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>/tosg/ Guilds info >Klaipeda Futureproof - Full Either roll a templar or wait for one if you want a guild.
Armageddon sounds like something I'd hear in Doom. Ignited is D Lejano tier. King Monarch is great.
Leo Harris
The whole point is that it's an Alt, you do your daily dungeons at the 50 dungeon, take a break for the day and just play on your other chars or your main. On the next day you do another 3 runs of the 50 dungeon and finish questing through at your own pace.
Christopher Ramirez
Kill all Futureproof shiteaters on sight, oh wait we can't even do that anymore :^)
Oliver Jenkins
Cute recruited in the thread too. But Hiraku is taking a break for awhile.
Nathan Rogers
>should I drop the Paladin for Div2 instead? Yes
Evan Myers
Using his ESL status is no excuse. And everyone knows Undefined are Reddit. There's a whole reddit-alliance, even. F.O.E. would know, out of all people.
Every guild invited from the thread with no restrictions, except F.O.E.
Charles Cruz
We aren't neutral so the problem's on your end.
Jeremiah Hall
>try to connect >unable to connect >try again, this time using another channel >third time's a charm >60~120ms latency >walk a few steps >character teleports back, happens every five seconds or so >try to talk with a NPC >1min before anything pops up + 1min every time you're required to choose an option And here I thought it couldn't get any worse. 1000+ were fun compared to this.
Aaron Perry
Oh snap
David Harris
is this normal? should i even keep all these recipes?
Lincoln Edwards
When will the good times come back?
Tyler Barnes
How do you join a guild in this game? Invite only? I don't see anything related to guilds anywhere on the ui.
Cameron Watson
Except the only faggots who would know something like that would be faggots that go to reddit. IE you apparently since "everyone knows". Literally piss off with your shit posting /rog/
Adrian Price
You're contradicting yourself retard.
First you say it is to powerlevel, to be fast. Then you literally tell him to fucking wait 3 days and leave the alt at the level 50 range.
You're fucking retarded user. Stop giving advice.
Isaac Walker
FP defense force in all action as usual, hope all of your in it neck yourselves like dvine did. I hope the guy who dug up FP members from reddit finds more dirt on you for more hilarity
t. someone not dumb enough to roll on Klai
Logan Ward
No, you can force your way into the guild without an invite
Hudson Fisher
anyone else? theres so many misinfo agents that i dont trust a single person's answer could you detail the reasons as for why no points in aspersion and so little in mass heal? so many points in revive seems like you're forced to use it because its not possible to keep people healed
Lucas Wood
Put your gems in your bank now
Liam Ortiz
Actually I quit unless a certain circumstance is fulfilled (one that is very unlikely to happen) Everyone in cute is free to leave since I won't be managing it anymore
Jose Ross
You can sell white recipes most of the time, it's a nice money boost.
Also that's one of the most valuable monster gems in the game so put it in storage so you don't lose it.
Zachary Lee
Give me that monster gem.
Isaiah Powell
Prove you aren't on Klai, then
Jordan Rogers
leveling multiple alts simultanesouly with daily dungeons and mission exp is a lot more efficient than running through an entirely different section of the map for level1 and 2 cards you fucking dipshit.
Noah Smith
Hatsumi ain't lever coming back gurl!
Luis Campbell
Valia or Velniup for a Monk?
Kayden Anderson
Kayden Foster
Jason Myers
Guild master invite only.
Mason Lopez
Guild slots are very limited, because someone needs to make an R7 character specifically to make a guild.
There's always a shortage of Guilds. Even now, there are enough homeless anons in this thread to fill one.
Usually I'd make recruitment posts, but our wait-list is really big at the moment.
I think Empire has slots? Maybe CuteNotLewd as well.
Asher Morgan
Revive is to safe retards from being retards. They will not survive. They will die over and over. And when you go to res them, they will release because they are retarded.
You only go asperation as a priest for 2 reasons. 1, you're going to open a pardoner shop to make money and idiots will buy it for some reason. Or 2, you are going to go chaplain as it gets added to your auto attacks.
Armor is an integer in this game. Adding 20% of 50 is only adding 10 armor. Which reduces only 10 damage. Its literally useless. Mass heal is only so low because thats as many points as you can afford. If you really must have it, which its fine where it is, trust me on that, then you can take points from your only life line, revive, and put it in there. Mass heal is not the best and most of the time you miss people due to latency, desync or just plain people doing 180s for no reason and dodging it. Heal pads are basically 90% of your healing and the rest is revive to keep people alive and mass heal to top people up.
Kevin Ward
If this is true i will make another guild for cute refugees if necessary.
Easton Hall
no one will ever suck up to you while you're still choking on jinsae's dick, just stay gone faggot
Hudson Miller
>Using the screenshot that doesn't have me in it
I hope they never come back now.
Eli Williams
daily reminder that most of discord played in ictb1
Gavin King
You also had to sign up for Discord and get approved before you could join FOE which meant ERPing with Azebu in a private chat room
Daniel Carter
Way to go Koenig.
Ethan Lee
>most of discord played in ictb1
and they're not /tosg/ anymore.
Benjamin Thomas
Anyone in cute wanna join me when I make Ohayou guild?
Joseph Wood
you had me at ohayou
Anthony Diaz
Is this ero or non ero?
Connor Anderson
>Channel Hoping Holy shit is this for real? I think hakkyu kim didn't look at MMOs outside of korea to draw ideas from, but shit this is getting out of hand.
Cmon, maplestory denies channel changing when you get hit since who knows how the fuck long, they could implement the same
Connor Rodriguez
>Some skills will receive the following changes:
>[Swordsman Classes in General] >The Attack Power gained from the STR stat will be increased by 30%
Connor Davis
>Red Spion Archers
Oh shi- "Spiral Arrow"
Seriously I love Dark Theurge and my pet for saving my ass in this map. 45/45 soon.
Carson Flores
Daily reminder to report bot and block all FOE/Clover/Cute members.
Mason Anderson
[Highlander] - Skyliner: Skills animation time has been decreased, and can also now be canceled.
Aaron Cooper
Reminder that Empire will be changing to Desu Vult in a couple of days.
Oliver Taylor
Have they stopped new players from playing already?
Nathaniel Brooks
but it was only posted here, how does joining a voip make them not /tosg/ anymore? are you retarded
Kayden Clark
What the fuck are you two talking about?
Jackson Watson
It was posted on reddit too, silly user-kun
Joseph Garcia
Can they do the same to Int? I mean, they might as well.
Hudson Cox
fuck off itos pleb
Tyler Robinson
Steam has to approve that, so maybe not yet.
Noah Price
Why do I see people within range of the 145 dungeon still queuing for the 130 dungeon? I'd assume if they wanted the drops they'd just do boss rushes without a queue.
Ayden Mitchell
Are you the kTOS guy who just started playing a few days ago?
Ryan Myers
>adding 10 armor. Which reduces only 10 damage. Not true. It comes before multipliers, so it reduces a lot more if anything at all happens to that attack.
Although 1 point is too little an effect.
Mason Howard
finding a party maybe tiresome
Joseph Wood
it wasn't, though.
Cameron Long
Luis Walker
There is nothing wrong with Sappers.
Dylan Brown
Brandon Carter
Why she doing something kawaii while crying
Nolan Rivera
Oh shit, thanks for reminding me about the new chapter.
Gabriel Ortiz
What does Psychic Pressure sound like?
Camden Collins
Thread Reminder - Version 2.0 >discordfags already have their own secret plans for weeks and maybe even months >already have list of guild members >guild only includes discordfags >non-discords all excluded >literally just farming /tosg/ for members >discord full of redditors, reddit/twitch/forum e-celebs >"we just want reddit gone" but discord full of redditors >"we want GVG" people are higher leveled in thread than most on that discord secret plan guild >"we just want to have better communications in EA" but didn't bother putting it in OP, posting it in thread, people asking for link was ignored, some people only know because of leaks by some randoms, Have more than 3 months to post but didn't. Days before and after EA but didn't >ERP fucks, namefag, avatarfags >"discord was posted here" not in every thread, less than 10 times and was more often posted by randoms >"but it is close" wasn't a few weeks ago >"secret club? but it is open for anybody", rare link, not in op and clearly you don't read and just erp in voip >"anonymity sucks" Why are you in Veeky Forums then? >joining discordguild is literally blowing someone's e-penis
Here's what they are trying to do now
>post discord link in every thread because they know they fucked up >hundreds of excuses New: Be more visible. How did they not think about it this past few months or even days? Because muh secretclub that's why New: Now requirement is only R6. Funny not one of these discordafags are mentioning that "established member list". These people are despicable. Still have to be a discordfag. New: Now there are post discord guys. Remember they organize shitposting on their shitty discord.
>Discord link was included in OP. GOOD JOB DISCORDFAGS - Funny how it was easy when there's drama but not during these past few weeks when there wasn't
Blake Reed
t. lolipantsu york
should I namedrop more FP in discord
Colton Jackson
what's a good sorc build? Any good summons aside from temple shooter?
Jacob Bennett
I don't need wugushi fixes anymore just stay alive TOS
Aaron Cooper
Azebu was the one who shilled ToS on /v/ for ages though.
"since the first beta" doesn't mean anything, the majority of discord has been here since before the first beta. It's literally just filled with people who've been here forever and can't put up with the threads bullshit anymore, ever since iToS got released it's been nothing but shitposting so there's no point even being here when all the good posters left for discord.
Jason Wood
What can I throw on my second monitor while I play this? Something comfy that doesn't require much focus. Twitch is good, but I want more options.
Nathan Sullivan
There's not enough skills in sorc to have variety in builds.
There's no other summon that has a 2x autoattack. Don't let that stop you from experimenting with their skills though.
Jaxon Morris
remove pyromancer from build of the kings
Samuel Moore
Since you said you aren't managing cute anymore, did you pass leadership to someone else? Or are you disbanding/leaving it to collect dust?
Isaiah Richardson
>Azebu Azebu is a rampant shitposter and ERP faggot though.
>can't put up with the threads bullshit anymore >left for discord So they're not /tosg/ anymore, good to know.
Cooper Nelson
>Remove the main damage dealer from build of kings
Christian Ramirez
As far as I know it's only possible to pass leadership to another Templar, and I'm not even sure if it's possible to do that outside of ktos.
If it is possible and someone wants it then I don't mind passing it over.
Anthony Turner
>Not full screen of tos on one screen and tosg on the other monitor
Jose Clark
>when all the good posters left for discord
Ryan Williams
do you think jesus plays this game?
Jayden Perry
Justin Bennett
Will be semi-afking in Klai13 for an hour or two for anyone looking for a guild. No level/Talt requirements, just be reasonably active in the game. We're also not planning to be neutral, expect wars every now and then.
So are there any guild spots open for a new player on Klapedia?
Ian Nelson
thanks for the (You)'s newfags
Asher Wood
Probably FOE because it's dead but it's reddit not /tosg/
Easton Johnson
they don't use any abilities similar to the boss abilities?
Benjamin Martinez
>I was one of the people who made threads on /v/ to get hype for this game. You reap what you sow.
Liam Kelly
Thus proving his point
Chase Murphy
Speaking of Sorcs, do the high level world bosses like Rexipher, Mirtis, etc have cards? Mirtis's X lightning attack could be fun to use if it's an available ability.
Gabriel Ross
okay thats the info i was looking for, i checked the defense from end game gear + the def from levels and as you say its not that great, and taking aspersion out of the build fixes the rest of the points, thanks a lot
Mason Roberts
>Looking for a guild >not solo playing til you become famous for being a beater