Fighting Games General /fgg/
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1st for donchan
Street Fighter is the best prove me wrong protip: you can't /thread
nobody wants that slut
it's no Asuka 120% special burning fest
Or something. The engrish is too real.
ibuki is pure. PURE
guilty gear sucks lmaoooooo
How come Gill was the antagonist when he was a fair, just leader and Urien was the tyrannical asshole
everyone has been memed into believing its ibuki or balrog but the truth is juri will be next
my uncle works at capcom
I can't believe boring old nig rog, slutbuki and juri are coming before the bara god
>and putin
>neil degrasse tyson
He wants to kill all those that he deems unworthy for his new world
I thought that was Urien
How do you cope with defeat?
good question desu
No that's Gill too. Urien just wants to be Gill
hopefully the wait is worth it. I still can't believe they are even putting juri in this game
reminder that the only character from the original 8 to not be in sfxt was Honda, and he still got shafted in this game. RIP sumo man
"I have to do better next time"
hook me up with a clip and I can try to help
I am a scholar of engrish
Git gudder
who is blondie?
Make sure you learned something while being defeated, then work on fixing it
Nobody wins 100% of the time
Will SF5s storymode be better than revs?
SFV, Overwatch or DaS 3. What should I buy?
Cammy, Guile, Alex, Gill and Patricia
alex's daughteru
delete this
or alternatively I am SIn
thats guile
Damn chunners thick
fuck no
Blonde squad goals
Dark Souls 3, Street Fighter 5, any other game that has more than a weeks worth of interest, then Overwatch if you're literally exhausted of all other options
>another anti-fireball vskill
sasuga crapcom
But oro already has a fireball???
Is this post SF3?
So does Nash? ???????
I smash my head on my fucking desk thinking it's not gonna hurt anymore after some time if I keep doing it.
And it actually works.
Any performance issues with the PS3 version of Revelator?
>donkey kick in comic
>not in-game
between 4 and 5 senpai
I forgot he existed
Well shit, apparently ASW had the only clean version of the song taken down, so this is the best I could find:
Lyrics start around 40 seconds in.
Depends on if they put any effort towards lip synching the English dub
Context on pic?
aho means idiot in japanese
That doesn't add up. Ryu doesn't train with Oro until 3S and Alex shouldn't know Canny and Guile yet
i literally cant read comics with translated sfx
like how can you descirbe the sound of breaking some dirt as "KROOOOOOOOOOOOOM"
I've gotten desensitized to defeat.
I play 10 hours a day and only win 2-3 matches.
sniffgirls fighting game when?
that can't be possible
sf5? lets play, i gotta see what you're doing wrong it that is true
maybe it's after 5 then, hard to tell sometimes
I want to fuck donchan
That could be the sound of the hit. I think they're trying to simulate the sound of a focus attack since he's doing one
>tfw you're a bison main and you have to fight mika
some issues seem to be between 4-5 because in the beginning they were trying to hunt down bison and the illuminati was taking control of shadaloo
I have just finished playing, only one win today
soon i hope!
>you're a bison main and you get matched with a mika
>or a laura
>or a necalli
>or an alex
>or a birdie
>or a ken
>or a karin
just drop bison, he's shit
cfn? lemme add you atleast
udon why
>come home from work exhausted
>no energy left for fighting games
Fighting games are fucking exhausting really.
how soon?
what the fuck happened to her ass cheek
what kinda dlc character you want?
Who should I play instead though?
I want to minimize the amount of fun I can have with sf5.
so more charge characters
right now!!
Is this better? Just dled'd it a while ago
Eat ur heart out akiman
How does vaping work? Let's say I want to quit smoking but I still have a strong urge to smoke, is vaping less bad than smoking cigarettes?
all of them. the core of sf5, in my opinion, is excellent and with a little tuning it could be perfect to have almost every character in it. Things in sf4 like focusing and RED focusing fucked up alot of characters, it was a mish mash of tiers
I think sf5 has excellent potential for a cast as big as 4. too bad capcom will give up/go bankrupt before they release Super Ultra Street Fighter V Home Console Edition (now for xbox one!!!)
It kinda does sound like burn to fly? Before listening I was thinking it might be "born to fly" or something but it clearly is "burn" or "bird" or something at the start
it cant be worse
dude lmao
Something inside her vag expanding it.
DaS 3
It's entertaining for one playthrough.
If you have to ask if you should buy SFV you shouldn't.
Overwatch is pretty fun if you have friends who play it but otherwise it's just worse TF2.
fucking barafags
pirate das3
Would you a female Blanka?
she was probably happier when she thought her son was dead
>Like Ms.Fortune and Beowulf
>Hate how the game works
Skullgirl is really nice when it comes to design and music and all that jazz but the gameplay is really boring reset shit
it's worse because people will tip their fedoras to you
It's better because you don't have to smoke burning papers anymore.
This but be aware that DaS3 has such a small amount of replayability so definitely pirate, dont buy until they seriously update and change things
sf3 getting retconned confirmed
>play a character worse than bison
are you a teenager? if the answer is yes then vaping is perfect for you
if you're part your childhood stop being a punk ass bitch and just quit
holy shit dude where's the character announcement?
excuse me, past**