter fun.

Of course I forget the picture

The most fun game-mode is the one where two teams fight over the same objective (King of the Hill, or whatever you might call it)

Always hectic and fast paced

>>comparing driving a car to video games

Huh? There's driving games, user. Driving games with steering wheel controls.

>standing on the skybox
>part of the skybox
not the same??


Do you not know how skyboxes work

Holy shit I thought I could only find analogies this bad in lol/g/
When do you compare solo que to baking a cake?

I blinked into the payload as Tracer in my first game yesterday.

I dont know if it happens in Overwatch, but in valves source engine games if you noclipped into the skybox, other players would see you in the background of the map and you would be giant.

I'd ban Widow just so people could stop fucking picking her and doing nothing on Attack.

B.va or Junebug?

>retard asking for spoonfeeding calls other people casual

>people saying D.va sucks and that they can't figure out how to play her all the time
>people also saying McCree and Reaper are easy mode beginner characters
>play McCree, can't do shit, die immediately
>play D.Va, 32 eliminations, POTG, own the objectives and destroy widows and hanzos

This didn't only happen once either. I don't know why I just "get" her playstyle so much.
You basically hang around the frontlines while annoying the hell out of the enemy team, either for distraction or to rush behind enemy lines to take out a sniper and quickly getting back.
The fact that you essentially have two lives is so great.