hoo boy
Was wizard antag and killed for valid reasons. Next round over, threw a tantrum and threatened to metagrief and kill the people who killed him if they weren't reprimanded. by Ys (Trial Admin) on Sun, April 20th of 2014
During the same round as the metagrief threats, he was the HoS and seemed to heavily abuse his power against specific persons, as far as killing someone by harmbatoning after a borgs stunned and is in the process of cuffing them. Need another admin to look through the logs to give a second opinion, doesn't feel right accusing and banning someone of something so serious as a trialmin. by Ys (Trial Admin) on Sun, April 20th of 2014
Not robust enough to be HoS on Veeky Forumsstation by dekret (Based Chickenmin) on Sun, April 20th of 2014
Player seems to have a short temper, gets incredibly pissed when he dies, doesn't consider the fact that maybe an antag actually killed him.. by Rei1226 (Game Admin) on Tue, May 6th of 2014
Extremely prone to whining in Adminhelp/Spamming Adminhelp about the lack of RP. Believe's he's being Metagrudged. by MrFoster (shitmin) on Fri, May 9th of 2014
Will literally whine in adminhelp about anything. Literally adminhelped today because two people were yelling at him to pay them money in-game. The two people did not harm him at all, or even touch him, yet he still felt the need to adminhelp about it... by Rei1226 (Game Admin) on Fri, May 9th of 2014
Stated ONLY law 0 as borg during malf round. Seemed unintentional, but who knows. by BurnZeZ (CoderOgre) on Fri, May 30th of 2014
Autism by Konater (Eternal Admin) on Fri, May 30th of 2014
Starting clopping his hooves together when he had an ID with the name of Rainbow Dash...yeah... by Rei1226 (bullshit) on Fri, June 6th of 2014
Nearly killed me with a welderbomb :(. Swore it was accidental and I guess it could have been so I gave him a warning. by MidnightGlow (Trial Badmin Extroardinaire) on Mon, June 9th of 2014