> Tomb Kings not announced
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>Total War Warhammer
Launch Trailer -- youtube.com
Mods -- twcenter.net
old thread
> Tomb Kings not announced
>FAQs & General Info
>Steam Groups
>Total War Warhammer
Launch Trailer -- youtube.com
Mods -- twcenter.net
old thread
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we wuz kangz
Ahhh /twg/… the eternal general
I have seen the end of threads and posts from now shitposters will say...
Here began the fall of /twg/
nth for Attila>Warhammer
>12 turns in and already getting my shit waaaaagh'd up
>we forgot to take the bread of the oven edition
>Chaos comes to my northern lands
>Suddenly they leave to go fuck up Kislev
Elves are for...
I don't think Archy appreciated me killing him earlier.
it's got a full province garrison but they have a billion cannons and probably double digit giants to boot. Let's go down in a blaze
there's also two full stack tier 3 vamp armies led by kemmler coming to wipe out the survivors.
Orc start is a little challenging.
But once you get it going it's going to be smooth sailing.
>new release
>no general for 15 minutes
Dead game edition
>playing as empire
>tailor army to VC
>couple infantry, couple cannons two Witch Hunters and Gelt
>Witch Hunters both accuse the BC lord
>he dies, mass crumble, take minimal losses
>besieging Ravenna atm
Almost done. Belisarius campaign is fun. Fun!
Repostan from last thread:
I'm a weeb and a 40kfag who knows nothing about Fantasy.
Should I play Total Warhammer, or Shogun 2? Or something else?
Someone last thread said the two were completely different games. In what way? The mechanics seen mostly the same.
>tfw spent all my cash uniting humanity in one big NATO (except for kislev who are assholes who would rather get fucked up the ass by archaon) and fell behind like fuck on army
Time to build back up before Chaos comes knocking
wait for the expansion tb.h family
Its kinda cool but theres too much missing right now
Just beat my first campaign took 15 hours, green skin long campaign conditions.
I did not get to see the lord of change, and i never dealt with chaos doom stacks. I occasionally had to smack archaon down when he came to my borders but thats it.
Who should i try next? And i want to fight the lord of change
why are we the idiots? The tread was archived before anyone made a new.
What VC units are worth using?
are warrior priests worth it? I know witch hunters lolpwn with accusation but they will be busy assassinating.
Also anyone know if mark of chaos actually change the appearance of the unit?
Shogun 2's campaign is about castle sieges all game. The unit variety is lacking but the aesthetics are very pleasing. Fall of the Samurai amps this up with thematic music and fun line infantry.
However, you have Warhammer Total War which is about /war/ and crushing shit in the most ridiculous way with a lot of unit variety and diverseness between factions.
> Tomb Kings still not announced
That's interesting. I'd probably be completely on board with Warhammer if I knew anything about the setting or factions, but as it is all I know is that Orks and Chaos are presumably similar to 40k Orks and Chaos.
>15 hours
How about you ramp up the difficulty you faggot?
Wow, chasing little faggot armies around the map non-stop that I can NEVER FUCKING ATTACK sure is pure fucking CANCER.
Holy FUCK this game is SHIT
If me and my mate(Chaos and vampire cunts) run on eachothers areas and provinces in a coop campaign. Will we fuck eachother in the ass then?
>implying you're not doing that already
It would be great if lords could combine under your main lord into one army, so you could roll around slaughtering everything as one massive war machine.
Not to mention what kinda Warlord am I if I don't have a bunch of lesser Warbosses under my heels.
Also it would stop fucking Thorgrim from just one shotting all my single armies while I am trying to amass a fighting force.
I keked
Game is god-tier.
you can read through this in no time and know everything you need to
Continuation on the magic being gimmicky and weak.
I tried starting a Balthazar gelt campaign, and the first battle I cast searing doom about 10 times on the enemy army and got 0 kills with gelt. I have tried chaos sorcerer lords in custom battles with fire and death and never get more than 20 kills.
It was mentioned several times that many spells are weak and there are several that are overpowered. What are the good spells? Is it worth it trying a gelt campaign and focusing on wizards, or should I just use Karl and spam witch hunters along with a few warrior priests for buffs?
Yes unless you're a faggot
Yeah that's been happening toe too. Even when they have full stacks. And as soon as I need to move my army to deal with something else, they come right back to take my towns. This yackety sax bullshit is really pissing me off.
Just make an entire stack made of heroes and call them "wrong neighbourhood"
I think Leddit just shed some light on this. Magic is either scaling incorrectly or not at all with the unit sizes / health. This basically means magic is OP on small / medium unit size and weak on large / ultra unit size.
Won my first long campain as dorf. Got pretty easy at the end.
> wanting tomb kangz before ogre kingdoms or lizardmen or skaven
>yfw Arch didn't get a review copy and is so butthurt about it he stopped making videos
Gelt's buff and debuff spells are godly.
Life Leech/Drain is also pretty good.
>only vampire counts have female units
Are vampire counts the most progressive faction?
>that dwarfs and men alliance during end game
Defending Ostland alongside a small force of Bretonnia and Karak Norn against Archaon was a fucking blast
Only in death is there true equality
Is this game that short or people are playing on normal?
kekking at the delusion. It's an average TW game at best, sure the fantasy crap makes things feel a little fresher but the game isn't GREAT ffs.
So basically use the sniping and buffing spells in all lores?
destroy crypt or whatever it's called and build the tree in the main settlement. upgrade to level 2. suddenly you have some of the best VC units in the game.
otherwise you're stuck with shit units until T4
Posted this yesterday but reposting
>enemy just sat back for ever because I was attacking
>crept my mortar unit up and killed a shit ton
>then crept my xbows up and killed hundreds
>then used magic to snipe off big units
When I first started playing I thought the AI was smart. How wrong I was.
While it says they have similar numbers there were approximately 5 chaos giants, archaon, three chariots, ~7 hellcannons, several troll units, a lord and kholek. I'd call that one a valiant defeat.
any fix to this garbage?
Better than any other TW on launch, with the possible exception of Attila. Though that one is debatable.
>I can't criticise, so I just call them delusional.
Game is amazing, Fantasy included. Battles are the best in the series.
It's worth buying
How short are we talking about?
Im at 89 turns as the Dorfs and i dont think ill be finishing it anytime soon
Havent even finished half the objectives yet
>nobody creates new bread
>now there are 3 breads
Someone could make a mod that increases campaign movement range in friendly territory
build up your garrisons or use agents to block their armies from running away
>turn 140
>still fighting norskan tribes
fucking hell, stop this shit, I only spent maybe the first 40 turns fighting Kislev and since then its nothing but constantly razing shitty northern hovels fuuuuuuuuuuuuck
playing as any other faction would have been much more fun at this point, especially since i could group stacks together
>He still play Mordheim becouse he cant pirate warhammer and he is too jew to spend his youtube money on game
Total Warhammer 40,000 when
15~20 hours
Which is short as fuck for total war
Might need a mod that makes archaon spawn endlessly
>he doesn't like warhammer
Never. That's just the truth
I'm new to the total war series, but I'm having a great time with this game. Unfortunately lost my first dwarf campaign due to chaos and greenskins destroying my entire empire. Currently playing as VC and enjoying it.
My question,however, is there some sort of combat guide for this game? I can't get my units to advance in formation, or form a defensive wall, or give them an attack move command. I end up having to select regiments and click individual guys to attack. Sometimes I'll get 2-3 units just standing and not doing anything (zombies epespecially)
Sega bought Relic so never
2017 DoW3
Total War: Legend of the Galactic Heroes when?
>staying in the north past turn 50
Have fun trying to defeat the 4-5 megaempires
There were crash errors, are you forgetting the wave of retards bitching yesterday? Even putting the bugginess on Nvidia cards aside and focusing solely on gameplay, this is by no stretch the best TW at launch. Campaigns feel almost scripted and less replayable than past games. All aspects of empire management and complexity have been removed and it's now focused 100% on battles.
Don't get me wrong, the battles are fun, very fun. But this is not even close to the best TW.
I agree, but best TW? No way.
Here's your criticism.
playing as the Vampire counts and I just declared war on the green skins cause they had half a stack near me and I thought they where going to attack first.
Did I just make a 'better rest from last save' lvl mistake or are they barely a problem until they start getting WAAAGH armies (which I assume they would've declared war on me by that time any ways)?
Total War: RWBY when?
What am I meant to be building in my provinces, feels like I'm just spamming mines and taverns
>Mostly Positive (5,224 reviews)
that's neat it went up to positive
I like both too, but why do you have to choose one or the other? Can you play both?
If not, S2 is definitely a pick since its of lower price and 'complete'. You can immerse yourself in S2 while waiting for TW:W to 'complete' itself with DLCs and by that time you can probably find a cheaper price for more.
>I agree, but best TW? No way.
The guy asked yes or no. It's a yes.
After Total War: My Little Pony
I make sure to get a few campaign movement upgrades and followers and that seems to help a little. Now the problem isn't as big as it was at the start
>play flawlessly since launch for 12 hours straight on a silky smooth 60 fps
>nvidia cucks
>stutter jagger and artifacts
>constant crashes
>b-but my 1080
I wasn't responding to the guy that asked yes or no, learn to follow a thread.
Total War : Conan when?
There's a map, faction with distinct weapons and armors, religions, etc...
This on guard bullshit. Can't spam assassination action.
I'm running a 780 with 50-60fps on ultra settings with shadows turned down. Haven't had any stutter or artifacts nor crashes.
Is it just me or does Warhammer look like absolute shit? The graphics look worse and muddier than Empire did.
Total War: FUCK YOU! when?
But user, that was the last game
>constant crashes
I dont have any crashes yet
too bad blizzard pay money to nvidia to make drivers for overwatch first
I just noticed there's no religion in TW:WH
What the fuck!?!?!?
Same shit
slaanesh brings many gifts
No but I did and was called delusional. I'm following the thread just fine.
>dark eldar
Utopian, isn't it?