Kalista is the Best and Cutest Girl on League
Old: Eyosongive.us
>Your Waifu isnt Blue Edition
Kalista is the Best and Cutest Girl on League
Old: Eyosongive.us
>Your Waifu isnt Blue Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
10/10 match making rito
>It's a your premade loses to their premade
Me and X bot pls we're friends ^^ :D xDD
>Forget to ban Zed
>think "aw how bad can it be"
>dont dodge
>Zed goes 22/7 and rapes everyone
Please delete this champion
Nobody cares about your normal games, faggot.
So I just started playing again after a 7 month break. Did they change how placement matches work?
I won my first one and lost my second and failed my placement matches?
Asking again.
xth for blue waifus!
>Anniebot plays him when ghosters ban him out and wins even more often than when he gets Annie
Yeah, pretty much.
fug she's cute :3
you play 10 placement matches.
you can't fail placement matches. (there is no concept of failing placement matches, you just play them and win some and lose some.)
i think you are confused.
Xth for Riot Games Incorporated
I like how Aurelion has been basically retardedly overpowered since release and people STILL think he's bad and doesn't deserve nerfs
why is kalista such cute?
Best girl.
Best hips.
Best wife.
wow you fuking retard, just build QS-
oh wait
i dont understand this champion at all
it's like they tried to make her as awkward and clunky as possible
i like her, she's pretty fun but holy shit she has to be one of the most underpowered releases in a lot of time
how are you even supposed to build her
>be shit
>"it's the game's fault not mine"
Xth for overpowering Vayne, ripping the lower part of her bodice with your claw-shaped nail rings and slamming inside her, watching her ample breasts move in this exact same manner with every forceful thrust.
Is it true that yi is trash now? I play him all the time and I do pretty well
Dont project so hard my man. Mr no counterplay aka Zed is stupidly broken after the QSS change
vayne's tits arent that big
t. bronzie
how exatcly did this happen?
I was Plat V last season, and season 4 too.
Went 8/2 in my placements and now I'm Plat II.
I thought placements supposed to put you lower than you originaly was last season.
Soon I'll be a Diamon V shiter
the reflection makes it look like she has very prominent nipples
>playing taliyah
just wait until her inevitable rework
chill as fuck son
I'm plat
how do I fight Azir as Vel Koz?
You play as normal veigar but don't farm minions and rush sightstone first item
at some point you queued up at a time where matchmaking could only find people of a higher rank than you. then you beat them and your mmr went way the fuck up
>Rito will probably rework even Taliyah before they do Yorick Mori
I'm trying to solo Kushala Daora HR 7. Is it possible without poison?
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
>Kushala Daora
dude weed lmao Xd
They're all squished in there but they pretty fine.
>Implying they even remember Yorick is a champion they have
Lulu visual update will probably come first
I want to meme in meme
Wrong general, hunterbro
>be shit
>"it's the game's fault not mine"
>"muh diamond i'm not shit i swear"
Come back when you are in a top 2 korean team and get voted MVP at least once, you shitter.
RoA is pretty much dogshit now and very situational. I don't know why people build it on Taliyah, but it seems like the standard noob trap item hence why people STILL build it on Annie. Read the fucking tool tips. The Eternity passive now mostly benefits champions with low cool down or toggle spells, or else end up in the fray and taking damage. Taliyah is neither of these.
Rylai's is a must on her. Other than that, you just go straight AP to make your Qs as punishing as possible.
>kindred's q now needs stacks
>she's now even more reliant on snowballing
I just want to lane with her
I broke my team when the top laner complained about me being support and then the adc started flamming and went afk and everything went to hell
Pretty much every champ that builds RoA saw a winrate boost in 6.9.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA RESULTS
Another one is up!
>tons of ekko nerfs that get added and reverted every pbe
do riot have not a fucking clue about what to do with this champion or something?
>building noobtrap items
I bet you maxed Q first too
Get good
Why did you even pick Veigar support in the first place, just pick Blitz/Tresh if Alistar is not avilable
anniebot builds roa on annie
Because of the eternity passive. It benefits mage brawlers a lot more but is useless for anyone else, and with the cut to its stats there's zero reason for a standard mid mage to take it.
>RoA is pretty much dogshit now
The only thing dogshit here is you senpai.
Because it's a normal game and if I don't get an AFK i will get someone who doesn't know how to play, like my top laner who was 0/4/0 against darius and started complaining about me being the support.
Might as well have fun with dumb picks.
Testing data n' shit.
Annie has pretty low cooldowns, specially when farming with Q
i maxed E
but i do have no idea how to build
I'm talking super low cool downs. Like Karthus Q. Karthus is actually awesome with it because of all the heal ticks he gets from his E and Q combined, plus his playstyle frequently has him soaking up damage.
Soft 「In」 Wet
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA 3 slots left
password is vidya
>always a feeding Vlad
>noobs not knowing how to play him will bring his winrates down for months ahead
>riot won't nerf him soon with winrates this low
ah it feels so GOOOOD
>fighting kushy without poison
literally why? Just bring a poison weapon
>Playing normals solo
>Expecting anything other than the same shit you have to deal with in Ranked
Just play a Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums dude
I thought shes getting weaker tho
>cut all its stats across the board
>not shit
Sure thing bro, tell me how less AP, HP, and mana makes it a stronger item. Only champs that can actually use the new Eternity have a reason to build it now, it's no longer a standard stat stick.
sure do love these balanced games! thanks riot!
Im the 62%. I get the boosted trash, they get the nidalee smurf :^)
I'd say out of all of my games, Ryali's and Luden's are the two I build as my first two 90% of the time, with the other 10% being Abyssal and then Ryali's against people like Leblanc/Fizz. Ryali/Luden's is pretty core. After that just build whatever AP item you want because 40% cdr is a noobtrap. E>W>Q max and practice the combo so you can get good.
Is Championship Thresh buged or what ?
In my last two games I played with that skin, I would randomly get stuck in placem or my movement would be super slow and unresponsive.
Or am I simply pocket droping out the ass .. because everything else around me seems to move fine at stable.
Its always 30-45 ping, no random spikes or shit like that.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA 3 slots left
password is vidya
Don't listen to him He's obviously trying to trick you. :Å)
who are the most fun top laners now that the tank meta is stagnating?
How do I build Cassiopeia?
You are fucking retarded its cheap as fuck and gives you sustain and free stats. Its good
pacqette los
How's Kennen? he got changed in the mage patch but I never see him
are they actualy good or is the same meme as the lee sin tank top build
might as well just play swain
0 impact
all other answers are irrelevant
Lol crashes on startup for me. Is there any way to repair it, or am I gonna hafta do a full reinstall?
>mfw rewatching kabum shit down alliance's throat
has there EVER been a more embarrassing performance by a "superteam" in history?
Hecarim viable toplaner anymore? The new ghost might be hilarious on him
>Not urgot
It's like you hate fun
>only 80 AP
>passive only helpful if you can spam spells and frequently take damage (i.e. Karthus, Singed, Ryze)
>mediocre hp/mana
It's niche, no longer a standard pick for a mage that needs more stats. Standard long range mages are better off building Rylai's, Morellos, Ludens, etc.
garen. he snowballs so hard if you win lane
Akali AP
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums IS LIVE ON NA
>take 4 drags, baron, 3 towers, 13 kills, ward constantly
>lol sorry, you dont have 370 CS at 37 minutes, you dont get your S :3
How the FUCK are you supposed to fucking get an S with an adc if riot wants you to afk farm more than they want you to actually play the goddamn game?
A fed Khazix is more of threat than a fed Zed, but being top he kinda loses his gank potential.
Vi shreds armor, so the tank meta is useless against her
But Darius would be a better option in this case.
Karthus so he can just passively farm and ult whenever the other lanes engage, while still leaving mid open for someone who's good at roaming.
Teemo for making one of their players rage quit.
I just lost a game and got an S so i'm not sure what the criteria are
>Trynda with 115 ping
All on ...
Blue, blue wins
Wow I'm an idiot.
>tfw you're spending your one life browsing /lolg/ shitposting because you don't have the willpower to do anything worthwile
>bunch of stuff added and on sale in shop
>still no super galaxy shyv
fuck this man i just want that skin
Its ranked based on everyone else that plays the same champion
So if you play someone that a shit load of people play step your game up
But that's true of any game, senpai
Taliyah is sleeper op
just wait for korea
There's videos on youtube saying that you can get an S more easier if you play the champion in a dumb position. Draven Top, for example.
Apparently because the system doesn't have many Toplane Draven games to compare yours to.
So then that means that all you need is a single Draven Top game where you shitstomp and you'll probably get an S.
I was playing Jhin. I've already gotten his level 6 mastery, but holy fucking dog shit, I literally cannot get an S with him now, no matter how hard I carry.
don't worry senpai you'll just be cucked by the jews anyway out of mastery 7
i want to suck them
Is there any place I can see what all the upcoming weekend gamemodes are? I've tried looking everywhere I can think of, but I can't find a list.