League of Legends General - /lolg/

Super Galaxy Skins are Out

Old: Eyosongive.us


Shyvanna, Fizz, Kindred, Rumble and Vi Edition

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck Galaxy skins.

Can Riot ever top Ekko's release in term of fucking everythin?
>GOAT music
>fun champion
>cancer but fun
>works in any comp
>literally black Kirito


Xth for best girl

cute(r) kindred skin fucking WHEN

>don't go to the cigarette store for a while cause I'm lowering my consumption
>sellsgirl tells me she's missed seeing me
what do?

Fug her

i wonder if she's doing ok

what if

character theme songs played on starting a killing spree

You know what would be cool? Reverse Kindred.

get her #

post em

hey guys, I quit league shortly after the new season reset because i had to focus on college. So im re-downloading now that i have some free time and are currently reading the patch notes to catch up. However, i do have some questions that only players could answer.

1: Is Lux still queen of mid? she fucking dominated when i was playing right up until i left.
2: is rengar still meta king? i hated playing adc with him in the meta.
3: are the new champions good?
4: did they ever go back to allowing just duos or is it still that gay ass party system where you could have a full party vs full randoms.
5. Lastly, what are currently the meta champs for jg, adc, and mid? Those were my primary roles i played before i left.

dota ran out of things to steal


>random salegirl makes everyday human conversation with me
hey guys i'm thinking about getting lung cancer for this


Just tall to her like a normal human. Most single cashiers have extremely low standards so you're good to go

I've been smoking for a few years though

kill yourself, although I guess smokers already do that.

>what do?

Call the police and say you found a jew.

how do normal humans talk though

>darius top vs yasuo
>decent lvl 1 skirmishes, im ahead
>lvl 3 jungler ganks
>die because half hp, yasuo steals the last hit after doing nothing
>spams mastery 6 over and over
>come back in lane
>suddenly im dodging his shitty tornadoes, even his instant attack ability bullshit
>none are hitting me for minutes on end
>laugh after every dodge
>shit on him every time he tries to farm, even at max range
>after whittling huim down, dive tower, decimate, cripple,apprehend, hit, guillotine
>keep killing him over and over again
>don't even shittalk
>go bot
>end up in a 4 vs 1
>guillotuine dunk quadra
>chat goes ape
>"thank yasuo for that"

sweetest win in ages

Watch and quote much Seinfeld

Xth for Vlad has a smooth seven-inch porcelain penis which ejaculates fun and chemo drugs for the midlane.

Xth for Hecarim top tier fun pony man

>QSS fixed up to no longer remove ults
>bans consist of trundle, fizz and zed
great job riot wow

you will never be this qt unisex god

qt monsters

qt cuddles!

vayne is the highest skillcap AD
gp is the highest skillcap top
nidalee is the highest skillcap jungle
tf is the highest skillcap mid

1. she's good
2. he's not popular
3. some of them are, some not
4. there is still party queue. party vs randoms is actually pretty rare unless you are at git gud mmr (i.e. you can't use it as an excuse for why you are "held back")
5. champion.gg

Isn't azyr the highest skill cap mid?

I'd fuck it

>yasuo builds zz

You can remove ONE champion from League of Legends

Who do you remove and why?

>implying supporting takes no skill

Supporting takes a lot of skill, and if you believe all you have to do to support is sit in the bush and occasionally ward then you are the cancer everyone hates to have on their team

>karthis top pick for top
>swain top pick for mid
what the living hell happened? those two were GARBAGE when i played.
>support zyra top
>over leona, thresh and tahm
is this list right?

>that fucking yasuo build

Holy shit he deserved it


Play rates are garbage on karthus, swain is getting fixed next patch, zyra is right though


Draven is harder to master AD otherwise I agree

xth for yasuo manes

>rabadon's combined cost reduced to 800
>amplifying tome removed from combination recipe
>Needlessly large rod
>Blasting wand
>fiendish codex
>120 ability power, 10% cool down reduction, 35% ability power

Reminder if you play any of the following champs you need to uninstall this game and then kill yourself


"meta" means pick/ban rates, not win rates.
you care about who you're probably going to go up against, not who has the best odds of winning.

is swain actually op now? he was always a good sleeper hit but man his AA game was rough. so hard to lane.
how hard did they buff him? also, we finally got CASS BUFFS but is she still in the same spot she always was?

Really hope he takes his own life disgusting tranny

supporting does take skill but by virtue of not having to lasthit it's necessarily easier than everything else

every class has to ward
every class has to position
every ward has to know where to be in lane and whether to push or no
supports do not have to balance lasthitting with the rest of lane mechanics

there is a reason why shotcallers are usually supports/junglers, because shotcalling while lasthitting, positioning and trading is nigh impossible

very "mayne" of him to take like 300 minion damage

For some reason I forgot TEEMO but I guess it's obvious you're a scumbag if you play TEEMO

Best girl.
Best ears.
Best wife.

Explain this, lolbabs.

>mfw I only play Yasuo and spam mastery every time I get a kill

zyra was good (read: similar winrate) even before her rework. the rework just brought her to the forefront. just pick blitz into her. other ranged kill lanes or sustain lanes aren't too bad either as long as you don't get rooted. tanks with no way to get to her will have to afk under their tower though.

Dead general. Either post lewds or just give in and join Overwatch.

bard is the highest skill cap support

i'd rather have borderline bad morgana than a mediocre bard

>morgana hits 1/5 binds but shields your carry and ults in a team fight, probably dies
>mediocre bard
>heals when needed, lands 3/5 slows, 1/5 on walls for the stun
>its time to ult
>misses or worse. hits the wrong targets
>throws entire game

They broke swains healing until next patch, hes busted tier now. Snaketits is happy with Cass so I guess shes in a good spot

>Last thread was a 13 Hours one


>is she still in the same spot she always was?
what do you mean by that? CASSBUFFS gave the impression that she was always in the trash can despite the fact that she usually had insane success rates with good players as well as being a high-tier counterpick in pro games.

Her winrate right now is only slightly less than 50%, and once players hit around 50 games on her their winrates skyrocket because her single target dps is still fucking ridiculous.

We've yet to see any real pro games on any patch from 6.9 onwards so we have no idea what their meta looks like.

>diving 6gorrilion minions
I love top lane.

They should just make it build out of two NLRs and ~1k gold.

>could have won the fight just by using AAs
>"let's spam all these skills to make me look cool and heal maokai"


if it makes you feel any better csgog is like a fucking cemetery right now and d2g is really slow

it'll settle down in about a month

makes sense.
shit so hes pick or ban now? what happens if i play against him as my two main laners, lux and vik? will i be able to do anything against him or do i have to build morello?

>it's another episode of your roomates are cucking your internet connection
>post your face when

Yeah, you're right. I'll go to the overwatch general and tell them it's a dead game and to have them either post lewds or give in and play league or cs go

Ghostblade Tristana is fucking delicious.

at least we aren't as dead as overwatch

>reduce the cost by 300 gold

you'd like that wouldn't you you dirty fucking mid laner

*Tristana is fucking delicious.


Why the fuck do I need CDR on Rabadons?

I already have it from my fucking hourglass and abyssal.

The cancer build path would be a balancing factor. But the combine cost isn't really the issue, I just think it would be cute to make the ultimate stat-stick completed item build out of nothing but the ultimate stat stick base item.

i need more thoughts please, anyone else?

Veeky Forums died from 3 am to like 7 or 8 am

Back up your shit talking

So if I opened Hextech chests now will I have a chance at the new Super Galaxy skins, or do I have to wait 24 hours as alluded to once by a rioter?

She is just too cute.

Shame I'm only into qt boys and shotas.

Damage, attackspeed or movespeed quints on shaco?

muh dik

Not so much pick ban... Hes only got a 10% pick rate, but definitely rush morellos vs him

that sounds like only 20% cdr

she identifies as a girl so its different


ad you usually take attackspeed reds.

If you have to ask, you're not ready for the Sex King

if hes so broken, why is he not picked then? is his laning gaming AA's still garbage?

You're a brain dead the reason why jg/support usually shot call is because they control the vision which ends up controlling the pace of the game u D5 animal


Because it has tits

>muh morello

Because no one actually owns Swain because who would spend their precious IP on that other than to say they own every champ?
>AA's still garbage
Why would hit AAs be doing any damage

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

he only became broken this patch, and he's getting fixed next patch. so people just haven't caught on yet. i ban swain 100% if i have a ban because i don't have a good way to deal with his healing.

I want to facefuck Gentleman Gnar and his delicious fucking mouth and then kiss him deeply as I lovingly cuddle him


i meant for last hitting minions. It was always annoying laning with swain because his AA damage was ass to last hit with. So your saying if i play him ill dominate? i used to play him in gold but i felt like he fell off hard late game.
what the fuck is wrong with its dick?

me too man lmao

Welcome to the Salty Spitoon, /lolg/. How tough are ya?

gnar would be better as a cute girl

I want to Lulu.