/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General

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Report and ignore it.

How fares your empire, /gsg/?

This day in history, May 25th:
1521 – The Diet of Worms ends when Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, issues the Edict of Worms, declaring Martin Luther an outlaw.
1644 – Ming general Wu Sangui forms an alliance with the invading Manchus and opens the gates of the Great Wall of China at Shanhaiguan pass, letting the Manchus through towards the capital Beijing.
1659 – Richard Cromwell resigns as Lord Protector of England following the restoration of the Long Parliament, beginning a second brief period of the republican government called the Commonwealth of England.

CK2 DD 7

HoI4 DD56 - Bits and Pieces

>Random Country Picker

# Archive

# Mods

>>EU4 - BDSM

>>[CK2 - 2.4.5] - After The End

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod - 21/03/2016

>>[V2] - Napoleon's Legacy v0.3.1.7

>>[V2] Alternative Flag Pack V7

>>[V2] Many Houses Divided - v

Old Thread

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Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.

New ck2 dlc when

how do i make GPs stop sphering me?

Reminder to ignore the report and ignore autist.


Reminder to shipost and ignore reporting.

t. janny/HPM

t. should i post pics?

Add a dot to Lincoln please mate.

Just to THINK that we could have been exploring star systems and shit right now

of your pipi? yes please

>thinking this source is reputable

>responding to a meme b8 diagram that's been in circulation for probably a decade already


Rep. Spain is a fucking joke, do they even exist? I wonder how they won against the Nationalists.

>Roman decline
>Christian decline
>Islam incline
>Crusades decline
>Communism incline

>Implying people bashed communism a decade ago

Don't believe /pol/s lies

Should support a nationalist resurgence lad

>Islam didn't ever have a goldenage

I'm planning to play as a peasant revolt in CK2, and I was going to ask, what should be my goals if I win? Become my own despot? Merchant republic? How should I act?

oh shit I didn't even open it, it's an edit kek

Make sure to join the allies and show Hitler that his rag-tag band of nordicists are nothing but uncivilised barbarians.

>Thirty centuries of history allow us to look with supreme pity on certain doctrines which are preached beyond the Alps by the descendants of those who were illiterate when Rome had Caesar, Virgil and Augustus.

If my heir is the byzantine emperor and I die, will I get the achivment? Or do I have to be said person then become emperor

>playing hoi3

Was he a beta?

Franco was the only alpha fascist desu

>caring about achievements

What's wrong with you?

Lad, I'm going to annex the Brits. No allies for me.

t. shitposter


Where would I be able to get my hands on all the willy waggling pastas?

>quantified scientific achievement

He's alpha as fuck.

>It is humiliating to remain with our hands folded while others write history. It matters little who wins. To make a people great it is necessary to send them to battle even if you have to kick them in the pants. That is what I shall do.

I did what I could for the US, but not a lot has changed. Analyzing the data from the last game I saw that the biggest produces of Cattle, Fruits and Fish were Germany, the UK, Italy and Qing, with the biggest produces of fruit in China, Congo and Nigeria. The chinese problem will be solved late game and will turn in another tea province. Moving to Germany, I always had my doubts why Allenstein produces precious metal. Brunswick and Gottingen in the region of the upper Harz were the leading silver mines in Germany.

An encyclopedia also mentions a significant iron production in Nassau. I still didn't find anything to corroborate that but I found data on the Duchy of Nassau, including their army composition and population for 1833. In the game, for example, they start with 500 jew pops but IRL in 1833 they had at least 3750.

I need help la

what do i pick here

>Alpha as fuck

>Ally someone who claims to be genetically superior to your people and try to claim your peoples achievements

Don't be a cuck

I knoe this is b8 but did gommunism have even a single advancement?

They learned how to efficiently genocide a group of people and have the world forget about it.

HPM, (potential) bug report: if Russia releases one of the Central Asian states as a puppet she can simply take the decision to annex it just like she had puppeted them in the Great Game. It doesn't give prestige or anything, but it probably shouldn't be repeatable.

>tfw you want more generic flavour like this but casuals just call it "muh wickedness spam"

SU was pretty intellectualized, but that can be contributed to the Soviet government and Slavic people, not communism itself.
During the communist 'era' of 1920 - 1990 there was colossal technological advancements.

So relocating enemies of the state is always admonishable?

Its not about communism, its about competition of two worlds.

muh wickedness is annoying as fuck though, because they're irrelevant and they pop up every single day for several years

There's a difference between putting a dangerous group in a camp during war time and genociding them.

>and Slavic people
[No amount of citations can back this nigga up]

>did gommunism have even a single advancement?
They won the space race.

t. pole

>Forced labour is genocide
So the US genocided blacks until 1861?


I will take a look, thanks.

that wasn't because communism, that was because american rocket technology was extremely backwards compared to european rocketry - in fact, it's incredible that the americans eventually surpassed the russians and got to the moon first.

no, shooting millions of people in the back of their heads and starving millions to death is genocide.

Sorry to spoil your pinko fantasy

You need to add a decision/event/whatever for France to gain Wallonian as accepted. This is LONG overdue.
Also the Netherlands should have something to accept Flanders.

Why is Picard in your mod while Occitan isn't ?

There are more differences between Paris and the Midi than between Paris and the Picardie.

Also why Wallonian is not accepted by France while Quebecos is ? Annexing french speaking Belgium to France was a critical objective of French foreign policy while they could not care less about Quebec.

Why would they gain Wallonian as accepted?


Because they speak the same language.

Because Wallonians are French speaking Catholic pops and there is literally no difference between them and the metropolitan French other than a meme border

According to this map the pops in Luxembourg should be Walloon, not French.

They speak the same language for one. There isn't a "Wallonian language."

If Quebecois who were part of France several centuries ago and are an ocean away start as accepted, why Wallonians who were part of France a few decades ago and live just across the border shouldn't ?

They share the same language and cultural group. You should really add it for a fascist France at least, and that actually makes sense.

proofs, hohol?

no proofs))))))))))))

>The west has never done anything wrong and non-whites always do everything wrong! we've always been richer and greater than you guys and even if at some point we weren't (which we never were) we were amazing because we caught up

No shit, because wallonian and French are linguistically identical, wallonian is literally a dialect of french ffs which is why they should be accepted pops.

Picard serves a function as it it is accepted in Belgium. Occitan was removed as the result of a request and a poll.

>There are more differences between Paris and the Midi than between Paris and the Picardie.
If that's the case, I just need some sources about these cultural differences in the 19th century.

>Also why Wallonian is not accepted by France while Quebecos is ?
Because the Quebecois are colonial french, so they were added the same way that the UK has anglo-canadians as accepted.

The game is about culture. I don't think the UK should get Yankee as accepted because they speak the same language.

Fascist France would accept diversity when regular France was stamping it out?


>The game is about culture. I don't think the UK should get Yankee as accepted because they speak the same language.
It's more like German-Austrian than UK-Yank

>The game is about culture. I don't think the UK should get Yankee as accepted because they speak the same language.
Point out a single difference between Wallonian and French culture.


I'm not even Occitan but it's a common knowledge the Midi's distinct culture suffered greatly from the 1880's school laws.


>the game is about culture
Show me why there is a greater difference between the parisians and the wallonians than the parisians and the Normans.
They are a French speaking Catholic population who border the French speaking Catholic Nation, If you are making Wallonian a different cultural group then the German speaking communitis in Denmark and Bohemia should be given different cultural groups too.

>Fascist France would accept diversity when regular France was stamping it out?
This is grade A shitposting. There is no difference between Wallonians and Frogs. Look at all this diversity between fatholic French speaking pops.

>All of Britain voted for London mayor
Loving this meme

Is my GROßNIEDERLANDIUS groß enough?

There was a very strong for political unity and annexation of Belgium in France, Walloon were seen as French brothers separated by arbitrary treaties. Look up Bainville's Histoire de France.

Not saying they should be the same culture, but the French administration saw the Walloons as French, and Belgium as french territory separated for political reasons (peace with Great Britain mostly...)

I think this is cause enough to have Walloon be an accepted culture of France.

It's only the beginning.

>they're using le same language so they should be an accepted culture XDXD

So Yankees and Dixies should be accepted by the UK? And British or Australians by Canada? Fuck off.

They had a 90s something unity, had to take all VPs. Spain just had to put their capital in the middle of the country. Not sure what to do, I don't think my navy can take the RN just yet.



You should make a poll to decide on this issue like you did with Occitania, HPM.

why did you take off your trip, hpm?

Put your trip back on, HPM.

See France is already diverse culturally and these are not a far off population on another continent.

In spite of Napoleon IV's ever-worsening health, Napoleon-Joseph still refuses to return to Paris to see him. The son regularly refers to the father as "the traitor to our house," and even goes so far as to say that he wishes his death would come even more quickly. Even those close to Napoleon-Joseph are put off by his hateful vehemence. His father, especially, spends his final months ruminating upon where he went wrong with his eldest son.

In late June, German Fascist militias loyal to Anton Drexler rise up in Munster. Whether or not they were financed by Drexler is unknown, but for a small nation their numbers are significant. Napoleon IV hopes to use this as a unifying point between himself and his son, but when Eugene offers his assistance, Joseph snubs him and sends in his Rhenish tank force, one of the first in the world. The tanks make short work of the motley protesters, Napoleon-Joseph sends no further word, and Napoleon IV is forced to acknowledge that his son will not see him before he dies.

Eugene receives another bit of bad news when he learns in early July that his cousin Victor (Napoleon II of Poland) has died following a bout of pneumonia. His young son Louis, only six years old, has taken the throne as Napoleon III under the regency of his mother Clementine, of Flemish noble stock. While Napoleon IV considers Victor's death fortuitous in light of his reactionary tendencies and membership in Action Française--his absence will damage his son's militarist ambitions abroad--it bodes ill for young Napoleon III. Socialists are in command of the government of Poland once again, as they were when they forced out his father Victor, and they have forced a limiting constitution on the young lad.

Napoleon IV only hopes that the Poles will be sensible and keep Napoleon III on the throne this time; there is no telling what Joseph would do if they removed a Bonaparte.

It was a discord group false flag, just report and ignore.

The differences between French and Walloons are literally the same as between Germans living in Schleswig and Germans living in Holstein.

Reminder to report all White Supremacist as it is against Paradox's terms of use to be white.

t. HPM

Also in this mod, Transylvanian and Banat Germans are regular south germans, how come this is so, while Walloons and French are two separated culture who aren't even accepting each others ?

I know they killed their language/dialect, we are talking about culture.

Are you arguing they are all French culture? In that case, they wouldn't get accepted, they would just be French.
In any case, you are the one arguing against the status quo. You should bring the proofs they are the same.

Alright, I need sources for that.

Anyway, this question was already brought up and it always devolve to the same arguments. If you want to discuss it, you need to bring new sources or at least a new argument.

The Occitania poll didn't solve anything though, people still question it. So I won't.

Fuck everything about this man. Muslims make up 5 percent of the population of the UK. They are responsible for 91 percent of child rape. Fuck everything.

That's a vanilla/NNM setting. One thing doesn't justify the other in any way.

Just found the origins of the walloon culture.
>The Manifesto for Walloon Culture (French: Manifeste pour la culture wallonne), was published in Liège on 15 September 1983 and signed by seventy-five "key figures in artistic, journalistic and university circles" of Wallonia.

So wallonian only became s culture in 1983, furthurmore:
"For years, Francophone Belgian elites defended the principle that there were no difference between French culture in Belgium and in France. Confronted with a unified Flemish community, the idea of a unified French culture, still referring to the big partner in the south though stressing the Belgian context now, had to be valid for both Walloons and Francophone Bruxellois, so excluding a separate Walloon culture.".

Can you please update the new version changes pastebin? I want to see your new fresh memes


I am in the council of Byzantium, how do I vote to change the law? I am also the regent and spymaster.

>child rape

Well, they're just emulating the natives, innit?