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>144hz with widowmaker
talk about ez modo

Pharah is shit, only children with no skill like her.




why are all widowmaker players such fucking faggots

Symmetra is literally the most OP hero in the game for your team

Insane Zone control and a teleport to keep the pressure on

What are people's thoughts on the overtime mechanic?




overwatch slice of life anime is green lighted

which studio handles production

When the fuck is Lucio getting nerfed?

I need a fucking break

I hate the fucking mouth breathing retarded playerbase in this game. I can't stand them anymore. I can not have another game where I'm a fucking lone Mercy pushing the payload while the team runs around looking for kills. I can't handle another 2 reapers and a widowmaker on a king of the hill map. I can't have another round of "Wow my team sucks" coming from a tracer who repeatedly ran herself off cliffs.

I have never, NEVER seen such fucking stupidity from players so consistently. I can not take this shit anymore.

It makes for "fun" endings, but it's too easily abused with characters that can just be annoying shits like Genji and Mei.

D.Va probably has a tighter ass than Mei. I'd rather fuck a tight Corean ass than a loose Manchuria anus.

I decided like playing Soldier 76 the most so I'm glad he has a cool design and is dating D.VA otherwise I'd feel bad about playing the generic marine character.

>I'm going for the Tobysteel!

What does she mean by this?

Give Pharah more splash, her rockets have a hard time competing with Junkrat's pills. At this point I don't care if there's serious splash falloff, I just want my rockets to hit for like 20 damage instead of doing literally nothing if they land a few inches to the side of someone.

>playing solo
>get stomped
>catch the enemy premading by taking a pic of the teams on the previous round
>leave the match and re-queue
>get put in the same server
>fucking 5 times in a row
Does blizzard not get that there's a reason I leave servers?

Mah nigga
Finally someone recognizes that the chocolate architect is damn awesome.
Those thighs and hips tho

good job pressing e bro

>google d.va
thanks google

>forced 50% winrate isn't real guys le tinfoil hat haha xD
If it wasn't real I wouldn't get matched with teams less than half my rank in the first place, let alone every time I come off a winning streak.





>Blizzard set out to make a casual laidback FPS
>Make the most overpowered sniper ever seen in video game history

Why am i so tired? I just wanna fucking play and have fun REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


>when someone gets so tilted they try to switch to the hero you're playing to go for extra-disrespect kills
>when you still absolutely crush them without them landing a single kill on you

Couldn't agree more, I feel like it should recharge based on time spend near the objective rather than reset every time someone gets close to it.

>garbage team, we're
>I switch to Lucio
>we magically start winning

Every fucking time. Like clockwork

How to fix game:
>Mccree's flashbang cooldown is doubled and shot damage reduced by 10
>D.Va can melee during her E and gets a mid range alt fire
>Widowmaker gets reduced ROF and damage but higher crit damage
That's it done

I agree

>typically play Symmetra on some defense maps
>someone else picks her before me
>ok, won't be a dick, I'll just play D.Va instead, give this guy the benefit of the doubt
>never see a single turret placed
>see one teleporter which a Tracer blitzkriegs
>guy stays as Symmetra doing jack shit the entire game

The guy was level 22 I have no idea what was wrong with him

Somebody post most played competitive characters PLEASE

Quit missing

>I have huge mobility but should be able to do high damage despite my poor skill


>McCree throws the Flashbang at the ground next to you

What know weeb?

It's stupid that a Pharrah flying 30 feet above the point can trigger it or a Mei in her invul heal.

Should have to be on the ground for 2 seconds for it to trigger.

>make "Play" the default menu option instead of "Highlights"
>remove at least one of Mei's abilities. any of them, just remove one
>make match-making based on rank and/or skill
>provide currency for playing the game, not just randomly from boxes or when you get dupes
>give us more quickchat options
There. I fixed almost everything wrong with Overwatch. Too bad I don't work for Blizzard and Blizzard is full of retards.

>bodyshots deal over 150 damage
>if you get too close she can use assault riffle
>20 tick so you dont have to aim


how to play hanzo

shoot randomly

get kills

You just buffed widowmaker and broke the game, good job retard.

Reinhardt is so satisfying

E and charge are both so satisfying to get kills with. Charging into a group and luck sticks a McCree or Tracer to you is guaranteed FUN.

I want Blackhardt.


I have a 73% winrate with Symmetra.
That girl is clearly awesome.

Widowmaker's RoF is really the most ludicrous part of her, the fact she can just shit out semi-auto 100% shots for 150 damage literally every second is fucking stupid. Slow her RoF to 1 shot every 2-2.5 seconds and have her charge be something even longer like 3-4 seconds.

>uneeded buffing
D.Va player spotted

Still reflects since it's a cone AoE in front of you and you still kill him.

git gud


Hear hear

>mad outskilled babby got killed by one of the hardest heroes in the game

get rekt

I love using that move. people never expect it. use it to kill turrets and shit

I'm on a laptop with 2 GPUs (Intel and AMD) and the game only detects the Intel GPU. I already set both OverwatchLauncher.exe and Overwatch.exe to maximum performance in the AMD settings but it's not working. Anyone got a solution?

>anal sex when vaginas are 100x better

lmao way to fall for jewish brainwashing


>flying around and shooting at the floor is hard

>Was worried I wouldn't have any friends to play with
>Actually now have too many because this game is a casual magnet
>95% aren't very good so we're constantly losing


i want to rub loli d.va's silky smooth tummy!

>Tfw 4 gold medals as Reinhardt on the winning team and no picture to remember it by because using the upscale screenshots option removes all the UI from pictures


>when you see the WM shots and you put up your shield
>tfw visible WM confusion as she snipes your shield unsuccessfully
>proceeds to throw a venom bomb at me and runs away
>the payload heal negates her poison damage

>Buffing D.va
You fucking wot m8

Nice butt, a shame about the neck though.

>playing D.va
>some shitty ass widowmaker is sniping us
>boost/DM combo and knock her off her perch
>they always run away
>boost after her until she dies

>when their team makes one final push to capture the area in overtime and I drop a freeze bomb

[chink laughing hysterically]


>make the soldier
>give her the direct hit
fuck off blizzard
Also I don't know what world you're living in, I land 2-3 direct hits with rockets and still fail to kill people, her rockets often fail to connect when they should (I blame the netcode for this, these rockets are far too close for splash to be the issue) and even if they do connect they do next to no damage.
Also the rocket's explosion graphic is seriously misleading, it makes them look like they have some degree of power but that's obviously not the case since they have all the splash of a shotgun.

Ayyyyy haha

>[Mayhem intensifies]

As somebody who plays McCree a lot, no it doesn't. If I throw the flashbang to your side the deflect doesn't work and you get stunned.

Furthermore most Genjis are easy to bait when it comes to deflect anyway, they'll do it as soon as they get close so I just wait and throw it after.

replied in last thread


Haha holy shit that image kills me

>tfw no helmet-less with the axe

Why does Blizz hate rein?
I just want a legendary army skin with a giant axe. Something like bundeswehr+bloodhardt

important poll

who do you REFUSE to play


friendly reminder that if an enemy chooses bastion and is still bastion 1 minute after the game started, you're in a shit-tier game

Prove it.

>When the score is 99-0 but the enemy starts to cap the point during overtime

Oh and almost forgot

I love this game, but the level design wants me to kill kittens. Whats with all these choke points?

>get first gold drop
>its fucking lionhart


Zenyetta is kinda awesome but he's weird.

He does INSANE amounts of damage and his shards have a retard huge hit box, like worse than hanzo's arrows you just have to know where some one is and they'll hit them. I was almost convinced they had some kind of auto tracking or something because of that.

I'm of the opinion that zen should never be a pirmary healer but he is in fact a true support character. If you pair him with lucio the team is gonna be insanely sturdy while being mean tank killers.

His discord debuff will explode almost anyone who look at that person funny.

His harmony orb is great for keeping tanks alive but not really anyone else unless they fuck off around cover for a bit.

I think the only reasonable change to zenyetta would be to make his ult charge like 5% faster.

>confirmed for never having played Pharah
If you shoot the floor you'll do literally zero damage, and flying just makes you an easy target.

>120 damage per direct hit
No your not getting 2-3 direct hits
Just accept that your shit

Anyone got the soldier 76 get off my lawn picture?


Torbjorn is more fun to play and not a fucking faggot

>Getting mad at objectively the best skin in the game

Mercy because it feels like crossdressing

>not a single hair on her cunny

>they are on your point
>percentage doesnt increase
>you are on theirs
>it goes from 30-60% just for a fucking mei to come and ice cube herself and stop you from taking it back


Voted Zarya though because I will not touch her until I get one of the winter outfit skins

>there is literally nothing you can switch to if a McCree wants to dickride you and make your life hell for the entire match

jesus christ how horrifying

It takes a lot to make me ragequit in a video game, but when I do it's because of my team, not my opponents.

Holy shit I wish there was a way to quarantine the shitters because they single-handedly ruin this game and the forced 50% shit keeps putting me on their teams.

yeah because i want to look like a fucking WoW character.

>i want to fuck loli d.va's smooth little cunny!


I will not become part of the cancer that kills Overwatch's fun

What's it like living with autism?


>end of the match score screen
>60 direct hits
>65% of shots fired
Of course not, I'm missing all of my shots.

Not to mention:
>"Hey, remember the Huntsman sniper?"
>"Lets make a character that's even more spammy than him with double the retarded hitbox size!!"