I've posted this on a few other boards, but surprisingly never tried it on Veeky Forums

I've posted this on a few other boards, but surprisingly never tried it on Veeky Forums

Ask the GM of a Walmart in the American south anything you'd like

How much do you make


Is WMT still trying to expand? What is your long-term plan?

right now, right at 130K a year

quality contribution

Yes, the 3 big focuses right now are grocery sales, e-commerce, and small format stores (neighborhood markets, if you have any in your area)

Grocery is an extremely profitable sector for walmart, but chain grocery stories have actually taken a large bite out of sales in the that sector the last 2 years. walmart is pushing to revamp/remodel the grocery side of all its supercenters, and is rolling out curb side delivery for grocery (as in you order online, drive to the store, and we bring it out and put it in your car)

The small format neighborhood markets are an extension of this, to try and let walmart compete against higher end grocery retailers (Lowes, Whole Foods, that sort of thing)

e-commerce doesn't hit us a lot on the store level, but corporate wants walmart to become a real contender against amazon in the online market, or at least that is the goal

Trump or Clinton?
If you don't reply i'll take that as a vote for Trump ;)

Do you make decisions about who is hired? What do you look for in particular?

Do you feel bad earning $130k when you know how little your employees earn?

Currently an APA at Wal-Mart. How much longer until out department is completely cut? I don't really believe you as there aren't any "GMs" where I'm from, only MM and RMM, etc.

Also, only 130k as a GM? Store managers make damn near 100k and with bonuses and raises every year they make well over that.

Why the fuck did they make us wear these faggot vests.

Omg stay on r9k faggot. How much attention do u need

Do you think WMT stock is a buy? Is their ROI YoY on a per store basis up/down/same?

Stop fucking closing the self checkouts at night and only having one employee manning the registers you fucking assholes REEEEEEEEEE!

And don't give me that "Oh we had to cash them out shit" because you just keep them closed for the rest of the night anyway. I mean, why not just put that one person on the registers to the center kiosk at self checkout and have all those registers open at once?

dont die thread
do you make your employees do the chant
if so your a bad person

Who to contact to purchase your liquidated inventory for my EBay business?
I'm tired of having to find a clearance section.

How do you like being a gm?

What do you do as a gm?

How many years does it take to become a gm?

>makes an ama
>2 posts by this id
Quality thread

> Walmart employee

Were you expecting anything else?

Bls promote
>t. store 197x wagekek

Which customer base is fatter?

Your average southern nigger or your average southern redneck?

niggers for sure, and you're looking for "white trash", not redneck.

Rednecks are just people who labor for a living; they tend to be solid blue-collar folks. White trash are the scooter-stealing, Wal-Mart shopping, paint-huffing obese people you're thinking of. But they're not as fat as black people mainly because of the meth addictions. Meth keeps you skinny.

Could you afford higher minimum wages?

Clinton. Trump is fake as fuck

I do, mostly looking at department managers and supervisors. basically looking for anyone with even the smallest amount of motivation. The biggest problem we have with hiring is that most people who apply look at walmart as sort of a 'last resort' type job, hence it's hard to find anyone with a decent work ethic.

I don't feel too bad considering we are one of the best paying employers in the entire area. Even cart pushers make 10$ an hour now. You can easily be making 12-15 dollars an hour within a year at W-M if you are even the least bit competent

depends on your market. In our market several stores are actually hiring for APA, although it's a slow ass processes because the MM for AP is always bouncing around to different stores

130K base, plus up to 15% bonus of base salary depending on the stores performance,

Been about the same the last 2 years, this holiday season is going to be a predictor of what brick and mortar retail is going to look like for the next decade

Loss prevention. Self checkouts are being phased out in most markets because of the amount of shrink they create, most new walmarts, my current store included, don't even have them. Since most purposful theft is done on the third shift, that's why they close self checkout

Hated the chant when I was at lower levels, never made a morning meeting do it

Pretty solid job if you like/can stand the retail environment. At my level you're mostly responsible for keeping the store on track with whatever the current corporate focus is. Monitoring P&L for all your departments, hiring/firing of middle management, scheduling to a certain extent, and analyzing sales data to see what we do and don't sell, and shift inventory accordingly


Easily. with the budget my store runs, we could pump every employee to 12 an hour and still be fine

What's the best way to shoplifting from Walmart and get away with it?

I'm a beaner looking to work as a wage slave there, but obviously I don't have a working Visa, is there a way to work for walmart there (in the US) with a fake SS number or something?
I'm used to work for more than 12 hours a day, here in Mexico is common practice.

Go late at night, as in between 2-5am

Pick something you can put in your pocket or inside cargo shorts

Walk right out the front door

AP isn't allowed to follow you in the parking lot/try and run out to get your license plate. At most all you have to worry about is someone trying to stop you at the door. If you go during the bowels of third shift, you minimize that

doubtful, W-M makes you produce a social AND either a State ID or a US Passport, and they use e-verify to validate both. Not saying it wouldn't be possible to do with fakes, but you'd have to have pretty damn good fakes of both

I'm gonna have to aim somewhere else then.

So how's that Visa/Walmart dilemma going?

>Clinton. Trump is fake as fuck
you're a GM, and you support hillary over trump. wow, there are no words.

>Clinton. Trump is fake as fuck
How much money do you get for saying this?

No but seriously though Trump may not be 100% genuine but how can you possibly even joke about hillary even being half as 'real' as Trump?

how are your EBITDA margins?

do you use offshore? do you offshore the business tax and also the property?

also do you sell dragon dildos there, that shit would make you super rich

oh nevermind you probably don't know this stuff I thought you were the owner of the individual store

Are they really digging tunnels under the Walmarts across america?
I hate Walmart. That's all.

Cats or dogs?
Pancakes or waffles?

I'm about to graduate with Chem Eng/Econ degrees. Most of my work experience is in politics (staffer), venture capital (analyst/associate), and tech (data mining). oil's down and my grades aren't good enough for like 3M or Dupont, do you think I'd be competitive for a management job at a walmart or is my experience spread too wtf? I've never worked retail but have solid recommendations from all former bosses

Fuck you Rob, You can choke on cocks in hell

I heard a story once that prior to opening every day at wal-mart there is a sort of pep rally where the employees are expected to sing a wal-mart themed cheer, and not wishing to participate is detrimental to your career. Is that really true?

at my store it feels like hours are always being slashed to the root, where the store has the bare minimum number of people to prevent itself from collapsing with single people (regular sals associates not managers) running multiple departments by themselves and literally paging every day desperately for all available associates to come run front registers

Is it so damn hard to actually staff the building and pay people to work? This is a large supercenter which is bustling with business yet it feels like it struggling the way its run

>I do, mostly looking at department managers and supervisors. basically looking for anyone with even the smallest amount of motivation. The biggest problem we have with hiring is that most people who apply look at walmart as sort of a 'last resort' type job, hence it's hard to find anyone with a decent work ethic.

Have high work ethic, get shitted on. Say I can't leave the department I'm in because I need someone to replace me and get told other lies by my sand nigger ASM. He moves two high school kids (18 year olds) to TLE. They don't move me because I am the only one that works compared to the DM and two other guys that do 60% to 80% work and spend the rest of the time not doing shit.

Women with white trash mouths (the way the talk and act) to department managers and ASMs.

>Loss prevention. Self checkouts are being phased out in most markets because of the amount of shrink they create, most new walmarts, my current store included, don't even have them. Since most purposful theft is done on the third shift, that's why they close self checkout

Some stores are bringing them back. At my store they are putting 4 in now and 2 in later.

No. They will make you wait, work your way up. Unless you are a female. I read on walmarts employee website of a female nigger being a DM and getting interviewed for ASM just from being their for 18 months.

If you bust your ass off, you wont get far because ASMs will try to keep you in an area and dump all the work on you.

I have a fatass female nigger that works as a cahsier at my walmart told me that I cant be moved because I work too hard and get most of the shit done in my area. Fuck that nigger. Im looking out for myself and do what I gotta do to move up in life. Even if I dont get to move up in walmart I got back up plans, fuck I'll even go back to factory if I have too.

I wish all the cashiers were replaced with kiosks. Theyre all fucking lazy and rude here (georgia). I can do it faster myself anyways

because he's a nigger is why

Nobody knows how the markets are going to react to a Trump presidency you colossal faggot. If you actually understood that there will be a fundamental shift, maybe you'd reconsider as well.

But who am I kidding. This is Veeky Forums.

>one of the best paying employers in the entire area.
>10$ an hour now.

is the south really that bad?

Second that, I avoid making eye contact with the cashiers when they stand outside their aisle to direct you in when the store is slow so I can go right to self-checkout.

BernieBots like to point to big companies at McJobs. You can use data to point out that big companies pay associates far above minimum wage, and that small businesses usually do pay minimum wage. However, that results in a mental meltdown and they have no retort.

t. former walmart employee

How did you become a GM?

$10/hr for the lowest skilled job in an area of the country where cost of living is fairly low isn't bad at all.

At least in terms of wage-cuckery.

were the closures of multiple walmarts for 'plumbing reasons' with no applications on file with the respective towns where walmart was one of few employers retaliation for the rallies to unionize workers?

Does Walmart have night shift loss prevention? I used to work overnights as a stocker and I never saw them like I would in the day.