Fighting Games General /fgg/
Are we seriously doing randoms in this lobby? God damn it.
Which street fighter characters are those?
Starstorm here. I'm in. We got one slot left who wants in? this style of lobby is mad comfy
xth for donchan
r8 my overwatch tier chart
Omg she needs to be sitting on my dick rn
What's wrong with random? It's fun
It's the 1am fgg lobby it doesn't always have to be serious
How many are you? more than 8 ?
I'm playing with somebody in our own lobby right now.
We invited you.
Because i need serious practice.
Link to lobby pls. I haven't played this game in 40 years.
who dis
I don't like it
Ohhh, sorry. I'm in the lobby with turtle. We have 4 people right now so you guys keep on keepin on
The fang player. Im so rusty from so much ds3 i need to get back in the swing of things.
Dude, tell that guy whos hosting to make an open lobby with 8 slots.
Invite pls
idk you are the only person doing that towards me lol
BrokenTurtle here
>dont play vf in months
>2 seconds of pai
>completely forget the crappy doa changes
forgot eileen and aoi bnb but at least the connections were not super ass
Are yall doing randoms or serious matches?
Hang on freak I'll start a lobby right now
Who else
> Waiting on a US PS4 release
Because i need someone to tell me how to improve and necalli is pretty much the only character i know how to play.
Though random matches are still fun and a nice change of pace.
August 31
i picked random like u said prl why did u pick ur main cheater
Official /fgg/ pairings
Karin x Birdie
Rashid x Cammy
Ingrid x Boxer
Makoto x Dee Jay
Sakura x Sean
Chun Li x Mike
Ibuki x Dudley
Vanessa x Seth
Mai x Banderas
Athena x Heavy D
Kula x Lucky Glauber
Blue Mary x Duck King
Whip x K'
King x Mukai
Hinako x Nelson
Leona x Krizalid
Mature x Zero (Clone)
Vice x Zero (Original)
Moe x Richard
Miu x Silber
Hotaru x Butt
Tsubaki x Arakune
whats your psn name, i'll get ya in here
(i can make the lobby bigger i didnt know how many be in here)
Nobody is stopping you from just playing necalli kid
this desu
I have accepted disappointment deep into my heart
you got mixed up haole
I got karin with random I prom
>matched against plat players
>generally have fun, chill amtches
>get matched against a laggy nutty silver cammy
>start sweating bullets
But it would be rude to pick my main when everyone else is randoming. Even if i will still probably lose.
Man how is it fun to play random? Whats fun in playing someone you know nothing about and losing?
105, i fucked up the yuria questline.
>ibuki x dudley
why would this ever happen
Turtle is hosting I think
I'm just trying to learn, everyone else is playing their main I think
>replying to ages-old shitposting
I'll kick your pai any day.
Then inv me nigga or post lobby info.
Cfn: doctor-gameneo
Nice, 120 here. I fucked up half the questlines
I too am juggling DS3 and SF5 back and forth like a couple of boobs
>keeps giving me my real characters
its literally just one autist copy pasting any brown dude with any girl character to bait retards
no you wont
Wait are you okay vf or sf?
why fightan considered as a niche genre? even tho it's very popular in the 90's?
>getting dhalsim and then gief
>i main vega
I'm playing against a very good akira right now.
If you look for challenge you're missing it.
I love the pvp but man that spin sweep weapon art nerf fucked all the good gankspank weapons. Im at a fork in the road now about the pvp.
do you guys ever hang out with each other at locals/tournaments
Whoever that was talking back in the last thread, I'm not traveling to anything major until EVO, but we can definitely money match there, unless you're close enough to come to churning the butter. See me any time.
nobody in fgg actually play fg, let alone get out of basement
Lmao random rashid mirror
Just to be clear Starstorm_Hero is playing VF5FS not SFV
Turtle & Grizz are good too so is Dinghy I'm new to the game so I don't need challenge rn I'm just trying to figure out how to guess and read people
Join my WC lobby
I invited people to my locals and they didn't show up.
Where is churning the butter?
san francisco
Oh. Then you should have said that from the beginning.
Is anyone down for some serious sf5 practice?
>he doesn't know about the evo orgy
If you need more players in VF5FS.
Invite Ryoandr and IneedyouPai.
Make a lobby of 8.
ive had sex with someone from here
because your average degenerate video game player these days is too unskilled, retarded, and lazy to learn how to play fighting games and get good at them. they'd rather play team-based or single player garbage instead.
oh I'm talking about VF atm.
Sorry to confuse you
if i didnt live in a small village in the mountains, then I would
with mich?
Go away you un-virgin.
Lobby info?
You don't need an invite. Just go to room match - > custom match - > it shows up.
Getting raped in fighting games don't count.
I'm literally just mashing with brad, I need to learn cool sway combos
I did say that back in the beginning when we got the lobbies going
prlprl pwd 5454
im gonna pick my main after this bcoz fuck u prl
Reminder that you promised to kill yourself when Ibuki isn't revealed
doug is hella cool and funny and not a random masher at all. we should all aspire to be like him
sent ya i a invite. its a open lobby tho so you can join in whenever
it doesn't
>think another attack is coming
>opponent blocks instead
>both blocking for 2 seconds
>I press button
>counterhit for 30%
its literally never OK to press any button in vf
make sure you are putting "same area" not worldwide
Tried to make it three player but it's only two, if you wanna play me and jammy I'll invite/make a new lobby
Go back to Israel
He and I aren't in the US.
It's full now. He only made it have 5 slots or something.
Why does jumping in this game lead to so much damage. I swear to god ill aa 3 times in a row and people still jump.
Was it like this in 4?
Gimmicking birdie players with birdie is the most fraudulent way to win the mirror. It's also my favorite now, when does birdie's jumping chain move stop working? Plat maybe?
I'll be playing in ranked with good players.
GG Ryoandr.
i never noticed how slow laura's walk speed was
Ayyyyy get fukd
I'm out guys.GGs. It was fun and I learned a lot. I learned when to dickpunch and when to grab.
I need to use more lows.
Invite pai to take my place
Is Justin Wong racist?
minorities can't be racist
racism is about who's in power