What's his deal? He's not even Jewish.
What's his deal? He's not even Jewish
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He keeps it real.
He was just one of the smart bastards to sell and run fire before the .com crashed
he's a fucking savage
100x better than the shillary cuck faggot mark cuban.
Be far the most business Savy shark on that show. Cucked Mattel out $4b for some educational company
He essentially sold Mattel on a bunch of "penny stock" IP's and made a killing of of it. (then got sued over it)
>it's a Robert gets cucked episode
I used to feel bad and want Robert to get the deals he wanted, but the more I watched the more I realized he didn't deserve them. Mark can go fuck himself though. Kevin is who I'd go with unless he wanted perpetual royalties.
He looks Italian
Heard he's interested in getting into politics. Next president of Canada please.
This is golden
>It's a Robert reveals that he's a lonely husk with no friends who's kids don't even call him episode
>It's a Daymond doesn't know how to read episode
>it's a Lori Greiner wears the same blue dress episode
>I'm in, and for that reason, I'm out
>It's a Kevin makes the first offer, then gets overshadowed by the other sharks offers almost immediately episode.
In the newer ones she always wears a dress with a weird oval cut out of it on her upper chest. She has the exact same dress in both blue and black.
Is Lori autistic?
I doubt she picks her own wardrobe for this show
Alpha as fuck and doesn't afraid of anything
>crush you like a vampire cockroach
can't dress herself
Autism confirmed
>He's not even Jewish.
Almost as bad - Irish. I'd bring a sack of potatoes to the show and hand it over when he inevitably turned out to be a huge asshole instead of just saying "I'm out".
>Drop sack of potatoes off
>>Here you go, you dumb paddy cunt. Fuck all of you, I'm crowdfunding.
>Heard he's interested in getting into politics
That'd be interesting, since he'd get absolutely destroyed. The only reason he thinks he's hot shit is because nobody talks back. He'd (figuratively and possibly in real life) have his fucking legs broken if he tried to call his political opponents "cockroaches".
>The total financial losses to Mattel have been estimated to be as high as $3.6 billion.[3]
>Mattel's acquisition of The Learning Company has been referred to as "one of the worst acquisitions of all time" by several prominent business journals.[3][4]
What a scam artist, selling some piece of shit that couldn't even make money with real IPs behind it.
hahah triggered based O'Leary. i seriously hopes he follows in trump's footsteps to become prime minister of canada, it would be amazing