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- Update 1.1.6 Now available for download!
- 1.1.6 Balance Patch Notes: smashboards.com
- Update 1.1.5 balance patch notes: smashboards.com
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> News
- Update 1.1.6 Now available for download!
- 1.1.6 Balance Patch Notes: smashboards.com
- Update 1.1.5 balance patch notes: smashboards.com
> Resources and Guides
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Super sized breast general
>I earned my shitposting two years ago
You fucked up.
Did we really need another thread?
late night Games anyone?
NNID BoostersTower
Ask in the discord
Good games, Ty.
request sent
rooms up
You still up to play? Have you added already just need to boot up the game.
Did Chazo even graduate high school? It seems weird for someone his age to keep getting fired from entry-level jobs.
>tfw get bopped by bayonetta post-patch
what do you honestly think?
1v1 anyone?
id is peridot-sama
> bopped by bayonetta post-patch
Speaking of this, did anyone figure out new combos with her yet to make her work closer to how she used to be?
best girl
>I currently have one major job opportunity in the making at some school somewhere
>I just want a job that isn't wal-mart tier
>26th Jul 2015
I remember how that turned out, but some of this is new to me. He turned down a steady job as a school janitor to be a bartender, only to get fired for being a shitty bartender. That nigga needs to get his shit together and go to night school to earn his GED.
Thanks for the games Dorf
You're welcome Mister Chef
did everyone go to bed or are there some people still up for games?
nnid: mijjyftw
Is Sm4sh modding in full swing yet? I noticed Nairo's character selection screen has a different background.
request sent
Who is the best player for each character. I need this for scientific purposes.
Zero just recently did a small series of videos on exactly this. He goes through an explanation for each player but if you don't care you can just go to the end of the last video for the full list.
cool, you wanna host?
i do not
I meant in the general
Kinda. No good gameplay mods yet, just a lot of texture/stage/music mods
So I need a little bit of advice regarding mains. I've mained pacman since launch and now that I'm starting to play competitively I'm unsure if I should stick with him. In a competitive setting he seems like he relies too heavily on the opponent not knowing your tricks, and once they figure them out, he just doesn't do that well. Is this as big of an issue for pac as I think it is or am I making a big deal out of nothing?
perfect, room should be up
is there any specific character you're after?
Is there any good Sm4sh modding guide around yet?
His hydrant is a good move
Not really, just curious. I haven't been here in a long, long time so I probably won't even know half the people
i don't have enough autism to recall many off the top of my head so you'll probably be waiting a while for someone else to do it
DDD - Slavoslav
Little Mac - Sanjo
Ganondorf - Sakuyadorf
>DDD - Slavoslav
Fuck off
All me
>he still hasnt taken out ganon
I now know why you're the best dorf here
would love to play again
Fun games Axeman
I'm really not the best Ganondorf, please don't believes those posts I beg of you.
>actually goes to tournaments and whips out with secondaries alone
shut the fuck up best ganondorf
>don't believes those posts
>When we've seen the truth for ourselves
Shut up, best Ganondorf
You're better than Fraudchito
any tips for improving my mac?
other than the obvious slowing down the rushdown and playing more cautiously, that I know I need to work on
These posts reminds me of these guys calling me the best ganondorf in NYC I told them no and I said I was the most retarded one but not the best
So is all of Europe
I say more movement, paying attention to your enemy, not overcharging your smashes and don't punish with grab at like kill %s unless there's like a kill confirm. I was at like 100% My wizard foot completely whiffed and you punish me with a forward throw that's really all I can think of
rushdown mac is silly and fun
>I was the most retarded one but not the best
You're not retarded, you're just some dumb ass, best Ganondorf
I just finished watching the Smash Brothers documentary
How do I become the best like Mango?
Hello faggot who tried to get the costume pack working for Smash and kept running into problems from last night here
Is there anyone around who can help me out? Every time I load Smash it just freezes on the splash screen. This is only after I open Kernel and Cafiine, and yes the SD card is being read and is functioning properly
Not him, but is there a guide on how to do this?
Lots of playing and analysing. Spend your time wisely. Work ethic carries a player.
I'm getting an error with the Mega file, is there a mirror?
>watch melee
>watch sm4sh
fucking hell it's like I'm watching in slow motion
Dunno, the guy who made it (Pancakedeity) comes here so ask him about it if you see him
Would you be able to upload it to mediafire or something?
My upload speed is abysmal, you'd be better off just asking the original uploader
Or just look at the OP
open the last thread in a new tab/window then ctrl+f media
but thats too much work sadly
Thanks, trying that now, I didn't know if someone posted it last thread or not.
rate my tier list, there is no substitute, bow down to truth nerds
>Not A Tier
You dun goofed
>purin and koopa that high
>moribito that low
Is a 144Hz/1ms monitor an ok substitute for a CRT when it comes to melee?
Just suck it up and get a wii and crt
>3) Take the two folders from inside the strange file (kernel and sdcafiine) and put them in C:\xampp\htdocs
>(so, for example, you'd have blarg.php at C:\xampp\htdocs\kernel\blarg.php)
That's not the correct file posted in the previous thread. The "strange file" is the link that no longer works and that I need. I should have been clearer.
I don't believe in the "If you beat someone in a ditto you are the better xx-main" statement.
What if the one just lacks the MU experience or generally sucks in dittos?
In my opinion you are pretty much equal and really damn good.
Post mains
Best player of /an/ here. You don't stand a chance.
Anyone have some good guides for Marth? What are some cool tricks with him? I recently picked up short hop air dodge into F/U air and jab to FSmash but I don't eally know if jab to Fsmash is really a reliable trick since it seems like people can jump out of it?
Cutest ship!
Which smash is sleeper cute?
Lucinyah a cute!
Why is this general so gay?
Is it true that people of this orientation main Pit and Peach? Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Gays maining pits/peach is a meme. They tend to main bara heavyweights
See: Our /Ganondorf/Dedede/Bowser/ etc. players.
I'm not talking about bara gay, I'm talking about femboy gay.
bara gay is objectively superior
>not wanting to stare at alpha bara cock as they play
I didn't ask
I can say I personally don't like bara characters as I play.
I want to _____ Pher repeatedly.
KO Punch
Bait Dair!
Why is this place so god damn dead still? Do dubs ever happen anymore?
3DS only