desperately in need of buffs edition
League of Legends General - /lolg/
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>champions that most of the playerbase and riot think are fine but they really aren't
xth for post bard
>Champions that most of the playerbase and riot think aren't but they really are
>buffing vayne ever
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edgy contrarian opinions: the post
Can you even read cues my man? She's a fucking maid, and she's sitting in a dominant pose, with exposed feet out in the open, telling the viewer to shush and a confident look in her face. She's clearly in control, and if you don't think the image is sexually charged then I don't know.
How hard is it to get into vayne. My previous account was a d1 Lee one trick but I dropped after meme dragons. How long would it take to atleast be a plat level Vayne?
Why do faggots who do the worst talk the most trash? The faggot didn't even have a match history kek, guess all he plays is aram since he is too much of a pussy to play a real game.
Draven best male charecter
>takes three times the effort of every other AD carry for 50% of the reward
>hasn't seen a serious competitive pick in about 3 years
>even high elo dedicated mains are dropping her because she's nigh unplayable
>she's fine because m-muh true damage
at least her true damage can't be modified
lucian deals true damage on everything due to his build
I think if they hadn't reduced her breast size it would be straight up porn
which i'm ok with
Dang stormraiders GP is a slippery motherfucker.
>being so bad you're matched with pre-30 players
>"sexually charged"
>treating it as if its unusual or bad
riots got some nice reverse psychology goin on
why is she wearing a diaper
if you were d1 with lee probably very little, in fact i'm pretty sure you could play her and cruise to plat off your understanding of the game. once you get past d3 shit starts getting really tough and you basically have to shelf her however, because after mid diamond botlane becomes play lucian or play against lucian, and vayne can't deal with lucian at all and at this elo people are decent enough that you can't really outskill them in such a shitty matchup unless you're a challenger level AD
I am pre-30 myself though. Gotta lvl up your alt accounts
>tfw everyone here is shit at league except me
>Zed is fine
>Lucian is fine
Like, Riven and Yasuo don't do well in the current tank meta but it doesn't mean they are underpowered either.
And really, hahaha splat and triggernigger are pure cancer and nowhere near 'fine'.
>original post was about how nice and refreshing it was to see these sexually charged splashes
>then comment on how much I want to see Eve's new splashes since she is the most sexually charged female and her splashes will probably be lewd as fuck
>I'm treating it as bad
user I'm fucking loving these splashes, what the hell are you talking about. My point is that they're finally doing these kind of splashes and I want more.
>Two people immediately react to me saying nigger
Have I been gone so long that Riot Lyte turned the game into a toxic free zone?
>please don't use that word
>"sexually charged"
you need a break from leggo legens and all things associated
If you don't really see how a maid (hint: a submissive role) taking a dominant position and sticking her feet out is sexually charged you're socially retarded.
Why the fuck do you think the splash is being the most commented on you numbut.
Because it's sexual as fuck and people like sex.
I'll 1v1 you
add me
Is Taliyah shaved?
Isn't Lucian getting hit with the nerf bat soon? Not too bothered over diamond, it's probably the most frustrating help to be in. Just wanna play with my gf and her friends without them whining about playing vs diamonds. Thanks famila
its your use of words you stupid tumblr fuck
of course the splash is sexual jesus christ
someone please kill me!
>The next ultimate skin is for rengar
>It upgrades with his bone tooth necklace
yeah but it won't really do much
do pick her up then she's fine but relies on outskilling the enemy, i don't say this in the usual "she has dashes so you have to dodge stuff" shit retards say, i say this is in a "you have to be better than the opponent to win" way
still loads of fun, just be careful of picking her into bullies with janna because janna makes vayne cry fucking tears of blood
spot the silver
Maybe after his inevitable rework
No, she's bushy, like her eyebrows. but has a perfect innie.
>Silver players not complaining about silver pubstomp champs
How bushy are we talking?
zed and lucian are legit so broken they change every single detail on this game
theres literally no reason to not pick adc lucian
Extremely bushy.
Bushier than you've ever seen.
Zed, Lucian and Yasuo stomp much harder at high elo.
silver pubstomp is shit like Garen or Voli
What if you're a special snowflake?
But disgusting jungle tier or delicious soft bush would sniff/10 ?
Then you pick lucian and build him with a normal crit build. There are no other adcs anymore.
>What is Caitlyn?
have fun reading an empty thread
I wonder where the pic from the other angle is
Reminder Lucian was designed as the perfect AD carry and as long as he doesn't get either destroyed numbers-wise or reworked he will come back to abuse items or whatever.
Reminder Yasuo was designed as a single-player experience, hence why his kit basically ignores opposing enemies and gives him all the choices.
Reminder Riot considers Zed, a champion that goes way beyond 50% banrate everytime he's even slightly good a healthy character.
I want to FUCK Soraka!
You would be surprised, there's actually a lot of gameplay discussion if you filter all these retards
>soraka will never sit on my face
I'm pretty sure Riot has to be losing viewership with how much of a mess this patch is.
>Check LCK real fast
>tank ekko
All these exciting picks! All these exciting 50 minute games with barely 10 kills!
The worst part is pieces of shit like Montecristo saying "this is how League is supposed to be you just can't appreciate the DEPTH of watching Azir mow down creeps for 45 minutes".
It's like a giant cotton field.
If she were to wear a normal sized bikini, would it peek out?
They have, LCS games got less viewers than they did last year
Will Riot ever realize the way to incentivize aggression comes not from adding objectives to fight over or whatever, but by making lane phases less safe overall and making deaths less punishing?
Why aren't you rewatching the greatest moment in LoL esports history right now?
lategame sivir is disgusting
i love her so much
Dude I used "f@g" one time and got perma banned. Best be careful not to go all anti-pc on these niggers.
>ready twitter
>Gosu got hit by a car
He really wants to die,doesn't he?
i bet vayne wears cute girly panties
dying is antifun
>release new nid splashes
>immediately nerf her
Zed isnt even broken though. His wave clear is annoying as fuck, but he has like 40% winrate vs Morg and Kayle mids. Just bring better waveclear or hard cc.
I want to be tied up and gagged and bound to a fucking machine in Vlad's dungeon for days as I watch him bring Vayne/slave girls in there and do unspeakable things to them.
More like granny pants.
That being said if a champion that is balanced still has 90% banrate it means something is really wrong with the champ because they'd rather ban it to not play against it than something else that is actually broken.
No matter how you look at it, Zed is a fuckup.
calm down
vayne is very feminine
she wears a cute blue ribbon in her aristocrat skin and has a banging body
i'm sure she wears cute panties because she likes wearing something girly under all her night hunter, tough girl stuff
can someone be a great pal and gift an unranked 50% win ratio lvl 30 kogmaw? I feel like if i had kogmaw my fortune would change considerably in the ADC lane. Pure onhit champions are my favorites
>no cho
>this translator
I blame it on memes at this point. That and pokey bird mains
What about my homoerotic name? Now im popular and loved! Dont filter your deepdark fantasy!
I blame it on Zed being an absolutely miserable experience to play and lane against for pretty much every midlaner and/or squishy champions.
People tend to hate playing against characters that limit their options but have a shitton of options themselves. Especially if they're packed in an assassin package. It's the reason Fizz, Yasuo, Zed, Riven and some others always show up high in "most hated champion" polls.
Take a gander at the OCE championships, they have a slightly more varied pool of champs from what ive seen, like ezreal and some other stuff. Its pretty fun even if you dont live in the OCE region
Not really friendo. Supports at your elo don't know how to peel and constant protection is essential for koggles to not be useless.
Can confirm. Her sexuality is a rose in bloom hidden under layers of armor.
Dont worry about it! I dont mind! I just really love onhit champions more than any other type, and kogmaw is such a great example. He is very squishy, and i dont mind nobody wants to get him for me, it did come off as a little impolite i suppose. Any other onhit champions like kog?
These Korean bot games are next level
>tfw no futa goat
I want to fuck the cat woman.
I bet he copied that "get hit by a car" from Sodapoppin, is that some kind of new attention whoring for subscribers?
>there are people that don't want to fuck nidalee
Do you realise that if Riot hadn't changed that splash art your post wouldn't exist?
That picture predates Nid's splash.
So does wanting to fuck Nidalee.
>trying to learn a lot of champs and have them at my disposal
>can only have 20 masteries and limited rune pages
This doesn't happens in dota
Every single person in this thread including myself sadly.
Yeah, in a sort of butterfly effect type of way. I don't see what your point is though
Do you realize that if your dad had wore a condom you wouldn't exist?
Why would you need 20 mastery pages? I bet there isn't even that many different combinations
I played overwatch and it came off as extremely simplistic and got boring after like 4 games.
Not enough depth and it's just like a even more casualized tf2, fuck that.
I guess blizzbabbies eat anything that blizz throws at them.
>not making your masteries in the spot
silver identified
is this an artist's way to beg for money
seems pretty shitty to me
no user they play it because its fun
>>can only have 20 masteries and limited rune pages
Filling up all your 20 mastery pages is pointless and you can do fine with 2 rune pages ( one for AD, one for AP ).
Just waiting for taco bell to send me my code
It's literally a dumbed down tf2, how's that fun.
Why not just play tf2 which is already fucked up but it still manages to be more entertaining.
To make easily flustered people rage. Looks like it works.