/4xg/ - Stellaris, Civilization & 4X Strategy General

>Stellaris OP:

>Stellaris Mod Archive

>What is stellaris?
A 4x game developed by paradox development studios.

>Stellaris Steam Group

>Where is the white only mods/patch
Ask in the thread.

>/civ4xg/ OP:

>More info on Civ VI:

previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:



who /fungoid/ here

totesmessenger is a fucking faggot

>with link to white supremacist channel
That never happened though
Next thing they will say there was a photo of the mod author worshiping hitler while he raped a woman and beat up a nigger

it's pure """"""""""""""""""""""""""reactionary"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" garbage

Don't ever fuck up with the thread title again.
Over at /gsg/ we take these issues extremely seriously and should this ever happen again, I can assure you that there will be severe consequences.

>>so they just nerfed Corvette evasion instead of fixing bug with accuracy cap and broken ship attack computer?
>Wiz I'm going to repeat this again, in red this time:
>Wiz Please note that the highlights below are just highlights, NOT exhaustive patch notes!
wtf Paradox
>not posting proper patch notes
>angry at customer for not knowing if patch fixes annoying bug or not

Honestly if paradox didn't try to mess with this shit they wouldn't have to deal with this shitstorm



Wiz is always salty

That was the other mod eurogamer wrote that paradox was "evaluating"

>hyperlanes only
>#buildwall at two chokepoints that give me a hefty chunk of the galaxy to myself
>discover I've got xenos inside the wall with me
Should I integrate them?
At this point in the game it'll end up with a full-on multicultural clusterfuck because cmon it's 2216 (literally) and I delayed colonization to kill them.
Can't purge since noncollectivist and I don't know if I can starve them all.

But user, the patch is only almost done, not fully done :^)

>Have fleet with even number of every ship type
>Split fleet doesn't split it exactly in half
>In fact one fleet has over twice the fleet power of the other

Do it

20 ships on each side, though!
It's just like Victoria 2, split evenly doesn't acknowledge engineers and artillery are different units, or guards and infantry.

>find elixir of life half a year later
Okay, maybe this can work afterall.

elixir of life?

It's just a dev diary, expect the actual patch next week

Anomaly event that gives you a choice of either +15 happiness empire wide or +50 leader lifespan.

Starving doesn't kill pops as far as I know, it just makes them mad and stop growing.

That's a fucking stupid way to make a choice. How the fuck would making something widely disro'd fucking less effective?

so how the heck do i get to use my own portraits for all my leaders with my custom race?

Are you retarded?

Are you? That's like saying that having the polio vaccine widely available, and without copyright, makes it somehow less effective.


That's a false equivalence because polio vaccine isn't rare substance.

Imagine that, giving out something limited in quantity to larger group of people makes each individual get less.

When you say your own portraits, you do mean actual paintings of yourself right.

>Start as xenophile
>Pops diverge into xenophobe because some of them genemodded themselves

>that pic of the extinction-tier explosion
I panicked a bit the first time I got that event.

That too
>Chixculub tier impact
God, you'd think they set off some kind of massive anti-matter bomb, or did an asteroid drop.

Well is it something manufactured or just a limited quantity? If it exists naturally, it can be reproduced, it's just lazy game dev

Guys, where can i download 1.1 patch ?

And why my sector does not build any military stations when i command that?

I thought this bullshit was fixed?

Yesterday's Dev Diary+Responses to questions

>Science Ship
>Other Science Ship

don't sass me boy


anybody test this monstrosity

>If it exists naturally, it can be reproduced
what is literally every mineral resource
also water

We'll get there one day r-right?

Reminder that paradox cannot into math and extra events for crises can't happen because they forgot how percentages work.


Holy crap, a new Paradox game?

Consensus thus far?

why? the game can't even handle its default galaxiy sizes without lag.

>Can't set migration laws on per-species basis
I'm fine with migration of most of my pops, I just want those xenophobe cunts to stick to their own planet so they won't ruin everything.


>he fell for the vassalisation meme

please explain

unfinished buggy shit, so par for the course really
wait until at least the next patch SOON(tm), maybe also the other two each a month later

Game is fun and has great potential, but broken at launch.
Like all Paradox games.

Standard Paradox game.

Lots of fun and potential, but it'll take a couple of patches and expansions to really bring this game to its full potential. That being said, it's already one of my favorite Paradox games.

What? You can literally make water, and any mineral resource. Like hydrolysis is a common chemical reaction. Like dude, you can make diamonds too. Technical with enough energy you could star forge atoms to produce heavier metals, and use fission to break them apart if you wanted.

>Consensus thus far?
Pirate it if you want to try it, and enjoy the things that work until they unfuck it enough to make buying it worth the money.

It's fun, but like all the paraducks games, it's more like a framework that requires five patches, two DLCs and a year of modding to really shine.

But when it has that, this thing will be on the same level as MoO2.

Some follow-up events to crises are set to happen when the faction controls 2000% of the galaxy, so they never happen. They put "20" in the event files instead of "0.2".

If you have the scourge, the game was supposed to spawn a neutral empire made of the galaxy's survivors dedicated to murdering the scourge. They also have a couple of unique ships.
The unbidden were supposed to spawn another portal of different unbidden that fought both you and the original unbidden. If they met and fought, then after 40 years a third portal of more unbidden also hostile to everything.
This cannot happen. The trigger was supposed to be the crisis controlling 20% of the galaxy, and they put 20 as a threshold for triggering the event. Except 1 = 100%, so they need to control 2000% of the galaxy for the event to trigger.

Does that mean you simply can't integrate vassals over a certain size?

My bad, not the term I meant. Electrolysis is the splitting of water, and is extremely easy.

what you're talking about is processing one resource into another
that's not 'making' a resource
we don't 'make' oil, we dig it out of the ground
once all the oil in the ground is gone, that's it, no more oil ever

Have they made any mention of fixing this with the upcoming patches?


Supposedly Clarke fixes shit that was wrong with crisis AI, so I guess they'll fix that too. Maybe. I recall a dev talking about how there were supposed to be interesting developments for crises that was bugged. Otherwise just do as said and edit the crisis files.

No but like, you can actually manufacture oil. The research is being done, while it may be energy intensive it is possible. If it occurs in nature, there is. however arduous, a way to mimic or copy it.

Do vassals count towards your 40% of planets victory?

But of course.
Sounds good, guess I'll have to open up Notepad++ again because that actually sounds interesting.

Look for # Sentinels in crisis_event_1 and ### Second Portal in crisis_event_2. A couple of lines below that it calls for galaxy percentage >20, edit to 0.2.
Otherwise just fire the events manually.
The unbidden events actually tell a bit more about their history.
The prethoryn dialogue events are actually the only in game reference to the fact that you should bomb the fuck out of planets.
No events for the machine uprising though, iirc.

this game needs more powerful tech at the end

all there is is a few weapons that are really similar to each other and shit like psi drive which is meh or some slightly better armies

games needs planet destroying weapons or something because trying to take over a large enemy when you're only allowed to take over 3-4 planets per war for some retarded reason is so freakin monotonous

Anyone else got the Pyramid event from observing primitives?

My first game ever. Wish me luck.

I don't understood.
they made EU4 and CK2.
They could use experience from it to make a really good game.
But no.
Its shit.
Funny shit but more you play it, the more you see how its a shit.

how many armies do you generally land on an enemy planet?

Or make bombarding actually glass a planet.

>Take 3 years time to just zero a planet's fortification
I thought spaceship supposed to OVERWHELM groundforce.

New Home Systems

Both those games were buggy, unfinished shit on release too.
It's just their business model, user. I don't mean to condone it, but it is exactly what could have been expected.

Always the maximum possible, 12.
If you've bombarded them to shit you probably don't need that many, but I like to be prepared.

>warp drives
Restart, pick wormholes.

research colony ship first

It's the only one that fits the "lore" of my space Romans.

>20+ days of cooldown on arrival
Still trash. Even hyperlanes are better while being limited in movement.
Just out of curiosity, starting weapons?

there is no maximum


Somehow I knew it.
Enjoy not reaching 2300.

>start a new game
>It's 2201 and I'm surveying my second system
>find alien ai anomaly
>activate it
>suddenly a 1k stack attacking me

I'm fucked aren't I?

>business model
Right, they produce product lines (base game + dlc), not quality products.

Unless they start chasing you, avoid the system until you can beat it.

Well, shit.

By divine right the Protoss rule the galaxy!


does this actually represent inevitable victory, or are the Unbidden slapping your shit and you just pulled some Jewish trick to get you over 40% before they eat you?

Told you to restart.
Even with warp III you still have bullshit cooldown on arrival that no other drive has except jumps, and even then it's a fixed 5 days and has longer range. Normal jumps are also locked if you don't have wormholes for some reason.
Projectile are shit. Even if you're not min maxing they're just shit.

>naming a planet Zeratul

nah I destroyed the Unbidden portal a while ago. Couldn't be fucked going thru and destroying all their military stations


My friend group (me included) are seriously considering not buying Stellaris due to prohibitive DLC costs. We pirated the game but it seemed so worthy of purchase - until we got reminded of all the DLC Paradox games have. How much do you guys expect content-only DLC will cost in the end? I want to find a middle ground and be reasonable, I don't want to be a filthy pirate or wait years for the complete pack

>40% before they eat you?
also it's conquest victory not domination victory, all empires left are my vassals

How fast are the Unbidden, in terms of expansion?
I went full WALL at a chokepoint on one side of them, hoping they don't bother and just expand in the other direction.

The DLC won't stop untill people stop buying. CK 2 is still getting DLC and all of it costs a ludicrous amount

Expect ~ $20 twice a year for the next few years at least. If it keeps selling they'll keep making more.

>no shakuras
>no raszagal
>no aldaris

fuck I really should have put that as my second world

12 armies everytime? oh man
>facing pic related
>1 planet vassal of a larger Empire, nignog cucks with no tech compared to me
>load Elite Droid Army with General and 3 additional Droid Armies in transport, all of them with attachment
>cleanse nignogs from orbit for half a year
>land terminator troops with phased plasma rifles 40 watt range
>invasion failed