" I'll be good soon " edition
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CURRENT UPDATE: 18.12 Vauban Prime
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Reminder: Rework will be a Nerf to anyone who plays Mag
orokangz blah blah frogbutts etc etc
>I'll be good soon
Ah who gives a shit, just take an image instead.
Question about Vauban: If I put Overextended it only holds 4 enemies. Should I use space to put some power on it or am I good to go with Repelling Bastille despite only holding 4 enemies?
>Top Tier Synergy
>permanently removes armor
Ivara Croaks
Bursa Chirps
It depends.
You want CC? You need strength.
You want area denial? Build range+repelling bastille.
for general purpose, should I am for CC or area denial? Both are really good for the things you'd use vauban anyways, I guess.
>Reminder: The original Tenno were Black
I swear I never max corrupted mods because the uneven numbers trigger my autism
you are not alone. R9 Narrow Minded master race reporting in.
I'm a shitter on his way to git gud so take what I say with a grain of salt.
You already have Vortex for CC, so by building for repelling bastille you'll get both are denial and CC.
not polarize
Corpus genocide was her last limb
oh right, I completely forgot about Vortex
thanks user
>finishing his Lex’s last clip
What do you prefer, user
I'm a retard when it comes to guns
>yfw DE accidentally buff her
It will be a miracle.
It's time.
Repostan the frame guide: pastebin.com
Have a question about how to build a frame? Whether if a frame is good? Just want to know what a frame is about? Check the FRAME GUIDE.
Changes since last time:
>many small miscellaneous changes
>added Resonating Quake Banshee build
>added a FAQ about vit/redirection/steel fiber etc.
Reminder not to shitpost. If you have a suggestion, state why you would change it.
Here you go, user.
Even logged into my account and everything.
I am sorry my lack of knowledge of guns has ruined the grand story of a futa Saryn sitting on Volt's head.
Is booben prime even worth getting for anything besides looks? An armor increase in a frame that isn't supposed to get hit and a single forma's worth of extra polarities doesn't sound like a groundbreaking difference
Let's end it once and for all.
>As Ivara was setting course for the relay her boytoy, Nezha, was in, she suddenly got aroused once again
>the horny Ivara cautious looked around as if someone were to see her large semi-flaccid penis, when in fact she was looking for an object to jack off into and thats when she saw it
>her exclusive baro prime noggle that was sitting on her codex desk
>the curious ivara got up from the navigation panel and, carefully and slowly, picked up the noggle while stroking her almost erect cock at the same time
>Ivara let go of her penis and used her fingers to open up the meatus of her cock, showing it's insides
>the frame carefully inserting the noggle into her phallus, letting out a moan as it went in
>Ivara had let the noggle sink down to where the base of the penis was, sliding down into her "quiver" and having it rest there, where it soon dissolved into more white sticky goodness
>her cock tries to cum several times, but she does not let herself do that until she finds Nezha so that he may serve her
That simplified summary is spot on.
ded gaem ded bread
I'll keep this in mind when I write about a 34-dicked Ivara going down on a moa, thanks user.
thanks user
Dunno what to tell ya, maybe you're around some parasitic eximus ?
tfw not enough shotgun bullets in my Boar clip
Is modding for clip count worth it?
Better illustration of how it will work based on functionality description in Dev Stream 72 Overview.
That's what I thought but I'm right beside my friend and his is still going up and he's playing ass prime.
You start a lot of lines that could've been in the previous paragraph, you don't indent your paragraphs, and you very often switch perspectives from past tense to current tense.
Line 43 ends abruptly which is a terrible form of writing, you never end a paragraph like that for any reason.
You have commas in places words could fit, for example the first sentence of line 47.
"Obedient and silent, Volt laid on his stomach, then turned around, placing his head at Saryn’s feet."
While I would never write a sentence such as this, it would better be written as:
"Volt laid on his stomach, obedient and silent, then turned and placed his head at Saryn's feet."
Line 45, "so erect and hard…", you never want to put an ellipses into a paragraph that isn't speech. Even then there's very few places that it's practical.
Though if you really want to improve, I'd recommend first tackling your tenses. It's really difficult to read when it constantly changes back and forth.
Being anal about mags/clips in Warframe makes little sense. Most of the guns are too funky to figure out.
Take the mag/clip stuff to ARMA or other more serious games.
In other news, weapons are fascinating; grineer having overpowered "airsoft" pellet launching guns powered by detonite, providing robustness, simplicity and simple "mags" (more like bullet pouches), probably logistics heaven (imagine them swapping bullets between different guns with ease, one Detonite Injector being able to shoot off tens of thousands of rounds). Corpus have energy weaps mostly modified from asteroid mining gear, and Tenno have weird, actual bullets that can slash (not tear) limbs/bodies apart, even when shot from a tiny Lato. I mean, what the fuck does a Tiberon shoot and how does it reload?
How the hell do Tenno add elemental damage to physical damage guns? Subatomic fuckery?
Spess magic.
Not really, more damage solves the low mag size problem. When in doubt, always go for more damage, it makes the gun better and saves ammo.
If you're a shitter like me, go with Fast Hands for speedier reloads.
Shopped, his shirt changes color. Nice try.
Oh, and one more thing.
Line 67. "“I… suppose you can… find your way to your ship.”
Ellipses aren't meant to indicate pauses between words. They're used to indicate the omission of words.
Somehow they think new shitters will understand this.
I'll come back when Mesa is done.
Should I glass him?
>using kubrows over sentinels
Mags, clips, rounds, batteries, shells, slugs, cylinders, canisters, nades, belts, fuel, tanks, crystals, powder, juice, arrows, bolts, shrapnel, elbow grease, airlock puppies, plat... am I missing any?
I don't, user. I'm just wondering if I should finally free him.
He's been sitting in incubation since day one.
Limbo with Huras kubrow is good. GOOD!
i mean, it does looks like a nerf that would justify removing nullifuckers off the game
but will DEy do that?
put him in statis and move on to another breed. Always keep one breed of each type in statis in the event that they make any meaningful changes. (Universal Vacuum Mod for Kubrows/Sentinels)
Is it happening every mission ?
Yes but we just worked it out, turns out that you can turn the fucking passives off... and I done that somehow... thanks anyway user
Get your shit together user.
>Liestream mentions Miter Mod that pop's nullifer bubbles
>6 forma Miter in anticipation
>mfw 2 months go by
He's the guy who was defending Limbo for spy missions. You need a kubrow with invisibility for cameras and alarm bots.
in any other MMO id be able to sell plat for USD or even steam monies
id be free. i have like 1900 plat rite now and i could get 1700 more ez pz.
fuck man, i could make a living off scamming shitters on warfra-
oh. now that makes me sad.
No I'm not. Although I like Limbo too.
And he IS good for spy missions.
With invisibility he can outright ignore most of the obstacles. Even those that Loki can't.
am i really supposed to forma my tonkor 6 times?
guessing these are meant for me
it's 2 AM, I'd love to care user but I'm just gonna go to bed.
honestly it will vaporize most enemies with only 1 or 2 forma.
if you wanna into level 135 griniga with only 2 shots of stronkow you should.
>Using a Miter just to deal with nullfaggots
Why on hell's red lawn would you do this? Are you one of those contrarians that hate strong weapons because they're popular or something?
will using a forma remove my blue potato?
>get all vaub p parts
>20 alertium
At the time I was experimenting with Mag bullet attractor and the Hula Hoop of death and Ivara.
I just wanted it to be good
Don't ask what people think of them if you aren't willing to accept critique.
The general idea of the story is good, but the wiring is below sub-par. I'm not telling you stop writing however, the more you write the more you'll learn.
Read up on grammar rules, always have a thesaurus on hand, always have a dictionary on hand, and always try to use them to their fullest. Challenge the reader, use words they may have to look up or terms they'll have to grab a dictionary for.
Try to stay away from the words "like" and "very" as well.
Post edge
This is it.
This is the peak of edge. We have passed edge and gone full sharp.
Repostan, no fresh dank edge till tomorrow
i don't want to be annoying but i'm new and not sure what slot to forma for what mod, or even what mods to use in general
the guide i found on warframe builder isn't making sense to me
After posting
in the last thread and seeing that...
uncomfortably accurate.
user, it's really late and I'm not saying I don't want your critique. I appreciate it, I really do. I just need rest. I'll write down whatever the fuck you said and I'll try to get it tomorrow.
FRESHEST of edge, I got this 3 hours ago.
Has anybody given Lotus the Carl treatment?
>It don't matter, Tenno. None 'a this matters.
You look at the polarity of the mod you polarize slot for.
For example, if you want to cram more damage into a gun, usually you put Serration in it.
Serration has Madurai polarity, so, polarizing a slot to this polarity, if needed at all, will cut the drain of the mod in half, allowing to slot maxed Serration.
ok i'm starting to get it
this is guide i'm using. is it shit?
I want someone cute to play with all night
I've got a beard down to my midsection
am I cute
>blast damage
>hammer shot
yep, its shit
Mig Mantis is pretty cool
Ash Prime is bretty ute
>tfw no comfy space Mиг to walk around in
I didn't knew I wanted this before.
Now I do.
Why did you do it to me user?
The abilities of the ships are completely useless. I've yet to run into someone that actually uses them.
>tfw will finally have something other than liset
Blast damage is debatable (the guy in the description said you can swap it around to take viral/corrosive or whatever you want). What would you take instead of hammer shot?
They're too expensive.
Liset has the only good one.
here you go you goddamn newshitter, read the OP
you build Tonkor like you build literally any other crit weapon
Only 1 flex slot. I use Hellfire. Prime Fast Hands is also fine. Some people like Firestorm/Critical Delay but this is more debatable. Don't use Hammershot.
>Blast damage is debatable
>-50% damage vs ferrite armor
he's not me but thanks lad