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Slayer Edition
>FAQs & General Info
>Steam Groups
>Total War Warhammer
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I highly doubt it, but you think my laptop could run it?
> Tomb Kings still not announced
How are you supposed to play as warriors of chaos? I've got 1 army of chosen/warriors and I'm at +-50 gold per turn, are you supposed to run at a 2-3k deficit with 2 armies and rely on sack money? that's crazy.
If not, then the campaign is slow as shit.
Also when I first started mine I awakened the first tribe, but kislev already had 2 stacks at the border, and the dwarves west had 1 and half, by the time I managed to get to norsca, there was only 2 fucking tribes so big that I couldn't awake, so now I can't get Sigvald no matter what I do.
If you could transform ruin into awakened tribes then the invasion of empire would be nice, instead of move 3/4 speed then change stance to replenish losses each time.
Grimgor's last fight.
sack the weak civilized peoples. Also ignore the Dwarfs
Use cheaper units.
Also, what are Savage Orcs like to use? I've had the place where you can recruit them from for ages but didn't notice that it was an option.
Well since you going to use dx12 you can on low i guess
btw rettards this thread is auto saged make new one
Haven't had any trouble with the VC quest battles
the one against bretonnia for my armor was pretty fun
pic related
Wreck face vs anything without amazing armor or magic attacks.
>playing vampire cucks
>rush terrorgheist
>get 5 of the fucks
>time to shit on some dwarfs
>mfw terrogheists nearly get shit slapped
so are terrorgheists strictly meant for fucking up cavalry and big things? should I get hexwraiths for dealing with lots of fucking infantry?
Wtf are you supposed to do with the Necromancer / Lich wannabe whatever Hienrich Chucklefuck? The second hero choice for VC? He seems to be infintely worse in every way possible to the Mannfried fellow. Also are you not supposed to put him into battle? Just have him cast his useless heal from the back? I let him join the fray against some basic units and he died within seconds.
Do generals get XP chevrons like their bodyguards would in previous games?
>Memestein can use soul leech on the move
Now that just OP
My bad for the spasticated question but where can i view my current quests?
i've been fighting chaos all day and my head is cooked.
i think i won, that faggot fucked off home
WHoever said earlier that magic is weak.
Get a lore of fire wizard and let him spam the fireball.
Its a guaranteed hit, kills everything it hits, cheap and low cooldown, like 10 seconds.
It will also make the AI charge at you.
No. They have a little circle on their unit card with their level number.
Greenskins not welcome!
Yup. Doesn't even cancel whatever order you gave him.
Gelt also has great magic, like final transmutation which is an AOE single unit killer
top right of the screen there are a series of buttons
left most one is quests and missions
quests will be there
took me forever to find it
>Putting a decreptid old man into hand-to-hand combat
Friendly reminder that lore of death is the best lore in history and the general sniping you can do with it is insane, saved me on my archaon quest against the timed 3 waves and the chaos lord on dragon.
He's cool as fuck but sadly more or less useless. VC gets awful magic.
>armor quest
>vs. bretonnia
?? you playing Himmler? I fought savage orcs for both my sword and armor. Was scratching my head wondering how the fuck I was gonna get down there til I learned to teleport.
Speaking of >when your Himmler goes full pussy and turns into a girl
>tfw fire wizard is OP as all hell
what's the point of the other wizards when I can have the flaming ginger launch a fuckhuge flaming skull and a fire tornado at my enemies?
What sort of army composition are you guys using as Orcs against anything that's not a Dwarf?
I'm struggling to adapt to fighting armies that aren't slow as shit.
So, is it good?
CA launch party going on now.
Look who's vintage waifu is there at the front.
Total War: Berserk when?
Are VC underpowered?
Help me decide please. What I mean by learning campaign is I'm just trying to get a feel for the game and it'll likely not last.
Yea I tried the lore of death wizard once and its a fucking joke, he has some really shitty buffs and some single target spells.
He has one vortex towards the end which isnt impressive tho.
Fire wizard has 2 tornadoes, fireballs, fire-rain and can give a damage buff to units.
Orcs is the easiest start, in terms of position. You won't be overwhelmed, and you get free allied armies.
So lads, is it worth the buy?
Ur dum
Can you ever do confederacy more than once?
I used it with one faction and they agreed. But that was 3-4 turns ago and now I don't have it as an option anymore.
Tender loving and handholding
21 hours in.
its fun.
Gib source
You can, I absorbed several Orc tribes.
One of the best tw (not the best one)
>Can you ever do confederacy more than once?
there's a cooldown for when you can confederate. wait a bit and it'll be back.
Once I unite Sylvannia, should I fuck up the dorfs or the Empire?
You gotta wait a few turns in between, but yeah, you can keep doing it.
He autoheals undead around him. Which is stupid strong when combine with ethereal units.
Chaos completely outmanoeuvred me, as Leoncoeur and almost the entire Bretonnian army hit Norsca, Kholek and Sigvald, who had sailed covered by the fog of war, landed right outside Couronne, defended only by inexperienced Julian Culdec and his troops. His are the only troops remaining in Bretonnia, and as the Chaos invasion crippled trade, there is no money to hire more.
quarralers + axe warriors fodder is some fun shit as dwarves.
After solidfiying control over first province, where to go as empire?
Queen's blade, girl is alleyne
>playing as The last Cuck
>defeated the Ostrogoths
>need the town on Corsica
>and 140 units
>and 10k income
How am I supposed to get that many units and so much money?
The Holds will finally be safe now.
Annex Marienburg fast before they get strong, then enjoy your shekels
Tanks, will do.
I'd recommend southward. Nuln has a gunnery/artillery specialty you can't get anywhere else on the map.
>not triple posting
fuck you
Drawfag from last thread here
Here's Grimgor riding Archaon
Hope that user who asked for it is still here
Up next is Balthazar Gelt
>one awakened tribe declares war on the other
>ok I'll support the bigger one
>missclick and pick the deny and break allience
>broke alliance with them both and they both hate me
>no longer have a place to hide/replenish
I wasted so much time dealing with the bastards that empire confederated fully
At least until the Skaven are added to the game.
>Try out som Karl Franz earlier today, just a test game
>20 turns in Marienburg had almost entirely removed middenland and nordland
>Keeping getting quests to assist Marienburg
>Start the real game a few turns ago, Karl Franz again because Empire seems pretty cool
>Turn 11
>Marienburg has already taken Eilhart
>I get a quest to be at war with the shits
It's fucking on
Side note; I got a light wizard. Is he good?
Thanks, nice job
Could probably take a better photo tho
You going to hit them one at a time, risking Couronne, or wait in Couronne, risking starvation?
I've confederated with three different states, I think it only appears if you've got a certain amount of reputation with them, or there might be a time period after you confederate where you can't do it again, because it's been missing for me sometimes too. Might be linked to the diplomatic penalty you get from doing it too.
>Confederate with Hochland to save them from encroaching Chaos hordes
>Duplicitous Marienburgers take offence and declare war (again) and start raiding my undefended southern settlements
It's wierd, my Greatest Ally™ is Bretonnia, they've been bro as fuck for the whole game, while the Empire states mainly either repeatedly declare war, raid, then request peace when I redeploy armies, or just fuck with me using agents. I'm the only thing holding back the hordes of Chaos and they're trashing my economic base for lulz and forcing redeployment of armies that desperately need a couple of turns of peace to recoup losses from fighting mutant super-vikings, not having to march across half the Empire to put down some poxy fucking Elector Count who feels like burning some farmland or raiding Reikland.
The Bretonnian king came north and put down the last Marienburg army that nearly reached the gates of Altdorf while Franz was busy dealing with multiple Chaos stacks and another Bretonnian army has been fighting on my northern border for the last few turns.
I swear to Sigmar, once I've got a lid of these Chaos fucks, I'm going to take the battered remains of my armies and march south and raze their fucking provinces to the ground and salt the earth.
Just won the chaos campaign, it was pretty fun.
I burned so many cities.
which difficulty?
Grail Knights must jizz themselves the first time they encounter a Chaos dragon, dragons are basically extinct but they'd all have been raised on stories of knights slaying them.
It'd be like whatever the French version of Christmas is too them.
I decided to wait as my garrison is beefed up to the point where it's basically a second stack.
Sigvald couldn't wait any longer and decided to attack before Kholek was ready, a mistake I think will cost Chaos the invasion, however chaos corruption has almost halved my armies, so we'll see.
Keep him on you to level him up and also a witch hunter
i have no assassins atm and there are so many high level cunts to deal with.
as for that light wizard he has some decent buffs and spells
Sacking gives you 20-30k per town, it's easy
>That city in the middle of the swamp in Estalia
>that shape that litteraly screams upcoming province
So every 10% of corruption equates to -2 of public order and the percentages gravitate to whatever proportion the modifiers are in relation to each other.
Is that right or did I fuck up?
What are Carsteins must have spells?
This will be in the radious mod
Not even joking
How is this? I'm doing this all in graphite and I don't have a scanner
Thanks Veeky Forums for flipping my picture...
Why are gobbos so weak?
Their upkeep is way too high for their effectiveness.
As Chaos should I sack, raze or awaken the tribes?
What campaign should i play after Greenskins?
Now it looks like a "Grimgor riding Archaon" flag, that's badass.
...because they're goblins.
Always sack then raze anything unless you are time pressured (it takes two turns to sack and then raze)
The sound this makes is only slightly less satisfying than the sound this makes when it lands in the middle of these shits.
F to pay respects
Final attempt at posting decent pic before moving on to Balthasar
>Turn 50, Dwarves
>I have never once seen Grimgor
>Seen Azhag like twice with tiny pissant stacks
>suddenly like 3 confederations in 4 or 5 turns
>4 fucking fullstacks of greenskins led by Grimgor and Azhag coming right for Kharak Khazak
Well guess this is the end of this run. I was going down and smashing up greenskin settlements every once in a while with 0 response, can't say I ever expected this shit
Elite Dwarf Black Orc Riders when
I've slain Archeon and the Greater deamon of Tzeentch, what now?
>TFW your warrior priest slays the deamon.
Sigvald begins the battle by overextending two units of Chaos knights, right downhill from the left flank where I had 6 kotr and 1 grail standing by.
Silly Sigvald.
>Playing Dewey
>Border Princes randomly declare war on me despite having green opinion
>Couple of turns later they still like me
>I try asking for peace
>Chance of success: high