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Make Crypto Great Again!
try /r9k/
You were too quick lad!
gr8 cogdis m8
Hehe been at it all summer and.. it's fucking nothing. Congratulations guys! You did nothing.
>now resorting to niggertwitter maymays
truly the last breaths of a dying shill.
You know using IP rotators is a bannable offense, right, summer man? I'll let you know of several other rules you may not be aware of too :)
in for the same 5 trump bag holders rotating ips and feigning discussion!
>trumpcoin was a mistake
>I saw a new word on /pol/ and am going to spew it out even though I dont actually know what it means
Was there any date given for release of the next video?
Yeah this
Care to explain what you believe this shorthand stands for, and what that means?
The only thing worse than nocoiners are trumpcoiners.
Take your literal meme P&D back to /r9k/, you faggots give crypto a bad name.
I just want some of those tokens.
Message him then
The cope is real with this one!
Sorry about your loss with TPG :(
>We've been here all summer edition
wtf I hate trumpcoin now!!
fucking hell guys lighten the fuck up
WTF fudding guy is 24/7, thats some dedication, gotta give him that. You guys think hes doing it for money or because of autism?
I'm sorry I just couldn't resist today
so hes doing it becuase of autism most likely
he made some decent points between the reeeees, what does it take to move the price up if not videos and ads and shit lads?
Maybe those second ammendment people can do something to improve trumpcoin's value, eh?
>8k sat price
you guys are fags
Kill yourself fudder shithead
>L-l-lighten up guys
At least this has proven we can team up on something. Let's put that to use with a promotion campaign. Anybody have suggestions? Something other than pol for now. We need the crypto community to want this coin to get added to bigger exchanges. We have the only coin that is allowing trump fans worldwide to help him win.
Media mention, some famous person tweet, end of summer, Donald Trump endorsement, trump winning, new exchanges, USD > TRUMP buy method, time.
Theres plenty of shit to be excited about really.
Boy chumpcoiners are sure on edge today. What's the matters guys? What happened to the generosity and joviality? Patience starting to wear thin? Well now you know how the rest of us felt about you and this leechy ass coin a long time ago.
Funny how you can't conceive that there might be more than one person who's sick to death of you your nonstop gibbering for month and months and months. And what do you have to show for it?
>officially registered LLC
So, did you guys get permission to use Trump's brand/name like I told you to do? Because if not, you are fucked.
Yah guys, maybe it's time to ease up. The FUDers are BTFOimg hard.
We're going to lose valuable bumps :/
You sound like a rich guy. Can you send me some btc?
So... if you are holding lots of trumps why are you fudding m80?
Remember this is Veeky Forums - buy high, sell low
Nope. They didn't.
If you've been following for months and months you would know day one for the current developers was under a month ago. You would also know they get filled with the same accusations each time. We answer them, they ignore the response and make further claims without evidence. Hide the thread..
That would imply they arent summerfags and even know how to hide threads. They probably dont even know how to find the catalogue yet.
hey a cryptocurrency based on Donald Trump, that could be pretty neat!!
>checks chart
NOPE, turn 360 and walk
>look mommy! I posted the 360 meme again!
>they'll surely think I'm a new person this time!
< Was a good start.
Oh, right, i forgot.
post yfw when the process is down 30% since this ad launched
>good start
because I thought this was a lighthearted bunch of enthousiasts, but it turns out that you guys are triggered by even the smallest fucking joke one can make in relation to the fucking thread title.
So just chill the fuck out, grab a cup of tea and enjoy the ride to space Margaret.
Newworldorder dumping to compensate for his silly investment in TPG.
You've got a strange sense of humour.
first trips tells me what to do with my whopping 12k trumpcoins
Devs where you at
it's pretty sad. i have things in my life that i don't like or annoy me. but i just ignore them. i don't focus energy on them, i don't try to convince others that they should not get involved with it.
it is a strange mindset of the Fudder. so sad desu. not particularly healthy either. very peculiar behaviour.
Oh, i see. So, when are you planning to sell your 47k trumps? Im holding 22k and will sell at 45$ per coin.
please dude 22$? cmon now
The only good point they make is about the lack of people involved. Devs might be cautious of the pump and dump image of the coin. They could spread word of their plans and only state facts.
no cope, zone..no cope, zone
they knowwww better
22k as in 22000 trumpcoins friendo
so how long untli donald tump sues the makers of trump coin
rolling for trips
1. Why would he sue his own supporters?
2. It doesnt work that way
mfw I can't buy trumpcoin shorts
When trumpcoin hits a dollar just know I'll come back to biz to shitpost and brag my ass off
shorting tc would turn me (a chad) into a Chad still
1k sat coin at best
Trumpcoin is dying and won't make enough liftoff to pull the weight of hundreds of NEETs holding onto thousands of coins. the hype is dead, and the people who first brought huge gains to the coin have already cashed out. The only people left are dead weight.
> increasinglynervousman.png
>successfully riding the waves for a month
>lost 400 coins today
I can't believe I fucked this up.
Yessss! Ssseeeeellll your coin! Be a good go- guyyyy!
There definitely seems to be a concentrated effort to drive the price down of Trumps. The fudding here is constant, pretty much all day. Anytime there is a price swing there is another comment right after it.
Please be wary of this guys. Someone wants cheap Trumps.
And we also had the fake rumors today of Trump sueing and an announcement from Signal7. I suspect that the dump yesterday from a major bagholder got a Fudder really psyched, and decided to spread a false rumor intended to get alot of people to panic sell.
Of course that rumor turned out to be bullshit. First rule of crpyto, never listen to anonymous people.
Hey, Chicken/trumpcoin team. When's the announcement coming?
>trying to raise the price of trumps so that you can sell the ones you're stuck with without losing too much
it's already too l8, m8
>Doesn't realize that price swings are typical in crypto and few people would sell after a dip
Nice try m8
yea today went beyond simple trolling. out right lying and making things up. tsk tsk tsk
Hey user, ready for class? I wish it was still summer, what did you get up to?
I'm starting to wonder if the copers are trying convince others or themselves at this point
the highest it will ever go happened July 2nd and that was due to an organized pump.
so if that's what you mean by moon, then yea, you missed it lad
already sold all my 13k coins at a meager profit last week. looking at today's price of TC, I sure would be increasingly nervous if I hadn't sold yet.
that or coping like crazy to try and get others to help me offload my bags at breakeven
>When TrumpCoin was established, a substantial fund was set aside to support the election of Donald J. Trump for President of the United States. By using TrumpCoin, you're helping support the value of the Trump Fund so we can make a Trump sized impact this November and beyond.
No, it is a digital token with no affiliation with Trump or any organization. Other than the loser basement dweller who made it in around 15 minutes. Its just a standard crypto template like most of the other 700 coins but just called Trumpcoin.
>"TrumpCoin’s founder identifies himself only by the username Chicken65—like a much of the cryptocurrency world, he’s reluctant to use his real name—but told Vocativ in a Skype interview that he’s a Scottish music producer, bald and around 40 years old."
Are you people gullible or just incredibly retarded yet somehow can still use a computer?
>over 1 year after creation
>24 hour vol: $ 5,066
>value of 1 Trumpcoin: $ 0.04
>"moon! right guise? xD"
I know its the same 40-50 people talking about on Veeky Forums every day but please do it somewhere else, you're shitting up this slow board with your fucking autism.
FYI, holding 50k+ in trumps.
Not selling.
Plenty of big wallets sitting tight.
We'll see +30-50% swings in a week or two.
Do you know how long it takes to not click on a TC thread?
14 minutes and 55 seconds less than it took for you to write your gay post.
Look at cretins like this talking about it like all the people who own Trumpcoins aren't already here on Veeky Forums. You're literally playing yourselves and just seeing who's left holding the bag. The same handful of people you're telling tactics to are the only people with Trumpcoins, who then wait for what you say to happen, except it never does, because they're not doing it. Don't you have anything else to put your NEETbux into?
cope more faggot
I paid probably $300 riding the waves for my Trumps.
Kiss my piss with your neetbux. That shits a tired meme.
There's nobody left on Veeky Forums to convince. What's the point of these threads now?
> wah wah trumpcoin sucks
> and not just because i got scared and sold
trumpcoin threads are always filled with Veeky Forumsbitches, and every single time the price finds a new level they get a heart attack and immediately sell everything they have because they have no working knowledge of economics whatsoever.
you's dont understand that the more you cry and sell the more the true investors buy up.
cope moar. your tears fuel my gains.
What gains? Just curious
>you's dont understand that the more you cry and sell the more the true investors buy up.
>true investors
Ok, this pretty much confirms you're all either 12 or just fucking retarded. How much delusion can 1 person possess? Are you not ashamed of yourself? Your life has come down to riding a 4 cent shitcoin in the hopes of being rich? Reflect on yourself my man. This is beyond pathetic.
The ammunition you'll inevitably use to off yourself costs more per round than one of your Trumpcoins. Let that sink in, literally and figuratively.
but...yea its probably not happening trumpers
so is this the next dogecoin
na dogecoin actually went up at least once
no ;(
no, it's the next TrumpCoin
so 1sat
post yfw no-coiners miss the dip again