Nidalee is the best and Cutest Girl on League
Old: Eyosongive,us
George Georgallidis Waifu Edition
Nidalee is the best and Cutest Girl on League
Old: Eyosongive,us
George Georgallidis Waifu Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
I want to make love to Riven! While secretly filming it which I'll post on every major porn site so she'll become even more of a social pariah, ruining her life!
xth for no ip to buy taliyah
I want to go swim in Trundle!
tfw you're stuck here because you're too poor to get overwatch
>i get triple kill at start
>i take all the dragons
>we get herald
>we are doing well until mid game
>once we group enemy team proceeds to CC all of us to death and we cant fight back
Anything i could have done to fight back? or i am just very shit at this game?
Outplayed :^)
>make a hot pose with stockings
>but nidalee literally has the legs of a 12 year old boy
xth for Nidalee officially has the cutest feet
xth for feet fetish best fetish
xth for homosexuality is a mental disorder
>Trying to grind Mastery Shards
>Jungler camps my lane and gives me every kill padding my KDA
I want someone to draw cum on her feet and her tits bare naked
I'm sorry.
Jesus these numbers.
Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.
REMOVE LUCIAN remove lucian
>The jokers that balance this game, who some admit don't even play at high elo, put Illaoi nerfs on PBE
Holy crap.
Thank you Blizzard for Overwatch. I needed a little break.
>feetfag saying gays is a mental disorder
lmao go back fapping to pantheon's model feets are gross
xth for breast waifu
>That voice
>That manly banter
>That outfit
>That fighting style
>That title
>That backstory
Breast waifu
> fed top lane causes surrender
> 0/22 bot lane causes surrender
> top leaves
> adc leaves
Boy those last 4 games sure were a fucking blast
Kill yourself homosexual you are sick in the head.
I want to go swimming in Lissandra
No. But French maid Nid's toes look really suckable.
I know its you Lissanon.
I want to rape her without protection.
Which champ does this to Udyr?
>palindrome dubs
Jesus Christ
>feetfag calling anyone "sick in the head"
Foot fetishist eh? Post your feet for me.
A Kindred with more than 2 brain cells and he'll never get within melee range.
Anivia super sieging makes it impossible to open the gates, and considering 90% of hudyr userbase are trick2g wannabes, they will definetly tryhard it
>stockinged feet in an official splash art
Is riot no longer beholden to the essjaebubbyahs?
Is there hope?
Drink bleach homosexual
>liking woman is a mental disease
HOW THE FUCK is Lee Sin balanced? The fucking guy is always like 15/0/10 before 20 minutes, and fucking instantly kills everyone while building tanky and never dying. Just what the fuck is wrong with this fucking character. Fucking piece of shit is in every fucking game too. FucK
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
if there are any drawfags here, can someone draw Vi fisting a blue haired slut
if they give me pool party ahri then we'll talk. or any ahri skin that shows skin, really, she's literally perfect.
FUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuck KEVIN DURAaaaaant
Why does it suck so much shit to play taliyah? They're isn't anything she does that another champ doesn't do better. And you do no dmg at all stages of the game unless you're insanely fed, which only happens if your opponent is retarded.
10/10 made me reply
But he isn't in every game. He has a super high skill ceiling, and that score is because he's supposed to be an early game monster, in case you didn't notice he turns to shit by late game.
>downgrading snowbunny nid
fucking why, her current snowbunny splash is gorgeous
liking women isn't
liking feet is
Fucking confirmed.
If Overwatch actually starts of effect their bottom line we'll likely see a return to 2012 era Riot in some form
Until then remain cautiously pessimistic
Taliyah is one of those fucking characters where the little kids play her and somehow manage to decide that she's trash, then Riot buffs her next week and she's OP as fuck suddenly and the whole game is ruined for 2 months until Riot gets his shit together.
>mfw people here don't have a foot fetish
Impressive, confirmed on all 3
Are you retarded?
I'm too busy having an impregnation fetish.
Look at this fucking playrate. LOOK AT IT! Fucking kiddos. And his winrate doesn't say anything about his OPness
He is literally in half of the fucking games. And his skill ceiling isn't high, nothing in this fucking game has high skill ceiling. Lee Sin is literally just Q-R-Q-ded. Maybe sometimes you can do some other stuff but that isn't needed for you to get super fed. Also, he doesn't turn shit by late game, he is super good at all stages of the game. Just because he doesn't instantly kill tanks in the lategame doesn't mean he's bad.
As she is right now Taliyah is two insanely strong utility skills mixed in with some of the worst DPS ever seen on a midlaner since Lulu.
If Riot is wise they'll balance out her power somewhat rather than making her broken and forcing her on us all
Note: Riot is not wise
>Riot starts making ugly women to appeal to the SJW crowd
>New game comes to town that panders with beautifull waifus for every taste
>Riot starts loosing userbase
>They revert to spam MF and Sonas
I can totally see it happening
>Illaoi nerfs
Literally what are you talking about? You think %health rather than flat damage is a nerf? Or that 1.5s constant slow is worse than 2s decaying?
yeah you guys were gonna get fucked by wombo. have irelia split and hope taric can hit his ult at the right time.
when are we getting more sexy shortstacks?
New ghost makes tryndamere a fucking beast
Riot didn't get around to implementing a lot of promised features until Dota 2 actually came out and initially looked like it might threaten them.
Pray that OW is a success I guess
>tfw I'll never impregnate eve
>sexy shortstacks
>art is literally not a shortstack
nice game lolbabies
Taliyah should have been a yordle desu
>Enemy team has a clear teamfighting composition
>Your team has 2 teamfighting champs and 3 duelists
No wonder you lost at the end if you tried to teamfight them, you should had done the 1-3-1 and splitpush all day with Irelia and Shyv hoping the Taric, Morgana and Draven can hold their own defending and dont die to a dive, if you gonna go solo pick spmething that can hyper carry next time or something that can actually teamfight
>top or support are """"lagging""""
>they dc for the entire fucking game
>this happened on my last 3 games in a fucking row
how fucking stupid do you have to be
you can literally fucking check how's your connection
why are you fucking playing at least try to fucking fix it you goddamn wastes of air
if trumper says its a nerf, its a nerf
its just a game bro wtf xD
I want Lulu.
Well to be fair, the %HP damage she gets will probably be lower than her old values on anyone that isn't a tank.
To be fair, this is the best skin in the game.
What did they change?
How do I ruin this cancerous piece of shit day
What rate do slows even decay at in this game? Is it uniform across all slows? How am I even supposed to evaluate that
>our Ziggs loses mid to a Fid because of constant ganks and pressure
>our Plat 3 top Urgot who also lost his lane starts arguing that Fid is bad and still has no waveclear
Question to all you Plats. Are all of you guys boosted and just go lose in normals?
Every plat I talk to acts like they understand game balance but play like shit
Hot Monkey Dick
*may not actually work above Platinum
NW is voting today how does that make you feel?
You git gud
Am I the only person who has no trouble with Fizz? Just bait his pole and then destroy him.
Tank fizz however is some next level bullshit
>jumps in
>go hamshit on him
Muda da
>Reviving the old "Ryze vs Fizz" debate
Any bruiser, Fizz eats tanks with his % damage but a bruiser can burst him down and get tanky too
this, Wukong also has the advantage of not being completely useless outside of laning phase unlike most bruisers
how do you guys manage to keep a positive head loss after loss?
even if your performance is fine every match?
I want my ADC to stop saying he's not cute. Because he really is!
Please get a trip so that I can filter you, you colossal faggot.
more shortstacks NOW!!!!
>be nice to your support
>sacrifice themselves to save you
>call them a slut
>gank top if they're struggling
>top and adc carry game
>let the enemy own top
>""""connection"""" errors
Update on WW Remake:
Blood Scent and Infinite Duress will merge in a single ability, the supress is gone and is now a skillshot execution move
>be Ekko jungle
>have some shitty vayne mayne bot
>kass mid against no fun allowed shuriman
>darius top against gnar
>every time i go top darius runs away even though he does true damage
>doesn't even ult when im there, he runs with 30% hp with his ult up and enough mana to cast
>i direct, literally tell kassadin to stop being fucking aimless and take his mid turret with him then go bot
>get kass a quadra
>vayne blaming her internet
>post game chat
>vayne and kassadin literally talking shit about me
>all because i'm the jungler
junglers are not babysitters
please learn how to play
I love Lissandra!
[citation needed]
I don't really have many saved
I want my support Lulu to do more cute things.
I GOT A FUCKING PENTA AT THE END (mostly. Hecarim escaped with Sterak's Gage)
I destroyed several wards and placed quite a few. Did I give away too much CS to keep Ahri from being useless?
Was it because I didnt kill dragons?
I took down as many turrets as I could shoot at, which was all but Top lane's turrets.
>inb4 my build
I built these items to handle Soraka and Hecarim. BoRK isnt bad when youve already got 3 items and they have 3 people stacking HP. In other words, adapting to the game.
Can yordles even be impregnated by human males?
What does the skin of a Shaco player say to you? Like how you know a Battle Bunny Riven or Bloodmoon Yasuo is just going to feed uncontrollably, what's that one Shaco skin that makes you afraid when you see it in the loading screen? Looking to put the fear of God into my enemies from the get-go.
user don't be one of those shitters who thinks that rank somehow matters in a normal.
You had an urgot top and an enemy fid middle. How many people do you think were taking that game seriously.
God your build is so awful