Dueling Network General #2184
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Dueling Network General - /dng/
What is he standing on?
Let's get some good fanart/constructed art before this dissolves into stupid shitposts like
>2 sage, 2 oreo
how do you find high res card arts?
very carefully
>all shitposts
>Fairy Injection Lily
>Spellcaster type
buy card
scan card at high resolution
>TFW playing Sylvans right now
wew these guys are fun
As someone else playing Sylvans
What do they DO? What's my GOAL with them?
Reminder Raita is the best player on /dng/
access the extra deck monsters
we know he's the best.
The boss monsters are like harder to get out Dantes with removal instead of floating. Lonefire is your friend. Peaskeeper is your best friend.
What card have you been falling in love with recently, /dng/? Doesn't matter if it's an archetypes member, a sweet tech, or a spell/trap
>pic related
Ain't no feeling like Veilering Trish
Whatever Raita is playing atm
thanks for eating my picture Veeky Forums.
can you shut the fuck up? youre just shitposting and it's not even funny, just reminds me of that >fuck off mexican retard guy a few months back
>Counselor Lily actually is a Fairy
Card game, load of bollocks, etc.
that's not raita.
Can people like me too like they do with raita?
Post Cyber Angels decks.
Who would win? Raita or mariomon?
They can't be compared.
Raita would win easily.
I just beat someone with a Final Countdown deck and I'm sure it was one of you. Which one was it? Reveal yourself.
raita wins by KO
a forced meme for newfags
Cyber Angels decks.
You didn't beat raita that's for sure
sure, you just have to come up with the next metalfoes abc
i dont understand this image, is it aromage stuff? wait, does anyone have an aromage decklist?
>does anyone have an aromage decklist?
Ask raita nicely for a decklist
stop shitposting, waifufag
r8 my new deck
stop raitaposting raitafag
What do you side against D/D? Like how the fuck do you not just get otkd by that broken piece of shit?
I side D.D Trainer and D.D Crazy Beast to remind my opponent that Tewart made the archetype's creation possible.
>inb4 ask Raita
what the fuck are you even talking about? why is no one being constructive in this thread at all? its just fucking shitposts
>he doesn't know
Ask Raita he plays ddd as well
it's true that Mariomon is actually a girl?
>he doesn't cheat scrubs out of wins
I see nothing wrong with this
someone who needs to grow the fuck up and move on from this general or at least reddit
...supposedly. But you can never be sure until you get him/her naked. That's the thing with Brazilians.
Holy shit this was me, you were actually mad enough to screencap it? You were being fucking trolled and you're STILL falling for the bait?
How can I improve this deck?
I just played an overlord who used Left Arm Offering and Reasoning, so maybe you should look into that. You could try asking Raita, too.
>I was just pretending to be retarded.
DM: youtube.com
GX: youtube.com
5D's: youtube.com
ZeXal: youtube.com
ARC-V: youtube.com
Ask Raita. He plays with cubics from time to time
But I actually was you Mexican retard, I play Bujins and Fire Fist and Mermail, I know how continuous effects vs mst work. How fucking mad do you have to be to screencap a simple troll post and write that fedora-level paragraph on it? I'm kekking so hard over here.
>haha I'm not retarded, just trolling you guys!
pretty much, I'm sorry you're as mad as you are, tripfag
Yeah, it's someone's depiction of their cute girl Aromage deck, minus Bergamot (who does not appear to be a cute girl) but allowing Cananga (who's androgynous enough that nobody can be sure). Counselor is there as an EARTH Tuner.
How do I get Odd-Eyes Gravity Dragon and Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon on field at the same time?
by using pendulum magicians before tewart slaughtered them for no reason
>Staying around for the credits and/or spoiling the next episode
>he doesn't like great animations and good music
as expected of vorcia
>spoiling the next episode
baka desu senpai
literally no reason
It would have been funny if they survived to full power till Amazing Pendulum in TCG.
Xth for becoming one with your dimensional counterparts
arc-v is seriously kuso
>you were mad enough
you're mistaken, all I did was screencap it, I had nothing to do with the conversation
it's okay, not everyone can appreciate how great ARC-V characters are
nah, they're mierda
especially that cabron yuya
>yfw all this becoming one business is a metaphor for the TCG/OCG banlists and card sets merging into one and Tewart being burned at the stake
here's cubic karakuri
only in a perfect world
Help me please I have no idea what I'm doing, should I /cydra/ or what?
but he created D/D/D though...
why would you want to burn him?
No, you should Metalfoes.
forgot image
we're not doing this again, bait and shitpost hour can come later but please not this fucking early
this is not an OTK deck stop treating it as such
Wouldn't it be a better idea to just leave duja+the traps and a level 4 cubic in and use duja as a tengu while cutting the rest?
why don't you ask raita if you're so tough?
Then do I replace the brilliant meme with metalfoes?
So I guess no brilliant meme then
Well in that case how many of each scale, trap, and fusion do I include? Never really used metalfoes so I don't really have an idea of where to start
Metalfoes build usually run 1 Fusion, 2 Counter and 1 Combination, but I'd recommand running 3 Counters like in the original build because the deck is a lot more focused on floating.
2 card combo time. Transmodify + Union Hangar
>Activate Union Hangar, search Assault Core
>Summon Assault Core, use Hangar to equip Buster Drake from the deck
>Transmodify into Galaxy Soldier, search another Galaxy Soldier off itself and Crush Wyvern off Buster Drake
>Discard Crush Wyvern for Galaxy Soldier
>2 Level 5 Machines -> Nova -> Infinity
>Banish A, B & C from grave for ABC
So you basically get out 2 boss monsters and go +1.
anyone can tech me how2play metalfoes?
Nice, sounds like a nifty combo to try out
Alright thanks, how many of each scale should I run?
Union hangar is a really good field spell
sweet, and i thought unions were a lot worse than magnets.
Running every scale is good.
>we'll find other cards to combine with Union Hangar for 2 card combos with ABC monsters and other monsters
>Union will became good again thanks to good support printed to them (at least level 4 LIGHT machine-type union monsters)
>Gemini will never get suport that good
This is unfair. Give some love to Geminis.
the other cubics are still possible to summon and you can always just add the one you can summon to your hand
at least thats the logic
if that doesnt work out you can always laugh your way to victory with this
God, i'm so sad and tired that I write like shit.
Please give some love to Geminis.
hey guys I want to jump in the Performapal-Dracoslayer-OddEyes-Majespecter pendulum clusterfuck wagon. anyone can provide me an average build to mess arround with? and, if possible tips on how play it or their basic combos?
When the FUCK are people going to start reading cards?
Reminder that devotion to your waifu makes you better at card games
I need to play this, but couldn't you run other things instead of a second Utopia and Lightning?
>Union Hangar only works on Light Machine-type unions
If anyone's interested, here's the decklist I was using when I found this combo out. I call it Transformers.dek. I'm going to want to make space for the new Heavy Mech retrain. Fusion Conscription is fucking boss as hell in this deck.
At 3 then? Alright I'll give it a shot
>you will never be able to summon X-head and equip Y or Z
Feels bad man
scramble union let me summon all 3
abuse this while you can
>still hasnt fixed kiwi
this is the first deck ive ever needed double lightning. there really isnt much better choices outside gear gigant. the rank 4 pool is slowly becoming shallow again
Geminis need 2 things. One would be a field Spell that searches Supervise on activation and has an OPT Double Summon effect for Geminis. The other would be more powerful monsters. Evocator just can't cut it anymore. Though I think the Equip Spell angle should be expanded on.