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Why does Overwatch start windowed, even after setting it to fullscreen

>Tfw your team's snipers refuse to shoot the bastion

Post overwatch feet.

overwatch feet

>your team refuses to approach the point because there's a Reinhardt standing on it

overwatch feet

>arcade brawl
>all soldier:76, all spamming biotic field constantly
I thought this was supposed to be fun

>widowmaker ult
>press Q
>whispers her ult line even though it is a game changer
>wallhack for the whole team, not even a "pulse" wallhack every 2 seconds, literally constant red outlines of the enemies
>game is now extra easy while you're already playing widowmaker

>soldier ult
>yells IVE GOT YOU IN MY SIGHTS with a sound cue telling you when his aimbot is going to end
>aims for center mass, still have to actually use it by left clicking
>situational, can be used to kill fast annoying fuckers
>usually detrimental against tanks and other big guys who you could headshot

>soldier ult will probably be nerfed while widow ult is never going to get touched
Yeah I am fucking mad.

Why is no one shitposting at full speed
What's going on

Widowmaker is the hero that is always balanced on a razor's edge between winning or losing by her wits alone.

Incredibly high risk, requires incredible skill to play. Has to out think opponents up close (if she is) because she isn't strong there.

She is like invoker put into a hero. No one will reach peak with her for years probably.

Wrong thread


Post your go-to for each class:





thats funny, every widowmaker i see is miles away doing fucking nothing productive

>win 3 games
>get placed against stacks
who the fuck thought this is a good idea.

>Incredibly high risk

Thanks for the laugh.


Why would we be jealous of baby crap yellow Gengi?

>Watchpoint: Gilbraltar
>Enemy team is 3 Bastions, a Mercy, and Tracer


Join the official Veeky Forums team of /v/irgins. You might have noticed how hard it is to carry a pug by yourself so stop trying.

If youre interested shoot me a message @ [email protected]

We already have some prospects but still need more. Lets get a solid group formed before competitive comes out and all the tourneys start.


Lucio and Mercy need to be separated in a healer class.

This, Soldier, Widow and McCree are fine too if you can stomach playing hitscan classes.

Zenyatta, too.

Yeah it has to be nerf'ed. Because you can't simply adapt to the game it has to be nerf'ed around your fragile sensibility

>join game
>"defeat" pops up
>puts me in a new game after
>"defeat" pops up

nice game

I got 250 credits

5 Decides what skin I spend it on

76. want to get better at pharah but i'm still shit

Depends on the map and situation. Boils down to Torb, Mei, Junkrat

Rein or Zarya. if there's another tank already and i'm not forced to be support, i'l go Dva

I played Lucio a lot in the Beta and i still play him a lot, but Mercy is really growing on me. Symmetra on Control maps of course.

>Defence maps
>multiple tracers
I want this to stop

Buy the heartbreaker emote for DVA, it's cute.

if the game brings you back to the menu to look for more games does it take away your consecutive bonus?

Tracer hasn't really showed up in most of my games.

>Incredible skills
>Incredibly high risk

Nomad Genji

There's nothing that angers me more than cowardly players that refuse to push

At least there's presence on the point, I've had teams that refused to approach for any reason.

Were you on that team that was 5 winstons and a lucio? Cause if so we only did that because we were in no mood to deal with monkey trouble.


>There are people in this thread who don't know this is pasta

ImThem, is that you?

I've been splitting my time between Overwatch, TW:Warhammer, an essay, and studying for my economics exam.

I am slowly going insane.

Does anyone have a rule63 mei pic, or can someone make one for me please. I need this.

>tfw you fly udner the map as pharah on the last stretch on king's row

Pharah if the opponent's team isn't full of widows and soldiers. Genji if there are multiple bastions.


DVA if their team has at least 2 of widow/torb/hanzo Reinhardt otherwise

Lucio, if the map is hanamura, kings row volskaya or anubis defense, Symmetra if the team doesn't have one already.

>temple of anus attack won in 1:56

How do I into d.va's E? I average 11/5 with her, and do ok damage, but I feel like every time I e I block shit, then it runs out, then i die, and my team does nothing. I know like I can go up to bastion and block his shit, but like what afterwards? It's blocked, and then im vulnerable and I die anyway.


Genji on hanamura is fun

>Join a random match on Quickplay
>The other team has three fucking soldiers
What the hell

which character needs the least teamwork


you can pretend like the team doesn't exist like everyone who uses her

classes for shitters

No, but I am from /lolg/

Underrated post

>join game
>4 winstons

Do games that you enter before losing count in the statistics? Feels like open beta again, got into 2 games like that in a row.

You could join 1 second before they lose and it still counts.

Lol ur a faggot if you dont like sweet boipucci

>tfw you're making progress
I'm still shit at the game but I'm finding people I really like to play with. Lucio, Reinhardt (on occasion) and Pharah are my go tos.

>reaper on enemy team

the three certainties in life, gents


>tfw I lost in the loading screen

McCree and Reaper. If I wasn't bad at video games I would use Tracer.

Widowmaker/Junkrat. Kill Bastions for days or at least until they get off their cancer class.

D.Va but too bad she's the worst tank. The rest of the tanks are so slow that it's too irritating for me to put up with.

Lucio all fucking day man

shitter spotted

>lose Ilios to a conveniently timed Winston chimpout
I ain't even mad.

Killing is the only thing that matters

>tfw 1 game needed to get above 50% and be a non-shitter
>7 games losing stream thanks to multiple tracers defending shit

>Be Lucio in a team of D.Va, Hanzo, Pharah, Junkrat, and Roadhog
>Constantly tell people to be at the point we're trying to defend
>No one comes
>They try to leave and kill the enemy while we're on defense
>We lose
Come on guys


>implying your teams widow ever does anything useful
>enemy widow is a god and always has infrared up

Thanks Rabbi Metzen and Rabbi Kaplan

Worst map?

Dorado 4 me

>playing as Mercy
>guy on team is yelling, saying I suck as he doesn't even protect me from enemies
Is this what it means to be a healslut?

>CS:GO costs 15 dollars, has a 60 tick rate
>BF4 costs 10 dollars, has a 60 tick rate
>Overwatch costs 40 dollars, has a 20 tick rate

Hanamura attack.

It's a good thing there's a leaver penalty or I would quit this shit map every time.

>unlocking popular legendary skins
>for heroes you don't play

This is a special kind of torment


You sound like an inbred faggot when you say that. At least say quitter.

t. supportcuck





Petition to rename Omnics to Ohnnics

>csgo has 60 tick rate



I don't think i've ever seen defense win on route 66 unless it's a complete stomp and attackers can't get to the first checkpoint

>playing mercy
>keep getting picked off by 2 (TWO) Gengis despite staying back and attempting to fly away
>McCree "Can I get sum fckin heals???"

What if Mei was replaced with a functionally identical skeleton? Woupd it improve her? How would you improve Mei?


Yes, eventually you'll become a jaded veteran healer.

>tfw just the other day my former guild leader sent me the hate mail he got about me when I let a rogue die on purpose in WoW

Here, the perfect skin for the Mercy players of /owg/

Healslut life is suffering, user.

I love playing roadhog so much that I think I actually turned gay for him

tfw I just did this in Dorado an hour ago

Why do pub shitters think they can make judgements on how to play the game?

Would have done the same for Numbani, fuck that map.

Roadhog is all the support you'll ever need

fixed that for you, user.

NERF THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>tfw mostly play Junkrat
>tfw no roadhog qt to protect me

Is it possible to play D.Va without getting the urge to fap?

>Playing with /v/tards or even the people here
Nah. The amount of bitching tells alot about skill level.

B.Va is so cute

yes her voice sucks and you never actually see her

Hanamura attack.

Such a shitty design