shogun 2 is still fun edition
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shogun 2 is still fun edition
>FAQs & General Info
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>Total War Warhammer
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blunder of the century
Shogun 2 is still really pretty, sometimes stylized imagery over grittiness makes things last longer.
Where is the Loose Formation button?
Starting a Dwarfs run, expand south or north?
I forgot, I put my free necro into the same army as mannfred, can I still do it or am I fucked?
>Minding my own business, trying to reclaim the Holds from the Greenskins
>Also building up my alliances with other Dwarven Holds so that it will be easier to confederate when the time comes
>Suddenly an Dwarven hold declares war on me from the other side of the world
>They don't do anything
>They declare peace 5 turns later
That's still going in the Book of Grudges.
What is the general FPS for this game? Here is my specs. I am getting like 25-30 fps in game.. is this typical of a total war game? I understand lots of shit is happening but is 25-30 FPS typical?
Also, how many lords should you have commanding your army? It seems like you need a lot of armies in this game.. having just one or 2 seems bad?
> Tomb Kings still not announced
Like I said yesterday, playing greenskins is akin to running a war torn African country.
>Economy and infrastructure is almost nonexistant
>Troops are savages but have no proper equipment and will run if outnumbered
>Population only understands strength or will otherwise start shit
To top it off you are on the border with a warhammer equivalent of Israel. Gold hoarding, grudge-bearing fuckers who have all the latest arms and armour in heavy defensive positions.
>r9 200 series
What card exactly?
It has a lot of nice effects going on in the battlefield too, makes it really atmospheric.
> Windows 10 requires a dedicated graphics card
> only have my laptop
> would be able to run it at medium to high settings if not for the operating system
> instant crash instead
Windows 10 fucking sucks. Can I get Windows 7 somewhere?
> Game One
Bretonnia (race pack - free)
Chaos Warriors (race pack - free 1st week)
Beastmen (race pack)
Wood Elves (campaign pack)
Kislev (campaign pack)
> Game Two
Tomb Kings
Chaos Dwarfs
Ogre Kingdoms
Regiments of Renown (mercenary mechanics added)
Skaven (campaign pack)
> Game Three
High Elves
Dark Elves
Chaos Daemons
Amazons (race pack)
its a R9 280. I have no idea why it displays it like that in sopeccy.
How do I PERMANENTLY stop Chaos faggots so I can focus on these vampire shits
What is the point of the loot & occupy option, when I can get more from sacking a settlement then occupying it right after?
Which is the line charge command?
Do addition heroes campaign map buff stack with your main lord?
Does Chaos stop invading ever?
I mean a 280 isn't exactly the most powerful card in the world, Total War games are demanding on high and ultra
Your CPU looks fine, if I had to upgrade one I'd upgrade the GPU
>Organize grand party of heroes
>start an adventure to help Bretonnia reclaim their lands
>Arrive in Some minor brettonian factions land
>the one who has taken over half of the country
>literally the first army in my hero adventure
>killed by peasant bowmen and meme shock cav because I had no horses in my party
More instability
More negative public order
kill archaon twice
and then murder all of his doomstacks
if you're empire it'll be easy as everyone will love you except vampires. So all you have to do is make a fuck ton of alliances and wait for chaos warriors to come to you.
also get a fuckton of helstorm rockets and bombard the chaos fuckers.
Sack and then occupy gives you more public order penalties.
im partial to surrealbeliefs
I have the settings on medium though. Not sure what else I can. I updated the driver as well. I would love to update my GPU but AMD hasn't released the new cards yet and I hear people should wait for the new cards? From nvidia and amd.
Sacking than occupying only give you -5 more public order. I'm playing on hard as VC and haven't had a single rebellion yet.
Azhag gone mad
>Game two wishlist
Bigger building tree
More empire management features (doesnt have to be the same as Attila, but put some depth into it)
More formations and unit abilities
Seriously, if they do that, Warhammer will be GOAT TW game.
That's a whole lot of rock lobber.
Orc campaign is fucking hard to play mang.
>conquer a few areas with my big army
>eventually run out of steam and require reinforcements
>WAAAGH runs out of momentum eventually
>hard to get income when my armies are in tatters
>surrounded by other faggot orc tribes that are raiding my shit constantly
>Crooked Moons are the fucking worst holy shit I should have concentrated on taking these assholes out first
>Dwarves are crazy if you run into a big stack of them. Even some of their missile troops swap to great weapons when you engage them in CC
My only reprise is the dwarves do try to use diplomacy and pay me to sign peace treaties with them only for me to break it a single turn later.
>he trusted an orc
After Grom da Paunch becomes a LL
if i'm new to TW what faction should i start with? i played maybe 20 hours of rome 2 but just fucked around, never learned the game beyond "keep money and food high and hammer and anvil everyone"
Artillery is best. And always my main choice when building any army.
Vampire Counts are fun as fuck. I really have no idea what i'm doing as them specifically, but i'm enjoying myself raising skellies.
>LL with troll regeneration ability
Yet another CA game where muskets are marginal to useless.
Pistoleers are a sad joke too.
I rage quit my Greenskin campaign on that quest battle where Dworfs send in Gyrocopters
is dis nigga serious?
Excellent opener, Grimgor. A true diplomat.
Dey wuz jus tellin' us that dey want ta foight, da gits.
I don't know how to properly orc-talk.
>Playing as the Greenskins
>Actually letting my provinces rebel for the public order bonuses and the fighting points I get for the battle
What has happened to me?
empire is probably your best bet since they are the most normal of the factions
Yuz a proper orc. Git.
How am I supposed to take out vampires if I take attritiion in their lands? Siegie is impossible
I thought I was super smart when I thought of this, glad I'm not the only one.
>running low on fight juice
>walk my lords out of some rebelling settlements and allow them to rebel
>suddenly a doomstack of big-uns and boar boyz out the ass and 6+ troll units
I didn't expect this
>Orc early game
>Most effective units are goblin cavalry
diz nawt orkish like ladz
so is the arrival of Archaeon and the hordes considered the "end" of the game? if so that was fast, only like 120 turns or so. This seems to be moving fast for a TW campaign.
raiding stance
Any tips for chaos? Recruiting lords seem to take 20+ turns just to get one surplus, although I'd guess you're supposed to raze little villages for the horde growth?
> Faction guides when
I never have any idea in TW games besides try and juggle bullshit public order similar to CIV.
Death magic is gaddamn OP, 2-3 casts of Spirit Leech is enough to kill the enemy general without ever touching them. And overcharged Soulblight can route the entire enemy mainline instantly.
Yooz mukkin about
nigga what. They probably do Kul Tribes for Crom The Conqueror.
Why do the musketeers have no reloading animation?
Yeah, they tore up half of my infantry line. Managed to beat it and confederate with the Red Fang. Now I'm trying to gib Karak Azul, Crooked Moon and the Top Knotz for dominion of the south.
>orc sacks settlement
>da drops
>pile of poo
>stinky idol
For fuck sake grimgor
>most effective units are goblin spears
>tfw drowning enemy elite units in hundreds of expendable gobbos with stikkas
>buffing them with the damage booster spell
>recruit one lord for 2 growth
>unlock legendardy lord
>he costs 6 growth now
I think they sped it up cause casuals wont have the patience to play deep into a campaign.
Of course if the casuals are playing on the harder difficulties, this wont help them one bit.
Aren't they like armour piercing + high moral damage?
You gonna shoot some arrows at all the Chaos Chosen when they come? Gl lad...
Just disband him, money is free with Chaos, especially with that post-battle loot research. Barely had to sack at all.
>I could run medium/high on an integrated GPU if it weren't for Windows 10
Yeah I'm serious.
In a handgunner vs. archer fight, the archer can easily kill half the handgunner squad in 1-2 volleys.
Not only is their range shorter, but Handgunners can't legolas enemies hidden by hills or their own troops. And despite that, and costing more, they do lower damage.
In any battle where you don't have cavalry superiority the handgunners get to stand out front, fire one low-damage volley, and then fall back behind the line and be useless for the rest of the battle.
They have armor piercing, so what? Halberds, greatswords, artillery and magic will all go through armor.
Thunderers fucking devastate big killy units like Chaos Warriors or Black Orcs
>send 4 heroes at the enemy lord
>he beats them all
Why is Mannie Carstein so OP
You're bad, they rip high armour units and monsters to shreds
>tfw been recruiting da boyz
>no goblin lord for buffs
>boyz all have less soldiers than a unit of goblins
You may be right but fuck i dont want a goblin army in this playthrough.
How the fuck do you get your units to stay in the formation you give them? Locking them into the groups like you did in Rome 2 doesn't seem to work.
How do you make a line charge command? Sometimes it works for me when holding alt, other times they just target one unit.
>In a handgunner vs. archer fight
Yeah no shit, handgunners are meant for taking out heavily armored enemy targets from range.
>reminder that any legendary lord dies with 2-3 witch hunter spells
Shit is OP
I can no longer see how many kills a unit has in a battle or do I just don't see it?
Today I'm going to share a story of a man named Fedorin.
Now let me tell you about this agent of chaos.
>play greenskins
>do well
>expand quickly into Dwarf territory
>all is well, but I can still only field a single capable army, and I'm annoyed by the limited movement on campaign that greenskins have
>Stirland declares war
>think nothing of it, someone else will get them
>some time passes
>from the north of my borders comes walking a single man
>this man's name is Fedorin
>Fedorin walks up to my first settlement
>what an insane gu--
>settlement has been sacked
>wow, he's really powerful to take out my garrison, but at least he's too wounded to do it again
>same turn
>settlement sacked, garrison slaughtered
>son of a bitch, who is this guy
>same turn
>settlement razed, garrison obliterated with ease
>in tears now, clutching my fists
>cannot get the vision of Fedorin from my mind
Pic and video related.
Dumb question but did you actually CTRL + G after you CTRL + 1? Works for me when moving the army around.
I have a 290 and I run the game on ultra sans AA (2x) and I'm getting ~60 fps
Are you hitting Ctrl+G? There is little lock icon next to the group number that will be white if the formation has been locked. You can either click on that icon or hit Ctrl+G
Varghulfs are cute! Cute!
>get home
>launch warhammer
>go get a drink
>come back to windows 10 is 20% installed don't turn off your computer
>turn off my computer
*tips Fedorin*
for some reason every one can win almost every battle by rubbing your face on keyboard with chaos, WaArGh and undead.
Same shit happened to me last week. I just gave up, Dx12 gives a massive boost to FPS in war-hammer anyway.
During the start of the Orc Campaign when they tell me to pacify Black Crag, how should I do this? Just keep a hero with some troops there, or should I actually go back with Grimgor and stay there for a few turns?
*teleports behind settlement*
I haven't had this yet, wtf is the counter though? Do we just have an agent near the border ready to assassinate these guys?
Pistoleers do suck, but gunners dont
Fedorin is no laughing matter.
just turn windows updates off
Windows 10 is the worst operating system in existence. Stay vigilant
Yeah I just hit G, but there was a lock icon around it nevertheless. Tried Ctrl + G as well but it didn't do anything, they just walked as a line.
wait so it is the end of the game? what the fuck i finished a campaign in a day pretty much? thats lame.
So is there any point to having regular spearmen over ones with shields other than cost and upkeep?
regular spearman are probably better vs cav charges while shields are better in melee or vs ranged
>tfw having to delete buildings just to make more Sigmar Cathedrals so I can spam witch hunters
Witch hunters do it. They save you from Enemy lords. Enemy beasts. Enemy Heroes. They are the only ones who have a decent chance of assassinating the heroes on the map, which the AI fucking spams non stop.
If only they were capable of killing half an army like the Warrior Priests or Warrior Captains
You only finished it in a day because you didn't have to wait half an hour for the turn to end. A campaign lasting 24 hours is pretty good if you ask me.
You only get 500 gold (teef?) for it I think, better to let it simmer so you have a back up fight if you need to refill your fightiness bar.
>Yeah I just hit G
You need to hit ctrl+G or click the lock icon.
They showed up in my game by turn 40/50
I hate that you can't have an army with out a general even for 2 seconds
>Confederate with Barak Var
>they were getting raped by Border Princes
>had a 3 stack
>I confed
>gobbo Hero walks up and murders the new lord
>HIRE A NEW LORD, no escape from this screen
>fucking god damn it, fine 825 gold on some new shithead, I just wanted to disband this unit
>Well I just spent 825 on this fuck, might as well keep him
>Next turn: Assassinated
God damn it
>march an army to stop Fedorin
>greenskins have too limited of a movement range
>Fedorin never again leaves my territory
>simply positions himself so he's always out of reach
>this insane hellspawn from Stirland raids to his heart's content, all by himself
>lay my head on my desk for a few minutes and then start a new campaign after the dwarfs come in and retake the settlements Fedorin cleared
Fucking Fedorin
There are a couple of places for wood elves to start. Wonder how many months it will be until the dlc