Taliyah is fun and somebody has to save her from Zenon edition
League of Legends General - /lolg/
xth for breast waifu
ITT lies
Riven is cute.
>losing 22 LP off a 4v5
really makes me wanna play more Riot!! and also buy chests!!!
Nautilus is best waifu
Xth for Katarina
best girl
I don't like Sjokz anymore
nth for tenacity was a mistake
>"Okay, aim somewhere in range. Got it? Okay cool press the button. Move the mouse. Do you like where the arrow is? Okay, let go of the mouse now. Oh I'm dead because Zed jumped on me? Unlucky."
>Most likely you're standing still while trying to aim the end of the laser. So we end up with a hard to learn ability that puts a gun to your head and says "don't you DARE taking it slow and learning this ability properly! GO MOVE MOVE MOVE!"
>personally I avoid playing either Rumble or Viktor because I hate the input paradigm.
This tard is allowed to design champions.
Best girl.
Best body.
Best wife.
>literally 3 out of like 130 champions have this mechanism
And if it were up to him it'd be none and no more!
Next patch the remake feature comes out
it could be worse -30 when you get +14 / +15 generally because people aren't playing on there higher elo accounts anymore sucks
xth for anal with you're waifu
Vladfag here. Overmeme might not get me, but HOLY HELL TOTAL WAR WARHAMMER.
>a champion has mechanics that take a little practice and isn't faceroll LCS #BIGPLAYS like Zed
>it's not me being shit it's the "input paradigm"
why the fuck does riot let people who don't play video games design champions
he literally says righ there that he doesn't have an ETA
>qt embraces his name
I like it.
Doesn't matter. It was a 4v5 15 minutes into a game that ended up lasting 35.
WHAT DO YOU max on quinn!?
>play snek support
>this shows up
I've wanted to see Idris Elba as a Bond villain for the past few years now.
Are you pretty satisfied with Cassiopeia as she is now?
>people still play this steaming pile of shit
Dank, I'm sure they're still working on it after 7 years.
She's in a decent place now - she still needs a fucking lore and skin update, though.
>forces of chaos
>not hideously disfigured
fucking Slaaneshy propoganda
>Coaching a guy
>Notice something about his replays
>He actually stops moving his champ to manually Flash
>He was mid Gold
I'm honestly impressed.
>In League of Legends
>The game that retconned its title into non-existance
based slaanesh choosing his bois
he can corrupt me any time
>manually Flash
how does that work?
isn't flash always smartcast?
does he just move his screen over so the flash button lines up with his destination and then click flash?
Friendly reminder
I'm not even a footfag but christ
>Most likely you're standing still while trying to aim the end of the laser.
What the fuck? WHAT?
he's saying he stops moving to input his flash.
>no pic
You have shamed yourself and your family
Is the threads getting slower lads?
We all do.
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
>my identity is relevant to this completely offtopic post
Kill yourself.
I assume he left clicks the summoner icon on his bar, then moves the mouse to where he wants to flash and left clicks again
Too late, we all saw it
this was a genius move by riot, they convinced me to buy this skin even though I never ever play nidalee
never got the appeal
pussies feel much better
Tell me a secret, /lolg/
How do I build Jax.
I'm getting mixed messages from friends telling me rageblade first and others saying trinity.
only way this would be better is if the stockings were slightly seethrough like ingame
Don't rush rageblade on him. You get much more out of trinity from my experience.
I'm Batman.
I want to fuck Anivias icy cloaca.
>Hey a new game is out? Better release these Nid splashes that should have been out years ago
>Brilliant that will cool things over!
Billion dollarydos indie company.
Remember when Rivens VA played a custom match and how she stopped Riven and the awkward flash after? That.
I'm scared of trying to talk to new people but my only real exposure to other people anymore is only through League of Legends
...which is particularly bad, as most people are jerks in this game or just plain nutters, but I don't like any other multiplayer game anymore.
Ahri is a slut and everyone who likes her has shit taste since they buy in to the most fanservice character in League
>enter ranked
>dosent ban fucking zed
>Orianna feeds
>"im listening to power metal and my gf broke up with me, what could happen"
>half of the game afk
this happened in plat shitter elo
What's wrong with fanservice?
I like Yorick the way he is now
>To set clear expectations up front: vector casting the W is pretty much off the table at this point.
Yeah, just like when you insisted over and over that Tahm was balanced and he wouldn't be nerfed.
Can't wait for the balance team to cuck your fat ass again.
Tali a qt
Because the game is about making money, not about making a balanced game.
Riot wants LoL to be a social experience first, multiplayer videogame second.
Do you even understand the word propaganda?
THIS is what Slaanesh does to you
Sure for the first 3 years you'll have your fun but 40 years later you'll be getting your kicks only by dragging your 2 foot long tongue over your broken glass and metal spike poncho while you pump edgy screamo boy band music directly to your ear canal (because at this time you would have cut off you ears for the lolz xd)
>League of cowtits
>no cowtits ITT
if they find some fuckers that have nothing in their lives but videogames and are happy with 1500 dollars a month they'll hire them
i once talked with a guy who worked as gamemaster for blizzard. that means night and evening shifts on weekends. he earned 1300 euros a month
Looking at that man's naked hip I am contemplating it regardless.
>implying I'm not into weird shit already
isnt warhammer generally uncomfy? the entire universe is just about war and slaughter. unless youre some high rank eldar you're probably gonna die a gruesome death shortly after growing up to adulthood
hello /lolg/ do you have any tips on sivir i just started playing thanks in advance
>tfw no lamia gf
How can some of you even bear existence in this monstergirl free world?
start WQE max QWE
rush reaver into shiv/pd then ie then whatever you might need, mortal reminder is amazing due to debuffing the entire enemy team
try to keep track of enemy CDs and pay attention to cast animations to spellshield
dont be afraid to ult, even if they get away you might make them burn some CDs and your ult has really low CD once you have 40% CDR
Because real girls.
even the eldar have it bad man, if you die without a soul stone your soul is turbo raped forever. if did have a soul stone you get plugged into a craftworld and get live a building ghost for rest of time.
The setting is grimdark, its designed to be edgy and uncomfy
So I tried this game today for the first time. Played for a couple hours.
I got bored fairly quickly. Seemed really repetitive and just drags on too much.
Am I missing something here? What exactly is the big appeal to this game? I probably just have a bias against MOBAs since I almost exclusively play RTS games these days like AoE 2.
oh damn. i thought they had such good lives with hookers and drugs that they caused slaanesh to show up.
>buy taliyah
>try her in a bot game
>q max for memes
how did the designer ever think she could wave clear at all with q max? do you expect people to walk to increasingly awkward and telegraphically vulnerable locations to get fresh ground? why would anyone not e max?
q max might make sense if worked ground was like 60s or something
The characters mostly. There's also a lot of options for different playstyles within the same game, so you can have a variety of experiences. It's not for everybody
Start Q always. Max it first too, typically, you'll max E second, but if the enemy is slippery max W second. Level 1,2,3 should be Q, E, W, but if you're top and think you can secure a kill level 2 take W in place of E. There you go, you can make your enemy top laner cry and damn the fools who think they can run from you.
cool thanks
No one here plays the game because it's shit. We just shitpost about e-sports and waifus.
and all the drugged up edlar and drugged up edlar hookers where super killed by slaanesh at its birth. the smarter none drugged up ones fucked off earlier and now live their lives in rigid disciplines like monks and shit.
xth for Cute Vi
>It's not for everybody
But it sure seems like it when it's consistently the top watched game on Twitch and there is a lot of money involved for the esports.
Or is the viewership count high due to Koreans?
Yeah, I can't fathom why they made it a max of 3 fucking minutes for worked ground to refresh. That's longer than any ult. It's already easy to dodge.
what kinda cowtits u want famalam
2d or 3d
i don't have a gf now and wouldn't have a gf in a monstergirl world either.
unless it was a grimdark monstergirl encyclopedia world, but I'd still be my wife's least favorite husband.
>get into plat
>every game is completely even for 40 minutes until one bad teamfight which leads to 4 towers and nexus being taken out before anyone can respawn
this is not fun
2D is for virgins and weeaboos. Gimme dat 3D.
I don't have the picture I wanted to post so have this based dyrone pic instead
koreans don't care about twitch. twitch don't care about koreans either. but there's a network effect where people watch/play because it's the most popular game.
desu, game is not great if you're just soloing. it's fun playing with friends.
inb4 dynamic lyte queue
If you want to enjoy it and you play around and try a lot of the different things league has to offer, you'll probably find some aspect you enjoy. It's also just a cultural thing of gamers who don't watch real sports on real tv so esports is the best they can get, even if they don't play the game themselves
too bad this is a christian board
i can't post the good stuff
More like the people who get over 100k watchers in China
i knew it was a good idea to stick with da orkz
Janny is asleep.
i am firmly of the belief that dynamic queue would not be an issue if they just add voice chat to the game. fuck knows what's taking them so long literally every other game in the world has it.