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Mei players are bad


Mei is a perfectly fine hero and only shitters whine about her.

tfw the only hero I play is Symmetra

tfw so many people get so mad but ... I just want to poo in the loo

currently at 12 hours of symmetra only and going to do this in ranked too

I'm mediocre or maybe even shit, I know that. But why the fuck do I have to face teams that do things like coordinate Zarya+D.Va ults while my team is busy playing 2 Widowmaker + Bastion on attack.
Why do I have to face crazy Mercy+Soldier stacks that absolutely wipe out my team while our Mercy yellow beams Reinhardt 24/7.
I face people who pretty apparently know how to teamwork, how to coordinate ults and how to secure objectives. How come everyone on enemy team knows how payload or king of the hill maps work, while I'm apparently the only person on my side that knows that stepping into the glowy thing contests or captures the objective.
If I'm garbage, then maybe let me play against people who are garbage too.

junkrat desperately needs a buff to his splash damage

also, lucios healing should be doubled

Why do people say "gg" in Match chat?

It's obvious they are doing it to BM, right? If not they could just say it in team chat and not be cockholes.

>tfw you deflect Hanzo's ultimate

This is false as shit, 4 of 5 people in my team are filthy brazilian monkeys

nth for "Well-rounded heroes for beginners" take more effort than torbjorn.

Fuck you you retarded faggot kys

Winston is fun in this tavern brawl.

>60 years after game is released
>there are still people using Unbound Elemental

o i am laffin

why do i only get player icons

>lucios healing should be doubled
Welcome to the general. You will not be received well.

Mei shouldn't be able to heal with her stupid ice bullshit.

I don't mind her being invincible but it's already too much that she can just wall after it.

Have we reached the point where having good manner is considered bad?

Xth for I can't believe how incredibly retarded the majority of posters here are

>Mei is bad
>There is no hidden mmr

Why am I even here. Fuck

I just got the game and I need to know everything about the graphical options. Which settings are the most intensive, least important and what are the performance to quality ratios?

I want to make the game look as pretty as possible, while also good for my system. I'm not on a toaster but I don't think I can run this game on the 100% maximum settings.

But you have the best icon already.

are there any guides or streams i can watch to get good at reinhardt or tanks?

xth for support mains are literally pic related

I hate you stupid retarded waifufag mains, thankfully there's next to none of you the higher bracket you go

this tbqh

jew'd again

>also, lucios healing should be doubled
He already heals better than mercy, he'd soon be a walking soldier 76 biotic field just for existing


I only say it on a win if an enemy memeber says it, or for when i lost yet still had a fun game/did well

>not using lich king and playing mei or using greed one

Stop complaining about Mei, holy shit.

Someone give me music for when I play Winston

The only one I've got so far is Jim Raynor, I don't even play Starcraft

>"Wow can you guys actually get on the cart?"
>t. Widowmaker on attack who can't aim for shit

Does Mercy's damage boost work on Junkrat's bombs? I remember seeing somewhere that the boost only affects damage by the player himself, and i'm not sure if the bombs count.


/lolg/ > /owg/


>tfw my win ratio is similar
>tfw half of those losses come from games I was put on the losing side with 10-15s remaining
This is not okay.

But I am the depiction on the bottom. You wouldn't believe how much I loudly bitch to myself about what my team is doing.

>Game gives me Widowmaker skins, emotes, victory poses, and highlight intros
>I don't want to play Widowmaker at all ever

Fuckign stop

>try mei because of this all complaining
>if someone goes after me i wall his way and look for other targets
>ice tomb used only once because i hit it by accident

Jesse McCree! I want his flashbang to fan into ME! Life is better while playing as he! He's the character that makes shitters REE! Here are five facts about Jesse McCree!

1. McCree is handsome!
2. He's more handsome than Hanzo!
4. His skins aren't that great!
3. I love them anyway!

honestly restricting player avatars and player names is the dumbest shit i've ever seen

why even bother restricting

the whole point is to make your icon stand out more so you won't look exactly the same as someone else

>it's a everyone is afraid to stand on the point because the enemy might hurt us :( episode


People can't disagree with you on Reddit

>Ugly face
>Fat as fuck
>Not fun to play as or against
What is there to not complain about?
The whole idea behind the hero is trash

because icons are the coolest thing about this game

I've never been frozen by mei. And people whine that she's overpowered? Just don't get close to the bitch. Is this general mentally handicapped?

all waifuposters should become tripfags
so i can quickly and easily find your posts and filter you degenerate NEET wastes of life.

I copy pasted from the other thread in a hurry, bite me.

>tfw you get nomad genji set out of level 12 crate

Please never stop posting. You're the only reason I come here.

>More Handsome than Hanzo
Woah there, them's fighting words right there

Does Mei have the ultimate combo in this game? Freeze + Headshot is the ultimate combo in this game?

holy fuck roadhog is easy to carry with

How come the best d.va skin is the default?
>1200 shekels and no dva stuff to buy ;_;

Don't know about you, but BMing is like 50% of the fun in online games. or 100% if you play Hearthstone.

Sorry for trying to be a good sport. I'll start being honest from now on and laughing at your Hanzo for never hitting anything and your Tracer for blinking into the middle of my whole team in match chat now.

>play payload
>we have lucio and 4 snipers
>i take reinhardt
>lucio starts screaming that we need defensive heroes and builders
>i just stand in the middle with my shield up as ultimate tower
>we win
>he says nothing

I think the only people who bitch about mei are offense mains like mccree/gengi/reaper aka 80% of the people here

this desu you're the only thing keeping me from killing myself

Someone replace Jerry with Junkrat in this.

Arcade Junkrat is amazing.

I love McCree! I love shitting on Meis, Genjis, Reapers, and Tracers with McCree!

Rocket jumping Bastion is kind of neat.

Post stats and battletags. Rate and give others sugestions.


Remember, We're all soldiers here

>team's losing near payload endpoint on attack
>switch to McCree

It's that easy gamers


fuck back off to your containment general, luluswimfag
i hope your image crashed some nigger's toaster
yare yare daze

>five facts
>posts only 4
>posts them in the wrong order

lmao take a look at this nerd

I've been shilling for this game hard on /v/. Given that I get two cents for every post, I think I've earned a copy so that I can actually play it.

Yes, I am begging for my commission.

>pharah is so fucking useless

god why? why is her blast radius so fucking trash?

>2 instalock Widows 1 instalock Hanzo
Okay, I'll be flying around as Tracer then, fuck you.

I can kill mei easily as a tracer. Can't freeze what you can't see.

lulu is shit

>game gives me one epic zenyatta skin
>one zenyatta voice
>and one zenyatta pose
>all in one box


Anyone else think Fan the Hammer damage should be lowered by about a hundred? I'm fine with McReeee melting all the non tanks but he still basically shits on any tank other than Roadhog.


It's painfully obvious most of this general are Genji/McCree mains

I love you too user, almost as much as McCree!
We can share them, together!

>playing on hanamura
>suddenly someone speaks on voice chat
>it's a girl babbling in agitated russian
>check who she is playing
>it's mercy

I met a literal healslut.

tfw 6 soldiers with 4 sec cd on heal

Kangz you autist don't you have some shitposting to do my man

The point is to reward flanking by allowing you a chance to go behind the turret and destroy it. The damage and range aren't really issues.

Healslut here. Is there any way to tell who deserves to be healed more? Like, who from my team has the most kills, participation etc?

>create a playlist with 2 or 3 songs per character
>play at random
>you have to choose the character according to the song

>Not fun to play as or against
basically, you are a dumb shitter, who cannot play, just like every other Mei-hater.

Rather than bitching about not being able to defeat enemies solely because of your incompetence, how about you git gud fag?

If you have issues with Mei as Reaper you're hot garbage. You outdamage her and have the same effective ranges, just don't be shit at aiming.
Not talking to you of course, just in general.


>make a good game
>add this guy to it
>ruin it entirely

blizzard will never be compitent

I use it if I think it was a legitimately good game, if I'm feeling smug about winning, or if someone on the other team says gg regardless of outcome.

please respond

please respond

please respond

holy fuck this general goes by too fast

I will not miss your shitposts are you aatrox bro? i hope not

>be on a team where everyone refuses to play support
>one faggot keeps spamming "we need a healer" emote
>play Mercy
>everyone proceeds to sperg out and make it literally impossible to keep them alive

Whoever is on fire on the scoreboard

>McCree and Reaper are the only two heroes that can go toe to toe with her
>any other hero has to run or get frozen
>has more health than most non-tanks
>can go invincible and heal

>shes fine
>please stop whining about her, Im scared Blizzard will pay attention and do something about

You know what?

Zenyatta is probably the only balanced healer right now.

It's Mercy and Lucio who are too survivable. It causes comp teams to bunch up in death balls. If the healers were easier to pick off, you'd see more flanking and less death balling