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>Facebook Q&A with Jeff Kaplan

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First for Zenyatta is shit


>Arcade mode
This shit is fucking great

first for hooked through thick concrete no big deal

Xth for Mei is for shitters who prefer to play with buttplug inserted

junkrat and road hog are the only good heroes

Amputee Pharah

lol spend enough money, nerd?

at least from my experience whenever I pick mercy the entire enemy team gangbangs my asshole while nobody on my team does shit. At least when I play lucio I feel like I can escape and or do enough damage to kill shit. Got play of the day last night as lucio blasting a couple people off a ledge.

playing mercy makes my dick hard

Xth for Eni the edgelord

Why do McCree players refuse to admit their character is broken as fuck when every good team brings two of him? Turning any teamfight immediately into a 6v4 is better than anything any other character could bring.

At least Widowmaker players admit their character is broken with her charge time

Have you encountered 6 mei yet?

It's a-mei-zing

>TRying to get D.Va's cute spray
>You literally need to camp till the right moment before you can try for it
>Most people now know what to do anyway.

Fucking hell Blizz, at least make the spray purchasable

>Tracer kisses you on the cheek and teleports away
>wat do

>Skin you like that every doesn't

Same, love it when somebody calls me a healslut and bullies me

i'd be fine with the mcree 1-2 punch if the fan attack wasn't such a 'i cant aim and i want to kill you immediately' button

>teleport behind her

>shitter named "Yasuo"
>plays genji
>dies to widow's smg multiple times

proceed to fuck your mom in the ass like i did last night faggot.

> Rarely play Mercy 'cause I'm shit at healing (racked up 1 hour in early game)
> First time choosing her after nearly 50 hours of play
> Played enough front-line to know when to boost and when to heal (thanks Soldier 76)
> When there's no-one to heal I switch to pistol and cling to Rein, helping deter cover shitters and Tracers (thanks D.Va)
> Save my rez's for when more than 2 people need them (or out dps are dead and in range)
> My rez's saved us from losing to a pre-made after 5 minutes of overtime
> First Legendary vote card
> Headpats from both teams

I could live like this.

>played a fuckton of soldier
>feel i've mastered him and decide to branch out
>try pharah
>shoot myself through the roof trying to sprint
>switch to reinhardt
>ram myself into a wall trying to sprint again
>switch to junkrat
>throw some kind of landmine or bomb or whatever
>oh shit enemies
>try helix rocket their asses
>my mine explodes and i fly off the map



>completely one-sided match


i was like that after a long bout of playing widowmaker. every time i'd get ult i would pop it immediately. worst time was when i rocket barraged right into a wall as another pharah came around the corner and saw me kill myself.

>try to add my team to the "avoid player" list
>they're already all on there

How does Mercy's damage beam work with things like turrets and Junkrat's/D.va's ult?

>Trying to play
>Tranny butt slave wants to have sex AGAIN
>Tell her no
>She then forces herself into a game with me
>Does terrible playing Widowmaker and only Widowmaker as per usual
>"hehehe now you gotta punish me"
>tfw just wanna play Overwatch

I envy you people that get to play alone


I created a WEBM that was 12 mbs

I got converted down to 7 mbs with Gfycat

How the fuck do I get it below 4 now?

I unlocked this during beta and really enjoyed it.

The mental image of these things is funny, thank you.

Look. All of you shut the fuck up and listen.

There is only one male character in this game. One glorious apex specimen of men. One true king, to whom thouest ought bow.

And everyone - EVERYONE - everyone else in this game is a fuccboi trap by comparison, NO exceptions.

I don't even want to hear your fucking arguments. If you disagree, you're WRONG.

>want to play genji and zarya
>hate the way they look way too much to be able to play them
>characters that require legendary skins to play

great """""game""""" blizzard...

hello underage

>tranny buttslave

>Group up with me
>Group up with me
>My Ultimate is ready!
>Group up with me

>You cannot get 4 kills or rezes with your ults for the achievements.
>Somehow the Enemy Hol Horse always manages to get 5 kills with his...


>caring about the look of your character that you LITERALLY CANNOT SEE in game


It's Zarya, right?

I like to imagine that her mech has a dildo installed that vibrates according to twitch subs which constantly distracts her during rounds.

>caring about the skin and / or the aesthetic of a motherfuckin videogame character

shitter detected

What's wrong with Genji? He looks straight out of Metal Gear Rising.


I play Mei and I enjoy taking walks with my buttplug inserted but not while playing because it'd be a distraction whileW+M1ing your stupid face you memer

Even the hanging space aliens are upset with this.

>thought his helmetless skins look like crap because his face zoomed out looks terrible
>thought i was gonna play the guren lagan skin instead
>get a helmetless skin (camo)
>rein is beautifully rendered up close
Best tank. Second main. Reinhardt is the best.



Ok heal sluts, prove to me how Mercy is a better hero then Zenyatta.

pro tip, you can't

>zenyatta takes way more skill, then Mercy, involving map awareness and positioning to be key
>he can heal, do a fuck ton of damage, and amp damage helping the team all around, not just sucking off one nigger in the corner
>his whole concept and look is much cooler then Mercy
>he only has 50 less hP then Mercy, but 100 of that is regenerating shields
>he can legit heal 100 hps and becomes invulnerable, Mercy requires your shitters teammates to die before she can do anything

Tbh mercy cucks who pick the hero only cause muh waifu need to kill themselves they contribute nothing to the team.

why are rinehart players such dweebs?

>walk through corner
>mcree out of nowhere stuns and fans me before i can even react

>walk through corner
>mei out of nowhere freezes me and headshots me with icicle before i can even react

>walk through corner
>widowmaker out of nowhere headshots me with wallhacks before i can even react

the holy trinity of unfun heroes

Jesse McCree. He's the single greatest and sexiest boy in Overwatch. I love him and I'm sharing five facts about Jesse McCree with you!

1. McCree has a flashbang!
2. You're mad!
3. Boys with flashbangs are cute!
4. I love them!



>it ain't me starts playing

>Overcompensation: The Character

Because we take PRIDE in being so MAGNIFICENT!


I got... The one with the mustache and ultraviolet. I kind of like mustache, though.

I only want this skin so I can make a montage like video with "fortunate son" and a ton of vietnam flashbacks halfway through the gameplay

>get aroused playing as a healslut
>love being the little fucktoy
>follow commands
>still get the blame for everything
>don't say anything because I'm not allowed to speak up

i keep getting revived in situations where the only thing that can happen is that i get killed again instantly by the six enemies standing on top of me

now i know you're playing mercy because you're completely inept but seriously


Please tell me how this is supposed to be beatable

>taking more skill means it's automatically better
I know it's b8 but come on

>there are people who will not only fall for this, but they will be mad about it

Owg is so bad when it comes to handling bait.

>Hook her back
>Give her a peck in return

Ok, I lowered my sensitivity. How do I stop picking up the mouse now?

Its 30hps from across the map, away from dick sucking distance, and the hero isn't a copy paste of medic

i want to eat u babby ass for diner

Lucio is better for the team than both
I hate it too

>tfw you get recognized for your skill

I was foolish to think Tracer was going to be one of my worst played Heroes considering I'm an absolutely shit Scout in TF2.

But it just werks in Overwatch for some reason.

>LOW TEST: The Post

zenytta dies to a single fully-charged sniper shot, that alone is enough reason to not want to play him. Also mercy's damage amp is way more versatile since you can buff people during their ults. also her rez just lets you cancel an enemy push after they all wasted their ults.

Where is the fifth fact??

More surface area

>people that try and play all ranged dps like widow/hanzo

kill yourself

>Mercy has incredible mobility, even toward those in the air.
>Can counter massive destructive ults like junkrats or MeCrees and negate them completely while giving your team a clean bill of health providing you get out of the way too
>Can boost damage while your tank is doing their job, especially reinhart, so they can enjoy more kills. Soldier 57 especially loves this
>Her Heal/Boost tether is longer than you think.

Level 18. Only legendary I have so far.


Does everyone get a legendary skin in their first few boxes?

I got one and my friend did as well and we're not sure if it was on purpose or a coincidence.

I really wish they did the Hearthstone system and let you sell skins and stuff for reduced coins

I'm already using a huge mouse pad.

>those feminine thighs
that's hella gay

The best one, though.

Because widowmaker exists.


>they had to make the only mecha girl a weeb

goddamnit blizzard

By being good at the game.

Damn, lucky.

I got a legendary for Roadhog :(



>mods delete anti-mercy posts
Tbh reported u cucks baka kys senpai

I want to be like 76 when I grow up

>always hear that d.va is shit
>Try her out
>She's great, like a tracer-tank

Where does the hate come from?

If you aren't using the whole right side of your table, you don't have enough mousepad just yet.

Doom Marine vs. the cast of Overwatch



Nah, she's shit.

How do I into Roadhog's hook combo?