best waifu and freljord edition
all other waifus a shit
League of legends general /lolg/
Ap ezreal is the assassin of assassins.
Ekko is the utility,high burst,tanky assassin of assassins
please validate me by watching my vayne highlights video and poking fun at me attacking minions and wards in the middle of fights
If I only build a Gunblade with Jax as my offensive item, should I get MPen or ArmorPen from runes and masteries.
>competitive Dota has another game 5 of a bo5
>mfw 3-0 Korean meta
Has anything good happened in the LCK?
Caught like 10 minutes of a Swain getting rump roasted but I fell asleep
your empower and 3rd hit damage are both magic so i'm thinking magic pen but I dont really know for usre
>guy picks midlane xin zhao into ahri
>look at his lane 3 minutes in
>he's standing under tower against 2 waves with no more pots and 50 hp
>he gets first blood 20 seconds later without a gank
literally how
uh? lolbabs? why I am punished for leaving a game while this guy is in my team?
>Phoenix 1 is literally TIP 2.0
xth for cute foxes
First for the Anivia freelo train, pushing people into Q with wall feels so good. Nice to see my favorite bird in the spotlight.
Even when you build a lot of AP on Jax your damage will still lean slightly towards physical damage, as his Q deals physical despite the AP scaling, and his E has no AP ratio, and most your damage is auto attack based.
I love going AP heavy on Jax but I'd still go Fervor > Thunderlords and get the 7% armor penetration mastery.
Good choice going Gunblade on him btw, love that shit. The revolver is so cheap and the on hit nuke gets me so many kills, and when you finish it you have a sick ranged slow and so much sustain.
Why not hybrid pen?
Now that's not nice, Vayne is top tier sick fuck waifu.
At least you're not bullying beautiful Vlad. I want to be Vlad's sex toy.
>Already bored of OW
Wow I can't heal you if I'm getting ass raped by the flanking team.
More importantly Vlad is so damn good now. That E change was nice. :]
ROX got shit on by SSG
Smeb ended up tilting off the face of the earth
>Lolbab general is dead after getting cucked by Overwatch
thought we were talking which of the 7% penetration masteries to grab here, whoops.
I've tried hybrid pen marks and AD marks on Jax, both seem to be about the same performance when attacking champions. I'm trying AD marks at the moment to make last hitting easier because I usually get Revolver as my first item so I don't have any other source of AD until later.
If someone isn't as lazy as I am and does math to show how much % damage you gain switching from AD marks to hybrid I'd probably switch but I don't know if it's much difference.
Great waifus never die. Let's post them /lolg/!
Well it was nice while it lasted but Overwatch is dying already so I'm back home now before things get worse.
nightfu of many true damages
Great waifu's never die only the bastards who play them.
why are boots of swiftness so popular now? i even see adcs getting them.
how do you determine what the best boot is for your game? (aside from the obvious, AD gets fed build tabi, AP gets fed build mercury)
>vayne mains
Need I say more?
I need to get more waifu pics on my new laptop.
I hope you do
I downloaded the files for it on but haven't dropped the 40$ on it because it looks like Team Fortress 2.5 and I see the price dropping / going F2P soon.
Am I correct on my decision? Am I missing anything?
So now that Stashu did a good is he forgiven for the Cassiopea messup?
Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.
Huh? I don't follow esports sweety.
Depends, do you want to play TF3 that much? Valve is never going to make it so this is your chance.
Do blizzard games ever go on sale? Maybe you can catch it later, things like D3 and HotS are still "alive" so there's no danger of it getting dropped.
how does it feel to be a mexican living on United States of America
Vlad feels like he's back in unstoppable-lane-phase again. Isn't his counterplay now supposed to be all about backing off so he doesn't hit the super Q? He still gets a fuckload of health if he's forced to use it on a minion so I don't see how I'm supposed to stop him from hitting lategame and shitting damage on everything.
Oh my god so fucking awful my eyes hurt from seeing so much cancer in the hands of a bronze V subhuman like, how the fuck do you even manage to hit a creep in every fight? Holy shit nigger also what the fuck is that music are you trying to hypnotize me motehr fucker? dude if i catch u in soloq i'm fking hunting you to your very extinction, bitch, UR HUNTED.
>if you play late at night you get a bunch of salty Brazilians and Philippinos
>If you play in the evening you get 40 year olds who are shit but at least polite
>If you play in the afternoon you get a bunch of sick lcs plays 14 year olds screaming about how you didn't follow them into a 1v5
There's like a two hour window to play this game in the morning after all the kids go to school with the rest of the neets
You could try hybrid armor and magic pen, sonny.
That's not Esports.
Stashu is the Riot champ designer who was responsible for the most colossal fuckup of a rework, the Shurima Casiopea one. He did it as an intern.
People were terrified when it was announced he would be reworking Vlad, but the worries turned out to be in vain - he came up with a pretty decent design with good ideas and lots of potential. Even Esports casters are loving new Vlad and saying they want to see more of him.
don't hunt me m8
I've been getting into using "attack move click" and it targets minions and things if I don't use it properly
Oh I'm an idiot. I liked old Cassiopeia better than new and don't particularly like Vlad. I enjoy being able to Ghost-Dash in for a nice ult now more than anything really.
If they do a good job on the Yorick overhaul Cassiopeia will see more play again. (dependent on the Ryze re-re-re-re-re-re-re-rework not being good though)
>go to school with the rest of the neets
>go to school
you have to be 18+ to post here
I wanna bully the filthy hobo noxian
also I like the music come on man don't be like that
Use "A" to precisely attack minions or champions you retard.
God, are you fucking silver? Stop watching gosu pls.
Cass is probably still best as a Ryze counterpick, maybe even moreso since Miasma is now a huge-ass slow field for him.
If new Cass is going to see pro play, it will probably only be if new Ryze is meta again for her to counter.
I just wanted a new waifu, Taliyah at best could be a daughteru if you're brown.
>backing off
OR stunning him from a distance as he comes to cQ you;
or igniting/grievously wounding/punishing him;
Things that counter him in lane are any combination of at least two of the following: hard CC, superior DPS, superior sustain
holy shit this entire morning has been so bad
i've had potatoes for botlane and junglers every game
lol beta
>a new waifu
kill yourself
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
me too man lmao
I used to use A, but I started using 'attack move click'
I might rebind A to target champions only though, or just get better at actually clicking the champs
also i can't stand gosu
>being this shit at reading comprehension
you have to be 18+ to post here
I want to go Luluing In Lulu.
>former product manager on the riot esports team
I want to go swimming in Pix.
i just want to win videogames
>thinking "waifu" still retain its original meaning
It was worded somewhat poorly
More waifus I MUST HAVE MORE!
You know what's going in her, don't you?
Feels good
>if you play late at night you get a bunch of salty Brazilians and Philippinos
BR here, idk which server you are, but when I was in NA my ping was around 220 to 250.
Even with the toxicity I can't imagine BRs playing on anyother server that isn't BR itself, the game is fucking unplayable.
xth for breast waifu
this Tristana does weird things to my dick
not sure if hnnng or hnnnggg
know what I mean?
did i do good /lolg/?
pls i need advice to improve my nidalee
delete this
>OR stunning him from a distance
it's a 2.5 second window, with 600 range, a stun that beats that is incredibly rare.
Why would a spider be upset about eating a spider?
>cancuck logic
play ranked not normals
It does for me and everybody else can go fuck themselves.
You're playing against literal bronze players, there is nothing of value to discuss here. They're not even playing the game.
>tfw no sleepy sona to cuddle with
I was more wondering if my build was ok for support nidalee
Waifu's kick kung fu's ass.
I don't agree with that. I'll give you personal anecdotal evidence from up here but Cassiopeia never manages crush Ryze in lane. The Ryze just cozies up for a Catalyst and TP's back into lane. And wins in tf's.
One day they'll zoom into the real problem with Cassiopeia, her ult. I've heard a handful of the cass mains I've played with/against mention that the ult is still fucked up in close combat (you get dived) situations and asking for a small 50-100 aura around her, not center-out based but edge-out, that stuns them.
Reminder to join the /lolg/ Discord
post more of these please
well if faker uses cass as a counterpick to ryze it obviously does something right
>when you wish you really had a million or 2 in the stock market so you could live off the interest and play solo q all day without having to have a job
it's suffering family
>its over
the only zed i saw losing today was the only zed i had on my team today
that ones a little underage looking but I know what you mean.
Yordles are QT as fuck you just want to huggle them inbetween dicking their delicious thick bottoms
wasn't there another one, did that one shut down?
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums NA results
Most people counterpick cassio to ryze because they heard it does, but in order to trully counterpick you have to understand why and how to take advantage of it, otherwise it becomes just a farming match, some counterpick are more obvious like Annie countering Katarina, but Cass v Ryze is not as obvious which tends to end up with them feeding their asses and leting the Ryze scale into a monster
would any luluposter possibly be looking for an apprentice
I'm ready to devote my life to best girl