What are some Veeky Forums approved methods of suicide?

What are some Veeky Forums approved methods of suicide?


Not being a little bitch and not investing in retarded memestocks

Kneepad suffocation

You're probably memeing but remember that time heals everything, literally everything.

Invest every last cent you have in mstx.

Why invest into MSTX?

I literally did the same thing haha, what's your basis? I only had like 7-8 hundred in it

I just had it on watch.
I didn't even read the er.

Just baghold it. It'll take a few weeks maybe but it'll bounce back.

Oh boy.


Gold plated 357 magnum.

No suicide note.

why not?

When it comes down to it, we're all just a bunch of degenerate gamblers.

Why did I buy this stock?
I'm retarded.
People who listen to /rgt/ always lose money.

A Machete, a monsanto corporate office and a blaze of glory.

>buying GEVO

buy low
sell lower

>I have this and CLCDW

200 bucks down the drain

Who bought Valeant? fuck yeah 25%

Use all available relatives, lines of credit, payday loans, etc...

Buy cheap puts on a meme stock. Do something IRL to get their stock price down. If you succeed you'll be a millionaire easily and can retire. If not, kys.