Warlocks and FWC a best edition
/DG/-Destiny General
delete and try again
3/6 for hard mode kings fall on ps4. Join up on NativeKnightmare
Don't be autistic
>/DG/-Destiny General
What kind of shit thread is this? Also, Dead Orbit is the only sensible faction. If you aren't dead orbit, you are a retard.
Worse OP I have ever seen who the fuck did this
>newfags making OPs
Fucking lunch yourselves you niggers.
please come online
CC glitch is kill? I bet they are killing cocoon for the time being, like how they couldn't fix the quiver glitch at the time, they will negate cocoon for the time being. That would make more sense then completely removing clown cartridge from launchers
Need 2 more for a kings fall hard mode. Join on astronomicalatom
We don't need to do that to ourselves, divine is enough for all of us.
Doing a 45k run at CoE. Anyone wanna come?
how about a fat juicy seal?
I think we just broke the curse. Thanks for the carry once again Noobish.
Seal is not for consumption
wouldve been at an hour without the d/c
on my way
no it wouldn't. it'd make more sense to kill CC on launchers, there are so few of those out there anymore that people are using in comparsion to Cocoon being on every raid weapon, some of which are great options for not only the raid but other content.
Time for /dg/ math
1h 13m - joff + anyone = 50m
>21 k/d
>16.5 k/d
what are you people even fucking doing in the raid
fuck you I like my CC rockets before this glitch and I damn well will like them after this glitch
>mustang carries alpha team through a speed run
>noobish talks about speed running
>they raid together
>raid is over an hour
explain this shit
jumping puzzles? suicide at golgoroth's maze?
You may be right. I guess CC isn't really a common perk on launchers, but launchers do not have much variety anyways.
It wasn't a Speedrun. It was a go through normally with challenge mode. Also if Noobish didn't dc at oryx it probably would've been less than an hour.
This is an actual thing lmao
30k CoE run for weapon anyone?
How do I sign up?
>You spent the entire fight chugging while i got ganked by Biggie and Smalls
Also, we never played DS III together, what gives colt?
Join up.
Wrong guy, screaming asian man
if Im on the cusp of 335, and the only thing I need is a 335 ghost, is Nightfall the best option?
>Mustang carrying Alpha Team
>Mustang carrying
Fucking kek. That raid was all Alpha Team
no, CoE.
Nope, CoE is, if you get lucky that is.
It's faster but less reliable than KF
Oh, and expect to get a lot of 334's, this is destiny after all
bob pls
I remember a time where stains wasnt a meme, back when he used to carry all of shitters through Crota
you obviously didnt watch it
thanks for the gametips, theres no gametips hotline for Destiny.
I didn't know if you had beaten the game yet, so I didn't want to spoil anything for you. I'm just now running through NG++ for the first time, I haven't played that much on my own, mainly coop with friends
>in K
When will this meme end
>Carrying in raids doesnt exist
>open two crucible packages in a day
>both drop shitty spektar armor
>beaten the game
Completed 5 major builds, plus carried someone through the entire game and i think i've maxed out all covenants in two of my chars
I can assure you spoilers are the least of my concerns.
>lfg faggot scored less than 6k again
Not in KF, there's a bunch of important roles, not just one like in CE
>not being a meme throughout time
Spektar was a mistake
>brand grabber
>gaze grabber
>relic runner
it's the same senpai
>plan C
>Zen Meteor never
should i post my picture of me deleting a 330 one because i had just gotten a 335 one?
Trivial roles honestly. If you seriously think the guy grabbing gaze is "carrying" you're a moron.
anyone can do it
This guy is right --> Carrying to me means taking control of the raid.
Red chromas fucking hate me
nice opinion you got there, faggot. it's tougher to do those roles than it is to sit in a spot and snipe a stationary target over and over.
>still doesn't look that great
>platforming is hard
Keep looking like a retard
"I have shit taste"
Anyone for 30K CoE, 90K CoE and/or NF?
>carry brand
>use lmg to slowly kill 6 acolytes
>hold gaze with high impact sniper and shoot 6 orbs
>taking your time on platforms instead of being a retard
>carry brand and press square on target
>get a fucking invincibility buff
that chest armor is the most final fantasy look in the game
>red glow on kneepads, sides of shoes (???) and one spot on chest
>only noticeable one is helmet
looks like shit f a m, just like all chroma gear.
>he doesn't like the titan chroma
the consequences of someone doing and dying is way higher than a person doing dps dying. It may not be hard to some people but it is hard to many, and it requires more focus and skill than simple dps. this is why people relied on others to be sword bearer and relic user in vog and ce. Hell, the only reason so many people run relic in kf is because daughters basically forces you too.
its the best looking of the chroma sets and even then the helmet completely wrecks the look.
DPS is literally THE most important thing in KF. Well that and staying alive.
yes indeed so please, make sure you have your black spindles
>people relying on others to be swordbearer
>needing other players in CE
not in my crota fampai
either way there is no most important job
you work as a team, no one carried 5 others, you all succeeded together.
don't worry, next week you'll get 3 spektar pieces and have to wait 8 fucking months to get your token emote fuck you bungie you fucking hack frauds
>He can't say fam
A B S O L U T E shit taste detected
apparently you werent around for the dark below
no shit you retard, but you arent even putting any damage into ANY raid boss without the relic/aura holders.
That shit was soloable day1 stop kidding yourself
>stop kidding yourself
i think you should take your own advice. if you cant show me proof of you soloing hm crota the day it was released on all 3 classes then I advise you to shut the fuck up and stop shit posting. barely anyone soloed hm crota during tdb. the soloing didnt pick up until how and normies only started doing it after the release of ttk
>Soloing it day 1
Like 90% of /dg/ still struggling to complete it with 6. Crota is piss easy by now but it was a pain in the ass with all the yellow bar overleveled enemies.
if I want to use Voidwalker (preferably with Nothing Manacles, but Claws until then) would it be a good idea to get a weapon with Grenadier?
Yeh its nice
quit acting like crota was hard you normie
you act like you were in TDB yourself yet you do not even know of many soloing it day 1 that made names for themselves even one used NLB
>turn on destiny
>stay in the tower for an hour or two doing fuck all
>turn off destiny
late IB still wouldn't be bad bungie
Anyone for CoE or crucru? Shaxx sempai wants fireteam crucible matches.
You're actually retarded
Quality post
Try harder next time when you want to talk shit about things you yourself cannot understand.
All the vids that you posted were not from day 1 of HM.
What is your point?
i can do either. if ps4, add SLS10
>The Bridge
that was a fucking cakewalk solo and has nothing to do with ability. Try again
Sorry Noobish, I only look at the Solo entire raid vid and that was not from day one. Everything else is piss easy, Crota was the main problem back then
>hack frauds
The three last videos are from week 1
and that same youtuber solied all parts up until the 25th, only 4 days after day 1 where nothing changed. My point stands, you're just a shitter like many who is either shitposting or could not solo CE before HoW
>Crota was the main problem
fucking kek, crota was piss easy to solo day 1 on hard mode
Post your vid of game summary of your solo then?
CE has been soloable long before HoW
But you just proved it there. He didn't solo it day one. He got his lucky gear drops and proceeded to solo it. Whaddya know
Popped a booster crucru
I was on ps3 up until ttk but I had an easy time on Sunsinger pushing him off the edge
Dude, you can still post a game summary from destinytracker. Just look for it. I'm waiting
why do I have to prove any of this to you, you are just going to damage control and shittalk me anyways.
It's truejiro bullshitting trying to sound relevant
Shittalking and you can't even defend your own point.
You also can't 'push Crota off the edge'