/RGT/ Robinhood General Thread

GEVO cucks on suicide watch edition

Previous Thread: Unofficial Veeky Forums chat

Stickerbitch's diary of disaster and memescalendar:
calendar.google.com/calendar/[email protected]

--FAQs for Robinhood--
Visit the website first - www.robinhood.com
If you're not into robinhood - stockbrokers.com/offers
> How is it free?
They invest your unsettled funds after a trade.
It's also pretty basic software.
> When is it coming to my country?
Probably never. They only have plans on an Australian beta ( robinhood.com/au/).
> It's been X days, why isn't my account isn't verified yet?
If it takes more than 3 days, try emailing their support. They are very good.
> Is this the right place to pump and dump and/or shill a worthless stock?
You have found the right image board ;)
> I hit sell when the stock was X.XX, but it actually sold at a lower price, am I being jewed?
No, that would actually be illegal. Robinhood graphs are just shit and only show you an average, not-really-realtime price. To get Bid/Ask prices and important things like candlestick graphs, you should use a more robust platform.
> Where can I get better charting or bid/ask?
thinkorswim is bretty gud if you want to go open a second account with real broker.
Otherwise you should be using stockcharts.com, finviz, Yahoo/Google finance, or even Stocktwits for your graphing in addition to Robinhood.
>How do I git gud?

> If I have Robinhood do I need to worry about 'Free riding' violations?
No, its not applicable for limited margin accounts (instant), and if you don't have instant, RH won't let you buy with unsettled funds
> Can I use Robinhood on my PC?
Yes, download an android emulator. Setup is extremely easy. memuplay.com/

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/maps/place/345 Inverness Dr S/@39.5371387,-104.8649104,3323a,20y,40.82t/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x876c859b10ed8ecb:0x77d444c379e18aeb!4b1!8m2!3d39.5589802!4d-104.8584725

>alcohol to fuel a jet
b..but how can this be profitable?

Look at GEVO, buy the dip!

Serious question, how many people here beat the market? Is it absolutely necessary to delve into all of the reports? Would you agree that most normies should stay away from the stock market/day trading and stick to index funds? And lastly, does robinhood make all the difference in profitable day trading for the little guy? Thank you for your time.

getting hype for TDG earnings friday



>Would you agree that most normies should stay away from the stock market/day trading and stick to index funds?

No, there is like an 85% chance a stock will turn profitable at some point. It is a question of how long you are willing to hold. Normies that are not going balls deep into risky stocks should stick to bluechips though. Good growth and dividends will pay off in the long run and most index funds are just a conglomerate of bluechips.

I never should've bought GEVO.

>Serious question, how many people here beat the market?


>Serious question, how many people here beat the market?
my guess would be a pretty small percentage
>Would you agree that most normies should stay away from the stock market/day trading and stick to index funds?

>And lastly, does robinhood make all the difference in profitable day trading for the little guy?
in my opinion, it's good for ppl who are investing less than 1.5k

check dis video out if u want

sheeit i thought it wasn't a penny stock at first


Serious answer, I started beating the market after I stopped listening to biz and started doing my own research.

i am intrigued

>start watching video
>I begged my dad to give me 2k and open stock account
>you aren't going to make more than 20% annually

Lel does this guy even know what he is talking about. Tried to flip that drug for like a billion percent but couldn't isn't that the biggest loser theory right there lmao.

>after I stopped listening to biz
Yeah I'm thinking this might be the secret.
Veeky Forums memes are fun to gamble on but they really aren't any better than letting it ride on red. Earnings reports are probably the safest and they're literally a coinflip.

So I should ignore your post because you're on biz

What research please go into detail to what you did. Help me make more money so we can start a hedge fund.

1. Go to nasdaq.com/earnings/earnings-calendar.aspx
2. Step two find all of the companies that aren't shit that have an ER the next day
3. Do ACTUAL research. Look at stock history, quarterly news Past ER performance, EPS, google news, etc.
4. find 1-3 companies that look good after research. Put 40-60% in the low risk choice, the rest in the other.
5. Profit

desu thx m80

>Lel does this guy even know what he is talking about.
yes, if you watched the whole video.

Should I buy more vrx Veeky Forums? I got in at $23 and today it went up 25% to 28.5 after they said they were restructuring.


What are the chances of GEVO spiking back up? Thinking about selling as soon as the market opens and take the loss.

>bid price is at .11


Sounds like what everyone must be thinking at this point

Short it bro :^)

I fucking knew it was destined for a crash.
In retrospect, I suppose I wouldn't have sold today if that stop loss hadn't triggered by accident.
So maybe it's for the best.

I am going to watch the trend first thing tomorrow. I am not sure a panic sell is the best thing to do. But then again I only bought 150 shares. It didn't fuck me as bad as others got dicked.

Any Denver fags on Veeky Forums?

google.com/maps/place/345 Inverness Dr S/@39.5371387,-104.8649104,3323a,20y,40.82t/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x876c859b10ed8ecb:0x77d444c379e18aeb!4b1!8m2!3d39.5589802!4d-104.8584725

plz go to their headquarters

I only bought 200 shares, so they're not "cash out of RH and invest in helium tanks" losses but it still hurts to drop $30-$40 AH because of one stock.

HUSA is about to blast off as soon as merger buyout is announced. Get in this shit nigga.

This is your chance, don't fuck it up like everything else in your life.

20% gains tomorrow at least.

Thoughts on nxtd moon mission?

Yeah, it snapped me back to reality. I was feeling cocky after a week of gains and forgot to meme with caution.

Evidence of merger?


Can you do simultaneous trading chains with Robinhood?

Like if I wanted to buy in a long ETF for SP500 and sell when it gets to 6% but sell at a 3% loss and at the same time buy a short ETF of SP500 and sell when it gets to 6% or when it hits 3% loss.

ER Thursday AH.

Easy 7-10% gain

Stickerbitch, If you didn't kill yourself because of ARRY, add this to the calendar pls

fuuuck yess NVDA. hope it is good

negative on that one red leader, RH is pleb tier for plebs closing their eyes ad hitting the buy button.

Who VRX?


this guy still...

Still pretty small compared to what he's lost on it.
That shit got hammered.

i'm wondering how da fuq is he still employed since the VRX crash

Renaissance Tech. (those guys are geniuses) have a ton of $KGC ... worth a long term hold?

Because he's worth like 1 and a half billion USD. Every money manager makes a bad call once in a while.

At the gym now. All these weights dont compare to how heavy my heart felt after today. If I remember when I get back, I'll add it. Thank you.

Wendy's doing good today and after hours.

tru, but hedge funds have not been performing that well overall. and ackman lost a fucking ton in $VRX


Anyone else watching?

Dont be too hard on yoruself m8

tons of ppl

Why are people buying when they reported a loss?

maybe it wasn't as bad as expected. i have no clue

Probably b/c they're up 25%.
Gotta take profit where you find it.

Guidance and chances for bankruptcy are less likely

Sentiment is changing and this will run up.. not back to 250s but maybe 50s at least

If you have a few thousand to spare buy GoPro. Expect a 40% rise to 25 and dump before the Hero 5 comes out.

Trust me.

>buy gevo before er
>expect 40%
>trust me :^)

They're betting the company on the Hero 5 and the Karma drone. It will fail so capitalise on the anticipation.

What we know so far is that the GoPro 5 ships with GPS and a easier user interface, while probably still being heavily overpriced. Meanwhile companies like Contour and Drift provide similiar features but are a lot cheaper.

Your "trust me" seems far fetched

they're moonshiners on a mission from God. they cannot fail!

I started with 10$ to see how far I could go. I've literally just been ebin memeing my way through it lol

Wrong picture lol

i just don't get why y'all niggas are panicking once a stock goes down a few cents. why would a sane person sell so low and take losses? shit just went back to where it was a week ago before it spiked, wait a few days/weeks and shit will begin to go up again. you missed your chance to seel high, just wait for the next one. simple as that.

Hope I wasn't the only one here that bought YELP yesterday

Thank you.

Whats our plan on GEVO bros, get out ASAP or bag hold for MONTHS

Buy the dip? I'd either buy in the first thirty minutes when it plummets or wait a couple of days

It'll go up in a month or two, I'm not selling now

I think it'll see support at .5 and a dip below it. By EOW we'll be at high .5's. I have a limit buy at .48. Looking to get out on the next news/ER hype. I've upgraded from trader to investor :)


me too man, how high you think it will go?

How do you know that it'll go up again? It may as well go down. I mean, the earnings were truly terrible. The company may be going bankrupt.

Why is HTBX down 10% in P-M trading?

Earnings were pretty shit but not bankrupt-tier. Look at past behavior. It should spike for next ER, next unexpected news, and right before their flight. If all goes well the company will find a good market, which will solve all the problems it has and launch it to $5. If not, we can still sell on these spikes. I highly, highly doubt it will just plummet to 1c. Feel free to screencap this and post it every day if I'm wrong.

Because you believed a random person on the internet that it would go up based on no news or speculation.

The stock is up 170% in the past couple weeks. It's going to correct.

>Not falling for memes and complaining.

Get in HTBX quick, its going to 2.50 today ma niggas.

Can you post a single reason why

He posted a pepe picture

This >>

very rare turtleneck, this means good things

Shit... How much of my port should be in this? Should I look up what the company does, or just set buy orders?

Speaking of hot picks, I've heard of this company called VHC. I'll be conservative, we'll probably see a 500% increase as their product starts to ship tomorrow.

Hot tip user, is this the company that struck a 500 billion dollar deal with the US gobernment to ship memes?

Market opens soon. GEVO cucks about to smash the sell button.

So Gevo ded?

What's the best plan sell on open or wait for a slight uptick?

MGT could see a major dip today, last time it happened it went all the way to below 2.8 before reversing. I'm long on them in the short/medium term. Might be a good entry today. Support was massive yesterday at 3.15. Either buy up below that or wait for the trend to show signs of reversing, who knows what it'll do today.

Kneepad producer, just got a shipping deal with Hiroshima

Sell on open there is no going back

alright boys how high will HTBX go today?

Thanks user

Why is GEVO going up now that I've sold it


should have bought the MGT dip, this is your last chance. Watch it today, get in under 3.15

Woah, it's like after the major sell-off people want in at a low price

People covering their shorts

AMD dipping

fuck HTBX guy yesterday.


Im in MGT at 3.23 holding long. Hbu breh.

>at 1.50 now
you are a bastard

buy the dips faggots.

It was $1 a week ago, well be ok



Ive been in robinhood general thread for almost a year now

the meme stocks are bad fucking news

stop buying shit you see posted here

on that note...
today is a good day to get into CYBR
this is an actual legit dip that will correct i think

Goddamn MGT triggered my stop sell.

Gonna have to get back in tomorrow